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Unit 1 Where did you go? Module 3 Lead in British Museum Big Ben New words weekend place British museum how best took 周末 地方 英国的,英国人的 博物馆 如何,怎样 最 搭乘,需要花费 New words trip along river hour twenty minute 旅行,旅程 沿着 河,江 小时 二十 分钟 Listen and chant. Where did you go? What did you do? What did you see? Please tell me. Listen, read and act out. Amy:Hello, Daming. How are you? Daming:I'm fine, thanks. What did you do at the weekend? Amy:We visited lots of places. 周末 places 地方 许多 Daming:Where did you go? Amy:We went to the British Museum. And we visited Big Ben and the London Eye. Daming:How did you go to these places? Amy:We went by bus. British 英国的,英国人的 博物馆 特殊疑问词,如何,怎样 Big Ben 、 London Eye 大本钟、伦敦眼,都是英国 标志性建筑 Daming:Did Lingling like the museum? Amy:Yes, she did. But she liked the bus ride best! Then we took a boat trip along the river. It took us one hour and twenty minutes. Daming:Mm, you had a good day! best 最 乘坐一艘船 旅行,旅程 along 沿着 河,江 took : ①乘坐,②花费时间 二十分钟 度过了美好的一天! Grammar How did you go to these places? 此句是由疑问词 how 引导的特殊疑问句, how 译为“怎么,怎样”,在这里是表示对他人的出行方式进行提问。 did 为 do 的过去式,表示询问某人过去的出行方式。询问他人曾经怎样到达某地的句型为: How+did+ 主语+动词短语+地点(+其他)? eg: How did your mother go to the park? how的用法小结 ( 1 )(指健康等情况)怎样。 ( 2 )(询问天气)怎样。 eg:How is Miss Zhang? 张小姐身体怎么样? eg:How is the weather in Beijing? 北京的天气怎样? =What's the weather like in Beijing? ( 3 )(指数量、程度)多少 ,后接其他形容词或副词,可以构成各类疑问词。 ① how old 多大,询问年龄。 ② how many 多少,询问可数名词的数量。 ③ how much 多少,询问不可数名词的数量。 ④ how long 多久。 eg:How old are you? eg:How many students are there in your class? eg:How much milk did you have? eg:How long will you stay here? Then we took a boat trip along the river. It took us one hour and twenty minutes. (1) took 是 take 的过去式 take a boat 搭船 = by boat (2) 第二句中, It 为形式主语, 译为“花费” , one hour and twenty minutes 为时间。表示“某人花了多长时间做某事”的句型结构为: It takes/took sb. + 时间 + to do sth. eg:It took me one hour to do my homework. ( 3 ) “ 做某事花了某人多少时间”的其他句型结构为: doing sth. takes/took sb. +时间 . eg:Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon. = It took him the whole afternoon to repair this car. Listen and say. What did you do at the weekend? We visited lots of places. Where did you go? We went to the British Museum. Practise. Where did you go last Sunday? What did you do? I went to ... I ... Play roles 同学间互相用英文问答 “ 你曾经去过的地方 ” , 可以参考下面的句型进行问答。 eg: Where did you go ...? I went to... How did you go there ...? I went there by... What did you do there? I ... Exercise 连线题。 What did you do yesterday? What’s the London Eye? How are you? Did you like the bus ride? How did you go there? A.Yes, I did. B.By boat. C.It's a big wheel. D.I visited London. E.I’m fine, thanks. Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father. Review What did you do at the weekend? I went to the park. How did you go there? By bike. Lead in The Great Wall by plane by bus New words wall arrive for mountain with plant 墙,城墙 到达 达,计 山 拥有,具有 植物 Look, listen and say. What are they doing? Who took this picture? Daming did. He's my friend. Did Daming take this one too? No, this is Daming. And I took it. took this picture 拍照 Listen and read. Daming and his father went to the Great Wall at the weekend. They went to Badaling by bus. They arrived there at ten o'clock in the morning. The wall is very old and very long. They walked on the wall for one hour. There were lots of people. They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants. Daming took a photo of his father. Daming and his father went to the Great Wall at the weekend. They went to Badaling by bus. They arrived there at ten o'clock in the morning. The wall is very old and very long. They walked on the wall for one hour. There were lots of people. They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants. Daming took a photo of his father. 墙,城墙 长城 到达 达,计 一张 …… 的照片 Badaling 八达岭 Now answer the questions. Who went to the Great Wall? How did they go there? Daming and his father. They went there by bus. When did they arrive? They arrived there at ten o'clock in the morning. What did Daming do? Daming took a photo of his father. Grammar They walked on the wall for one hour. 此句中,介词 for 意为“达,计”,后面接一段时间,表示“经过一段时间、长达一段时间”。 eg:I'm going to live in Shanghai for two years. 我打算在上海住两年。 They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants. 此句中介词 with 表伴随状态,与后面的词语一起组成介词短语作定语,意为“拥有 …… ,长着 …… ,带着 …… ”。 with 的其他用法: ( 1 ) with 表示拥有某物。 eg: Mary married a man with a lot of money. ( 2 ) with 表示用某种工具或手段。 eg: Tom drew the picture with a pencil. ( 3 ) with 表示原因或理由。 eg: John was in bed with high fever. Listen and repeat. 字母(组合) ar/a,o,or/al,ou 和 oo 在单词中的发音 Listen and say. Then sing. WHERE DID YOU GO? Where did you go? What did you see? Who did you meet in London? Where did you go? What did you see? What did you buy in London? I went to the park. I saw lots of places. I didn't buy anything at all, but I had a lovely time! They went to school by plane. They saw monkeys there. Make funny sentences. Play with your partners. They went to the park by bike. They took photos there. Do and say. Make a survey of trips. Where did you go at the weekend? I went to Beidaihe. How did you get there? I went there by train. What did you do there? I went swimming in the sea. Exercise 一、圈出每组画线部分发音不同的一项。 1.A.d o g B.f o x C.m o ther 2.A.f oo d B.b oo k C.f oo tball 3.A.m or ning B.w or d C.t al l 4.A.s ou p B.f oo d C.g o Exercise 二、给下列词组选择正确的翻译。 1.the Great Wall 2.at the weekend 3.at ten o’clock 4.take photos 5.by plane A. 在十点钟 B. 照相 C. 乘坐飞机 D. 长城 E. 在周末

