外研社4英Module7Unit2 There are twelve boys on the bike作业课件

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外研社4英Module7Unit2 There are twelve boys on the bike作业课件

WY 四年级上册 Unit 2 There are Iwelve boys on the bike. Module 7 提示 : 点击 进入习题 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 一、写出所给单词的同类词,写一个即可。 1. apple pear ________ 2. go run ________ 3. sheep bear ________ 4. arm head ________ 5. running playing ________ banana swim pig face doing 二、用“ is 、 are ”填空。 1. There ________ a girl under the tree. 2. There ________ four birds in the tree. 3.There ________ some books on the desk. 4.There ________ a horse in the zoo. is are are is 5.There ________ a ruler and two pencils in the bag. 点拨 : 本题考查 there be 句型中 be 动词的用法。 be 动词根据后面的主语确定,根据就近原则,单数形式用 is ,复数形式用 are 。 is 三、给下列句子选择合适的图片。 ( ) 1. There are five pigs. They are singing. ( ) 2. There are two chickens. They’re eating rice. ( ) 3. There is a bear. It’s eating fruit. ( ) 4. There are three monkeys in the tree. ( ) 5. There are two sheep. They’re dancing. A. B. C. D. E. C E A D B 四、 判断下列句子与答语是 ( ) 否 ( ) 相符。 ( ) 1. —How many pigs? —Yes, it is. ( ) 2. —Who’s that girl? —It’s Amy. ( ) 3. —What’s the girl doing? —She’s riding a horse. ( ) 4. —There is a pig in the photo. —Yes. They are eating fruit. √ × √ × √ × 五、 读一读,猜一猜,以下句子描述的是哪种 动物或水果,将相应的选项填在横线上。 【 图文匹配法 】 1. It is an animal ( 动物 ). It can run fast. We can ride it. It’s a ________. 2. It is an animal. It’s often white. It likes eating grass. It’s a ________ . E A 方法点拨 : 此题用 图文匹配法 解答。即先把握住图片中关键信息,再通过图片表达的意思及句意进行匹配,得出答案。 3. It is an animal. Its meat is nice. It likes sleeping. It’s a ________ . 4. It’s a kind of fruit. It’s red and round ( 圆的 ). It’s an ________. 5. It’s an animal. It can fly but it can’t fly high. It likes rice. It’s a ________ . C D B A. B. C. D. E. 六、根据提供的汉语情境选择正确的句子。 ( ) 1. 当你建议朋友一起看一看朋友的照片时,你 可以说 : ________ A. Let’s read it. B. Let’s have a look. C. Look! B ( ) 2. 当你想告诉老师教室里有两个女生时,你可 以说 : ________ A. The classroom has got two girls. B. There is a classroom in two girls. C. There are two girls in the classroom. C ( ) 3. 你想告诉朋友有两个男孩正在树下下棋时, 你可以说 : ________ A. There are two boys under the tree. They are playing chess. B. They are playing chess under the tree. C. Look at the boys. They are playing chess under the tree! A ( ) 4. 当你想告诉朋友,你看不清照片里女孩的脸时, 你可以说: ________ A. There is a girl in the photo. B. I can see her face in the photo. C. I can’t see the girl’s face in the photo. C ( ) 5. 你想告诉朋友,动物园里有许多动物时,你会 说: ________ A. Look at the animals at the zoo ! B. There are many animals at the zoo. C. I can see the animals in the zoo. B 七、看图,选择正确的单词完成短文,注意用 单词的 正确形式 . There are some nice photos here. Look. There is a monkey in this photo. It is a bike. There is a in this photo. It is flying a kite. There are two in this photo. They are eating rice. There are some in this photo. I’m eating in this photo. riding bear chickens vegetables fruit

