人教精通版英语四上《How’s the weather today》(Lesson 22)课时训练

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人教精通版英语四上《How’s the weather today》(Lesson 22)课时训练

Lesson22 课时训练 一、我会读和选 ( ) 1. su__ __y A. nn B. no C. nw ( ) 2. cl__ __dy A. ou B. uo C. oo ( ) 3. ho__ A. c B. t C. n ( ) 4. w__ __m A. ar B. or C. to ( ) 5. c__ __d A. ol B. no C. lo 二、我是小小翻译家 ( ) (1) Excuse me. A. 今天天气怎么样? ( ) (2) How’s the weather today? B. 打扰了。 ( ) (3) Let’s go shopping. C. 让我们去购物吧。 ( ) (4) It’s sunny now. D. 现在是晴天。 三、判断下列句子与图片是否一致,一致的打√,不一致的打× ( ) 1. It’s 7:00. ( ) 2. Have some milk. ( ) 3. It’s sunny today. ( ) 4. I like carrots. ( ) 5. Seven and one is eight. ( ) 6. This is my sister. 四、我会选 ( ) (1) Pleased to meet you. A. OK! Let’s go. ( ) (2) Shall we go to school? B. Pleased to meet you, too. ( ) (3) Can I have some juice? C. Here you are. ( ) (4) What’s this in English? D. It’s a pen. ( ) (5) How’s the weather today? E. It’s rainy. 参考答案 一、 1-5 AABAA 二、 (1)-(4) BACD 三、 1-6 √××√√× 四、 (1)-(5) BACDE

