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Unit 5 What will you do this weekend? Lesson 25 精通·四年级下册 Lead-in Let’s have a picnic What would you like? 面包 New words 蛋糕 野餐 香肠 New words Just talk Mum, it’s Sunday today. Shall we have a picnic? Yes. Let’s go and ask your dad. Wow! We have so many things for our picnic! What would you like, Lisa? I’d like a hamburger and a Coke, please. How about you, Mum and Dad? I’d like some bread and sausages. I’d like some cake and chicken. Language points 1. Shall we have a picnic? 我们去野餐好吗? 这个句子中shall是一个情态助词,表示“将要;要 不要;应该”等意思,语气比较委婉。用于疑问句表 示征询对方意见时,意思是“干……好吗?”“要不 要干……?” 例句:我给你弄杯咖啡好吗? Shall I set you a cup of coffee? 2. How about you, Mum and Dad? 你们呢,妈妈和爸爸? How about 常用来向对方提出请求或征求对方的 看法或意见,一般需要有具体的语境,很少单独 使用。 • 向对方提出建议, 相当于 “Would you like…?”, 语气很委婉。 • 用作承接上下文的转折语。 例句: I’m a teacher. How about you? 我是一名教师,你呢? • 征求对方的看法或意见。 例句:How about this car? 这辆小汽车怎么样? 拓展:how about的用法 Just read and write What would you like? I’d like some bread and a sausage. picnic sausage 野餐 香肠 Can you write them? Let’s paste Let’s have a picnic. What would you like? I’d like… Let’s have a picnic. What would you like? I’d like... Role-play Let’s have a picnic. What would you like? I’d like a hamburger and sausages. I’d like an apple and some bread. How about you? What would you like? I’d like some milk and a hamburger. What would you like?

