外研社四年级英语Unit 2 Im going to do the high jump授课课件

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外研社四年级英语Unit 2 Im going to do the high jump授课课件

111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Module 9 WY 四年级上册 Unit 2 I'm going to do the high jump. What are you going to do on sports day? 1. Listen, point and say. What are you going to do? We’re going to run. I’m going to win. —What are you going to do? 你们将要做什么 ? —We’re going to run. 我们将要跑步。 知识点 1 用来询问和回答对方的计划或打算的。 句式结构 : —What are you going to do ? —I’m / We’re going to + 动词原形 + 其他 . 用法: 易错点 提示 当问句主语是 you 时,答语既可以用 I 也可以 用 we , 具体情况视语境来定。 典例 —What are you going to do ? —I ________ going to ________ a boat. A. am; rowing   B. am; row   C. are; row 点拨 : 由 “be going to” 结构后加动词原形可排除 A 。 由 I 和 am 连用可排除 C 。 B 2. Listen and say. What are you going to do on sports day , Amy? I’m going to do the high jump. 2. Listen and say. What are you going to do, Sam? I’m going to do the long jump. I’m going to run the 200 metres and 400 metres. PE is my favourite subject. How about you , Lingling? high jump 跳高 知识点 2 She’s going to do the high jump. 她将要做跳高运动。 短语: 例句: do the high jump 做跳高运动 jump high 意思为“跳得高”,而不是“跳高运动”。 辨析 : Can you jump high ? 你能跳得高吗? 例句: long jump 跳远 知识点 3 Sam is going to do the long jump. 萨姆将要做跳远运动。 短语: 例句: do the long jump 做跳远运动 jump far 意思为“跳得远”。 辨析: I can’t jump far. 我跳不远。 例句: 典例 Today, we are going to learn________ . A. jump long   B. long jump   C. jump far B 点拨 : long jump 跳远 ( 体育运动 ) , jump far 跳得远。 how about …… 怎么样 知识点 4 ( 1 ) 对方谈论的事情不明确,需要询问情况或者 打听消息。 同义短语: 用法: what about …… 怎么样 例句: I’m going to swim. How about you ? 我打算去游泳,你呢? ( 2 ) 征求对方的看法或者意见。 How about this car ? 这辆汽车怎么样? 例句: 典例 —How ________ you , Lingling ? —I’m going to swim.   A. old    B. many     C. about 点拨 : how old 多大, how many 多少,都与答句不符,故排除 A 、 B 。 C 知识点 5 favourite subject 最喜爱的学科 联想记忆法: Chinese 语文, Math 数学, English 英语, PE 体育, art 美术, history 历史 短语: Chinese is my favourite subject. 语文是我最喜爱的学科。 例句: /'sʌbdʒekt/ n. ( 名词 ) 学科 [ 四会 ] 3. Look, ask and answer. A : What are you going to do? B : I’m going to... 小调查。 学校将要举办运动会,快用 What are you going to do on sports day ? 采访一下你的同学吧!看看他们将要参加哪些运动项目,然后记录下来! 4. Listen and say. Then chant. I’m training for sports day. I’m training every day. I’m going to run and I’m going to win. I’m training every day. Come on, come on! Good luck, good luck! Good luck on sports day! 5. Guess and say. Yes , I’m going to do the long jump. What are you going to do? The long jump? 6. Ask , answer and do. Make a plan for sports day. Names football basketball swimming long jump high jump 100 metres 200 metres Sue football Jim ... Sports √ √ 6. Ask , answer and do. What are you going to do on sports day? I’m going to play basketball. I’m going to do the long jump. 一、单项选择。 1. — ________are you going to do ? —I’m going to swim. A. What B. Where C. When A 2. I’m going to do the_________ jump. A. high B. for C. far 3. She is the winner of the ________ . A. high jump     B. jump high C. jumping high A A 点拨 : high jump 跳高 ( 体育运动 ) , jump high 跳得高。 4. Art is my favourite_________ . A. subjects   B. subject   C. a subject B 二 、英汉互译。 ( 1 ) do the high jump ______________________ ( 2 )做跳远 运动 _______________________ ( 3 ) favourite subject _______________________ 做跳高运动 do the long jump 最喜爱的学科 本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦! 重点词汇: subject 重点短语: high jump, long jump, how about 重点句式: What are you going to do ? We’re going to run. 1 熟记本节课所学的句型、短语和单词,必须会听、说、读、写。 2 将 Listen and say. 的对话朗读流利。 3 完成 配套的课后作业,见 《 典中点 》 P51 页 或 课后作业课件。

