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专项练习卷1‎ 连词成句:‎ ‎1,usually, go, bed, at, to, I, thirty, nine(.)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎2, Liu Tao’s, ruler, short, so, is (.)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎3, on, go, and, picnics, they, have, boating, Sundays (.)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎4, difficult, it, I, try, can, but, is (, .)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎5, I, see, an, fridge, in, egg, the, can (.)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎6, she, Mary, sing, can, and, make, cake, a, can (.)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎7, time, Science, is, for, it (.)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎8, to, playground, us, let, go, the (.)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎9, school, have, I, ten, at, subjects (.)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎10.lessons you what do morning this have?‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ 专项练习卷2‎ 改为否定句:(在be,can,do 后加not, 把some改成any)‎ ‎1,I can see a bird in the big tree.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎2, He’s sad now.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎3, The trousers are too short.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎4, We go skating in winter.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎5, Bobby can play basketball.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎6, I can play football very well ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎7, I have some lessons on Saturday.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎8, Come and play table tennis.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎9, I like Chinese and Maths.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎10,I go to school at seven thirty.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ 专项练习卷3‎ 改为一般疑问句:‎ ‎(be动词、do、 can提前, 把句中我改成你,我的改成你的,some改any,加 ?)‎ ‎1,I’m all right now._________________________________________‎ ‎2,I like summer.___________________________________________‎ ‎3,These are flowers.________________________________________‎ ‎4,I can see a book on the bag._________________________________‎ ‎5, This is my new timetable.__________________________________‎ ‎6,I have a swimming lesson.__________________________________‎ ‎7,We have PE this afternoon.._________________________________‎ 对划线部分提问:(根据答句问上句)‎ ‎1,I’m ill.__________________________________‎ ‎2,I have six lessons this Monday.______________________________‎ ‎3,This is my brother’s sweater._________________________________‎ ‎4,These are Yang Ling’s gloves._________________________________‎ ‎5,I can go boating in spring.___________________________________‎ ‎6,I like Chinese,Maths and English.______________________________‎ ‎7,It’s five fifty.______________________________________________‎ ‎8,Today is Friday.___________________________________________‎ ‎9,I have lunch at eleven thirty._________________________________‎ ‎10,I have three sandwiches._____________________________________‎ ‎11,They have Chinese,English and Music this afternoon.____________‎ 专项练习卷4‎ 理解上下句含义填空 ‎1,Don’t open the window, please. I’m________. 2,I’m so_______.I want a fan. ‎ ‎3,Don’t be s_____.I can’t swim, either. 4,___________Birthday to you, Jack.‎ ‎5,I’m t______.I want to go to bed. 6,_______scarf is this? It’s Yang Ling’s.‎ ‎7,_________is my storybook? It’s on the desk. 8,_______is the girl? She’s my sister.‎ ‎9,_______do you go to school? At seven forty. 10,_________is this in English? It’s a car.‎ ‎11,It’s not difficult. It’s________. 12,Welcome _________ to school.‎ ‎13,We can run,jump and play ball games at a_____lesson. ‎ ‎14,I can’t sing well. I____like M____. 15,Don’t watch TV now. It’s _______for bed. ‎ ‎16,What__________do you like?I like S______. It’s f____.‎ ‎17,I can see a b______on the l______. 18,I’m s______to h_______that.‎ ‎19,This ____ Yang Ling ________. _______I ________ to Su Yang ? ‎ ‎20,______the ______with_____? I ______a c______.‎ ‎21,根据上下文首字母提示, 完成句子。‎ It’s Sunday t_______. We don’t have a_______ lessons. My f_______ and I go to the party at five in the a_______. Look! Helen’s dress is so n_______ and Mike’s shirt is t_______ big. I g_______ it is his father’s. Su Hai and Su Yang have t_______ big caps.They are a_______ very h_______. ‎ 专项练习卷5‎ 选择题 ‎( )1,I have nine______at school. ‎ A,classrooms B,friend C,subjects ‎( )2,What___do you have this morning?We have Chinese and Art. ‎ A,lesson B subject C,lessons ‎( )3,This is an________lesson. ‎ A. Art B. Chinese C.PE ‎( )4,It’s nine o’clock..It’s time to_____.‎ A.PE B.have a PE lesson C.PE lesson ‎( )5,Do you like ________?No,I don’t.I like_____.‎ A,Art,Art B,cat,dog C,Chinese,English ‎( )6,My timetable is___the_____. ‎ A,in,fridge B,on,desk C,under,bedroom ‎( )7,_____you like some juice?No,thank you. ‎ ‎ A,Are B,What C.Would ‎( )8,We have eight_____this term. This morning we have three_.‎ A,subjects,lessons,B,lessons,subjects.‎ ‎( )9,Let’s___and____.‎ A,go,swimming B,go,play football C,go,to bed ‎( )10,I’m hungry.Come and______.‎ A,have some apple juice B,play football C.eat a hot dog ‎( )11,I ___some fish. She___some cakes. ‎ A,has,has B.have,has C.have,have ‎( )12,__do you have breakfast?I have breakfast__seven. ‎ A,When,at B,What,at C,What time,is ‎( )13,Come and have some eggs.I__eat eggs.___!‎ ‎ A,can’t,What a big egg B,can’t,What a pity ‎( )14,Tomorrow(明天)is Monday.What day is it today?It’s__.‎ A,Tuesday B.Sunday C.Friday ‎( )15,We don’t have____lessons___Sunday.‎ ‎ A,any,on B,some,in C,a, on ‎( )16,Where___my caps?_____in your bedroom. ‎ A,is,It’s B,are,We’re C,are,They’re ‎( )17,Mike and I play football___four___Monday afternoon.‎ A,at,in B,on,on C,at,on ‎( )18,It’s four fifty.You can__ now. ‎ A,get up B ,have lunch C,go home ‎( )19,______usually do____homework at seven fifiteen.‎ A,I, your B,She,my C,We,our ‎( )20,What___do you like?I like Maths and Art A,lesson B,subjects C,colour 专项练习卷6‎ 一、词组:‎ 凉爽的秋天___________________ 试试这件___________________‎ 我妈妈的手套_________________________ 不太好______________‎ 谁的裤子___________________________ 在周四下午____________‎ 八门学科__________________________ 在小山上_______________‎ 画一艘小船________________________ 每周二_________________‎ 每晚_____________________________ 放学后__________________‎ 二、判断划线部分读音是否相同(T /F)‎ ‎( )1. fish music ( )2. like kite ( )3. him time ‎ ‎( )4. cat cake ( )5. she three ( )6. me bed ‎( )7. hot nose ( )8.grape skate ( )9.hello cold 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空 ‎1. It’s time (go) to school.‎ ‎2. Look, my jacket (be) long. I’d like a short one.‎ ‎3. The red jacket is (Nancy), I think.‎ ‎4. My shoes are too small. Try the (big) one.‎ ‎5. He (have) a nice shirt. ‎ ‎6. My shorts (be) too long.‎ ‎7. (who) socks are they?‎ ‎8. This is Miss Li________(speak).‎ ‎9. I’m ill. I_____(can)come to school today.‎ 专项练习卷7‎ 按要求改写句子 ‎1. This is my mother’s coat.(对划线部分提问) is this?‎ ‎2. The gloves are on the chair.( 对划线部分提问) the gloves?‎ ‎3. The jeans are too long. (改为否定句) The jeans too long.‎ ‎4. Whose dresses are they? (用Yang Ling的回答) .‎ ‎5. That tall man is my uncle. (对划线部分提问) ____ that tall man?‎ ‎6. That is my new sweater.(改为一般疑问句) new sweater?‎ ‎7.Those jeans are Tom’s . (改为同义句)Those________ _________ _________. ‎ ‎8. I do my homework at four forty.(对划线部分提问)‎ ‎_______ ________ _______do your homework?‎ ‎9.I have a cold and a headache.(对划线部分提问)_________ the _________with________?‎ ‎10.Whose dress is this? (改为复数)Whose ________ ________ __________?‎

