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[ 人教精通版 ] 三年级英语上册优质课件 [ 教育部审定教材 ] RJ 精通 · 英语 Fun time 1 Project Recycle 1 Recycle 2 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 目 录 精通版 · 三年级上册 Fun Time 1 Recycle 1 Let’s do Touch your nose. My nose. Touch your mouth. My mouth. Touch your head. My head. Open your eye. My eye. Let’s talk Hi, I’m Li Yan. This is Zhou Pei. Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. How are you? Fine. Thank you. This is Liu Ming. Welcome to our group. Thank you. Play roles This is Peter. Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. Let’s play Find your friends! I’m a cat. We are friends. I’m a rabbit. We are friends. I’m a pencil. We are friends. Let’s make and talk 1. Draw a bird. 画一只鸟。 2. Colour it. 给它涂色。 3. Cut it out. 把它剪下来。 4. Stick it to some tape. 把它粘在带子上。 5. Stick it to your hand and say: 把它粘贴在你的手上并说: Look at my bird! Look! This is my cat. 精通版 · 三年级上册 Fun Time 1 Recycle 2 Let’s play This is my pencil. This is my sharpener. This is my bear. This is my pig. Play roles This is my pencil. This is my pencil-box. This is my ruler. Let’s chant This is Little Duck. Quack, quack, quack! This is Little Dog. Woof, woof, woof! Let’s play This is a pen. This is a book. This is a duck. This is a ruler. This is a monkey. 精通版 · 三年级上册 Fun Time 1 Project Project Let’s make and say. This is a panda. This is a pig. This is a cat. Presentation Let’s show and say. Hello! I’m Peter. This is a cat, a dog… Hello! I’m Gao Wei. This is a pig, a monkey, a duck and a rabbit. A sample project Let’s make and introduce. Hi! I’m Lisa. This is my pen, my ruler… Hi! I’m Lisa. This is my eraser, my marker and my book. Cultural link eagle 鹰 fox 狐狸 panda 熊猫 kangaroo 袋鼠

