4B习题课件 Unit2 Sam had lots of chocolate 外研版(共15张PPT)

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4B习题课件 Unit2 Sam had lots of chocolate 外研版(共15张PPT)

111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111WY 四年级下册 Module 10 五一 七 三 四 六 二 一、从下面表格中找出四种表示疾病的 词, 将其写在四线三格中, 并写出对应的汉语意思。 w a t e r m e l e o n n t h e n p q u i e t y e s t o m a c h a c e h w h h u n t h e h h r e b o u r w t o a o o i f o r r h f e c d p c d o u t s o e m o a s o c u g s d m v e l c t l o n h e a e e n a h e h l d t n y o r t t e c i d a y ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ headache 头痛 fever 发烧  cold 感冒 stomach ache 胃痛 ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 二、选出与所给单词同类的一项。 (  )1. headache A. have  B. got C. cold (  )2. chocolate A. cat  B. bread C. thirsty (  )3. ate A. eat B. has C. bought (  )4. watermelon A. found B. off C. apple 点拨:headache意为“头痛”, cold意为 “感冒”, 同属疾病类。 点拨:chocolate意为“巧克力”, bread 意为“面包”, 同属食物。 点拨:ate意为“吃”, 是eat的过去式, bought是buy的过去式, 意为“买”。 C B C C 三、单项选择。 (  )1. We__________ a picnic last Wednesday. A. have B. has C. had (  )2. Daming had two ice creams yesterday, so today he has got a______. A. fever    B. stomach ache C. cold C B (  )3. Amy had a cold yesterday, ________ today she's got a fever. A. but B. or C. and (  )4. We________ hungry and thirsty then. A. were B. are C. was (  )5. Tom fell off the chair. Mr Smart carried ________ to the hospital. A. her B. me C. him 点拨:then意为“那时, ”句子是一般过去时, We后面跟be动词的过去式were。 C A C 四、同学们在做“我说你做”的游戏, 请你判断他们配合是(√)否(×)默契。 (  )1. Xiaoming has got a cold. (  )2.Sam fell off the bed. (  )3. We went to the doctor yesterday. (  )4. Daming had a watermelon yesterday. (  )5. Lingling has got a fever today. × √ × √ × 五、根据句意和图片提示选择合适 的单词, 用其适当形式将句子补全完整。 1. Amy has a________ today. 2. Tom had a___________ yesterday, and today he's got a ___________.   cold headache fever watermelon, fever, bump, cold, headache 3. Daming had two_____________, so today he's got a stomach ache. 4. Tom________ his head yesterday. 点拨:yesterday意为“昨天”。句子是一般过去 时, 所以bump要用过去式bumped。 watermelons bumped  watermelon, fever, bump, cold, headache 六、核心素养练   请你读一读, 选择正确的句子帮警察叔叔侦破“案件”. Policeman: 1. ________ Children: No, we didn't. Policeman: 2. ________ Children: Yes, we did. We went there by bus. C B A. Was the grass near the flowers? B. Did you go to the park? C. Did you walk on the grass? D. Where was the grass? E. Did you see the flowers? Policeman: 3. ________ Children: Yes, we did. Some of them were red, and some were yellow. They were beautiful. Policeman: 4. ________ Children: No, it wasn't. The grass was not near the flowers. E A A. Was the grass near the flowers? B. Did you go to the park? C. Did you walk on the grass? D. Where was the grass? E. Did you see the flowers? Policeman: 5. ________ Children: It was near the lake. We walked across the grass. Then we went boating on the lake. Policeman: So you did walk on the grass! Children: Oh, no! We are sorry. D A. Was the grass near the flowers? B. Did you go to the park? C. Did you walk on the grass? D. Where was the grass? E. Did you see the flowers? 七、选择正确的选项补全对话。 A: What's the matter 1. ______ you? B: I've got a 2. ______ . I feel 3. ______. A: What did you eat this morning? (  )1. A. with B. to C. are (  )2. A. stomachache  B. fever C. headache (  )3. A. better B. fine C. bad A A C B: I 4. ______ some bread, some biscuits, an egg and drink a glass of orange juice. A: Oh, I think you eat too much. Take these pills(药片) please. 5. _____more water and you will feel better soon. B: OK. Thank you 6. ______much. A: You're welcome. (  )4. A. drank B. ate C. bought (  )5. A. Bought B. Eat C. Drink (  )6. A. very B. many C. with B C A

