外研社四年级英语Unit 2 Merry Christmas!作业课件

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外研社四年级英语Unit 2 Merry Christmas!作业课件

Module 10 WY 四年级上册 Unit 2   Merry Christmas! 提示 : 点击 进入习题 四 一 五 二 六 三 七 一、核心素养练   把握读音规则,掌握单词拼读技巧。读一读,判断每组单词画线部分的读音是 (T) 否 (F) 相同。 (    ) 1. Ch ristmas   Ch inese (    ) 2. d i nner l i ke (    ) 3. famil y happ y (    ) 4. y ear m y (    ) 5. s ee str ee t F F T F T 二、判断下列句子与图片是 (T) 否 (F) 相符。 (    ) 1. My grandparents like peanuts. (    ) 2. We sing songs. (    ) 3. Merry Christmas. (    ) 4. Does Tom eat sweets at Christmas? (    ) 5. Here’s a present for you. F T F F T 三、选择合适的单词完成句子。 1. We’re going to ________ a party next Sunday. 2. We ________ presents on Amy’s birthday. 3. We ________ a cake for our teachers. have 点拨 : have a party 是固定搭配,意为 ” 举行聚会 ” 。 点拨 : make sth. for sb. 意为 ” 给某人制作某物 ”, 是固定搭配。 give make 4. At the Spring Festival, we often ________ sweets. 5. They ________ songs at Christmas. eat 点拨 : sing songs 是固定搭配,意为 ” 唱歌 ” 。 sing 四、单项选择。 (    ) 1. —This is a book. What’s it about? —________ A. It’s about animals. B. Here it is. C. I like animals. (    ) 2. At the Spring Festival, we have ________. A. a big Christmas tree B. a big family dinner C. a big birthday cake A B (    ) 3. What do you do ________ Christmas? A. in    B. to    C. at (    ) 4. Christmas ________ coming! A. is B. is going to C. are (    ) 5. —Merry Christmas! —________! A. Me too B. Merry Christmas C. Yes, please C A B 五、在不同的节日中,人们会进行不同的活动来庆祝。看一看,读一读,匹配下列活动与对应的节日,将其序号填写在相应节日图片的旁边。 A. We say “Happy New Year!” B. We make and have dumplings. C. We have a Christmas tree. D. We sing special ( 特别的 ) songs. E. We have peanuts and sweets. Kids can get lucky money. 1. 2. B D C A E 六、连词成句。 1. your, is, here, present ________________________________________. 2. have, big, we, a, dinner, family ________________________________________. 3. of, we, eat, lots, food ________________________________________. Here is your present We have a big family dinner We eat lots of food 4. Christmas, do, at, you, what, do ________________________________________? 5. you, want, do, some, peanuts ________________________________________? What do you do at Christmas Do you want some peanuts 七、阅读短文完成任务。 Christmas is coming. The children are very happy. They decorate( 装饰 ) their Christmas trees. They give presents and eat sweets. On Christmas Day , they get up very early and open the presents in their stockings( 长筒袜 ). Then they wake up( 叫醒 ) their parents and say “Merry Christmas!” ( 一 ) 根据短文内容,判断正 (T) 误 (F) 。 (    ) 1. The Spring Festival is coming. (    ) 2. The children don’t eat sweets at Christmas. (    ) 3. The children get up early on Christmas Day. (    ) 4. The children say “Merry Christmas!” to their parents. (    ) 5. The children are very happy at Christmas. F F T T T ( 二 ) 读一读,判断以下图片中的内容是否出现在短文中, 出现的画“√”,没出现的画“ ×” 。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (    )   (    ) (    ) (    ) (    ) 6. (    ) √ × × × √ √

