外研社四年级module10Unit 1 We have a big family dinner教案

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外研社四年级module10Unit 1 We have a big family dinner教案

Module10 Unit1 We have a big family dinner 教学目标:‎ ‎1、知识目标:‎ ‎(1)能听说读认单词:family, dinner, New Year, the Spring Festival ,Chinese,, peanut ,I see.21世纪教育网版权所有 ‎(2) 能听懂并会说句子:Happy New Year ! At Spring Festival , we have a big family dinner.21·cn·jy·com ‎ 2、能力目标:使学生能够学会表达新年问候及描述过春节时的风俗习惯。‎ ‎3、情感目标:培养学生对我国传统节日的认识,培养爱国、爱家的学习氛围,激发学习兴趣,提高将实际生活与英语学习的结合的能力。‎ 教学重点:‎ ‎1.New words: family, dinner , New Year, the SpringFestival ,Chinese, peanut ,I see.‎ ‎2.Sentences : At Spring Festival, we have ……‎ 教学难点:‎ ‎ 5 / 5‎ ‎1、掌握好Spring Festival的发音;‎ ‎ 2、学生能围绕春节的话题进行谈论。‎ 教学准备:‎ 卡片、黑板、教师点读机m 教学过程:‎ Step1: Warm up Say the chant :I like coffee.‎ Step 2: Presentation ‎1、歌曲导入 老师:You are very good . I’ll give you a song.‎ ‎  播放歌曲《新年好》,问:What’s it about? You can say in Chinese.‎ ‎2、操练Spring Festival ‎(1)当学生说出“春节”,师:Yes, it’s.带领学生大量练习。‎ T:Today we will learn Module 10 Unit 1 We have a big family dinner.(板书课题)www.21-cn-jy.com ‎ 5 / 5‎ 教师继续引导“Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year.”(练习Chinese New Year.)What do we say to our families?(练习family)‎ T:Today we will learn Module 10 Unit 1 We have a big family dinner.(板书课题)【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】‎ ‎(2)Let’s chant: Happy New Year!‎ ‎ 3. Revise some words about the food.‎ I like Spring Festival , do you ? Why ? ‎ 可以让同学们小组交流一下,然后班内交流,多数学生会说出穿新衣,吃花生,吃糖果,相互问“过年好”,家庭吃团圆年夜饭,放鞭炮等。教师可事先根据需要画出图片,并张贴在黑板上。21教育网 教师根据黑板上的图片,引导出重点句型 At Spring Festival , we have new clothes/have peanuts/have sweets/have a big family dinner. At Spring Festival ,we say “happy New Year !” ‎ T: You're so good !It's a peanut for(表情夸张、强调) you.(奖励学生真花 生) Teach: peanut(利用单词图卡教说单词,同时展示出反面的中文让学生理解,教师教说两遍即可) Practice:让学生用花生图卡传递并说It’s for you.(提醒得到卡片的学生应说Thank you.)在此过程中对说得好的学生给予真花生奖励。 ‎ ‎ 5 / 5‎ T: We have so many food, because we have a big family dinner at Spring Festival. Show a picture of big family dinner and teach: At Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner. ‎ 分解操练:由词到句dinner-family dinner-a big family dinner-句子,提示dinner表示晚餐,a big family dinner表示团圆饭 。‎ Step3:teacher-student interaction 播放音乐Happy New Year,当音乐停时,学生需从传到的盒子里拿出任意一张单词卡片,并快速地读出。2-1-c-n-j-y T: Game is over , Let’s listen to text and find what does Daming say to Amy and Sam about Spring Festival, ok ?  21*cnjy*com ‎  1、放第一遍录音,让学生看图,体会语言所要表达的内容。‎ ‎  2、放第二遍录音, 学生跟读,注意模仿录音上的语音语调。。‎ ‎  3、放第三遍录音,对重点、难点词、句反复练习 ‎ 学生分角色读课文 ‎ Step4: Consolidation: ‎ ‎1、向听课的教师再次介绍春节。 ‎ ‎ 5 / 5‎ 教师利用句型先带领全班回顾一遍可能用到的句子(主要是3个重点句)。教师讲解任务与对话示范介绍:Hello, I’m XX. At Spring Festival, we_________. 老师给予学生食物图、句型等相关内容提示,由生小组交流。请自愿组全员起立介绍,一人一句,看哪组说的句子多。2·1·c·n·j·y ‎2. Sing the song with the new words Step 5: Homework 收集其他节日的图画或者照片,并了解其风俗习惯.例如:中秋节人们吃什么和做什么.下节课前向同学们介绍自己收集了解到的节日知识.‎ 板书设计:‎ Unit 1 We have a big family dinner.‎ At Spring Festival , we have(吃) sweets. ‎ At Spring Festival , we have(拥有) a big family dinner. ‎ ‎ 5 / 5‎

