人教新起点五上Unit shopping

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人教新起点五上Unit shopping

新起点小学英语五年级上册Unit 5 Shopping Lesson 25 第一课时教学案例 宜昌西陵区外国语小学东湖校区 王小华 一、教学材料 二、教学设计 课文标题 Lesson 25 第一课时 单元名称 Unit 5 Shopping 教材版本 人教新起点 授课年级 五年级 一、整体教学思路 本课内容面对的是五年级的学生,因为他们平时自己买文具,所以本课我设计让他们帮我买文具,在这个过程中插入几个游戏,让他们在愉悦的心情中学习和运用语言。‎ 二、教学目标 ‎1、能听、说、读、写以下与主题有关的词汇:notebook, brush, glue stick, pencil case, disk, folder, whiteout, stapler, sticker, backpack, expensive, cheap.‎ ‎2、能听、说、读、写与购物有关的句型:How much is it/ are they? It’s/ They’re… yuan.‎ ‎3、通过购物活动树立学生科学理性购物的思想。‎ 三、教学重难点 The words and the sentence patterns.‎ 四、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up ‎ Greetings and free talk.‎ ‎ Free talk :How are you?‎ ‎ What’s the weather like today?‎ ‎ Are you happy?‎ Step 2 Lead-in & Revision 1、 说评价方式 T: Today, we have three groups and three apple trees. Please try to get more apples for your group, OK?‎ 2、 Game:谁的记忆好?‎ T: I will show you some numbers. Please look them and try to remember them. Then, tell me : What are they?‎ Numbers are: 188,15,100,9,38,50,67,89,20,30‎ ‎【设计意图】小孩子是很好胜的,所以在新课前提出进行比赛,用三组之间的比赛来促进学生对本课学习的参与。因为小孩子喜欢玩游戏,所以用游戏的方式来复习数字,为后面新课里说价格打下基础。‎ Step 3 Presentation 1、 New words A. T:I want to go to the stationery shop this afternoon. I want to buy these things in the shop. Please look them and remember them. ‎ ‎【设计意图】教师播放PPT,图片会吸引住孩子,并且图片闪得比较快,会集中孩子们的注意力。‎ B. T: Please tell me. What are they? ‎ ‎【设计意图】因为有些是新词,所以可让学生speak in Chinese。教师将他们说的词汇板书在黑板上,让他们对这些词汇有个初步的印象。‎ C. T:Yes, I want to buy these things. How to read these words?‎ 展示一张有所有文具图片,让学生说一说认识的词。以前学过的词有:notebook, pencil case, backpack, sticker D. Learn the new words ‎ glue stick: blue---- glue sticker----stick ‎ whiteout: white + out ‎ disk: desk---- disk ‎ brush: bread----br bus---- u fish----sh ‎ stapler: station---- sta play---- pl father----er ‎ folder: f+old+er ‎【设计意图】用旧词迁移的办法来学习新词,学生会觉得有趣并容易接受。并且在学习的过程中,对固定的字母组合的发音进行渗透。‎ E. 游戏:Magic fingers ‎【设计意图】游戏方法:教师领读单词,边读边伸手指,如果伸3根手指,‎ 则读2遍。用游戏的方式来操练新词,学生会非常喜欢。待学生比较熟悉词汇后,可请一至两个学生来当小老师。‎ 1、 Sentence Pattern T: I want to buy these things. But I don’t know the prices. Can you tell me? How much are they?‎ ‎【设计意图】板书句型How much is it?和How much are they? 并把学生提示的价格写在词汇后。‎ T:If you want to know the prices. You can ask: How much is it? or How much are they?‎ Step 4 Practice ‎ 1. Look and answer quickly.‎ PPT呈现多张图片和价格,与学生快问快答。How much is it/are they?‎ 2. Listen and write down the prices.‎ First, get them listen to the tape and write down the prices.‎ Then , check the answers.‎ Finally, read the dialogue together.‎ 听听力,完成相关练习并处理文本内容,集体朗读,让学生知其然更知其所以然。在前面扎实操练后,这部分内容完成起来对学生来说十分容易,班上绝大多数学生全对。‎ 3. A guessing game.‎ T: How much is this pen? Can you guess?‎ S1: Is it 8 yuan?‎ T: No, that’s too cheap/ expensive.‎ ‎【设计意图】通过猜价格的游戏巩固所学句型,并在游戏中学会并运用cheap和expensive。‎ Step 5 Discuss in groups T: Look at the main picture in lesson 25. Your group has 50 yuan, and what can you buy in the store? Please discuss and report like this: We can/are going to/want to buy…,…,…and…. That’s …yuan.‎ ‎【设计意图】此处设计一个买东西的任务,让学生在讨论的过程中运用所学语言,让学生学会用英语做事情。‎ Step 6 Homework ‎ Read the words and dialogue for 15 minutes.‎ 七、教学反思:‎ 本课亮点:1. 本课中根据儿童的年龄特点多次设计运用适合他们的游戏学习和操练语言内容,学生感兴趣,效果很不错;‎ ‎ 2. 教授新词时运用旧词迁移的方法,让学生自己总结单词的发音,充分发挥了学生学习的自主地位,充分体现了“学为第一,教助学成”的教学理念;‎ ‎ 3. 操练扎实,形式多样;‎ ‎ 4. 设计买东西的任务活动,让学生运用英语做事情。‎ 不足之处:1、在新授时,对于五年级的学生应注意句型拼写记忆的教授。‎ ‎ 2、板书的设计应在清楚明了的基础上,更加新颖一些。‎ ‎ 3、本课听力练习的文本呈现,虽然起到了强化知识的整体性,但应更注重形式。‎

