上海教育版英语四年级下册MODULE 1 UNIT 1 测试卷2

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上海教育版英语四年级下册MODULE 1 UNIT 1 测试卷2

四年级英语下册 MODULE 1 UNIT 1 测试卷 2 姓名 班级 分数 听力部分 一、听音,标序号:10%  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听音,选出你所听到的单词:10% 1.A.these B.this C.those 2. A.thick B.thin C.thank 3. A.reading B.writing C.riding 4. A.Who’s B.Whose C.Who 5. A.there are B.they’re C.their 三、听音,圈出你所听到的意思相符的句子:10% 1.A.These crayons are thick. B.These crayons are thin. 2.A.Mary has got two new rubbers. B.Mak has got two new rulers. 3. A.They’re writing at home. B.They’re riding at home. 4. A.Whose felt pens are those? B.Who’s he in the hall? 5. A.I’m singing B.I can sing. 四、听音,选出正确的问句或答句:10% 1.A.I’ve got three pens. B.These pens are old. 2. A.What are these? B.Whose paints are these? 3. A.He’s got those rubbers B.She’s got these rubbers. 4. A.They’re Peter’s books B.They’re reading Peter’s books. 5. A.I’m jumping B.He’s jumping. 五、听音,完成下列短文:10% Class is over. !Miss Fang is in office.She is some water.Peter is on chair.Danny is in the .He is games with the .Alice and Kitty are in the . 笔试部分 一、写出同类词:18% 1.these 2.brush 3.play 4.thin 5.on 6.hall 7.what 8.am 9.my 二、根据上下文提示完成下列对话:10% 1.What are you ?Are you reading? No,I’m .I’m . 2. are they ? they sleeping?Yes,they . 3. paints are these? They’re (凯丽的)。 4. is she? She’s in the library. 三、连词成句,注意大小写及符号,并翻译句子。10% 1.felt,are,those ,whose,pens . 2.has,she,these,new,got,books. 3.doing,you,Tom,are,what 4.are,Peter,where,and,Tim 5.boys,singing,hall,the,and,girls,the,the,in,are 四、阅读短文,回答问题:12% This is the park.Some boys and girls are playing in the park.Under the tree,there are some girls.They are listening the music.In the playground,there are some boys.They are playing football.Mrs.Wang and Mrs.Wu are drawing.Ben is playing his skateboard in the street.He’s happy. 1. Where is this? 2.Who is in the playground? 3. Where are the girls? 4. What is Mrs.Wu doing? 5. Where is Ben? 6.Is Ben sad?

