外研版英语四年级下册Module 6 Unit 2优质课件

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外研版英语四年级下册Module 6 Unit 2优质课件

Unit 2 Was it a big city then? Module 6 外研版 四年级下册 —Were you at _____ yesterday? —Yes, ________. / No, ________. Review A: Was it sunny in Beijing yesterday? B: ____________________________Yes, it was. A: Was it sunny in Sanya yesterday? B: ____________________________No, it wasn’t. It was windy. Watch the video first. Listen, point and say. Yes, he was. Oh, he’s strong. Was he strong then? Practice Oh, he’s strong. Was he strong then? No, he wasn’t. Oh, she’s ____. ____________? _______ _______. Look and guess. 1. Who is he? 2. Where is he? 3. Was it a big city then? Watch the video. Listen and say. Where is he? This is my grandpa. He’s in Shenzhen. Shenzhen is a big city now. Yes! Very big! Was it a big city then? No. It was a very small village then. 乡村,村子 Listen again and answer. 1. Who is he? 2. Where is he? 3. Was it a big city then? He is Lingling’s grandpa. He is in Shenzhen. No. It was a very small village then. then now Act it in pairs. Where is he? This is my grandpa. He’s in Shenzhen.Shenzhen is a big city now. Ye ! Very big! Was it a big city then? No. It was a very small vill ge then. Point, ask and answer. fat? tall? naughty? young? fat? A: Was it fat? B: No, it wasn’t. It was thin. tall? A: Was she tall? B: No, she wasn’t. She was short. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? naughty? A: Was he naughty? B: Yes, he was.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? young? A: Were they young? B: Yes, they were.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Listen and say. Then sing. I was fat, but now I’m thin. I was slow. Now I’m fast. I can win. I was a baby, but now I’m big. I was cute. Now I’m not. I’m an old pig. I WAS FAT Watch the video and sing again. Ask and answer. Were you at school yesterday? No, I wasn’t. Were you at home yesterday? Yes, I was. Work in pairs. Were you go to the cinema yesterday? No, I wasn’t. Were you _________? Yes _______. / No _______. Talk and guess. The park was small then. It is big now. The street was old then. It is new now. Yes, it is. Is it Beijing? Everything is changing, we need to cherish the times, and improve ourselves. 事物是随着时间不断变化的,我们要 珍惜时间,及时提高自我。 昨天 健康的 谢谢 太阳 yesterday Summary 一节课,一堂课 乡村,村子 不在家(的); 在外面(的) well thanks sun lesson village out at school at the zoo at the park very well 在学校 在动物园 在公园 非常好 in the sun a big city Chinese lesson a very small village 在太阳底下 一座大城市 汉语课 一座很小的乡村 1. Were you at home yesterday? 2. I was out yesterday. 3. Was it sunny in London yesterday? 4. I want to play in the sun. 5. I was out with Grandpa for our Chinese lesson. 6. Was it a big city then? 7. It was a very small village then.

