人教精通版英语四上《This is my new friend》单元测试

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人教精通版英语四上《This is my new friend》单元测试

Unit1 单元测试卷 一、根据职业选择物品并连线。 (1) A. postman (2) B. doctor (3) C. teacher (4) D. TV reporter 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. ---Is she a nurse? ---Yes, ________ (she’s). 2. ---________ (who is) this boy? ---He’s my brother. 3. ---What does your mother do? ---She’s a ________ (teach). 4. ---Where are you from, Mary? ---________ (I am) from England. 5. ---Who’s that man (男人)? ---He’s ________ (I) new teacher, Mr Zhang. 三、我能根据答语找出正确的问句。 (1) No, he isn’t. He’s from Canada. A. What does your mother do? (2) I’m from Hong Kong, China. B. Where are you from? (3) Yes, he is. C. Is he from China? (4) She’s a teacher. D. Is your brother a driver? (5) He’s a driver. E. What does the man do? (6) She is my sister. F. Who’s this girl? 四、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Jim is ________ American boy. A. a B. / C. an ( ) 2. This boy is my ________. A. father B. brother C. uncle ( ) 3. Where ________ his friend from? A. is B. are C. am ( ) 4. Is she ________ mother? A. you B. your C. I 五、阅读并根据短文内容选择正确的答案。 I’m Amy. I’m from America. Jim is my good friend. He’s from England. Jim’s father is a policeman. Jim’s mother is a nurse. She’s beautiful. This is Jim’s aunt. She’s a TV reporter. That girl is Jim’s sister. She’s seven. She’s my friend, too. (1) Amy, Jim and Jim’s sister are ________. A. from America B. TV reporters C. good friends (2) Jim’s father is a ________. A. policeman B. farmer C. postman (3) Jim has an ________. A. aunt B. sister C. uncle (4) ---Is Jim’s aunt a TV reporter? ---________ A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. I don’t know. (我不知道。) (5) Jim’s mother is ________. A. TV reporter B. England C. beautiful 参考答案: 一、 (1)-(4) CDBA 二、 1. she is 2. Who’s 3. teacher 4. I’m 5. my 三、 (1)-(6) CBDAEF 四、 1-4 CBAB 五、 (1)-(5) CAAAC

