人教版(新起点)英语四上《Sports and Games》(Story Time)课时训练

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人教版(新起点)英语四上《Sports and Games》(Story Time)课时训练

Unit1 Story Time 课时训练 一、选出划线部分的正确解释。 ( ) 1. Do you often play football? A. 打篮球 B. 踢足球 C. 打棒球 ( ) 2. No problem! A. 没问题 B. 好的 C. 太棒了 ( ) 3. We need some more players. A. 需要 B. 想要 C. 必须 ( ) 4. Now we need an excuse. A. 想法 B. 办法 C. 借口 二、按要求完成下列各题。 1. we (形容词性物主代词) __________ 2. team (复数) __________ 3. I’ll (完整形式) __________ 4. player (动词原形) __________ 5. that’s (完整形式) __________ 6. we (对应词) __________ 三、单项选择。 ( ) l. Do you want ________ now? A. playing B. play C. to play ( ) 2. We need a place ________ play. A. and B. to C. too ( ) 3. We need some ________ players. A. many B. more C. much ( ) 4. That’s ________ problem. A. a B. an C. the 四、连词成句。 1. goal, need, We, a (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 2. school, use, can, We, our (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 3. two, We, teams, need (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 一、 1-4 BAAC 二、 1. our 2. teams 3. I will 4. play 5. that is 6. they 三、 1-4 CBBA 四、 1. We need a goal. 2. We can use our school bags. 3. We need two teams.

