陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 5 Part C优质课件

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陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 5 Part C优质课件

Unit 5 Can You Tell Me the Way to the Supermarket? 陕旅版五年级上册 Review 向他人求助的句子及回答: — Excuse me. —Yes? 询问对方是否需要帮助的句型: Can I help you? 问路的句型及回答: — Can you tell me the way to the supermarket? —Go along the street and you can see a hospital on the left.The supermarket is behind it. Listen and tick or cross 1.听录音前先仔细观察题目中所给的图片和文字信息。通 过看图可以发现:图片分为上下两组,上一组为四个地 点,下一组为四种交通工具。因此我们可以推测录音内 容与选择何种交通工具去相应的地点有关。 2.弄清图片中的地点与交通工具,做好听录音前的准备。 做题指导 Listen and match Listening material 1.—Where is Sanya? —It’s in Hainan. You can go there by ship. 2.—Excuse me. —Yes? —Can you tell me the way to the hospital? —Yes. It’s near here. Just walk along the street and turn right. Listening material 3.—Excuse me. How can we get to the Children’s Park? —The Children’s Park is on Fengqing Road. You can take a bus to go there. 4.—Where is the library? —The library is between the cinema and the bookstore. You can go by car. S upermarket Bookstore School Read and complete the map Our house is on Furong Street. Beside it, there is a supermarket on the right. Near the bus stop, you can see a bookstore. There is a school between the bookstore and the park. 我们家在芙蓉街。在它旁边,右边有一家超市。在公共汽车站附近,你可以看到一家书店。在书店和公园之间有一所学校。 S upermarket Bookstore School S upermarket Bookstore School Ask and answer How can I get to your home? / Can you tell me the way to your home? Role play 用下列句型和你的同伴问答: —How can I get to your home? / Can you tell me the way to your home? —Go along .../ It’s not far from ... It’ s next to ... Look and write 1.The cinema is ____________________. 2.The Children’s Park is _______________. 3.The school is ________________________________. 4.The zoo is __________________________. behind the supermarket beside the shop between the bookstore and the bus stop near the supermarket 假如你打算周日和朋友们去书店,但还有人不清楚怎么去。请你根据以下提示,用英语写一篇指路的短文,要求不少于五句话。 1.写作思路: 首先得明确书店的位置:在那条街上、附近有哪些 建筑。然后,用中文描述书店位置。最后把中文转 变成英文即可 。 2. 必背词汇: bookstore (书店) , cinema ( 电影院) go along (直走) ,turn left (左转) next to (旁边) , on the right (在右边) 3.必备句型: The bookstore is next to ... It’s not far from ... Turn left /right at ...

