五年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 What can you do ? Part A Lets talk 人教PEP版

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五年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 What can you do ? Part A Lets talk 人教PEP版

Unit 4 What can you do ? Part A Let’s talk Make a new chant Fish, Fish, what can you do ? I can swim. I can swim . Cat ,Cat , what can you do ? I can read. I can read . Monkey, Monkey, what can you do ? I can play football. I can play football. Chen Jie , Chen Jie ,what can you do ? I can wash my clothes ,wash my clothes. Pig, Pig, what can you do ? I can sing, I can sing . sing English songs I can sing English songs. We’ll have an English party next Tuesday. Listen and tick what can Mike do for the party? √ Answer my questions . Q1: What can Zhang Peng do? Q2: What can John do? He can sing English songs. He can do some kung fu. do kung fu I can do some kung fu . fill in the blanks Miss White: We’ll have an English party next Tuesday! ( ) for the party, children? Zhang Peng : I can ( ). Miss White : Wonderful ! How about you ,John? John : I can ( ) ! Miss White : Thank you ! what can you do sing English songs do some kung fu Let’s read together Pair work Use the words to make up a new dialogue and act it out. sing English song do some kung fu play the pipa draw pictures Birthday party New year party Christmas party English party What can you do ? summary 询问别人会做什么事情用到句型: 简单介绍自己会做的事情: I can do some kung fu /… Learning by doing ! 从做中学 Homework: (1)Do a survey: ask your classmates with the questions what can heshe do at school? at schoolnam e Amy Wu Yifan Mike Clean the blackboard Sweep the floor Clean the windows (2) Listen to the tape and imitate the pronunciation

