三年级英语下册unit7 Hobbies Period1牛津上海版

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三年级英语下册unit7 Hobbies Period1牛津上海版

Module 4 The world around usModule 3 My colourful life 7 six see sister seven What do you like doing? I like (doing) … Let’s talk: drawing swimming skipping reading running riding a bike playing football singing dancing flying a kite Arts Club Music Club Chess Club Sports Club Clubs What clubs are they ? Listen and choose: What clubs are they ? Listen and choose: How is the club ? It’s…. Let’s watch and answer: There are many clubs in our school . Let’s watch and answer: Hello ! This is a music club. It’s fun. Do you like singing or dancing ? Welcome to music club. Let’s watch and answer: Come here! This is a sports club. It’s cool. Do you like swimming ? Do you like skating ? Welcome to sports club. Let’s watch and answer: Hey ! This is an arts club. It’s nice. Do you like drawing or painting ? Come to arts club, please. Let’s watch and answer: Look ! This is a reading club. It’s fun. Do you like reading ? Come to reading club. Let’s watch and answer: How is the club ? It’s…. fun cool nice fun Let’s watch and answer: Let’s look: Let’s talk: Do you like …(doing)? Yes./No. So you can go to the … club. drawing painting Let’s learn: Let’s be a club leader(社团负责人) : Let’s choose the club you like and introduce it . (尝试扮演社团的负责人,选择一个你喜 欢的社团进行介绍,看谁是最棒的负责人。) There are many clubs in our school . Let’s imitate : Hello ! This is a music club. It’s fun. Do you like singing or dancing ? Welcome to music club. Let’s imitate : Come here! This is a sports club. It’s cool. Do you like swimming ? Do you like skating ? Welcome to sports club. Let’s imitate : Come to arts club,please. It’s nice ! Do you like drawing or painting ? Hey ! This is an arts club. Let’s imitate : Look ! This is a reading club. It’s fun. Do you like reading ? Come to reading club. Let’s imitate : Let’s be a club leader(社团负责人) : Let’s choose the club you like and introduce it . (尝试扮演社团的负责人,选择一个你喜 欢的社团进行介绍,看谁是最棒的负责人。) Let’s talk: What clubs do you like ?Why ? I like…club. I like..(doing). It’s … Math club English club Homework : 1.Read the text for three times. 2.Talk about the clubs you like and the reasons.

