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五年级下册英语教学计划 一、学情分析: 英语一开始,学生往往是带着好奇的心情来学这门课的,也有些学生是带着好玩的想法来学的。他们喜欢引起别人的注意,重视老师的表扬,部分孩子好活动、爱表现、善模仿、部分孩子胆怯感较明显。他们的记忆力好,形象思维好,但缺乏理性思维,相当一部分学生学习英语的目的性不明确,对它的重要性认识不足,只处于肤浅的了解,缺乏正确的强有力的学习动机。通过两年的学习,他们基本明确了英语学习是怎么回事,英语学习的各个方面都慢慢走上正规,从英语的书写、单词记忆、会话、听力、和语法都有了初步的了解,有些同学越学越有兴趣,积极性很高。随着时间的推移,课程内容增多,难度加大,就可能会有一些学生把这门课当成负担,部分学生厌学,出现两极分化的趋势。因此,针对学生掌握英语的程度不一,本期要采取有效的教育教学措施,将采用整体教学与分层教学相结合的方式完成教学任务,加强对差生的辅导,提高他们的英语水平。决不让一个学生掉队,全面提高教学质量。 二、教学目标: 根据五年级学生的生理和心理以及发展需求,本班英语课程的总体目标是:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度和良好学习习惯,帮助他们建立学习英语的自信心;培养学生的语感和良好的语音、语调基础,帮助他们形成初步运用英语进行日常交流的能力,为进一步学习打下基础。 三、具体措施: 1. 注重学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。教学组织和课堂安排灵活,以学生为主体,.短时间、高频率、保证学生多次接触英语和足够的实践量,加大每个学生的实践量,多开展两人小组、多人小组、成行、成排等多种形式的活动,充分调动学生的积极性。 2.认真钻研教材,改进教法,坚持集体备课。贯彻精讲多练,以练为主的原则,抓好基础训练,注重培养学生直接用英语表达思想的能力,扩大课堂容量,提高课堂效率。 3. 坚持激发学生的英语学习兴趣。在教学活动中,利用英语教学音像资源--图画、图表、投影、录音、录像、CD、 VCD、DVD等多媒体软件,还有体态语-----手势、动作、表情等来示范。把各种各样的人物、情景和实地表演等结合起来,身体力行,与他们交朋友,一起游戏、一起听说,使他们在有趣而轻松的气氛中感到学习英语并不是件苦差事,潜移默化,使得课堂气氛非常活跃,学习的积极性很高,兴趣也随之越加浓烈。随着学生学习英语兴趣的增加,平时少言寡语的学生也会产生浓厚的兴趣,主 动参与进来一块做学习英语。 4.培养他们良好的学习习惯。坚持抓好预习、听课、复习、作业、书写、朗读、口语操练、提问及语言行为习惯的培养。 5.注意传授知识与及时评价相结合。特别要注意对学习后进的学生所取得的进步及时给予表扬。让进步的同学体会到成就感,让落后的同学找出差距,及时改进。 6.注意课内操练和课外积累相结合,继续抓好早晨朗读和课间口语操练。 7.坚持整体教学与分层教学相结合,加强课后辅导,坚持保持与学生的心理沟通。 8.加强对学生学习策略的指导。根据不同学生的不同要求,教他们一些便于记忆、巩固的方法。如归纳记忆法、情景记忆法、构词记忆法、日常生活记忆法等。 9.坚持节节清、天天清、周周清、月月清。 四、课时计划 新授课每课三课时,其中第六、第十二课为复习课,每课二课时,共计三十四课时。 随着社会对教师素质要求的不断提高,研究的不断深入,教师专业人才的素质结构必将具有更为丰富的内涵。在教学课余,我计划不断进取和自我更新,努力提高个人综合素质,为学生能持续接受高质量的教育教学而努力。 教学进度表 周 次 教学内容 课时数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 目录 Lesson 1 May I speak to Mary?---------------5 Lesson 2 We mustn’t cross the street now----14 Lesson 3 Is this dog yours ?-----------------23 Lesson4 There is a horse underthetree-------33 Lesson5 Is there a zoo near here ?-----------43 Lesson 6 Review-----------------------------51 Lesson7 Ican see twenty –one pens .---- ----61 Lesson 8 How many pupils are there ?--------67 Lesson 9 It’s six forty –five .- - - - - --75 Lesson 10 What day is today ?----------------84 Lesson 11 What do you do ? ----------------93 Lesson12Revision ----------------------------103 Lesson 1 May I speak to Mary? 第一课时 Let’s talk 累计课时数1 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) (1) In this text ,we’ll study some new words: speak, message, question, tell, number, pizza, learn, roll, pull, spread, bake, job (2))Pay attention to the pronunciation of words. (3)Know how to master the phrases: borrow bike, ask a question, go home, watch TV, take a message. (4)Know the sentences : May I…? Yes. /Certainly. ./Sorry …. Who’s that ? This is .. .Is that Mrs Read ? Yes. /No, this is ….Please tell her to call me . Goal request(教学目的) 1.Master the new words: question, tell, number, pizza,learn, roll, pull, spread, bake, job 2.Know how to master the phrases: borrow bike, ask a question, go home, watch TV, take a message. Key difficulty(教学重难点) In this part,let the students master how to use to express the ability. The useful expression: - May I ……?- Certainly./Sorry …. Who’s that ? This is .. .Is that Mrs Read ? Yes. /No, this is ….Please tell her to call me . Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探一(5minutes) Greeting. T: Good morning, class. Ss:Good morning, teacher . T: How are you? S1:Fine,thank you. T: How are you? S2:I’m fine. T: How are you? S3: I’m OK.Welcome back to school.Revise the numbers: one ,two, three, four …then let the Ss sing a song about the numbers . T: Now today we are going to learn Lesson 1.PleaseLook at the blackboard. speak message question tell number job pizza learn roll pull spread bake borrow bike ask a question go home watch TV take a message. T: Do you have any questions about them new words and these phrases?Ss: Yes. T: I’ll ask some students to tell me your questions. S1: How to read the words? S2: What’s the meaning of these words? T: OK. How clever you are! Can you read them? T: Please discuss them with your partners ,OK?Ss: OK. Step 2解疑合探一(10minutes) (Three minutes later)Encourage the Ss to stand up and read thewords by themselves. If all the Ss can’t do it perfectly,the teacher corrects it.master the Chinesemeanings .Show the new words on some cards, then practice them. T:OK. Who can read them?S1: ... T: Who can read them again?S2: ... T:You are clever. Now read after the tape. Let the Ss read after the tape. T: OK, now you can read after me.Let them read after the teacher. T: Now boys read English,girls read Chinese. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T:This time I say Chinese,you say English.OK?Ss:OK. Step 3设疑自探二(8minutes) Maybe the students can’t answer this question, the teacherwrite the question on the blackboard. T: Do you have any questions about this part?Ss:Yes. T: I’ll ask some students to tell me some questions. S1: How to read this part? S2: What’s the meaning of thispart? S3: How to use this part? T: OK. How clever you are! Can you read them? T: Please discuss these with your partners,OK?Ss: OK. (2)Now ,who can speak to me on the telephone ? Let’s call. Hello! This is …Hello! Is that…?Yes. What’s that ? This is … .Can you help me ? What’s the matter ? I want to ask a question. Please tell me .Ok. Let the Ss look at the pictures and read the text, learn to ask and answer the questions : May I speak to Mary ?Who’s that ? Is that Mrs Read ?May I take a message for you ? May I have your number ? Step2.解疑合探二(10monutes) First ask some students to answer the questions. S1: How to read this part? S:… S2: What’s the meaning of this part? S:… S3: How to use this part? S:… T: OK. How clever you are! Can you read them?If they don't know, the teacher should tell them. Then read after the teacher. Let the Ss listen to the tape and repeat .Give them three or five minutes. Let the Ss read the dialogue in pairs . Next, let some Ss try to answer the following questions : T:May I speak to Mary ? S:Sorry , she’s not in. T:Who’s that ? S:This is Kate . T:Is that Mrs Read ? S:Yes. T:May I take a message for you ?S:Yes, please .T: May I have your number ? S:Yes, it’s 8-6-0-4-2-7-5. Step3.质疑再探(4minutes) T: Can you tell me something about the lesson? S: In this lesson, I know how to express“我可以…..吗?May I…?”. Step4.运用拓展(3minutes) 1.Find friend borrow your bike ask a question go home watch TV 回家 回答问题 看电视 借自行车 2.Translation. speak_________ 捎口信___________message_________ question_____ 烤(面包,饼等)______工作________ Hhello! Hello! ___ I come in ? Yes. Please ! ____I speak to Zhang Ming ? Sorry. He’s not in . _ I _ _ _ for you ? Of course . Please tell him to ____ me . Bb writing design(板书设计) Lesson 1 May I speak to Mary? speak message question tell number job pizza learn roll pull spread bake borrow bike ask a question go home watch TV take a message. May I borrow your bike? Certainly./OK./Sure. 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第二课时Let’s learn, Let’s chant and let’s practice 累计课时数2 1Teaching material analyses(教材分析) (1) In this text ,we’ll study some new words: speak, message, question, tell, number, pizza, learn, roll, pull, spread, bake, job (2))Pay attention to the pronunciation of words. (3)Know how to master the phrases: borrow bike, ask a question, go home, watch TV, take a message. (4)Know the sentences : May I…? Yes. /Certainly. ./Sorry …. Who’s that ? This is .. .Is that Mrs Read ? Yes. /No, this is ….Please tell her to call me . Goal request(教学目的) 1.Master the new words: question, tell, number, pizza, learn, roll, pull, spread, bake, job 2.Know how to master the phrases: borrow bike, ask a question, go home, watch TV, take a message. Key difficulty(教学重难点) In this part,let the students master how to use to express the ability. The useful expression: - May I ……?- Certainly./Sorry …. Who’s that ? This is .. .Is that Mrs Read ? Yes. /No, this is ….Please tell her to call me . Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探一(5 minutes) Greeting .T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning,teacher. Now we are going on learning Lesson 1.First let’s make some dialogues according to some pictures. T: May I speak to jim ? S:yes, please. T: May I have your number ? S : yes, it’s8-6-5-6-79-4-6 T: Ok,very good. Now let's learn the text. First, read the text by yourself in your heart. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the text and write down the sentences which you don't understand. OK?Ss: OK. 1)What's the meaning of "borrow your bike . "? 2)What's the meaning of "ask you a question "? 3)What's the meaning of " go home now ”?4)How to change ? Step 2解疑合探一 (10 minutes) T: The teacher choose some Ss stand up and explain itIf there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. T:1)What's the meaning of "borrow your bike . "?S: “借你的自行车”。 T:2)What's the meaning of "ask you a question "?S:“问你一个问题”。 T: 3)What's the meaning of " go home now ”? S:“现在回家”。 T: OK, your are very good . T:May I go home now ?S:Certainly 4)T:How to change ?S: Sorry , I don’t know .T:Look at the eg: May I borrow your pen ? Certainly. T: May I borrw bike ? Certainly. Ok, who can finish them ? T:May I ask you a question ? S:Certainly. T:MayI watch TV now ?S:Certainly.. 1) The teacher read the text. Then let the Ss read after the teacher. 2)The teacher turn on the radio, then let the Ss read after the radio. 3)Look at the pictures ,let the girls reads and boys answers. Then let the Ss make the dialogue with your partner. Choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out. Step3设疑自探二(5minutes) T: Very good. Now look at the let's chant . First, read the text by yourself in your heart. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the text and write down the sentences which you don't understand. OK? Ss: OK. S1:What's the meaning of " I wish I may, I wish I might "? S2: What's the meaning of "have the wish I wish iwish tonight ."? S3: What's the meaning of the let’s chant? Step 4解疑合探二( 10 minutes) T:The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. T:What's the meaning of " I wish I may, I wish I might "? S:“我希望我能, 我希望我可以”。 T:: What's the meaning of "have the wish I wish Iwish tonight ."? “今天晚上我希望我有希望” S3: What's the meaning of the let’s chant?S:… 1) The teacher read the text. Then let the Ss read after the teacher. 2)The teacher turn on the radio, then let the Ss read after the radio. Step3.质疑再探(5minutes) Encourage the Ss to ask questions and then solve them together . Step4.运用拓展(8minutes) .练习: -May I …? Certainly . a: go swimming b: play football c: sit here d:open the door 2:连词成句 1. learn, it, I, May, roll, to(?) 2. borrow, pen, I, your, May ( ?) Bb writingdesign:(板书设计) Lesson 1 May I speak to Mary? borrow bike ask a question go home May I…? Certainly. 练习 2) -May I …? Certainly . a: go swimming b: play football c: sit here d:open the door 2:连词成句 1. learn, it, I, May, roll, to(?) 2. borrow, pen, I, your, May ( ?) 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第三课时 Read 累计课时数3 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) (1) In this text ,we’ll study some new words: speak, message, question, tell, number, pizza, learn, roll, pull, spread, bake, job (2))Pay attention to the pronunciation of words. (3)Know how to master the phrases: borrow bike, ask a question, go home, watch TV, take a message. (4)Know the sentences : May I…? Yes. /Certainly. ./Sorry …. Who’s that ? This is .. .Is that Mrs Read ? Yes. /No, this is ….Please tell her to call me . Goal request(教学目的) 1.Master the new words: question, tell, number, pizza, learn, roll, pull, spread, bake, job 2.Know how to master the phrases: borrow bike, ask a question, go home, watch TV, take a message. Key difficulty(教学重难点) In this part,let the students master how to use to express the ability. The useful expression: - May I ……?- Certainly./Sorry …. Who’s that ? This is .. .Is that Mrs Read ? Yes. /No, this is ….Please tell her to call me . Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探一(5minutes) Greeting. 2.Can you cook ? Yes, I can . / No , Ican’t .Mother has many things to do every day . As a child, we should help her . Such as :do some shopping / washing and so on . Ok, this text tells us how tom helps mother with pizza . Listen to the tape, and try to answer some questions. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the text and write down the sentences which you don't understand. OK?Ss: OK. 1)What's the meaning of "Tom comes in."? 2)What's the meaning of "Let’s do it together."? 3)What's the meaning of "Mom tells Tom how to roll."? 4)What's the meaning of" You did a good job."? 5)What's the meaning of the story? Step2解疑合探一(10minutes) 1. Encourage the Ss to read the new words by themselves . Once the Ss can’t do it perfectly, the teacher corrects it .Master the chinese meanings. the new words :learn roll pull spread job dane pizza bake T:The teacher choose some Ss stand up and explain it, If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. S1:The meaning of" Tom comes in." is "汤姆进来了。". S2: The meaning of" Let’s do it together." is “让我们一起做吧。”. S3:The meaning of" Mom tells Tom how to roll." is "妈妈告诉汤姆如何擀。". S4:The meaning of" You did a good job." is "你干的很好。". 1) The teacher read the text. Then let the Ss read after the teacher. 2)The teacher turn on the radio, then let the Ss read after the radio. Step3.设疑自探二(5minutes) Mom is making a pizza . Tom comes in. He wants to help her . How can he help his mother ? (1)Who is making a pizza ? (2)Does Tom want to help his mother ? (3)Does Tom learn how to toll ? (4)What is Tom spreading on the pizza ? (5)Do Tom and mom bake the pizza together ? (6)Is Tom very happy ?What about his mother ? Step4.解疑合探二(10minutes)1. let the Ss answer these questions . (1)Who is making a pizza ? S:.. (2)Does Tom want to help his mother ? S:… (3)Does Tom learn how to toll ? S:… (4)What is Tom spreading on the pizza ? S:… (5)Do Tom and mom bake the pizza together ? S:… (6)Is Tom very happy ?What about his mother ? S:… Step3质疑再探(5minutes) 1. Let the Ss try to read the text and master its meaning . .2. Let Ss try to retell the text according to the key words and the pictures : make a pizza , come in, want to, how to pull , spread sth on, bake , look at , done, do a good job . 3.What else do you want to ask ? 4.How to use “may ”? 5. The Ss talk about the questions and solve them together . Step4运用拓展(5minutes) 1. Use “may ” to make some sentences : 2. 连词成句 1. learn, it, I, May, roll, to(?) 2. a, job, You, good, did (.) 3. borrow, pen, I, your, May (. ) 4. pizza, Mom, Tom, together, and, bake, the (. ) Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson 1 Read roll—pull—bake ---done Could I pull it now, please ? Let me spread meat on it , OK ? Can you make a bun ? Do you know how to make ? Let your mother help you . roll—pull—bake ---done 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: Lesson 2 We mustn’t cross the street now . 第一课时 Let’s talk 累计课时数4 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) (1) Study some new words: must, street, light, cross, wait, silly, hit. (2)Pay attention to the pronunciation of words. (3)Know how to master the phrases: turn right, turn left, cross the street now.(4)The use of “may” and “mustn’t”. the following phrases (1)turn left/right (2)no parking (3)cross the street (4)no right/left turning Goal request(教学目的) (1)Master the new words: must, street, light, cross, wait, silly, hit. (2) Master some phrases. (3)The use of “may” and “mustn’t”.(4)Master some sentences :May I go with you ? /You mustn’t run about in the street . We must wait until it is green ./We mustn’t cross the street now . Key difficulty(教学重难点) Learn the usage of “must”and“mustn’t”. Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探一(5minutes) T: Good morning, class . Ss: Good morning Mrs He. T: Now I’ll ask you some questions. Who can answer? Ss: I can. T: May I use your book? S1: Certainly. T: May I borrow your bike? S2: Certainly T: May I ask you a question? S3: Certainly T: OK, very good. Today we will learn a new lesson . Then the teacher writes some news words and phrases underline on the Bb. T: Please look at the blackboard. must street light cross wait turn right turn left cross the street now T: Do you have any questions about them new words and these phrases? Ss: Yes. T: I’ll ask some students to tell me your questions. S1: How to read the words? S2: What’s the meaning of these words? T: Please discuss them with your partners, OK? Ss: OK. . Step 2 解疑合探一 (10minutes) (Three minutes later)Encourage the Ss stand up and read the words by themselves. If all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.Then practice them. T: OK. Who can read them? S1: ... T: Who can read them again? S2: ... T: You are clever. Now read after the tape.Let them read after the tape. T: OK, now you can read after me.Let them read after the teacher. T: Now boys read English, girls read Chinese. Are you clear? Ss:Yes. T: This time I say Chinese, you say English K? Ss: OK. Step 3设疑自探二(5 minutes) 1.T:Show the pictures about crossing the road . let the Ss judge the behavior .(right or wrong ) S: Wrong . 2.T: you are clever ! ok! Look at the pictures and judge the behavior of them . from the text we will find out the answer . 3.The teacher shows the title, let the Ss try to read it . Read the text fluently.In this part,let the students mast how to use to express the ability. The useful expression: How to pay attention to the traffic. Step4解疑合探二(10minutes) Listen to the tape and read after it , and then find out the new words. let the Ss try to read them .(the teacher should help them read correctly) Let the Ss find out some phrases : go shopping go with run about look at let the Ss listen to the tape and repeat . let the Ss read the dialogue in pairs .Next, let some Ss try to translate the following sentences. May I go with you ? You mustn’t run about in the street . We must wait until it is green . We mustn’t cross the Ss now . Let the Ss practice the dialogue in pairs . ) First ask some students to answer the questions. If they don't know, the teacher should tell them. Then read after the teacher. 2) Look at these phrases on the blackboard and let the students try to make dialogues. Turn right turn left cross the street now For example: T: Look at the sign. You mustn’t turn right here. S1: Oh, yes, I see. T: You may turn right there. S1: Yes. 3) Then ask some students to act the dialogues with your partners. T: Look at the sign. You mustn’t turn left here. S2: Oh, yes, I see. T: You may turn left there. S2: Yes. T: Look at the sign. You mustn’t cross the street now.S3: Oh, yes, I see. T: You may cross the street there. S3: Yes. Step5质疑再探(5minutes) T: Do you have any questions? Can you tell me something about the text? S1: Are there any signs about traffic? S2: Are there any keys about these sentences?… If there is something wrong, the teacher should tell them the right answer. Step6.运用拓展(5 minutes) T:What have you learned about this lesson? Who can tell me? S1:.. T: Any else? S2:… T: Now who can design some exercises for all the students? S4: I can. Then show the exercises to all the students and ask someone to answer it. T: Good. I also have some exercises for you. Then the teacher writes the questions on the Bb and ask the Ss write in on the notebook. Translation .. must_________ 街道____________ light_________ cross_________ 等待________ 傻的________ Fill in the blanks with “must” and “mustn’t”. ( 1) You ___run about in the street . 2)When the light is red, you ___ cross the street . (3)When you look at the white lines, we ___ cross the street . 4)We ___ read in the sun . 5) We___ wash our hands before the meals . Bb writingdesign:(板书设计) Lesson 2 We mustn’t cross the street now. must street light cross wait turn right turn left cross the street now Look at the sign. You mustn’t park your car here. Oh, yes, I see. You may park it there. Yes. .Translation. must_________ 街道____________ light_________ cross_________ 等待________ 傻的________ Fill in the blanks with “must” and “mustn’t”. ( 1) You ___run about in the street . 2) When the light is red, you ___ cross the street . (3)When you look at the white lines, we ___ cross the street . 4)We ___ read in the sun . 5) We___ wash our hands before the meals . 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第二课时Let’s learn, Let’s practice and a game 累计课时数5 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) (1) Study some new words: must, street, light, cross, wait, silly, hit. (2)Pay attention to the pronunciation of words. (3)Know how to master the phrases: turn right, turn left, cross the street now.(4)The use of “may” and “mustn’t”. the following phrases (1)turn left/right (2)no parking (3)cross the street (4)no right/left turning Goal request(教学目的) (1)Master the new words: must, street, light, cross, wait, silly, hit. (2) Master some phrases. (3)The use of “may” and “mustn’t”.(4)Master some sentences :May I go with you ? /You mustn’t run about in the street . We must wait until it is green ./We mustn’t cross the street now . Key difficulty(教学重难点) Learn the usage of “must”and“mustn’t”. Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process: Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) T: Good afternoon, class.Ss:Good afternoon, Mrs He 1)Read the text fluently. (2)In this part,let the Ss mast how to use to express the ability. The useful expression: How to pay attention to the traffic. Show the picture about singal of no smoking . let Ss guess the meaning of the singal .(the teacher should help them .) T:First let’s review the dialogue together. Please follow me. (Ask the students to close their book and read follow the teacher, the teacher need read slowly.) T: Now today we go on learning Lesson 2. Now let's learn the text. First, read the text by yourself in your heart. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the text and write down the sentences which you don't understand. OK? Ss: OK. 1) What's the meaning of "look at"? 2) What's the meaning of the text? Step 2 解疑合探 (20 minutes) 1Show some pictures and let the Ss read after the tape . 2.Let the Ss try to guess the meaning of the following phrases . according to the pictures on p7.(the teacher can help them ) turn right /left no right /left turning parking , no parking , cross the street Practise the dialogue in pairs . First ask some students to answer the questions. If they don't know, the teacher should tell them. Then read after the teacher. Look at these phrases on the blackboard and let the students try to make dialogues. turn right turn left cross the street now For example: T: Look at the sign. You mustn’t turn right here. S1: Oh, yes, I see. T: You may turn right there. S1: Yes. After a while, ask some students to act the dialogues with your partners. T: Look at the sign. You mustn’t turn left here. S2: Oh, yes, I see. T: You may turn left there. S2: Yes. T: Look at the sign. You mustn’t cross the street now.S3: Oh, yes, I see. T: You may cross the street there. S3: Yes. Step3质疑再探(10minutes) Let Ss make some exercises first, show some good ones to the class and finish them . (1)look at the cards and say their meanings . (2)match in lines . T: Do you have any questions? Can you tell me something about the text? S1: Are there any signs about traffic? S2: Are there any keys about these sentences? ….. If there is something wrong, the teacher should tell them the right answer. Step4.运用拓展(5minutes) 1.Fill in the blanks . (1)May I go shopping with you , mom ?OK, but you _____follow my words . a. may b. can c. must d. mustn’t (2)Jim, let’s cross the street quickly.No, we must wait ___the light gets green. a. until b. for c. with d. by (3)These ____ lines in the street are sidewalks .a. black b. red c. yellow d. white 2.Find friend turn right turn left cross the street now 向左转 现在过马路 向右转 3. Fill in the blanks . (1)May I go shopping with you , mom ? OK, but you _____follow my words . a. may b. can c. must d. mustn’t (2)Jim, let’s cross the street quickly. No, we must wait ___the light gets green. a. until b. for c. with d. by (3)These ____ lines in the street are sidewalks .a. black b. red c. yellow d. white Bb writingdesign:(板书设计) Lesson 2 We mustn’t cross the street now. must street light cross wait turn right turn left cross the street now Look at the sign. You mustn’t …here. Oh, yes, I see. You may …it there. Yes. 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第三课时 Read 累计课时数6 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) (1) Study some new words: must, street, light, cross, wait, silly, hit. (2)Pay attention to the pronunciation of words. (3)Know how to master the phrases: turn right, turn left, cross the street now.(4)The use of “may” and “mustn’t”. the following phrases (1)turn left/right (2)no parking (3)cross the street (4)no right/left turning Goal request(教学目的) (1)Master the new words: must, street, light, cross, wait, silly, hit. (2) Master some phrases. (3)The use of “may” and “mustn’t”.(4)Master some sentences :May I go with you ? /You mustn’t run about in the street . We must wait until it is green ./We mustn’t cross the street now . Key difficulty(教学重难点) Learn the usage of “must”and“mustn’t”. Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) T: Good afternoon, class.S:Good afternoon, Mrs He. T:First let’s review the dialogue together. Please follow me. (Ask the students to close their book and read follow the teacher, the teacher need read slowly.) Show the picture on page 8 about playing on the road, and ask the ss to jidge the behavior . (right or wrong ) Ss: Wrong . T: You are clever . Ok! This lesson we will learn is “read ” 3. Show the title , let ss try to read it . 4.Let ss try to raise questions when they see the title . T: Now today we go on learning Lesson 2. Now let's learn the text. First, read the text by yourself in your heart. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the text and write down the sentences which you don't understand. OK? Ss: OK. 1) What's the meaning of " go with"? 2) What's the meaning of "run about"? 3) What's the meaning of "look at"? 4.)What's the meaning of "roll away"? 5)What's the meaning of "fall down"? 6)What's the meaning of" How silly he is!"? 7)What's the meaning of the story?T: Very good. Now let's learn the story. First, read the text by yourself in your heart. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the text and write down the sentences which you don't understand. OK? Ss: OK Step2.解疑合探(20minutes) T:The teacher choose some Ss stand up and explain it, If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. S1: The meaning of" go with " is "和某人一起". S2: The meaning of" run about " is “跑来跑去”. S3:The meaning of" look at " is "看". S2: The meaning of" roll away " is “滚开”. S3:The meaning of" fall down " is "倒下". S4:The meaning of" How silly he is!" is "他好傻呀!". 1) The teacher read the text. Then let the Ss read after the teacher. 2)The teacher turn on the radio, then let the Ss read after the radio Let the Ss listen to the tape and read after it , try to raise the questions and solve them together. Then let the Ss read the dialogue with your partners. Choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out. Step3质疑再探(8minutes) The teacher sums up the difficult points : (1)play with (2)roll away (3)want to get it (4)fall down (5)it doesn’t matter Show them some sentences to find out the regular patterns . (1)Who is playing with a ball? Bob.(2)Who wants to cross the street to get his ball ? Bob. (3)The light is red . Can Bob cross the street ? No, he can’t .(4)Who is waiting for the green light ? Tom.(5)Does the car hit Bob ? Yes, it does .(6)Who is right ,Tom or Bob? Tom is right . Encourage the Ss to raise questions and solve them together . Step4运用拓展(7minutes) Let’s practice like this. 1.Fill in the blanks with “how /must /crossing /hits /playing /with /doesn’t can (1)The light is green , Tom is _____now . (2)A cat ____him and he falls down . (3)___silly he is ? (4)The light is red . I ___wait. (5)It ____matter . (6)He is ___his ball. (7)The light is green . I ___cross . Check the answers . T:OK, very good . Today we have a nice lesson. Good bye! Ss: Bye. Bb writting desgin(板书设计)Lesson 2We mustn’t cross the street now go with run about look at play with roll away fall down How silly he is! 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: Lesson 3 Is this dog yours ? 第一课时 Let’s talk 累计课时7 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1.Get the Ss master the new words and the dialogues . Study some new words:yours, mine, theirs, ours, its, breakfast, carry;Pay attention to the pronunciation of words. 2. Know how to use the nomal sessive pronouns. 3. Understand the meaning of the dialogue. 4. How to master the pattern: -Whose cat is this?-It’s mine. -Whose birds are these? -They’re yours. Goal request(教学目的) 1 Master the new words: yours, mine, theirs, ours, its, breakfast, carry 2Master the use of your , mine, theirs , ours its 3. Master the sentences : Is the dog yours ? Yes, its mine (my dog )./No, it’s not ours .(our dog ) Whose dog is this ? It’s mine . Key difficulty(教学重难点) How to use to express the ability ofthe useful expression: -Is this dog yours?-Yes, it’s mine. -No, it’s hers his theirs Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) T: Good morning boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, teacher . T:Do you remember the sentences we have learned in lesson2 1)You mustn’t cross the street.2)We must wait until it is green.Ss: Yes. T: OK, very good. Today we will learn Lesson3 Is this dog yours? Show the new words on the Bb. yours, mine, theirs, ours, its. T:Look at the blackboard. Do you have any questions about these words? S1:How to read the words? S2:What's the meaning of the words? T: OK. How clever you are! Can you read them? Ss: No. T: Do you know what's the meaning of the words? Ss : No. T: Please discuss them with your partners,OK? Ss :OK. 1. Greating . 2. Let the Ss look at the picture, learn to ask and answer thequestions : What’s this ? It’s a dog . What is this ? It’s my dog . Is this your dog ? Yes, it is . /no, it isn’t . Is this dog yours ? What’s the meaning of yours ? Ok ! Today we will learn lesson 3 .Let the Ss read the dialogue and raise questions when in doubt about the meaning of the dialogue. Step 2 解疑合探一 (10minutes) 1.Show the new words on some cards : yours , mine, theirs , ours , its .Show the words phonetics on some cards , let some ss stand up and try to read these words ,then let the Ss read after the teacher five times .Next ,give them two minutes to read the words . Let the Ss say the meaning of these words . 2.Let the Ss listen to the tape three times, then listen and repeat . give them three or five minutes .let the Ss try to read the dialogue. Next , let some ss answer the following questions :Whose dog is this ? Is this the man’s ? Read after the tape and practise in pairs . (Three minutes later) Encourage the Ss stand up and read the words by themselves. If all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. Then practice them. T:OK. Who can read them? S1: ... T: Who can read them again? S2: ... Good. You are clever. Now read after the tape. Let them read after the tape.OK, now you can read after me. Let them read after the teacher. T: Now boys read English,girls read Chinese. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T:This time I say Chinese,you say English.OK? Ss:OK. Step 3 设疑自探二 ( 5 minutes) T: Look at the dialogue. About this dialogue what do you want to know? S1:What's the meaning of the dialogue? S2:Whose dog is this? S3: Who is mother? S4: How to answer the ‘Is this dog yours? T: OK. Do you know the answer of these questions? Ss: Sorry, we do not know. T: Now, please talk about the meaning of the text in four, OK. Ss: OK. Step4.解疑合探二(20 minutes) (After five minutes) 1. Can you tell me the meaning of the text? Please tell me.Then the teacher chooses some Ss stand up and explain it. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. 2. The teacher turn on the radio, then let the Ss read after the radio. T:Please read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation.Ss:OK. 3) T:Read after me then act it. The Boys play Tom, the Girls play the Eve . Let the students try to make dialogues. For example: T: Hello, Is this dog yours? S1: No, it’s not mine, I think it’s theirs. S2:No,it’s not ours. Step5.质疑再探(7 minutes) T: OK, this dialogue we have finished, do you have any questions about it, please put up your hands. S1: How to use: Is this …? The teacher chooses some students stand up and explain it. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. 1. Let the Ss find out the difficult points, and the teacher explans them . 2.Summarize the usage of possessive pronouns. Step6运用拓展(8 minutes) Let the Ss make a dialogue , using the sentences : “Whose …is this ? Is this …yours ?” T:What have you learned about this lesson? Who can tell me? S1:.. T: Any else?S2:.. T:Now who can design some exercises for all the students?S4: I can. Then show the exercises to all the students and ask someone to answer it. T: Good. I also have some exercises for you.Then the teacher writes the questions on the Bb and ask the Ss write in on the notebook. T: Amy, nice to meet you .S: __________________ Choose the write answer. 1. Is this pen yours?____No, it’s_____A. her B. hes C. his 2. She is ____mom A. my B. mine C. its 3. Oh, I have ____breakfast. A. doesn’t B. not C. no Then choose some one write the answer on the Bb. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. T:OK, very good . Today we have a nice lesson. Good bye!Ss: Bye. Bb writing design:(板书设计) Lesson 3 Is this dog yours ? Words: yours, mine, theirs, ours, its, breakfast, carry Pattern: -Is this dog yours? -Yes, it’s mine. -No, it’s hers his theirs 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第二课时Let’s learn, Let’s practice and a game 累计课时8 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1.Get the Ss master the new words and the dialogues . Study some new words:yours, mine, theirs, ours, its, breakfast, carry;Pay attention to the pronunciation of words. 2. Know how to use the nomal sessive pronouns. 3. Understand the meaning of the dialogue. 4. How to master the pattern: -Whose cat is this?-It’s mine. -Whose birds are these? -They’re yours. Goal request(教学目的) 1 Master the new words: yours, mine, theirs, ours, its, breakfast, carry 2Master the use of your , mine, theirs , ours its 3. Master the sentences : Is the dog yours ? Yes, its mine (my dog )./No, it’s not ours .(our dog ) Whose dog is this ? It’s mine . Key difficulty(教学重难点) How to use to express the ability ofthe useful expression: -Is this dog yours?-Yes, it’s mine. -No, it’s hers his theirs Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Teaching process: Step1.设疑自探一(6 minutes) T: Good afternoon, everyone.Ss: Good afternoon, M rs He . 1. greeting . First let’s review what we learned last lesson. let the Ss review the words : mine, yours , his , hers ,its ,ours theirs . Now I will choose some to answer my questions. Who can?S1: I can. T: Whose pen is this?S1: It’s mine. T: Is this ruler yours?S2: No, it’s his. Write the new words on the blackboard. 2.T:Please look at the words on the Bb. Breakfast, carry,come up, carry away, have an idea, cry out, get away, fly up into S1:How to read the words? S2:What's the meaning of the words? T: OK. How clever you are! Can you read them?Ss: No. T: Do you know what's the meaning of the words?Ss: No. T: Please discuss them with your partners,OK?Ss: OK. 3..let some Ss come to the front of the class and try to act out the dialogue in pairs . 4. the teacher shows some pictures to rise questions and then solve themtogether .give some Ss objects and let them ask answer in pairs . Step 2 解疑合探一 (10 minutes) 1.Encourage the Ss stand up and read the words by themselves. If all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.Then practice them. T:OK. Who can read them?S1: ... T: Who can read them again?S2: ... T: Good. You are clever. Now read after the tape.Let them read after the tape. T: OK, now you can read after me.Let them read after the teacher. T: Now boys read English,girls read Chinese. Are you clear?Ss: Yes. T:This time I say Chinese,you say English.OK?Ss:OK. Let the Ss listen to the tape and repeat . 2.Let Ss practice the dialogue in pairs . 3.Encourage Ss to make a dialogue and the following sentences : Whose …is this ? /Whose is this ..? It’s mine /yours /ours /theirs . Whose …are these ?/whose are these …? They’re mine /yours /ours /theirs . 4.Learn the song “polly , put your kettle on .” Step 3设疑自探二 (5minutes) T: Now open your book and turn to pagr 14. Read the story by yourselves . (After two minutes) T: What do you want to ask? 1) What can you see in this picture? 2) What are they doing? What does the fox want to do? 3) Whose hen is this? Is it the fox’s? 4) What does the hen do when the fox cries out? Step 4 解疑合探二( 10 minutes) 1.(After five minutes)T;Can you tell me the answer?Then the teacher choose some Ssstand up and explain it.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. 2)The teacher turn on the radio,then let the Ss read after the radio。 3)Then let the Ss read the text. Choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out. Step 5 质疑再探 (5minutes) T: OK, this dialogue we have finished, do you have any questions about it, please put up your hands. Ss: What is the meaning of the have no breakfast? 1.First let the Ss discuss them, if they have any question the teacher can help them in a right time. 2.Let Ss find out the difficult points, and the teacher explans them. 3.Let Ss make some pairs act out the dialogue in the front of the class . Step4.运用拓展(4 minutes) T:What have you learned about this lesson? Who can tell me?S1:... T: Any else?S2:... T:Now who can design some exercises for all the students?S4: I can. Then show the exercises to all the students and ask someone to answer it. T: Good. I also have some exercises for you.Then the teacher writes the questions on the Bb and ask the Ss write in on the notebook. 1)照样子,写单词 my__ (mine) her__ ( )your__ ( ) his__ ( ) our__ ( ) their__ ( ) Fill the blanks : 1.This is ____ book. That is ____ book .(my, mine, your , yours ) 2.Is it ___dog ? No, it isn’t ___dog .___ is black .(your ,yours ,mine ,my) 3.____birds are these ?They are ours .(who, whose) Then choose some one write the answer on the Bb. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. T:OK, very good . Today we have a nice lesson. Good bye!Ss: Bye. Bb writing design(板书设计) Lesson 3 Is this dog yours ? Whose dog is this ? It’s … Whose … are these ? They are … 1)照样子,写单词 my__ (mine) her__ ( )your__ ( ) his__ ( ) our__ ( ) their__ ( ) Fill the blanks : 1.This is ____ book. That is ____ book .(my, mine, your , yours ) 2.Is it ___dog ? No, it isn’t ___dog .___ is black .(your ,yours ,mine ,my) 3.____birds are these ?They are ours .(who, whose) 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第三课时 Read 累计课时9 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1.Get the Ss master the new words and the dialogues . Study some new words:yours, mine, theirs, ours, its, breakfast, carry;Pay attention to the pronunciation of words. 2. Know how to use the nomal sessive pronouns. 3. Understand the meaning of the dialogue. 4. How to master the pattern: -Whose cat is this?-It’s mine. -Whose birds are these? -They’re yours. Goal request(教学目的) 1 Master the new words: yours, mine, theirs, ours, its, breakfast, carry 2Master the use of your , mine, theirs , ours its 3. Master the sentences : Is the dog yours ? Yes, its mine (my dog )./No, it’s not ours .(our dog ) Whose dog is this ? It’s mine . Key difficulty(教学重难点) How to use to express the ability ofthe useful expression: -Is this dog yours?-Yes, it’s mine. -No, it’s hers his theirs Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1. Greeting。 2. Show the picture about fox, the teacher asks:did you study the story about the fox ? 3.Next, let the Ss read the text and answer the following questions: (1)What can you see in this picture ? (2)What are they doing ?What does the fox want to do ? (3)Whose hen is this ?Is it the fox’s ? (4)What does the hen do when the fox crie out ? (5)Do you like this story ? Why do you like ? Step2.解疑合探(20minutes) 1. Encourage the s to read the new words by themselves .Once the Ss can’t di it perfectly, the teacher corrects it . Master the chinese meanings . 2. Show the new words on some cards :breakfast ,carry , show the words phonetics on some cards , Let some Ss stand up and try to read these words , then let the Ss read after the teacher five times .Next, give them two minutes to read the words .Let the Ss say the meanings of these words . 3.Listening: Listen and read after the tape , and answer the questions above . 4.Then let them find out the difficult points , and solve them together .The teacher gives some key words . ask the ss to ead and try to retell the text .(the teacher should help them.)the key words : “come up ;carry a hen away ;have an idea ; cry out ; get aay; fly up into a tree.” Step3质疑再探(8minutes) T: OK, this dialogue we have finished, do you have any questions about it, please put up your hands. Ss: What is the meaning of the have no breakfast? First let the Ss discuss them, if they have any question the teacher can help them in a right time. Theteacher asks : Any more questions ? If they have more questions, discuss together an solve them. Step4运用拓展(7minutes) Let the Ss act it out I class like this : _bag is this ? Is it _? No, it isn’t ___. I think it's __ Excuse me , is this bag __? Yes, it is ____. 2)英汉互译 谁的狗—— this cat__ 吃早餐—— our cows___ 他们的母鸡—— his horse__ Do exx.7. Then choose some one write the answer on the Bb. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. T:OK, very good . Today we have a nice lesson. Good bye! Ss: Bye. Bb writting desgin(板书设计)Lesson 3 Is this dog yours ? Let the Ss act it out I class like this : _bag is this ? Is it _? No, it isn’t ___. I think it's __ Excuse me , is this bag __? Yes, it is ____. 2)英汉互译 谁的狗—— this cat__ 吃早餐—— our cows___ 他们的母鸡—— his horse__ 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: Lesson4 There is a horse under the tree . 第一课时 Let’s talk 累计课时数(10) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1.The Ss can listen , say, read and write new words;pay attention to the pronunciation of words. 2.The Ss can learn the parses: black and whitetake good care of say goodbye to sb.go back 3.Know how to master the pattern:-What’s under the …?-There is a … under/behind /in/on/near/by it.-There are… under/behind/in/on/ in front of it. 4.learn the dialogue. 5. Master the usage of peposition. 6. Improve pupils’ ability of listening and through prating. Goal request(教学目的) 1.The Ss can master the pattern: There isare…? What’s ../It’s …/They are … 2.Preposition: front/behind/in/under/on Master the near words. Key difficulty(教学重难点) In this part ,let the students mast how to use to express the ability. The useful expression: What’s …?There is/are… It’s … They are… Preposition: front/behind/in/under/on Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1设疑自探1(5 minutes) 1. Greeting . T: Good morning, everyone.Ss:Good morning, Mrs He .. 2. Sing a song . 3. 3.let Ss learn to ask and answer like this : what’s in/on/under my hand ? It’s …/they are …/there is … 4. Let Ss practice in pairs . 5. 5.The teacher takes out some pictures ,let Ss learn to ask and answer like this : What’s in/on/under/behind…? There is …in/on/under/behind… Let the Ss look at the pictures ,learn to ask and answer the questions :What’s under the tree ? It’s a horse . Show the title and let Ss try to read it and answer questions when they see the title .Ok !Today we will learn lesson 4. Now let’s learn our new lesson. “There is a horse under the tree”.Then the teacher write the title on the Bb and ask the Ss. T: Can you have any questions about the title? S1: What’s the meaning of these sentences? S2: What’s the meaning of “under? Then the teacher writes some news words and sentences underline on the Bb. front under behind in on T: Can you have any questions about these words? Ss: How to read them? Ss: What’s the meaning of them? T: Now please talk about these words by yourselves. Then I’ll choose some one to read. Are you clear? Ss:Yes. Step 2 解疑合探一 (10minutes) 1.Show some pictures , let ss practise some dialogues in pairs or groups. Eg:what's in the tree ? There are some birds in the tree . what’s under the tree ? There is a horse under the tree . Then let someone answer the questions, if there is something wrong, the teacher should collect it. T: Who can read? Ss: I can. T:OK, Ma Jun, please. Ss:… T: Who can help he ? Ss: I can. T:OK. Ss:… T: OK. Now read these words after me. Ss: … Step 3设疑自探二(5 minutes) T: OK. Look at the text. Can you have any questions about it? S1: What’s the meaning? S2: How to read this text? S: what’s under the tree? S: what’s in the tree? S: what’s behind the house ? T: Now listen to the tape and talk about what is the meaning of the text. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. Step4解疑合探二(10minutes) Then let the Ss listen to the tape and talk about it in pairs. Next ask someone to explain it to all the Ss. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. T: Who can explain it to all the Ss? S1: I can. … T: Who can read? S2: I can. … S: What’s under the tree? There is a horse under it . S: What’s in the tree? There are some birds in it . S: What’s behind the house ? There are some goats behind it . T: OK, you two, one read the text and one explain it. Ss: … Let’s listen to the tape and read after it. Then let the Ss read after the teacher. Next let the Ss read the text impairs. Then choose one or two groups stand up and act it. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. Step5.质疑再探(5minutes) Encourage the Ss to find out the difficult points and then solve them together . T: OK, very good . About this lesson, what else do you want to ask? Can you tell me something about the text? Ss: What does the words “in, on , behind, under, in front of ” meanings? T: Who can answer this question? In: 在……里 on:在……上面 under: 在……下面 behind: 在……后面 in front of : 在……前面 Then choose some one to answer it, if there is something wrong , the other Ss should correct it. Step6.运用拓展(5 minutes) T: What have you learned about this lesson? Who can tell me? S1: ... T: Any else? S2: ... T: Now who can design some exercises for all the students? S4: I can. Then show the exercises to all the students and ask someone to answer it. T: Good. I also have some exercises for you. Then the teacher writes the questions on the Bb and ask the Ss write in on the notebook. 英汉互译 1.两只猪______2.在 房子 后面______ 3. games______ 4.在盒子里______ 5.在……前面—— 6.take care of________ Then choose some one write the answer on the Bb. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. T:OK, very good . Today we have a nice lesson. Good bye! Ss: Bye. Bb writingdesign:(板书设计) Lesson 4 there is a horse under the tree. What’s in/on/under/behind…? There is …in/on/under/behind… 英汉互译 1.两只猪______ 2.在 房子 后面______ 3. games______ 4.在盒子里______ 5.在……前面—— 6.take care of________ 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第二课Let’s learn, Let’s practice and a game 累计课时:11 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1.The Ss can listen , say, read and write new words;pay attention to the pronunciation of words. 2.The Ss can learn the parses: black and whitetake good care of say goodbye to sb.go back 3.Know how to master the pattern:-What’s under the …?-There is a … under/behind /in/on/near/by it.-There are… under/behind/in/on/ in front of it. 4.learn the dialogue. 5. Master the usage of peposition. 6. Improve pupils’ ability of listening and through prating. Goal request(教学目的) 1.The Ss can master the pattern: There isare…? What’s ../It’s …/They are … 2.Preposition: front/behind/in/under/on Master the near words. Key difficulty(教学重难点) In this part ,let the students mast how to use to express the ability. The useful expression: What’s …?There is/are… It’s … They are… Preposition: front/behind/in/under/on Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process: Step1 Warmer(2 minutes) T: Good afternoon, class. Ss: Good afternoon, teacher. T: How are you? Ss: I’m OK. And you? T: Not bad. Now let’s go on learning Lesson Four. Step2.设疑自探一(5minutes) Then the teacher writes some useful expressions on the Bb. a toy fox, in the box, a teddy bear, on the desk , two cats, under the car , two pigs, behind the house T: Can you have any questions about these useful expressions ? Ss: How to read them? Ss: What’s the meaning of them? T: Now please talk about these words by yourselves. Then I’ll choose some one to read. Are you clear? Ss:Yes. Step3 解疑合探一 (10 minutes) Encourage the Ss stand up and read the words by themselves. If all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. Then practice them. T:O K. Who can read them? S1: ...... T: Who can read them again? S2: ...... T: Good. You are clever. Now read after the tape. Let them read after the tape. T: OK, now you can read after me. Let them read after the teacher. T: Now boys read English, girls read Chinese. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T: This time I say Chinese, you say English. OK? Ss: OK. Step4设疑自探二( 5minutes ) T: Now open your book and turn to page 17. Read this part by yourselves . Review: Show some pictures, Let the Ss answer them pairs. Eg: What’s behind the door ? There is a child behind it .Step 5解疑合探二( 10 minutes) 1)T:Can you tell me the answers? Then theteacher choose some Ss stand up and explain it. If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. 2)The teacher turn on the radio,then let the Ss read after the radio。 Turn to page 17, let the Ss practice the dialogue in pairs . 3) Then let the Ss read the text. Choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out. Step6.质疑再探(5minutes) T:OK, very good . About this lesson, what else do you want to ask? Can you tell me something about the text? Ss:What is the meaning of the ‘go back’? T: Who can answer this question? Then choose some one to answer it, if there is something wrong , the other Ss should correct it.Encourage the Ss to find out the patterns that they don’t understand and then solve them together . Step7.运用拓展(3 minutes) T: What have you learned about this lesson? Who can tell me?S1: ... T: Any else? S2: ... T: Now who can design some exercises for all the students? S4: I can. Then show the exercises to all the students and ask someone to answer it. T: Good. I also have some exercises for you. Then the teacher writes the questions on the Bb ,ask the Ss write on the notebook. A toy fox ; in the box, a teddy bear ; on the desk two cats; under the car two pigs; behind the house some birds; in the tree three sheep; under the tree 1. 选择。 1) There are some___ near the house. A. child B. childs C. children 2) There ____a dog under it.A. are B. is C. be 3) There __some milk in the box?A. is B. are C. no Then choose some one write the answer on the Bb. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. T:OK, very good . Today we have a nice lesson. Good bye! Ss: Bye. Bb writingdesign(板书设计) Lesson 4 There is a horse under the tree. 1. 选择。 1) There are some___ near the house. A. child B. childs C. children 2) There ____a dog under it. A. are B. is C. be 3) There __some milk in the box? A. is B. are C. no (4)The children take her ___ the house . A. in B. on C. into (5)In the village there are ___ the houses . A. some B. any C. on (6)She ___ sick and hungry . A. is B. are C.be A toy fox ; in the box, a teddy bear ; on the desk two cats; under the car two pigs; behind the house some birds; in the tree three sheep; under the tree 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第三课时 Read 累计课时:12 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1.The Ss can listen , say, read and write new words;pay attention to the pronunciation of words. 2.The Ss can learn the parses: black and whitetake good care of say goodbye to sb.go back 3.Know how to master the pattern:-What’s under the …?-There is a … under/behind /in/on/near/by it.-There are… under/behind/in/on/ in front of it. 4.learn the dialogue. 5. Master the usage of peposition. 6. Improve pupils’ ability of listening and through prating. Goal request(教学目的) 1.The Ss can master the pattern: There isare…? What’s ../It’s …/They are … 2.Preposition: front/behind/in/under/on Master the near words. Key difficulty(教学重难点) In this part ,let the students mast how to use to express the ability. The useful expression: What’s …?There is/are… It’s … They are… Preposition: front/behind/in/under/on Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探一(5minutes) Greeting : Good morning , everyone ! What a beautiful day ! Let’s go to the zoo , ok? Ok! What is your favourite animal ?Then the teacher writes some news words underline on the Bb . tiger . monkey . elephant . panda . … ok ! today , let us go to the zoo to see panda only one .what happened? 2.let the Ss read the text and raise questions when in doubt about the text . T: Can you have any questions about these words? Ss: How to read them? Ss: What’s the meaning of them? T: Now please talk about these words by yourselves. Then I’ll choose some one to read. Are you clear? Ss:Yes. Step2.解疑合探二(13minutes) Encourage the Ss to read the new words by themselves .Once the Ss can’t do it perfectly, the teacher corrects it . Master the chinese meanings. Then practice them. T:OK. Who can read them? S1: ... T: Who can read them again? S2: ... T: Good. You are clever. Now read after the tape. Let them read after the tape. T: OK, now you can read after me. Let them read after the teacher. T: Now boys read English, girls read Chinese. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T: This time I say Chinese, you say English. OK? Ss: OK. 2.Show the new words on some cards : mountain , forest, village, children, other, sick , send . Show the words’ phonetics on some cards , let some Ss stand up and try to read these words , then let the Ss read after the teacher five times .next, give them two minutes to read the words . Let the Ss say the meanings of these words . 4 .Listening : listen and read after the tape and answer the following questions . a.What’s in the mountains of Wolong ,Sichuan? b.Where is the village ? c.Where are the children? What are they doing ? d. What do the children see behind the house ? What is it ? e.Who takes good care of the baby panda ? f.Is the baby panda much better now ? g. What does one of the children say ? h. Where is the baby panda at last ? 3.Let the pupils practise in pairs .Then let them discuss the doubts and difficult points, and then slove them together . eg:1.In the village there are some houses . 2. sick and hungry 3.much better 4.play with 5.The children take her into the house , and take good care of her . 6. “…”says one of the children , “…” the other children say . Step 3.设疑自探二( 5minutes ) T: Now open your book and turn to page 18. Read the story by yourselves. (After five minutes)T: What do you want to ask? 1) What’s in the forest of Wolong, Sichuan? 2) Where is the village? 3) Where are the children? 4) What are they doing? T: Now listen to the tape and talk about the answers. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. Step4解疑合探二 (8 minutes) (After two minutes)1)T:Can you tell me the answers? Then the teacher choose some Ss stand up and explain it. If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. 2)The teacher turn on the radio,then let the Ss read after the radio。 3) Then let the Ss read the text. Choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out. Step5质疑再探(5minutes) Encourage the Ss to find out the main phrases and then practice them together . eg:(1)go back onto the forest (2)say goodbye to sb (3)one of …the other … T:OK, very good . About this lesson, what else do you want to ask? Can you tell me something about the text? Ss:What is the meaning of the ‘go back’? T: Who can answer this question? Then choose some one to answer it, if there is something wrong ,the other Ss should correct it. Step6运用拓展(4minutes) T: What have you learned about this lesson? Who can tell me? S1: ... T: Any else? S2: ... T: Now who can design some exercises for all the students? S4: I can. Then show the exercises to all the students and ask someone to answer it. T: Good. I also have some exercises for you. Then the teacher writes the questions on the Bb and ask the Ss write in on the notebook. 1. 选择。 1) There are some___ near the house. A. child B. childs C. children 2) There ____a dog under it. A. are B. is C. be 3) There __some milk in the box? A. is B. are C. no (4).The children take her ____ the house .a .in b. on c. into (5)In the village there are ____ houses . a. some b. any c. on (6)She ___ sick and hungry . a.is b. are c. be Now the baby panda is much b____. 2. The children are p___ with her . 3. Now they are _____ London . 4. The children are s ____goodbye ____ the baby panda . Then choose some one write the answer on the Bb. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. The children take her into the house, and take good care of her . “…” says one of the children, “…” the other children say. T:OK, very good . Today we have a nice lesson. Good bye! Ss: Bye.Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson 4 There is a horse under the tree. 1. 选择。 1) There are some___ near the house. A. child B. childs C. children 2) There ____a dog under it. A. are B. is C. be 3) There __some milk in the box? A. is B. are C. no (4).The children take her ____ the house .a .in b. on c. into (5).In the village there are ____ houses . a. some b. any c. on (6).She ___ sick and hungry . a.is b. are c. be 1.Now the baby panda is much b____. 2. The children are p___ with her . 3. Now they are _____ London . 4. The children are s ____goodbye ____ the baby panda . 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: Lesson5 Is there a zoo near here ? 第一课时 Let’s talk 累计课时数:13 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) (1) We will Study some new words: zoo, end, office, station, next, turn, place, Friday , look for, same, woman (2)Pay attention to the pronunciation of words. (3)Know the some expressions: go down, at the end,look for (4)Know how to master the pattern: 1. -Is there a cinema in this street?-Yes,there is.No ,there isn’t 2.-Are there any pandas in the zoo?-Yes,there areNo there aren’t The Ss can listen , say, read and write some new words, eg : London office station next turn Friday same woman place Goal request(教学目的) Master the new words:zoo, end, office, station, next, turn, place, Friday ,look for The Ss can master the pattern: Is there a …… Are there any …… Say the sentences fluently. Key difficulty(教学重难点) 1. Master the new words:zoo, end, office, station, next, turn, place, Friday ,look forand know how to use . 2. The Ss can master the pattern: Is there a …… Are there any …… Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1. Greeting.T: Good morning, class . Ss: Good morning Mrs He. 2. Let Ss ask and answer in pairs like this: A: What’s on the desk? ( in the pencil-box in the tree…) B: There is a book on it. ( pen, bird…) There are some books on it . ( pens , birds ) Show some pictures of animals. Let the Ss say them in English. 3. T: OK! Today we will learn lesson 5.The teacher shows the title. Let the Ss try to read it. Let the Ss try to raise question when they see the title. Step 2 解疑合探 (20minutes) 4. Listen to the tape. Encourage the Ss to read the new words by themselves. Once the Ss can’t do it perfectly, the teacher corrects it. Master the Chinese meanings. 5. Show the new words on some cards: zoo, end, office, station, next. Show the words’ phonetics on some cards, let some students stand up and try to read these words, then let the Ss read after the teacher five times. Next, give them two minutes to read the words. Let the Ss say the meanings of these words. 6. Let the Ss listen to the tape, then retell the dialogue. a) Let the Ss read the dialogue in pairs. b) Let some Ss act out the dialogue voluntarily. _Is there a zoo near here?_ Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. _ Are there any pandas in the zoo?_ Yes, there are some . No, there aren’t any. _ How can I get there?Go down this street. You can see it at the end. Step3.质疑再探(5minutes) T: Can you tell me something about the text? S1: What is the meaning of the sentence: Go down this street.? S2: I can help you.… S3:What’s the differences between How can I get there and Which is the way? S4: … Step4.运用拓展(5 minutes) 选择: ( )1: ___ there a cinema in this street? A: IsB: Are C: is ( )2: Are there ___ pandas in the zoo? A: some B: are C: any ( ) 3: Turn left and the hospital is----the right?A:it B:in C: for 填空:Is there a ___near here ?Yes, there is . /No, there isn’t . Are there any ___ in the zoo?Yes, there are some . /No, there aren’t any. Bb writingdesign:(板书设计) Lesson 5Isthere a zoo near here? in the zoo zoo at the end A: Excuse me. Is there a zoo near here? B: Yes, there is.A: Are there any pandas in the zoo? B: Yes, there are.A: How can I get there? B: Go down this street. You can see it at the end. A:Thank you. You’re welcome. 选择: ( )1: ___ there a cinema in this street? A: IsB: Are C: is ( )2: Are there ___ pandas in the zoo? A: some B: are C: any ( ) 3: Turn left and the hospital is----the right?A:it B:in C: for 填空:Is there a ___near here ?Yes, there is . /No, there isn’t . Are there any ___ in the zoo?Yes, there are some . /No, there aren’t any. 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第二课时Let’s learn, Let’s practice and a game 累计课时:14 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1.The Ss can listen , say, read and write new words;pay attention to the pronunciation of words. 2.The Ss can learn the parses: black and whitetake good care of say goodbye to sb.go back 3.Know how to master the pattern:-What’s under the …?-There is a … under/behind /in/on/near/by it.-There are… under/behind/in/on/ in front of it. 4.learn the dialogue. 5. Master the usage of peposition. 6. Improve pupils’ ability of listening and through prating. Goal request(教学目的) 1.The Ss can master the pattern: There isare…? What’s ../It’s …/They are … 2.Preposition: front/behind/in/under/on Master the near words. Key difficulty(教学重难点) In this part ,let the students mast how to use to express the ability. The useful expression: What’s …?There is/are… It’s … They are… Preposition: front/behind/in/under/on Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process: Step1.设疑自探(8minutes) 1.Greeting . 2.Review “let’s talk ” .Ask the Ss to come to the front and act it out . 3. Review the usage of “ there be ”.Review “let’s talk ” and act it out . Step 2 解疑合探 (10 minutes) 1. Let the Ss listen to the tape and repeat . 2. Show the picture of “Let’s learn ” Let Ss try to read the dialogue , then ask and answer like this : Is there a cinema n this street ?Yes, there is . /No, there isn’t . Are there any boats on the river ?Yes, there are some ./No, there aren’t . 3. Let the Ss practice the dialogues in pairs according to the following phrases : a. factory , behind the school ,a shop , in front of the school 4.Let’s sing.(1)have the Ss listen to the music and sing . Step3.质疑再探(10minutes) 1. Let the Ss find out some language points and encourage then to ask questions that they can’t understand .2.Let Ss talk about the questions and solve them together . 2. What else do you want to ask ? The Ss talk about the questions and solve them together . Step4.运用拓展(12minutes) Let the Ss make some dialogues according to the following phrases : a dog , under a the tree some birds, in the tree Some students, on the playground Read the words in this lesson and try to remember them Let the Ss write the words without books . Make up a small dialogue according to this lesson and practice it with deskmates.Bb writingdesign:(板书设计) Lesson 5 Is there a zoo near here ? Is there a …in …? Yes, there is ./No, there isn’t . Are there any …on …?Yes, there are ./No, there aren’t . 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第三课时 Read 累计课时:15 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1.The Ss can listen , say, read and write new words;pay attention to the pronunciation of words. 2.The Ss can learn the parses: black and whitetake good care of say goodbye to sb.go back 3.Know how to master the pattern:-What’s under the …?-There is a … under/behind /in/on/near/by it.-There are… under/behind/in/on/ in front of it. 4.learn the dialogue. 5. Master the usage of peposition. 6. Improve pupils’ ability of listening and through prating. Goal request(教学目的) 1.The Ss can master the pattern: There isare…? What’s ../It’s …/They are … 2.Preposition: front/behind/in/under/on Master the near words. Key difficulty(教学重难点) In this part ,let the students mast how to use to express the ability. The useful expression: What’s …?There is/are… It’s … They are… Preposition: front/behind/in/under/on Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) Warm-up. Review “let’s talk ” and act it out .let Ss make some dialogues about asking the way . Show the picture on page 24.What are they talking ? Please look at the text. Do you have any questions? Ok ! Today we will learn “read for fun ”.From the text we will find out the answer . Show the title , let Ss try to read it . Let Ss try to raise questions when they see the title . How to pronounce the words? office station next turn Friday same woman place S2: Can you tell me the meaning of the text? S3: What’s the meaning of the phrases: Next to want sb to do sth. Turn left turn right Ask the way look for the same woman T: Now please think about the questions by yourselves, OK? Ss: OK. Step2.解疑合探(15minutes) Show the new words on some cards and ask : new words : turn place Friday same woman Can you read these new words ?What’sthe meaning of these words ? Show the words phonetics on some cards, let some Ss stand up and try to read these words , then let the Ss read after teacher five times .next, give them two minutes to read the words .let the Ss say the meaning of these words . Have the Ss listen to the tape and repeat . Try to tread “read for fun”,explain it in Chinese . Underline the difficult points and the new words that you don’t understand . Let Ss try to answer the following questions : What day is today ? What does Mr .Black to do ? Can Jack tell jack the way to the hospital? Does Jack give the letter to Mr Brown ? Can Jack find the place when he is in London again ? Who does Jack meet ? 1.Let the Ss listen to the tape and repeat . 2.Let the Ss read the dialogue and explain it in Chinese .Let the Ss practice the dialogue in pairs. Let’s sing .Have the Ss listen to the music and sing .sing the song together . The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it. If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.Some Ss read and translate the phrases. Boys play Mr Brown, Girls play Jack. At last choose one student to retell the story. Then, choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out . Step3质疑再探(10minutes) Let the Ss read the text in pairs . Encourage the Ss to retell the story with their own words . (the teacher should help them) Encourage the Ss to ask questions and solve them together . What else do you want to ask ? The Ss talk about the questions and solve them together . Can you tell me something about the text? S1: What is the meaning of the phrases?ask the way give the letter to S2: I can help you… S3: What’s the differences between next to and near?S4: … Step4运用拓展(10minutes) Let the Ss try to retell the story according the following phrases : Read the words is this lesson and try to rember them . Let the Ss write the words without books . Make up a small dialogue according to this lesson and practice it with deskmates. 练习Translate: Ask the way ____ next to_____ In the street____ the same woman___ Let the Ss try to retell the story according the following phrases: Go to London next to want to the hospital near her go down turn left place Friday find it the same woman Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson 5Is there a zoo near here ? Is there a …near here ?Yes, it is . /No,it isn’t . Here is a lettr for you . Go down this street . Where is the place ? 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第一课时 Lesson 6 Review 累计课时:16 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1)In this text, we will listen, say, read and write some words correctly. ready, spaceship,off, Mars, stair, sky valley, land, sand 2)The students will retell the story about this text. 3) Reviewthe important pattern: 1) There is a …? 2) There are… 3) Is there a…? 4) Are there…? Goal request(教学目的) 1) The students can listen, say, read and write some words correctly. 2)The students can retell the story about this text. 3) Reviewthe important pattern:1) There is a …? 2) There are…3) Is there a…? 4) Are there…? Key difficulty(教学重难点) 1:The students can write the new words. 2: Understand the meaning. 3: Improve the Ss’ reading and speaking ability. Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1 Greetings. T: Good morning. Ss: Good morning. T: Next to see you. Ss: Next to see you, too. T: Now class begins. Now let’s learn Lesson 6. 2 Sing the song “In the living room” 3. Let Ss practise dialogue freely, using the sentence “there be”. 4.(Show the picture of Mars to the students)Look! This is a star. Do you know what is it?( It’s Mars). In 2010, Peter and John are flying to Mars with their spaceships. Do you want to know what they can see on Mars? T: Ok! Today we will learn lesson 6”A trip to Mars”. 5.let Ss to read the text from paragraph 1 to paragraph 3, and find out difficult points . Step 2 解疑合探 (15minutes) Encourage the Ss to read the new words by themselves .once the ss can’t do it perfectly , the teaher corrects it . Master the chinese meanings . T: Please look at the word list and talk about how to pronounce thewords correctly.ready, spaceship, off, Mars, stair, sky, valley, land, sand. Ss: Sorry,we do not know. Show the words phonetics on some cards , let some Ss stand up and try to read these words ,then let the Ss read after the teacher five times.Next, give them two minutes to read the words . Let the Ss say the meanings of these words . T: Now please talk about the meaning of the text in four, OK? Ss: OK. Let the Ss try to read the text and find out difficult points . 3. Let the Ss listen to the tape from 1 to paragraph 3and repeat it . After that I’ll choose the students stand up and read these words. If they can’t read them, the teacher should tell them. T: Can you tell me the meaning of the text? Ss: Sorry, we do not know. T: Now please talk about the meaning of the text in four, OK? Ss: OK. T: After that I’ll ask some students to tell me the difficultsentences. (After five minutes)Are you OK? Ss: OK. S1: What’s the meaning of the sentence “It’s time to go back,’’? S2: What’s the meaning of the sentence“There is something shining.’’ S3: What’s the meaning of the sentence“I don’t think so’’ S3: What is the meaning of the “How beautiful the stars are’’ S2: What is the meaning of the “We can’t let him in”? 1) The teacher choose some students to stand up and explain it. If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. 2)The teacher read the test.Then let students read after the teacher Step3.质疑再探(10 minutes) T: Can you tell me something about the text? The teacher choose some students stand up and explain it. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. 2) The teacher read the test. Then let students read after the teacher. After that I’ll choose some students to act it. Let the Ss retell paragraph 1 to paragraph 3 according to the following phases: (The teacher can give them some help) In two spaceships take off from a space station how beautiful in the sky look beautiful A red star over there fly to a red star Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes) 单项选择。 1. Let’s ___there. A. lands. B. landing C. land 2There___no water on Mars A. are B. is C. isn’t 3.___there any apples in the fridge? A. are B. is C. Are Bb writingdesign(板书设计) Lesson 6 Review ready, spaceship, off, Mars, stair, sky, valley, land, sand get on, take off, look likes space station phases: In two spaceships take off from a space station how beautiful in the sky look beautiful a red star over there fly to a red star 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第二课时 Lesson 6 Review 累计课时:17 Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1)In this text, we will listen, say, read and write some words correctly. ready, spaceship,off, Mars, stair, sky valley, land, sand 2)The students will retell the story about this text. 3) Reviewthe important pattern: 1) There is a …? 2) There are… 3) Is there a…? 4) Are there…? Goal request(教学目的) 1) The students can listen, say, read and write some words correctly. 2)The students can retell the story about this text. 3) Reviewthe important pattern:1) There is a …? 2) There are…3) Is there a…? 4) Are there…? Key difficulty(教学重难点) 1:The students can write the new words. 2: Understand the meaning. 3: Improve the Ss’ reading and speaking ability. Teaching method:three doubts three searches(教学方法:三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process: Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1 Greeting.T: Good afternoon, class. Ss: Good afternoon, teacher. T: How are you? Ss: I’m OK. Thank you. And you? T: Not bad. Very good. 2.Show some pictures and key words, let Ss try to retell text from paragraph 1 to paragraph 3. Today we go on learning Lesson 6. T: Let’s play a game, OK? Ss: OK. T: Look at the pictures and answer my questions. OK? Ss: OK. T: What’s those? Ss: some dogs T: Are there some dogs? Ss: Yes, there are. No. there aren’t. T: What’s that? Ss: (a lion) It’s a lion. T: Is there a lion? Ss: Yes, there is. No, there isn’t Step 2 解疑合探 (15 minutes) 1. T: Who can read them? Talk about them in pairs, OK?Ss: OK. Choose some students to read them. If they can’t read it, the teacher should tell it. Then ask the students to read after the teacher, make sure all of them can read them fluently.Write these words on the blackboard. ready, off, Mars, star, sky, valley, land, sand T: Now can you read these words? Ask some students to read them, if there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. Then let the Ss read these words after the teacher. 2.Let the Ss try to read the text and find out difficult points . 3.let the Ss listen to tape from paragraph 4to paraph 9 and repeat it . Let the Ss try to answer the following questions : a.Are there any lines on Mars ? b. What do the lines look like ? c.Are there any rivers on Mars ? d.What are the lines? e.Is there anything shining on Mars ? f.Where are the two spaceships landing ? g.Is there any water on Mars ?h.Is there any land on Mars ?i.Do Peter and John get on their spaceships and want to go back ? Step3.质疑再探(10 minutes)Ss talk about in groups .T: Can you tell me something about the text? T Shows the words , let the Ss read and say the meaning in chinese.Then Ss read the words after teaher . Help Ss to sum up the difficult points of this section. Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes) : Let the Ss talk about Mars with the sentence of “there be ” , like this : Hello, I am Mars …” 完成填空。 I __ you ___ she __ we__ you ___ your__ his __ its __ their__ mine ___ hers __ ours__ yours ___ Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson 6 Review 1) There is a …?2) There are… 3) Is there a…? 4) Are there…? 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 小学五年级英语下期期中测试题 累计课时:18-19 一、请你按正确的格式抄写下列单词或句子11分 office Friday question breakfast Mars How can I get there ? 二、请你选择划线部分发音不同的单词5分 ( )1 A book B good C cool ( )2 A speak B breakfast C spread ( )3 A doctor B horse C for ( )4 A same B bake C have ( )5 A bike B kite C give 三、请你按要求写单词12分 they(名词性形式)_________ have(单三式)_________ child(复数形式)__________ two(同音词)__________ carry(现在分词)__________ right(反义词)_________ 四、请你把下列句子重新排列,使其成为一段完整的话。12分 ( )1 How can I get there ? ( )2 Yes,there is. ( )3 Is there a shop near here ? ( )4 Excuse me. ( )5 You can see it on the right. ( )6 Go down this street , turn right. 五、选择填空20分 ( )1 Are there ____ apples in the box ? A an B any C a D the ( )2 There are many ______ in the classroom. A woman B womans C women D womens ( )3 Whose bird are these ? _______ are yours. A They B Their C Those D Theirs ( )4 May I take a message _____ you ? A to B for C from D of ( )5 There is no water on ____ Mars. A a B an C the D × ( )6 There ___ some milk in the glass. A is B am C are D isn’t ( )7 Go down this street , you can see it ___ the end. A on B in C under D at ( )8 Is this dog ___ ? Yes , it’s ____. A your , my B yours , mine C yours , my D your , mine ( )9 ______ I borrow your pen ? A May B Must C Does D Am ( )10 The light is red . You ___ cross the street now. A mustn’t B may C can D must 六、按要求改写句子10分 1 You must cross the street .(否定句) 2 There are some cows in the farm.(一般疑问句) 3 They are my desks.(对划线部分提问) 4 There are two birds in the tree . (对划线部分提问) 5 My name is Mary.(对划线部分提问) 七、阅读短文,然后判断正误,正确打(T),错误打(F)10分 There is a park near our school.We can see many trees and flowers there.We can see a hill behind the park,too .At the foot of the hill wecan see a river.There are some boats on it.It is Monday today.There are many children in the park.Some are walking and singing.Some are dancing or playing games .Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kiteTheir father and mother are sitting under the tree.All the family are having a good time. ( )1 There are many trees and animals in the park. ( )2 There is a hill in the park. ( )3 Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kite. ( )4 Some children are singing. ( )5 All the family are very happy . 试卷讲评 累计课时数(20-21) 试题分析: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 讲评目标: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________讲评重点: ______________________________________________________讲评难点: ______________________________________________________教学方法: ______________________________________________________教具准备: ______________________________________________________课时安排: ______________________________________________________ 教学过程: 一、设疑自探( 分钟) 1、整体情况分析: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2、各题正确率统计: 笔试部分 题号 正确率 3、引导设疑,自主探究: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4、自我纠错。 二、解疑合探( 分钟) (一)小组合探: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (二)全班合探: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 三、质疑再探( 分钟) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 四、运用拓展( 分钟) (一)盘点收获: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (二)巩固练习: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 第一课时Lesson7 Ican see twenty –one pens . 累计课时(22 ) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) In this text , we will listen , say, read and write some new words, eg : thirty, forty, fifty, doctor,married,was,husband,twice.And we will master the dialogue: How many are there ? …. Goal request(教学目的) The Ss can master the pattern: How many …… can you see?I cansee …… The Ss can master the pattern: I can see……What’s the matter with you? Key difficulty(教学重难点) How to use the words: How to use words. The Ss can master the pattern: How many …… can you see?I can see ……The Ss can master the pattern: I can see……What’s the matter with you? Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1. Sing the Number Song. 2. Revise the numbers. 3.Make a dialogue: T:Please look at the text. Look! What is Qiqi doing? S: He is counting books. T: Oh, how many books are there?S: Sorry, I don’t know. ask some pairs to act it out .Do you have any questions? S1: How to read and recite the words and phrases? take them to the classroom thirty forty fifty S2:Can you tell me the meaning of the text? T:Now please think about the questions,OK?Ss:OK. Step 2 解疑合探 (15minutes) 1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words ,If all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. 2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it。If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. 3.Some Ss read and translate the phrases. Boys play Qiqi, Girls play Miss Li. At last choose two Ss to make a dialogueThen ,choose some teams to stand up and act it out . 3.Listen to the tape and repeat . 4.Practise the dialogue in pairs . 5.Then ask some pairs to act it out . Step3.质疑再探(10minutes) T:Can you tell me something about the text? S1:How many desks can you see?S2:I can see one. S3: What’s the differences between How many andHow much? S4: … Let the Ss discuss and find out some languagepoints .Encourage them to ask questions and then solve them together . Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes) 练习 1. Play a game: Count the numbers one by one. 2. Work in pairs, make a similar dialogue, then practise it. 连词成句并翻译: 1) there books many are how? 2) help me you could please? 3) twenty see I pencils can. 4) them please the classroom to take. 3.Translate: 1:ballpoint pen ___ 2.:how many ______3:how old______ Bb writingdesign(板书设计) Lesson 7 I can see twenty-one pens. Thirty-five forty--four sixty fifty --four How many … can you see ? I can see … Translate: 1: ballpoint pen ____2: how many _____3: how old_____ 连词成句并翻译: 1) there books many are how? 2) help me you could please? 3) twenty see I pencils can. 4) them please the classroom to take. 教后反思 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第二课时Lesson 7 I can see twenty –one pens . 累计课时(23 ) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) In this text , we will listen , say, read and write some new words, eg : thirty, forty, fifty, doctor,married,was,husband,twice.And we will master the dialogue: How many are there ? …. Goal request(教学目的) The Ss can master the pattern: How many …… can you see?I cansee ……The Ss can master the pattern: I can see……What’s the matter with you? Key difficulty(教学重难点) How to use the words: How to use words. The Ss can master the pattern: How many …… can you see?I can see ……The Ss can master the pattern: I can see……What’s the matter with you? Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process: Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1. Revise the words. 2. Revise the dialogue and let some pairs act it out. 3. Review the number words . T: How old are you?S1: I’m … . .T:Please look at the text. Do you have any questions? Please tell us. S2:Can you tell me the meaning of the text? S3:What’s the meaning of the phrases: Try to do sth what’s the matter with sb Now please think about the questions by yourselves,OK? S:OK. Step 2 解疑合探 (15 minutes) Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words .If all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it。If there is something wrong with sb,the teacher should correct it . Some Ss read and translate the phrases. Boys play Peter, Girls play John. Work in pairs , make a similar dialogue. The teacher takes out some pencils and asks :How many pencils can you see ? I can see … Let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs .(rulers, bags )work in pairs , make a similar dialogue. Then,choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out . Step3.质疑再探(10 minutes) Listen to the tape and repeat it . Let some pairs act it out . Let the Ss make new dialogues ,using these words . (1)pencils , thirty –five (2)rulers , eight –six (3)erasers, sixty (4) ballpoint pens , fifty –four eg:How many pencils can you see ? I can see thirty –five.Practise in groups.then let some Ss act it out . T:Can you tell me something about the text? Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes) : 练习 1 Ask some students to retell the story with the pictures. 2 Then let some pairs act out . 3.A game . let’s play a number game . 4:Translate: 1): how many ____ 2): how old_____ 3): my husband____ 4): sixty rulers___ Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson7 I can see twenty –one pens . How many …can you see ? I can see … Translate: 1): how many ____ 2): how old_____ 3): my husband____ 4): sixty rulers___ 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第三课时 Lesson 7 I can see twenty –one pens . 累计课时(24 ) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) In this text , we will listen , say, read and write some new words, eg : thirty, forty, fifty, doctor,married,was,husband,twice.And we will master the dialogue: How many are there ? …. Goal request(教学目的) The Ss can master the pattern: How many …… can you see?I cansee ……The Ss can master the pattern: I can see……What’s the matter with you? Key difficulty(教学重难点) How to use the words: How to use words. The Ss can master the pattern: How many …… can you see?I can see ……The Ss can master the pattern: I can see……What’s the matter with you? Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method:radio,cards (教具准备) Teaching process: Step1.设疑自探(5minutes)1. Revise the words. 2. Revise the dialogue and let some pairs act it out. 3. T: How old are you?S1: I’m… . This lesson we will learn is “read for fun”.from the text we wii find out the answer .T:Please look at the text. Do you have any questions? S1: How to pronounse the words? doctor married was husband twice S2:Can you tell me the meaning of the text? S3:What’s the meaning of the phrases: Try to do sth what’s the matter with sb T:Now please think about the questions by yourselves,OK?OK. Step 2 解疑合探(15 minutes) Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words.If all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.Theteacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it. If there is something wrong with sb,the teacher should correct it Some Ss read and translate the phrases. Let the Ss try to read the text freely, encourage them to read the new words bythemselves. Once, the Ss can’t do it perfectly,the teacher corrects it . Listen to the tape , read the story and try to find some useful expressions (the teacher should help them). (1)What’s the matter with you ? (2)Try to think… (3)It’s twice 30. (4)That is 36, isn’t it ? Can you answer the following questions ? (1)What’s the matter with the woman ?(2)How old is she ? (3)Is she right ? Then,choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out . Step3.质疑再探(10minutes) 1.T:Can you tell me something about the text? S3: Is there any matter with Jane? S4: Yes, there is. S5: Is there any matter with the doctor ? S1: No, there isn’t. 2.Read the story again and translate the story into chinese . 3.Read the story for a few minutes, the teacher can give some key words, let Ss retell it with the questions . Step4.运用拓展(5minutes) : 1 Ask some students to retell the story with the pictures. 2 Then let some pairs act out the story. 3:Translate: 1): how many ____ 2): how old_____ 3): my husband____ 4): sixty rulers___ 4:选择: 1) Could you help__? A:I B:me C:my 2) Please count the books ___the desk A: in B:on C:onto 3)What’s the matter __you? A:with B: for C:at Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson7How old is she? Good morning, What’s the matter with you? My head hurts.What’s your name , please? My name is … How old are you?Well, I don’t remember. But I can try to think. 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第一课时Lesson 8 How many pupils are there ? 累计课时数(25) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) In this text, we will listen , say, read and write so me new words, eg : America American; master the pattern: How many… are there?There are…; Learn Some phrases:In the street; throw away; throw around; pick up; useful thing; put into. Improve the pupils’ ability of listening and speaking through practing . Goal request(教学目的) The Ss can master the pattern: How many… are there?There are… Some phrases:In the street throw away throw around pick up useful thing put into Key difficulty(教学重难点) How to use the words: Some phrases:In the street throw away throw around pick up useful thing put into; The Ss can master the pattern:How many pupils are there?There are… Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) Greeting: Good morning everyone! How many pupils are there in the picture? Four. Look at the picture.What are they talking? Listen to the tape and repeat.You will find out the answer . Encourage the Ss to ask questions. T:Please look at the text Do you have any questions? S1: How to pronounse the words and phrases? America American in Class Three S2:Can you tell me the meaning of the text? S3:What’s the meaning of the phrases: “in Class Three”? Now please think about the questions,OK?OK. Step 2 解疑合探 (15minutes) 1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words ,If all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it。If there is something wrong,let the other Ss correct it if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should help them.Some Ss read and translate the phrases. 2. let the Ss listen to the tape and repeat . 3.Boys play Li Gang, Girls play Kate. At last choose two Ss to make a dialogue Li Gang:Hello, Li Gang. Are you in Class Three? Kate:Yes, I am. Li Gang: How many pupils are there in your class? Kate: There are forty-five. Li Gang :Are there any American pupils in your class? Kate:Yes, There are some. Li Gang: How manyare there ? Kate: There are four. If they did well, the teacher should give each student a prize. Then,choose two teams to stand up and act it out . Step3.质疑再探(10minutes) Let the students discuss and find out some language points. Encourage them to ask questions and then solve them together. S1:What is the meaning of thesentence? Are there any American pupils in your class? S2:I can help you… S4: What class is Li Gang in? S5: Li Gang is in Class Three Grade Five. S6: How many American pupils are there in LiGang’s class? S7: There are four. T:Can you tell me something about the text? S1:What is the meaning of the sentence“Are there any American pupils in your class?”S2: I can help you… S3 What’s the differences between “America’ and “American “? S4:“America”是”美国”“American”是 “美国人的”. Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes) 1.选择 ( )1: How many ------- are there in your class? A: pupil B pupils C peoples ( )2: There are four ___ in the room. A: woman B: womans C:any ( )3: They are -----things. A: collect B: collecting C: collects 2选择不同类的词 1.( ) A. play B. things C. collect 2.( )A. white B. with C. blue 3.( )A. them B. they C .we 4.( )A.bottles B.cans C.park Bb writing design(板书设计) Lesson 8How many pupils are there? America American in Class Three Are you in Class Three?Yes, I am. How many pupils are there in yourclass? There are forty-five. Are there any American pupils in your class? Yes, There are some. How manyare there ? There are four. 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第二课时Lesson 8 How many pupils are there ? 累计课时数(26) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) In this text, we will listen , say, read and write so me new words, eg : America American; master the pattern: How many… are there?There are…; Learn Some phrases:In the street; throw away; throw around; pick up; useful thing; put into. Improve the pupils’ ability of listening and speaking through practing . Goal request(教学目的) The Ss can master the pattern: How many… are there?There are… Some phrases:In the street throw away throw around pick up useful thing put into Key difficulty(教学重难点) How to use the words: Some phrases:In the street throw away throw around pick up useful thing put into; The Ss can master the pattern:How many pupils are there?There are… Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards(教具准备) Teaching process: Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) Review : Hello, boys and girls ! Hello, teacher ! Are you in class two ? No, we are in Class Four . How many pupils are there in your class ? There are sixty –three . Are there any American pupils in your class ? No, there aren’t .How many boys are there in your class ? There are thirty . How many girls are there in your class ? There are thirty –three . You are so clever . Thank you .Class activities : Listen and repeat .Show Ss some pictures on page 42 . Ask these questions: What’s under the chair ? What’s under the tree ? How many women are there in the room ? What’s in the tree ? What’s near the street ? What’s on the desk ?Can you tell me something about the text? What is the meaning of the sentence“Are there any American pupils in your class?” What’s the differences between “America” and “American”? Step 2 解疑合探 (15 minutes) 1. Please turn to page 39. Listen to the tape and repeat it . 2. Encourage the Ss to make some dialogues according to some pictures . Let the Ss practice the dialogue in pairs . Listen to the tape carefully, learn to answer the following questions: What’s under the chair ? A cat What’s under the tree ? There are two cows under it . How many women are there in the room ? Four . What’s in the tree ? There are four birds in it . What’s near the street ? There is a zoo near the street . What’s on the desk ? A bag . What’s the difference between “America” and “American”? “America” 美国。“American”美国人。Step3.质疑再探(10 minutes) Let the Ss discuss and find out some language points . Encourage them to ask questions and then solve them together .what’s the difference between “how many ”and “how much”?how many : 后面跟可数名词的复数形式 how much : 后面用不可数名词/价钱提问 How many apples do you want ? I want three . How much meat do you want ? I want one pound .How much is it ? It’s five yuan . Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes) Let the Ss make some dialogues according to the following phrases .some apples, on the tree, three deer, in the forest 1: 选择 ( )1: How many ------- are there in your class? A: pupil B pupils C peoples ( )2: There are four ___ in the room. A: woman B: womans C:any ( )3: They are -----things. A: collect B: collectingC: collects ( )4.How___books do you want ? a. many b. much .c. like ( )5.How ___ milk do you want ? a. many b. much .c. like 2选择不同类的词 1.() A. play B. things C. collect 2.()A. white B. with C. blue 3.()A. them B. they C .we 4.()A.bottles B.cans C.park Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson 8 How many pupils are there ? How many … are there ? There are …( )1: How many ------ are there in your class?A: pupil B pupils C peoples ( )2: There are four ___ in the room.A: woman B: womans C:any ( )3: They are -----things.A: collect B: collectingC: collects ( )4.HOW ___books do you want ? a. many b. much .c. like ( )5.How ___ milk do you want ? a. many b. much .c. like 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第三课时Lesson 8 How many pupils are there ? 累计课时数(27) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) In this text, we will listen , say, read and write so me new words, eg : America American; master the pattern: How many… are there?There are…; Learn Some phrases:In the street; throw away; throw around; pick up; useful thing; put into. Improve the pupils’ ability of listening and speaking through practing . Goal request(教学目的) The Ss can master the pattern: How many… are there?There are… Some phrases:In the street throw away throw around pick up useful thing put into Key difficulty(教学重难点) How to use the words: Some phrases:In the street throw away throw around pick up useful thing put into; The Ss can master the pattern:How many pupils are there?There are… Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Teaching process: Step1.设疑自探(5minutes)1. Show the pictures about that people often throw things around . Let the Ss judge the behavior . Wrong . What should we do ? Today we will learn “read”, from this text we will find out the answer . 3. Let Ss try to read the text and raise questions . Step 2 解疑合探(15 minutes)1. Read the text and find out the new words ,. Encourage the Ss to read the new words by themselves . Once the Ss to read the new words by themselves . Once the Ss canI do it perfectly, the teacher corrects it . Master the Chinese meanings . 2. Show the new words on some cards : throw , people , around , can ,different , useful, pick, put, bin ; 3. Show the words’ phonetics on some cards , let some Ss stand up and try to read these words , then let the Ss read after the teacher five times . Next, give them two minutes to read the words .Let the Ss say the meanings of these words .4. Let the Ss listen to the tape and read after it . 5. Let the Ss try to read translate the phrases (the teacher should help them.) in the street throw away throw around pick up useful thing put into do a good job Step3.质疑再探(10minutes) 1. Let the Ss discuss and find out some language points . 2. Encourage them to ask questions and then solve them together . 3. Can many of the things be used again ? Yes, they can . children doing ? They are collecting useful things . What are Jill and Bill doing ? Jill and Bill are collecting bottles . Where do they put all the useful things ? They are in different bags and bins . What’s the differences between park and garden ?park : 公园。 Garden:花园。 Let the Ss try to retell the story according to some phrases and pictures . Step4.运用拓展(5minutes) : translate : in the street ____ throw away ______ pick up_____ useful things_______ Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson 8 How many pupils are there ? throw things around can be used again throw them away They are collecting useful things . Counting them and putting into some bags . They are putting them into a white bin . How much paper do they collecting ? 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第一课时Lesson 9 It’s six forty –five . 累计课时数(28) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1. In this text, we will learn the dialogue . 2. Improve pupils’ ability of listening and speaking through pratising .The Ss will learn listen , say, read and describe time, eg : seven-ten, eight-forty; What time is it now ? It’s … What’s the time now ?It’s time for … The Ss can listen , say, read and write some new words, eg : wife hard hour 2. New phrases and sentence patterns: a .They have a good time. b. He and his wife work hard every day. c. Let’s find a place to have lunch. d. We can eat two and a half hours for one pound. 3.Be able to use the main sentences correctly. Goal request(教学目的) What time is it now ? It’s … What’s the time now ?It’s time for … Key difficulty(教学重难点) What time is it now ? It’s … What’s the time now ?It’s time for … How to use the words and phrases: work hard every day have a good time look for a place two and a half hours It’s time for… It’s time to… Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1.Greeting:T: Hello, everyone! S: Hello, teacher! T: I’m glad to meet you! S: I’m very glad to meet you, too. 2.First look at the clock on the wall. What time is it now? It’s…. 3.Let pupils look at the clock on the wall. Ask and answer in pairs. 4.Then take out the pictures about clocks and talk about time. T: What time is it? Ss: It’s seven. T: What are you doing now? Ss: I’m …. 5.T:Please look at the text. Do you have any questions? S1: How to describe time?Can you tell me ? 6.The teacher draw two clocks on the Bb. It’s eight. It’s ten-thirty. T:Now please think about the questions,OK? OK. Step 2 解疑合探 (15minutes) 1.Ok, listen to part 1. What does Tom do at six forty –five ? 2.Let the pupils listen to the tape and repeat . 3.Then let them practise in pairs , using the new pattern. What time is it now ? It’ six forty –five . What’s the time now ? What’s the other way of saying “what time is it now ?” Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the answers ,If all the Ss do not know how to read.The teacher should tell them. 4.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it 5.Some Ss read and translate the phrases. 6.Boys play Tom, Girls play Mom. At last choose two Ss to make a dialogue 7. Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words ,If all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. Thenchoose one or two teams to stand up and act it out . Step3.质疑再探(10minutes)1.Let pupils watch carefully, encourage them to raise questions when in doubt . eg: What’s the time ? It’s five forty . What time is it ? It’s time to go to school. T:Can you tell me something about the text? 2. What is the meaning of the sentence“ It’s time for breakfast.”? S2:I can help you.:现在是早饭的时间。 S3:It’s time to have breakfast.现在是吃早饭的时间。 3.It’s time for school.:现在是去学校时间。 It’s time to go to school.现在是去学校时间。 Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes) 1: Choose the right numbers: ( )1: . It’s time __have breakfast.A: at B: for C to ( )2: What time __now?A: it isB: is it C:on 2.Fill in the blanks according to the pictures. 1.) What time is it ? It’s . 2) What’s ?It’s seven.. 3). the time?It’s four . 4).Oh ! It’s time breakfast ? 5)It’s time for lunch I must home . 3. Let pupils make a dialogue according to the part 2 Bb writing design(板书设计) Lesson 9 It’s six forty –five . What time is it now ? It’s … What’s the time now ?It’s time for … 1: Choose the right numbers: ( )1: . It’s time __have breakfast.A: at B: for C to ( )2: What time __now?A: it isB: is it C:on 2.Fill in the blanks according to the pictures. 1.) What time is it ? It’s . 2) What’s ?It’s seven.. 3). the time?It’s four . 4).Oh ! It’s time breakfast ? 5)It’s time for lunch I must home . 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第二课时Lesson 9 It’s six forty –five . 累计课时数(29) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1. In this text, we will learn the dialogue . 2. Improve pupils’ ability of listening and speaking through pratising .The Ss will learn listen , say, read and describe time, eg : seven-ten, eight-forty; What time is it now ? It’s … What’s the time now ?It’s time for … The Ss can listen , say, read and write some new words, eg : wife hard hour 2. New phrases and sentence patterns: a .They have a good time. b. He and his wife work hard every day. c. Let’s find a place to have lunch. d. We can eat two and a half hours for one pound. 3.Be able to use the main sentences correctly. Goal request(教学目的) What time is it now ? It’s … What’s the time now ?It’s time for … Key difficulty(教学重难点) What time is it now ? It’s … What’s the time now ?It’s time for … How to use the words and phrases: work hard every day have a good time look for a place two and a half hours It’s time for… It’s time to… Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1.Review : The teacher holds the picture about time; six o’clock, seven o’clock , eight thirty … 2. Let the Ss ask and answer about the picture in pairs . eg: What time is it ? It’s six o’clock . Class activities : Listen and repeat “Let’schant ”the teacher asks students these questions : Do you have a clock ? Yes, I do . What time is it ? It’s five . What’s the time now ? It’s six forty –five . Step 2 解疑合探 (15 minutes) 1. Listening : Listen and repeat . 2. Let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs . What time is it ? It’s seven thirty. What’s the time ? It’s eight –five . 3.Then ask them to write the dialogues on a piece of paper . 4.Let’s chant . Let the pupils listen and repeat . Step3.质疑再探(10 minutes) 1. What else do you want to ask ? 2. The Ss and the tesacher talk about them and solve them together . eg: It’s time for lunch . It’s time to have lunch . How to change these : 7:00 breakfast 12:00 lunch 6:00 supper 7:10 school 8:00 school 5:00 home What time is it ? It’s seven . It’s time for breakfast . What time is it ? It’s twelve . It’s time for lunch . What time is it ? It’s six . It’s time for supper . What time is it ? It’s seven ten . It’s time for school . What time is it ? It’s eight . It’s time for school . What time is it ? It’s five . It’s time for home . Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes) : Acting : eg: What time is it ? It’s twelve .Oh, It’s time for lunch . Let the pupils make some dialogues . 7:00 breakfast 12:00 lunch 6:00 supper 7:10 school What time is it ? It’s seven . It’s time for breakfast . What time is it ? It’s twelve . It’s time for lunch . What time is it ? It’s six . It’s time for supper . What time is it ? It’s seven ten . It’s time for school . Consolidation: Choose the right answer . ( )1. ___ the time ? a. What b. What’s c. What’s is ( )2. Oh, it’s time __ breakfast a. for b. to c. of ( )3.He and his wife __hard every day . a.work b.works c. are works ( )4. Let __ go to London today . a. is b. us c. we ( )5. they are looking ___ a place to have lunch . a. for b. at c. like ( )6.They have ___good time . a. a b. an c. x ( )7.The kings ___going to London . a. is b. are c. can for one pound . ( )8.We can eat two __ a half hours a. or b. but c. and Let the Ss fill in the blanks . 1.What ____ is it , mom ? Let me ____. It’s six forty –five . Oh, it’s time ___ breakfast . 2.____________? It’s six thirty . I must go, goodbye . ________. How are you ? ___________ Ask the ss to work in pairs . Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson 9 It’s six forty –five. What time is it ? It’s … It’s time for …It’s time to… What’s the time ? It’s… It’s time for … It’s time to…7:00 breakfast 12:00 lunch 6:00 supper 7:10 school 8:00 school 5:00 home 教后反思 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第三课时Lesson 9 It’s six forty –five . 累计课时数(30) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1. In this text, we will learn the dialogue . 2. Improve pupils’ ability of listening and speaking through pratising .The Ss will learn listen , say, read and describe time, eg : seven-ten, eight-forty; What time is it now ? It’s … What’s the time now ?It’s time for …The Ss can listen , say, read and write some new words, eg : wife hard hour 2. New phrases and sentence patterns: a .They have a good time. b. He and his wife work hard every day. c. Let’s find a place to have lunch. d. We can eat two and a half hours for one pound. 3.Be able to use the main sentences correctly. Goal request(教学目的)What time is it now ? It’s … What’s the time now ?It’s time for … Key difficulty(教学重难点) What time is it now ? It’s … What’s the time now ?It’s time for …How to use the words and phrases: work hard every day have a good time look for a place two and a half hours It’s time for… It’s time to… Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1. Greetings : Good morning ., everyone ! What day is today ? It’s Friday . Oh! It’s Saturday tomorrow . Let’s go to the Sichuan park, ok ? Ok! What time do we go there ? Eight o’clock . 2. Show the picture on page 45 and ask , what king and his wife going to do ? This lesson we will learn “read”,from the text we will find out the answer . Ok, let’s try to read the text and raise questions . T:Please look at the text. Do you have any questions? S1: How to pronounse the words?wife ,hard, hour; S2:Can you tell me the meaning of the text? S3:What’s the meaning of the phrases: work hard every day have a good time Look for a place two and a half hours T:Now please think about the questions by yourselves,OK?OK. Step 2 解疑合探(15 minutes) 1. The teacher retells the story according to the key words and pictures . 2. Encourage the ss to read the new words by themselves. Once the Ss can’t do it perfectly, the teacher corrects it . Master the Chinese meanings . 3.Show the new words on some cards : hard, hour, wife, show the words’ phonetics on some cards , let some Ss stand up and try to read these words , Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words ,If all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. then let the Ss read after the teacher five times. Next, give them two minutes to read the words . Let the Ss say the meanings of these words . The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it Some Ss read and translate the phrases. Boys play Mr King, Girls play Mrs King .The teacher describe. 4. Listening :Listen and read after the tape and answer the questions . 5. Let the pupils practise in pairs . Then let them discuss the doubt and difficult points and then solve them together . eg: 1. He and his sife work hard every day . They have a good time . It’s time for lunch . Two and a half hours . Step3.质疑再探(10minutes) 1. What else do you want to ask ? The teacher and Ss talk about them and solve them together . eg: wife ---wives half ---halves two and a half hours an hour Step4.运用拓展(5minutes) : Consolidation : Mr King and his w__ work h___ every day . They are looking ___ a place to have lunch . Now they are ____London .We ___a good time . We go ___ shops and parks. 1: Translate: what time ____ ten forty _____ Sit down ____ let me see ___ 七点二十 —— 玩的愉快 —— 吃晚饭 —— 他的妻子 —— Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson9 Having lunch in London wife hard hour work hard every day have a good time Looking for a place two and a half hourshave a good lunch It’s time for lunch . Consolidation : Mr King and his w__ work h___ every day . They are looking ___ a place to have lunch . Now they are ____London .We ___a good time . We go ___ shops and parks. 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第一课时Lesson 10 What day is today ? 累计课时数(31 ) Teaching material analyses(教材分析)1.In this text , we will learn the phonetics .Revise the phonetics : [θ] [ ð ] [ z ] [ j ] [æ][ e ],strengthen the pronunciation[θ]and [ ð ],distinguish [æ]and[ e ] 2.The Ss will master the new words,lesson,o’clock,Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, maths . 3.The Ss will learn how to listen , say, read and describe time. 4. Master dialogues . The Ss can master the pattern: What time is it?What’s the time?It’s…what day is today ?It’s … . Goal request(教学目的) 1.Revise the phonetics : [θ] [ ð ] [ z ] [ j ] [æ][ e ],strengthen the pronunciation[θ]and [ ð ],distinguish [æ]and[ e ] 2.new words : lesson , o’clock , Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, maths . 3.Dialogue: What day is today ?It’s … . Key difficulty(教学重难点) 1.Revise the phonetics : [θ] [ ð ] [ z ] [ j ] [æ][ e ],strengthenthe pronunciation[θ]and [ ð ],distinguish [æ]and[ e ] 2.Master dialogues . The Ss can master the pattern: What time is it?What’s the time? It’s… What day is today ?It’s … . Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1.Revise the phonetics:[θ] [ ð] [ z] [ j] [æ][ e],strengthen the pronunciation[θ]and [ ð],distinguish [æ]and[ e] Let the students spell the phonetics and read them freely. 2. T: What day is today?S: It’s … 3. a. Let one student perform the dialogue with the teacher, the other student guess the meaning of the dialogue. b. Play the tape, let the students repeat after the tape. 4.Present the sentences:What day is today? It’s…. Let the students read the sentences loudly and translate them into Chinese. T:Please look at the text. Do you have any questions? S1: How to describe time?S2:Can you tell me? The teacher draw two clocks on the Bb.It’s eight. It’s ten-thirty. T:Now please think about the questions,OK?Ss:OK. 5. Let the Ss read the sentences loudly and translate them into Chinese . Step 2 解疑合探 (15minutes) 1. Encourage the ss to read the new words by themselves .Once the Ss can’t do it perfectly, the teacher corrects it . Master the chinese meanings .Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the answers,If all the Ss do not know how to read. The teacher should tell them. 2. Show the new words on some cards : lesson ,o’clock, Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, maths . 3. Show the new words’ phonetics on some cards, let some ss stand up and try to read these words , then let the Ss read after the teacher five times . Next, give them two minutes to read the words .let the Ss say the meanings of these words . The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. Some Ss read and translate the phrases. 4. let the Ss listen to the tape , then retell the dialogue . a. Let the Ss read the dialogue in pairs . b. Let some Ss act out the dialogues voluntarily. Boys play Tom, Girls play Mom. At last, choose two Ss to make a dialogue Then choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out . Step3.质疑再探(10minutes) 1. Encourage the Ss to ask questions and then solve them together . 2. Let the Ss make up some exercises first, and then show some good ones to the class, let the Ss finish them. a: What ___ do you have this morning ? We have Chinese, m___, English and music . What ____do you have at eight ___on Monday ? Maths . Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes) Make a dialogue: -What day is today? -It’s ---. -What classes do you have this morning? -We have--. Let the students make up some exercises first, and then show some good ones to the class, let the Ss finish them. 选择:( )1: It’s time __have breakfast.A. at B. for C to ( )2: What time __now?A. it is B. is it C.on Bb writing design(板书设计) Lesson 10 What day is today ? What day is today ? It’s … What classes do you have this morning ? We have … Do you have …on …? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t . Yes, we do . /No, we don’t . ( )1: It’s time __have breakfast.A. at B. for C to ( )2: What time __now?A. it is B. is it C.on 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 改进措施: 第二课时Lesson 10 What day is today ? 累计课时数(32 ) Teaching material analyses(教材分析)1.In this text , we will learn the phonetics .Revise the phonetics : [θ] [ ð ] [ z ] [ j ] [æ][ e ],strengthen the pronunciation[θ]and [ ð ],distinguish [æ]and[ e ] 2.The Ss will master the new words,lesson,o’clock,Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, maths . 3.The Ss will learn how to listen , say, read and describe time. 4. Master dialogues . The Ss can master the pattern: What time is it?What’s the time?It’s…what day is today ?It’s … . Goal request(教学目的) 1.Revise the phonetics : [θ] [ ð ] [ z ] [ j ] [æ][ e ],strengthen the pronunciation[θ]and [ ð ],distinguish [æ]and[ e ] 2.new words : lesson , o’clock , Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, maths . 3.Dialogue: What day is today ?It’s … . Key difficulty(教学重难点) 1.Revise the phonetics : [θ] [ ð ] [ z ] [ j ] [æ][ e ],strengthenthe pronunciation[θ]and [ ð ],distinguish [æ]and[ e ] 2.Master dialogues . The Ss can master the pattern: What time is it?What’s the time? It’s… What day is today ?It’s … . Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1. Revise the words of lesson 10. Master the meaning and spelling of the words . 2. Present the sentences : What day is today ? It’s Monday (Wednesday/Tuesday/Thursday /Saturday/Friday /sunday) What classes do you have this morning ? We have Chinese , English, P.E.and maths . 3.Present the English names of subjects ,let the ss spell the words and read them freely. Chinese语文 maths数学 English 英语M.E. 思品 history历史 science科学 weekly meeting周会P.E.体育 art美术 self –study自习Sports活动 writing写字 computer微机 music音乐 Step 2 解疑合探 (15 minutes) 1.let the Ss repeat theenglish names of subjects after the teacher : Chinese , maths, M.E. history, science, weekly meeting , P.E, art, self-study, Sports, writing , computer, music . 2. let some Ss read the dialogues loudly, then let the Ss ask and answer in pairs . What day is today ? It’s Tuesday . What classes do you have this morning ? We have Chinese , English, P.E.and maths . 3. Let the Ss read the dialogue in pairs .Ask and answer the dialogue ,using the patterns: What day is today ? It’s … What classes do you have this morning ? We have … Step3.质疑再探(10 minutes)Encourage the Ss to ask questions and then solve themtogether . Chinese语文 maths数学 English 英语M.E. 思品 history历史 science科学 weekly meeting周会P.E.体育 Monday WednesdayTuesdayThursday SaturdayFriday Sunday Let the Ss make the dialogues : What day is today ? It’s Monday.What classes do you have this morning ? We haveChinese, maths, English and M.E. What day is today ? It’sWednesday.What classes do you have this morning ? We have English, history, science and weekly meeting. What day is today ? It’sTuesday . What classes do you have this morning ? We have Chinese, maths, English andM.E. What day is today ? It’s Saturday.What classes do you have this morning ? We have history,science, weekly meeting andP.E. What day is today ? It’s Sunday. What classes do you have this morning ? We have Chinese, maths, English andM.E. Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes)Make a conversation, using their own curriculum schedule . What day is today ? It’s … What classes do you have this morning ? We have … Chinese语文 maths数学 English 英语M.E. 思品 history历史 science科学 weekly meeting周会P.E.体育 Monday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Friday,Sunday What day is today ? It’s Monday.What classes do you have this morning ? We haveChinese, maths, English and M.E. What day is today ? It’sWednesday. What classes do you have this morning ? We have English, history, science and weekly meeting. What day is today ? It’sTuesday . What classes do you have this morning ? We have Chinese, maths, English andM.E. What day is today ? It’s Saturday.What classes do you have this morning ? We have history,science, weekly meeting andP.E. What day is today ? It’s Sunday. What classes do you have this morning ? We have Chinese, maths, English andM.E. Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson 10 What day is today ? Chinese maths English M.E. history science weekly meeting P.E. artself –study Sports writing computer music Monday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Friday, Sunday What day is today ? It’s ...What classes do you have this morning ? We have…. 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第三课时Lesson 10 What day is today ? 累计课时数(33) Teaching material analyses(教材分析)1.In this text , we will learn the phonetics .Revise the phonetics : [θ] [ ð ] [ z ] [ j ] [æ][ e ],strengthen the pronunciation[θ]and [ ð ],distinguish [æ]and[ e ] 2.The Ss will master the new words,lesson,o’clock,Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, maths . 3.The Ss will learn how to listen , say, read and describe time. 4. Master dialogues . The Ss can master the pattern: What time is it?What’s the time?It’s…what day is today ?It’s … . Goal request(教学目的) 1.Revise the phonetics : [θ] [ ð ] [ z ] [ j ] [æ][ e ],strengthen the pronunciation[θ]and [ ð ],distinguish [æ]and[ e ] 2.new words : lesson , o’clock , Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, maths . 3.Dialogue: What day is today ?It’s … . Key difficulty(教学重难点) 1.Revise the phonetics : [θ] [ ð ] [ z ] [ j ] [æ][ e ],strengthenthe pronunciation[θ]and [ ð ],distinguish [æ]and[ e ] 2.Master dialogues . The Ss can master the pattern: What time is it?What’s the time? It’s… What day is today ?It’s … . Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) let Ss look at the picture (about birthday ), learn to ask and answer the questions : Did you take part in a birthday party ? Yes. /No. Do you know how to plan a party ? Today we will learn “read ,from the text we will find out the answer . 2. The teacher retells the text, using own words . Today is Monday . It’s 8:30 p.m. Next Sunday is Tom’s birthday . Now he’s planning his party. On Tuesday evening, he is writing some invitations to friends .It’s 5 p.m. on Thursday .He is talking to lulu on the thlephone . On Saturday morning, he is buying some food and drink.on Saturday afternoon, Dongdong and Lulu are buying a present for Tom. On Sunday, many friends come to his birthday party. They give him many presents . Work in pairs and discuss what you will do on this weekend . Step 2 解疑合探(15 minutes) 1. Encourage the Ss to read the new words by themselves. Once the Ss can’t do it perfectly, the teacher corrects it . Master the chinese meanings . 2. Show the new words on some cards : party, invitation, telephone, present, afternoon, plan, evening, p.m. Show the words’ phonetics on some cards, let some Ss stand up and try to read these words , then let the Ss read aafter the teacher five times . Next, give them two minutes to read the words . Let the Ss say the meanings of these words . 3. Let the Ss listen to the tape and help them to find out some language points and encourage them to sise questions and then solve them together . 4. The Ss try to read the text and master its meaning . 5. The teacher writes down the key words . (Monday, next Sunday, birthday, planning a party,/on Tuesday evening ,writng /5 p.m Thursday , talking /Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, buying, /Sunday,come , give) Let the Ss try to retell the text according to the key words and the pictures . 6. Answer the following questions according to the text. (1)When is Tom’ birthday ? (2)Is he planning his birthday party ? (3)When is Tom writing some invitations to his friends ? (4)Who is Tom talking to on the telephone ? (5)When is Tom buying some food and drink ? (6)What are Dongdong and LuLu buying ? (7)What time does the party begin ? (8)Who comes to Tom’s birthday party ? 7.Make a sentence : I will …on ….work in pairs, and perform it .try to write your weekend plan . Then talk about it in class .eg: I will see a film on Friday evening, I will play football on Saturday afternoon, I will wash clothes on Sunday morning .8.Let’s chant .listen to the tape and repeat it . Step3.质疑再探(10minutes)Do you have any questions ? If anyone has, please raise your questions , let’s solve them together . Step4.运用拓展(5minutes) Let the Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs , then retell the text according to some pictures and some key words . Complete the sentences : 1.____ ___ is it ? It’s seven .____ ____is today ? It’s Tuesday .What lesson do you have ____ eight o’clock ____ Friday ? We have chinese .___ do you have your english lessons ? On Tuesday ,Thursday and Friday . Bb writing desgin(板书设计) Lesson 10 What day is today ? Monday, next Sunday, birthday, planning a party,/on Tuesday evening ,writng /5 p.m Thursday , talking /Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, buying, /Sunday,come , give 1.____ ___ is it ? It’s seven .____ ____is today ? It’s Tuesday .What lesson do you have ____ eight o’clock ____ Friday ? We have chinese .___ do you have your english lessons ? On Tuesday ,Thursday and Friday . 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第一课时Lesson 11 What do you do ? 累计课时数(34) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1.In this text, we will learn the new words : interesting, policeman kind, interesting, policeman,manger, cleaner, kind, rings, answers, which 2. Learn how to ask and answer some body’s job. Educate the Ss to love their parents . In this text, let the students know and master the useful expressions: (1)What do you do? I am a …(2)Where do you work?I work …(3)Is your work interesting?Yes. I like it. And they should know some simple sentences :Mr Smith wants an office worker.He has an idea.Thank you. You are so kind. 3. Encourage the Ss to set up their dreams in future . Goal request(教学目的) 1. Let the Ss master the meaning of “what do you do ?”and how to answer “what do you do ?” 2.Masterhow to answer “what do you do ? ”,and how to answer “where do you work ?” In this text, let the students know and master the useful expressions. Learn how to ask and answer somebody’s job. Educate the Ss to love their parents.Encourage the Ss to set up their dreams in the future. Key difficulty(教学重难点) In this text, let the students know and mast the useful expressions: (1) What do you do?I’m…(2)Where do you work?I work …(3)Is your work interesting?Yes. I like it have the job come in clean the room be kind Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Wamer: T: Good morning class.S: Good morning Mrs He. T: Hello, Tom!S1: Hello, Mrs He. T: Listen to me carefully, What’s the time?S1: It’s three o’clock T:What day is today?S2:It’s Tuesday. I’m very glad to see that you have already master the expression (1) What’s the time?(2) What’s the time? Review:Ask and answer in pairs: —What day is today?—It’s Monday. —What classes do you have? —We have Chinese,English,maths and music. 2.Revise the words: farmer doctor teacher pupil worker cookernurse. Pair work: Role play. Give some models, then act it out in class. Today we will go on learning another expression lesson 11 What do you do? Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1.Review: Ask and answer impairs .What day is today ? It’s Monday . What classes do you have ?We have Chinese , English , maths and music . 2.Revise the words : farmer , docter, teacher, pupil, worker, cook, nurse . Pair work : give some models, then act it out in class .eg: s: I’m a worker ./doctor./teacher./farmer… Turn to page66and look at the words in lesson11, try to read them by yourself. 3. Look at the dialogue in lesson11, try to read it and find the difficult sentences that you don’t understand. If you have any questions ,please put up your hands. .Read the dialogue by themselves ,the teacher writes the important questions on the Blackboard:(1) What does that man do?(2) Where does he work? (3) Is his work interesting? 4.Then try to answer the following questions : (1)What’s the meaning of “what do you do ?” (2)Where does the farmer work ? (3)Where does the policeman’s work interesting ? (4)Is the policeman’s work interesting ? I will give you some minutes to read the words and the dialogue Then please think about the questions. Wait for a moment , answer Thesequestions. Step 2 解疑合探 (15minutes) 1.T: Ok, stop. Listen to me carefully, who can read the words in lesson11 Pay attention to these words: kind, interesting,policeman(maybe some students have difficulty the teacher can let them talk about with their desk mates) 2. Ask some student to answer the questions, any questions which they can’t understand or can’t answer the teacher can let them talk about in a group (there are four students in a group). The questions they can’t understand yet, the teacher need help them in a right time. (1) He is a farmer.(2) He works on the farm.(3) Yes,he like it. 3.Let the ss discuss and find out the answrs of the questions above . 4. Talk about question 5 in pairs . 5. Let the Ss listen to the tape and repeat . 6. Let the Ss read in pairs , then try to act it out in class . 7. Pair work : talk about jobs after the model . eg: What do you do ? I’m … where do you work ? I work … Step3.质疑再探(10minutes) T:Do you have any questions about this dialogue? If you have some questions , please put up quickly, first think about by yourself, then you can talk about with your classmates or ask your teacher. (1)Please tell me difference between two sentences:“What do you do?”and “What does your mother do?” (2) Do you know in which condition we use “What do you do?” 1. Encourage the ss to ask questions and then solve them together . 2. When we talk about a person, how can we ask him /her about the job and the work place . What do you do ? / What’s one’s job ? Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes) T:What have you learned from in this class ?Get the Ss to list.Do some exercises :1.根据括号的提示完成句子。 I am a __(教师 ). He is a ____( 医生 ) She works _____( 在学校 ). He works ____(在农场 ) My work is _____( 有趣 ) I, m, a pupil.(划线句子提问) _____ ______ you _____? 1. 单项选择。 ()1——What __is today.---- It’s Friday. A. date B. time C. day ( ) 2.What lesson do you have __eighto’clock ___Monday? A.on, at B at,on Cat,at 3.翻译句子 1.How many apples do you have? 2.今天星期几? 3.今天上午我们上语文,数学和体育课。 4.. Make a survery in a group of four : What do you do ? What doe your parents do ? What does your father do ? What does your mother do ? Then report to the class . Bb writing design(板书设计) Lesson11 What do you do? The words :kind, interesting,police The pattern: (1)What do you do? I am a …. (2)Where do you work?I work…. (3)Is your work interesting?Yes.I like it. 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第二课时Lesson 11 What do you do ? 累计课时数(35) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1.In this text, we will learn the new words : interesting, policeman kind, interesting, policeman,manger, cleaner, kind, rings, answers, which 2. Learn how to ask and answer some body’s job. Educate the Ss to love their parents . In this text, let the students know and master the useful expressions: (1)What do you do? I am a …(2)Where do you work?I work …(3)Is your work interesting?Yes. I like it. And they should know some simple sentences :Mr Smith wants an office worker.He has an idea.Thank you. You are so kind. 3. Encourage the Ss to set up their dreams in future . Goal request(教学目的) 1. Let the Ss master the meaning of “what do you do ?”and how to answer “what do you do ?” 2.Masterhow to answer “what do you do ? ”,and how to answer “where do you work ?” In this text, let the students know and master the useful expressions. Learn how to ask and answer somebody’s job. Educate the Ss to love their parents.Encourage the Ss to set up their dreams in the future. Key difficulty(教学重难点) In this text, let the students know and mast the useful expressions: (1) What do you do?I’m…(2)Where do you work?I work …(3)Is your work interesting?Yes. I like it have the job come in clean the room be kind Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1.revise the words of lesson 10 according to the words and spellings we have learntbefore . Perform the dialogues, using the structures we have learnt . Let some ss retell the text .Work in pairs and discuss what you will do on this weekend . 2.Let Ss review the expressions about asking the job and work places in pairs . What do you do ? I am a pupil.Where do you study ? I study in a school. 4. Put up some cards :Can you read them in English ? worker , teacher , doctor , postman, post office, hospital. Role play : give some models, then act it out in class . 5. Show the pictures , let the Ss ask and answer in pairs according to the pictures . 6.Try to write your weekend plan . Then talk about it in class .7. Let’s sing : listen and repeat . Step 2 解疑合探 (15 minutes) 1. Get some ss to read the words ,(the teacher should help them read correctly). 2. Get some pairs to act it out in class. Then show another picture and let the ss practise in pairs . 3. The teacher explains : “What do you do ”问的是职业,回答时 “I am ” 4.Try to write your weekend plan . Then talk about it in class .eg: I will see a film on Friday evening , I will play football on Saturday afternoon, I will wash clothes on Sunday morning .5. let the ss listen to the tape and sing the songs . Step3.质疑再探(10 minutes)Encourage the Ss to ask questions and then solve them together . (1)teacher, school (2) doctor , hospital (3)postman, post office (1)What do you do ? I am a teacher.Where do you work ? I study in a school. (2)What do you do ? I am a doctor..Where do you work ? I work in a hospital. (3)What do you do ? I am a postman .Where do you work ? I study in a post office. Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes) : 1. What have you learned this class ? 2. Listen and circle, then check . 3. Let the Ss make some dialogues according to their own pictures . Practise :(1)teacher, school (2) doctor , hospital (3)postman, post office (4)worker ,factory (1)What do you do ? I am a teacher.Where do you work ? I study in a school. (2)What do you do ? I am a doctor..Where do you work ? I work in a hospital. (3)What do you do ? I am a postman .Where do you work ? I study in a post office. (4)What do you do ? I am a worker..Where do you work ? I work in a factory. Then show some good ones to the class . Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson 11 What do you do ? What do you do ? I am a ….Where do you work ? I work … 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第三课时Lesson 11 What do you do ? 累计课时数(36) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1.In this text, we will learn the new words : interesting, policeman kind, interesting, policeman,manger, cleaner, kind, rings, answers, which 2. Learn how to ask and answer some body’s job. Educate the Ss to love their parents . In this text, let the students know and master the useful expressions: (1)What do you do? I am a …(2)Where do you work?I work …(3)Is your work interesting?Yes. I like it. And they should know some simple sentences :Mr Smith wants an office worker.He has an idea.Thank you. You are so kind. 3. Encourage the Ss to set up their dreams in future . Goal request(教学目的) 1. Let the Ss master the meaning of “what do you do ?”and how to answer “what do you do ?” 2.Masterhow to answer “what do you do ? ”,and how to answer “where do you work ?” In this text, let the students know and master the useful expressions. Learn how to ask and answer somebody’s job. Educate the Ss to love their parents.Encourage the Ss to set up their dreams in the future. Key difficulty(教学重难点) In this text, let the students know and mast the useful expressions: (1) What do you do?I’m…(2)Where do you work?I work …(3)Is your work interesting?Yes. I like it have the job come in clean the room be kind Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards (教具准备) Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1. Review: When we talk about a person, how can we ask him /her about the job and the workplace. What do you do ? /What is sb ? /What’s one’s job ? 2. Ok! This lesson we will learn is “Which girl can get the job?” 3. Let the Ss read the text and try to answer the following questions : ( 1 )What does Mr Smith do ? ( 2 )Does Mr Smith want an office worker ? ( 3 )Which girls want to have the job ? ( 4 )Which girl does Mr Smith want to choose ? ( 5 )Who do the two girls want to see when they come in ? ( 6 )Who isn’t kind ? ( 7 )Who wants to help Mr Smith clean the room ? ( 8 )Who answers the telephone ? ( 9 )Which girls can get the job ? Do you know ? 4. Review the following phrases : have the job , come in, clean the room, be kind . Step 2 解疑合探(15 minutes) 1. Encourage the Ss to read the new words by themselves . Once the Ss can’t do it perfectly, the teacher corrects it . Master the Chinese meanings . 2. Show the new words on some cards : manager, choose, cleaner, kind, ring, answer, which. Show the words’ phonetics on some cards, let some Ss stand up and try to read these words , then let the ss read after the teacher five times . Next, give them two minutes to read the words . Let the Ss say the meanings of these words . 3. Let the Ss read the words, pay attention to their pronounciation. 4. let the Ss listen to the tape and repeat . 5. Get the Ss to answer the questions above . Answer the following questions : ( 1 )What does Mr Smith do ? H e is a manager . ( 2 )Does Mr Smith want an office worker ? Yes, he does . ( 3 )Which girls want to have the job ? Two girls . ( 4 )Which girl does Mr Smith want to choose ?The short girl. ( 5 )Who do the two girls want to see when they come in ? The manager . ( 6 )Who isn’t kind ? The tall girl. ( 7 )Who wants to help Mr Smith clean the room ?The short girl. ( 8 )Who answers the telephone ? The manager . ( 9 )Which girls can get the job ? Do you know ?The short girl. 6. Read the story by themselves, then encourage the Ss to retell the story with their own words . Step3.质疑再探(10minutes) Encourage the Ss to ask questions and then solve them together . Step4.运用拓展(5minutes) 1. What have you learned this class ? do some exercises :I am a doctor .___ ___ you ___? I work in a school .(划线部分提问) 连词成句: a. work, is, interesting, your (?) b. girl, get, can , which, the job (?) Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson 11 What do you do ? have the job , come in, clean the room, be kind .( 1 )What does Mr Smith do ? ( 2 )Does Mr Smith want an office worker ? ( 3 )Which girls want to have the job ? ( 4 )Which girl does Mr Smith want to choose ? ( 5 )Who do the two girls want to see when they come in ? ( 6 )Who isn’t kind ? ( 7 )Who wants to help Mr Smith clean the room ? ( 8 )Who answers the telephone ? ( 9 )Which girls can get the job ? Do you know ? 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第一课时Lesson 12 Revision 累计课时数(37 ) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1. Master the new words and the phrases :machines, wonderful , fridge, DVD, wall, thin, picture; 2.Know how to use the prepositions : in , on ; 3. Understand the meanings from pargraph 1 to pargraph 5. Goal request(教学目的) 1.New words : machines, wonderful , fridge, DVD, wall, thin, picture; 2. The phrases : do sth for sb, look like ; 3. The use of“ in’’ , “for” and “on” . 4. The meanings from paragraph 1 to pargraph 5 . Key difficulty(教学重难点) The phrases : do sth for sb, look like ; The use of“ in’’ , “for” and “on” . Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1. Let the Ss sing some songs : (Polly, put your kettle on, )(in the living room )(what do you do ?) 2.Let the Ss look at the pictures, ( show the pictures)and learn to answer the question: Do you have those machines in your home? 3. Show the new words on some cards and ask: machines, wonderful , fridge, dvd, wall, thin, picture; Can you read these new words? What’ the meanings of these words ? Step 2 解疑合探 (15minutes) 1.Show the words’ phonetics on some cards,let some Ss stand up and try to read these words , then let the Ss read after the teacher five times . Next, give them two minutes to read the words . Let the Ss say the meanings of these words . 2.Let the Ss listen to the tape from pargraph 1 to pargraph 5 three times , then listen and repeat . Give them three or five minutes. Let the Ss read the passage from pargraph 1 to pargraph 5 . Next, ,let some Ss stand up and try to say the meanings from paragrouph 1 to paragraph 5. Next, let some Ss answer the following questions : (1)What machines do we have in our homes today ? Ther is a TV, a ridio, a DVD and a telephone in it . (2)Can the machines do wonderful things for us ?Yes, they can. . (3)What’s in my room ?A computer . (4)What’s in our sitting room ? Ther is a TV, a ridio, a DVD and a telephone in it .(5)Where is the TV ? (6)Is it very thin ? The TV is on the wall.It’s very thin. (7)What does it look like ?It looks like a picture .(8)Is it a picture of telephone ?No, it isn’t .Step3.质疑再探(10minutes) 1. The teacher asks : Any more questions ? 2. If they have more questions ,discuss together and solve them. Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes) Fill in the blanks : Today we have many m ____ ____ our homes . The machines can do w____ things ____us . This is a room ____ my home . The TV is ____ the wall. It’s very thin., and it ___ _____ a picture. 5.When you talk ___ someone ___it, you can ____ his face . Bb writing design(板书设计) Lesson 12 Revision (1)What machines do we have in our homes today ? (2)Can the machines do wonderful things for us ? (3)What’s in my room ?A computer . (4)What’s in our sitting room ? (5)Where is the TV ? (6)Is it very thin ? (7)What does it look like ? (8)Is it a picture of telephone ? 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 第二课时Lesson 12 Revision 累计课时数(38) Teaching material analyses(教材分析) 1. Master the new words and the phrases :machines, wonderful , fridge, DVD, wall, thin, picture; 2.Know how to use the prepositions : in , on ; 3. Understand the meanings from pargraph 1 to pargraph 5. Goal request(教学目的) 1.New words : machines, wonderful , fridge, DVD, wall, thin, picture; 2. The phrases : do sth for sb, look like ; 3. The use of“ in’’ , “for” and “on” . 4. The meanings from paragraph 1 to pargraph 5 . Key difficulty(教学重难点) The phrases : do sth for sb, look like ; The use of“ in’’ , “for” and “on” . Teaching method:three doubts three searches(三疑三探) Teaching preparation and method: radio ,cards Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5minutes) 1.Greeting . Review the words according to the cards . 2. Let some Ss come to the front and try to retell the passage from pargraph 1 to pargraph 5. 3. Let the Ss look at the pictures , and learn to ask and answer the questions: Do you have those machines in your home ? 4. Show the new words on some cards and ask : (1)Can you read these new words ? (2)What’s the meanings of these words ? Step 2 解疑合探 (15 minutes) 1. Show the words’ phonetics on some cards, let some Ss stand up and try to read these words , then let the Ss read after the teacher five times .Next, give them two minutes to read the words .Let the Ss say the meanings of these words . 2. Let the Ss listen to the tape from paragraph 6 graph 9 three times, then listen and repeat . give them three of five minutes .let the Ss read the passage from paragraph 6 to paragraph 9. Next, let some Ss stand up and try to say the meanings from paragraph 6 to paragraph 9. Next, let some Ss answer the following questions : Who is my brother ? What’s in our room ? What do we often use our computer to do ? What’s on the desk ? Whose are they ? Who has a mobile telephone ? Who wants to have a picture mobile ? What does my mother want ? What do I want ? Step3.质疑再探(10 minutes) 1. The teacher asks : Any more questions ? 2. If they have more questions , discuss together and solve them together . Step4.运用拓展(10 minutes)Fill in the blanks : We often use computer____ chat ___ our net friends . There are two watchs ____ the desk. ____ is mine . ___ ____ is R ob’s. 3.They can talk to each other _____any time . 4. My mother wants a machine ____ cook food ____her . 5. I want a machine to ___ me _____ my homework . Bb writting desgin(板书设计) Lesson 12 Revision Who is my brother ? What’s in our room ? What do we often use our computer to do ? What’s on the desk ? Whose are they ? Who has a mobile telephone ? Who wants to have a picture mobile ? What does my mother want ? What do Iwant ? 教后反思: 成功之处: 不足之处: 方法措施: 科普版)五年级英语下册期末测试卷(1) 累计课时(39-40) 一 、从四个选项中选出正确的词义,将标号填到括号内。 ( )1. hard A. 努力 B. 小时 C. 头 ( )2. mobile A. 宇宙飞船 B. 可视电话 C. 移动的 ( )3. invitation A. 礼物 B. 山谷 C. 邀请函 ( )4. twice A.两次两倍 B. 二 C. 十二 ( )5. sky A. 沙子 B. 天空 C. 陆地 ( )6. around A. 在周围 B. 抛 扔 C. 答复 ( )7. fridge A. 数码影碟 B. 朋友 C. 电冰箱 ( )8. p.m. A. 上午 B. 下午 C. 计划 ( )9. interesting A.起飞,脱下 B.有趣的 C. 电话 ( )10. wife A. 丈夫 B. 大夫 C. 妻子 二 、根据对话内容填写所缺的词。 What’s the __________with you ? My head __________. Whose dog is this ? No ,it’s not __________. __________do you work? I work in the street. Could you help me ,please? __________! This is the __________ for us . We can eat two and a _________ _________for one pound. 6. Can you help me clean the room ? No , it’s not __________ job. You are smith? Yes , I’m the __________ 三 、选择。 ( )1. The TV_________ like a picture. A. look B. looks C. looking ( )2 There_________ a TV and a DVD in the room. A. is B. are C. was ( )3 There _________ some milk in the bottle. A. is B. are C. am ( )4 Iit’s time _________ have lunch. A. to B. for C. of ( )5 Is this book_________? A. your B. you C. yours ( )6 _________beautiful the stars are! A. what B. how C. what a ( )7 . I work _________ a farm. A. at B. on C. in ( )8 Tom is writing a letter_________ his friend. A. for B. to C. at ( )9 My father _________ a mobile phone. A. have B. has C. is ( )10. Many of things can be _________ again. A. useful B. use C. used 四、选择正确的答句。 ( ) 1. What do you do on the weekend? A. No, I'm going hiking. ( ) 2. When is Children's Day? B. I'm doing homework. ( ) 3.Which season do you like best? C. June 1st. ( ) 4. Are you climbing the mountain? D. Winter. I can play with snow. ( ) 5. What are you doing? E. I often do homework and go hiking. 五、句型转换1、Are you having lunch at home ? Yes , . (肯定回答) 2、Jack is flying the kite now .(对画线部分提问) Jack now ? 3、He goes to work at 7:00.(改为一般疑问句) he to work at 7:00? 4、I have lunch at 12:00 noon. (对画线部分提问) you lunch ? 5、Do you like winter? . (肯定回答) 六、阅读理解 Mike: Hello. This is Mike. Is that Wu Yifan? Wu: Yes, this is Wu Yifan. What are you doing, Mike? Mike: I'm watching TV. What are you doing? And how is everybody doing? Wu: Just fine. I'm doing the dishes. My father is writing an e-mail in the study. My mother is sweeping the floor. And my brother is playing chess with my sister. Mike: What do you do on the weekend? Wu: I visit grandparents and go shopping. Mike: Do you want to go to the nature park? Wu: Sure. What time? Mike: At 1:30. Wu: OK. See you later. Mike: Bye. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。. ( ) 1. Wu Yifan is watching TV. ( ) 2. Mike is doing the dishes ( ) 3. Wu Yifan's father is writing an e-mail in the bedroom. ( ) 4. Wu Yifan visits grandparents and goes shopping on the weekend. ( ) 5. Wu Yifan wants to go to the Children's Park at 1:30 with Mike. 试卷讲评 累计课时数(41-42) 试题分析: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 讲评目标: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 讲评重点: ____________________________________________________ 讲评难点: ____________________________________________________ 教学方法: ____________________________________________________ 教具准备: ____________________________________________________ 课时安排: ____________________________________________________ 教学过程: 一、设疑自探( 分钟) 1、整体情况分析: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2、各题正确率统计: 笔试部分 题号 正确率 3、引导设疑,自主探究: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4、自我纠错。 二、解疑合探( 分钟) (一)小组合探: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (二)全班合探: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 三、质疑再探( 分钟) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 四、运用拓展( 分钟) (一)盘点收获: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (二)巩固练习: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 五 年 级 英 语 下 册 期 末 测 试 卷(2) 累计课时(43-44) 一.找出不同类的单词(10分) ( )1、A fly B jump C walk D climber ( )2、A cat B monkey C zoo D panda ( )3、A head B nose C ear D mom ( )4、A march B spring C summer D winter ( )5、A tofu B cabbage C trunk D eggplant ( )6、A cool B cold C skate D hot ( )7、A season B summer C fall D winter ( )8、A cloud B snow C rain D spring ( )9、A always B swim C skate D sleep ( )10、A evening B work C noon D morning 二、选择填空。10% ( )1、________is Eve? She is in the car. A What B Where C That ( ) 2、The elephant ________ water with ________ trunk. A drinking … it’s B drinking … their C drink … their ( ) 3、_______ Zhang Peng and Mike playing chess in the room ? A Does B is C are ( ) 4、What is the rabbit doing ? It’s _______________. A running B climbing C swimming ( ) 5、_______ monkeys can ________ in the tree.. A The swing B Does swing C The swinging ( ) 6、It is August the _______ today. A. twenty B. twentyth C. twentieth ( ) 7、Why do you like summer best? ______ I can swim in the lake. A. Because B. So C. And ( ) 8、Some ______ are in the basket. Some ______ are in the woods. A. tomatos, butterflies B. tomatoes, butterflies C. tomatoes, butterflys ( ) 9、I have some beans. _________ you? A. What about B. How are C. Why do ( ) 10、Mary is _______ pictures under the tree. A. taking B. doing C. watching 三、根据提供的句子,将对话补充完整,把编号写在横线上。5% A. No, I often write a report in the afternoon. B. I’m a nurse. C. At 5:00 in the afternoon. D. When do you eat lunch ? E. What do you do in the morning ? A: Excuse me , can I ask you some questions,please? B: Sure. A: What do you do ? B: _____________ A: When do you go to work? B: I go to work at 8:00 in the morning. A:______________ B: I often look after my patients. A:______________ B: At 12:00. A: Do you often look after patients in the afternoon,too? B:_____________ A: When do you go home? B:____________ A: Thanks for telling me about your days. 四、连词成句,注意标点。(10%) 1、speak please Can to mom I your ( ? ) _________________________________________ 2、doing is baby What kangaroo the( ? ) _________________________________________ 3.they playing in often Are classroom chess the (?) _________________________________________ 4、June in my is not birthday ___________________________________________ 5、you on weekend do What the do( ? ) _________________________________________ 五、选词填空。(10分) it’s, happy, sing, weekend, don’t, birthday, friends, swim, July, get, home, eat Hello, I am Sally.My birthday is 20th. I usually up early. I am very . My parents and give me many presents(礼物). I go to school on my birthday becausesummer holiday. Usually I have a birthday party at . We have a big dinner and a birthday cake. Weand dance at the party. I have a good time on my . 六、将左右两部分连线,使其成为通顺的句子。 10% 1. I don’t like summer A. because it’s too hot in the city. 2. They like winter best B. but on weekends I eat lunch at home. 3. He can’t swim C. because they can play with white snow. 4. His father is a strong man D. but he likes to play in the water. 5. I usually have lunch at school E. and he is smart, too. 七、阅读短文,用所给字母写单词,判断下面句子的对错,打上“√”或“×”。10% My name is Chen Jie. I’m from _______ (n, a, C, h, i). I live in Beijing. In my family, my brother Xiao Ming likes summer. Because he can ________ (m, i, w, s) in the lake and eat lots of ice-creams. But I don’t like summer. It’s too hot. I like _________ (g, n, s, p, r, i). It’s warm. I can plant trees. My parents like fall. Because their birthday are both in September and _________ (c, O, b, r, e, t, o). On the weekends , we usually visit grandparents. Sometimes we go hiking and ________ (m, c, b, l, i) mountains. We have a happy family! ( )1.Chen Jie likes spring. ( )2.Xiao Ming doesn’t like summer. ( )3. Chen Jie’s mother’s birthday is in fall. ( )4.We usually go hiking on the weekends. ( )5.There are three people in Chen Jie’s fami 试卷讲评 累计课时数(45-46) 试题分析: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________讲评目标: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 讲评重点: ____________________________________________________ 讲评难点: ____________________________________________________ 教学方法: ____________________________________________________ 教具准备: ____________________________________________________ 课时安排: ____________________________________________________ 教学过程: 一、设疑自探( 分钟) 1、整体情况分析: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2、各题正确率统计: 笔试部分 题号 正确率 3、引导设疑,自主探究: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4、自我纠错。 二、解疑合探( 分钟) (一)小组合探: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (二)全班合探: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 三、质疑再探( 分钟) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 四、运用拓展( 分钟) (一)盘点收获: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (二)巩固练习: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________查看更多