五年级上册英语课件-Unit 3 Our animal friendsC-译林版(三起)(共31张PPT)

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五年级上册英语课件-Unit 3 Our animal friendsC-译林版(三起)(共31张PPT)

Period 3 Cartoon time Culture time & Checkout time Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜) Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜) Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜) I have an animal friend. It is brown. It has a long tail. It has two arms and two legs. It can run and jump. My animal friend Bobby and Sam have a new friend . It has a big body . Its(它的) body is hard . It has many legs . Who is Sam and Bobby’s new friend? A. a spider B. a crab It has a big body . Its body is hard . It has many legs . crab 螃蟹 Read and complete(读课文并完成句子) It can . It has legs . It has arms. It has a body too . Its body is . run big hard big eight give it Read and underline the key sentences. (读一读课文画出关键句子。) Are they nice to the new friend ? (他俩对待新朋友好吗?) Is the crab nice to Sam? (小螃蟹对Sam友好吗) What’s the matter with Sam ? What’s the matter with Sam ? A. Sam’s leg hurts . B .Sam’s finger hurts . C. Sam’s tail hurts. finger in tiger Why does the crab nip Sam’s finger ? (小螃蟹为什么要夹Sam手指呢?) If you were the crab, what would you say? (如果你是小螃蟹会说什么呢?) Sorry, Sam. I’m afraid. I’m sorry ,Sam. I want to shake hands with you.(我想和你握手) Thank you for your cake, but I don’t like it . Let’s read Look, Sam! We have a new friend. Hello, I'm Sam. Nice to meet you. Don't shout, Sam! It's afraid. Oh, it can run! It has ten legs. Let’s read No. It has eight legs. Those two are not legs. They're arms. Let’s read It has big arms. Let’s read It has a big body too. Its body is hard. Give it a cake. Let’s read Ouch! Ha! Ha! It likes your fingers. Show time B Read in roles 和同伴分角色读 A Read together 小组内齐读 C Act it out 把课文表演出来 Welcome to the world of animals look like bears, can swim, like fish black and white , big wings, can fly Black and white, big eyes, like eating have a packet , can jump high and run fast A D C B 21 43 black and white , big wings, can fly A look like a bear, can swim, like fish B Black and white, big eyes, like eating C have a packet , can jump high and run fast D pandas kangaroos 袋鼠polar bears北极熊 bald eagles秃鹰 China Australia the US Canada You can see in . pandas Chinakangaroos Australiapolar bears Canadabald eagles the US What animals are there ? There is / There are … on the farm . on the farm Checkout time There are five pigs on the farm . They have big noses. They have short tails and small eyes . Complete the sentences on your writing paper. 在作业纸上完成句子。 (1)There is a _____ on the farm. It has ________ . It has ___________ and _________ . (2)There are ____ ____ on the farm . They have __________. They have __________ and ________. Choose one to complete and say .(选择一个完成并说一说) Checkout time I have an animal friend. It is brown and lovely. It has two arms and two legs. It has a long tail. It can run and jump. Try to draw your animal friend. I have an animal friend. It is _______________. It has ____________. It can ____________. _________________. _________________. _____ Album 1. Make an Animal album on page 35. (在书本35页制作一份动物相册。) 2. Look for more information about your animal friends.(收集更多关于你动物 朋友的信息。)

