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Unit 3 My school calendar PEP 五年级 下册 课时 6 Read and write ~ Let’s wrap it up Do you like party? What can you do in a English party? Read and write English Party WHEN: April 12th, 7 p.m . WHERE : Gym WHAT: You will play games. You will read riddles . You will act out stories . You will meet Robin the Robot . He is a great English teacher! RSVP : Will you come to the party? Please send an email by March 23rd . Read and write Read and tick or cross. 1 . (   ) The English party is on March 23rd. 2 . (   ) The party will start at 7 p.m . 3 . (   ) You'll dance at the party. 4 . (   ) You'll meet a great English teacher at the party . × √ × √ Read and write roll /rəʊl/ v. 滚动 知识 点 6 例句: The balls roll down the table. 球滚下了桌子。 发音:字母 o 在单词中发 /əʊ/ 音。 形近词: doll 玩偶 短语: roll down 滚下 考向 look for 寻找 [ 三会 ] 知识 点 7 例句 : — What are you looking for ? 你 在找什么 ? —I’m looking for my key . 我 在找我的钥匙。 look at 看  look out 当心 联想记忆法: 拓展 look up ( 在词典中或通过电脑 ) 查阅 Will you come to the party? 你将来参加聚会吗? 知识 点 8 句型结构为“ Will +主语+动词原形+其他?”,用来表示将要发生的事情,征求对方的意见或表示客气的邀请。 考向 一般将来时的一般疑问句句 请你坐在这儿好吗? Will you please sit here? by/baɪ/ prep. 在 …… 之前 知识 点 10 例句: We have to get there by evening. 我们不得不在夜晚之前到达那里。 拓展 一词多义: by 乘 , 短语 有 by bus ( 乘公共汽车 ) , by bike( 骑自行车 ) 。 Let’s check Let’s check They’ll visit a farm. They’ll have a party. Let’s wrap it up in at on 介词 in, at, on 与时间搭配的基本规则 知识 点 11 介词 in, at, on 都可以用来表示时间,在本单元我们需要掌握它们的以下用法: 考向 in 用于季节、月份前。 I can make a snowman in winter. 在冬天我能堆雪人。 at 用于具体的时间 ( 几点 ) 前。 I get up at 6:30 every morning. 我每天早上 6 : 30 起床。 on 用于星期前。 We have English class on Wednesdays. 在星期三我们有英语课。 一、阅读短文,用抓关键信息法判断句子正 (T) 误 (F) 。 Today is February 3rd.The weather is windy and cold. I'm very happy , because it is my birthday. I wear my new red coat and blue jeans. They're very pretty. My mother takes me to the zoo today. I see many animals. I get many birthday cards. They're from my friends. (    ) (1) My birthday is in February . (    ) (2) It's windy and snowy today . (    ) (3) I see many trees at the zoo . (    ) (4 )I have a new coat. It's blue . (    ) (5) I get many birthday cards . T F F F T 二、根据图片选单词,完成句子。 A . holiday    B . chocolate (1) Do you like ________?     (2) Easter is a ________.You can look for eggs. It's fun. B A 本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦! 重点词汇: roll, look for, by 介词 in, at, on 与时间搭配的基本规则 1 朗读 Easter Party , 想一想如果你举行一个节日聚会,你将做什么。 2 完成 配套的课后作业。 1 . Miss White: We have lots of fun things this spring. In March there is the school trip. We’ll go to the Great Wall. In April, we’ll have a singing contest. In May, we’ll visit a farm. 2 . John: Look at the calendar. In September, there is Teachers’ Day. In October, we’ll go to the zoo. In November, there is Thanksgiving Day. We’ll eat a big dinner. In December, there is Christmas. We’ll have a party! 听力原文 1 . Miss White: We have lots of fun things this spring. In March there is the school trip. We’ll go to the Great Wall. In April, we’ll have a singing contest. In May, we’ll visit a farm. 2 . John: Look at the calendar. In September, there is Teachers’ Day. In October, we’ll go to the zoo. In November, there is Thanksgiving Day. We’ll eat a big dinner. In December, there is Christmas. We’ll have a party! 听力原文

