三年级下册英语课件-Lesson 20 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs 冀教版 (共15张PPT)

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三年级下册英语课件-Lesson 20 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs 冀教版 (共15张PPT)

Unit 4 Lesson 20 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs A: What do you like? Review B: I like _____. Review eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen one two three four five How many pears? New words hamburger New words hot dog New words donut New words ice cream New sentence What would you like?I’d like a hamburger and some juice, please. New sentence 句型: What would you like? 你想要什么? I’d like a ... 我想要一个… Let’s chant! What would you like? What would you like? A hamburger and a dog. That’s what I’d like. What would you like? What would you like? A donut and some milk. That’s what I’d like. New sentence Sure! Thanks! You’re welcome! Look, Danny. Donut! My favourite! May I have one? New sentence May I have one? 我可以吃一个吗?Sure. 当然可以。 Thanks! 谢谢! You’re welcome! 不客气。 上述对话中,Danny用了非常礼貌的提问用语: May I have …? 而Jenny也用了非常礼貌的用语来回答他: You’re welcome. Let’s play! Li Ming, may I have a hot dog? Sure! Thanks! You’re welcome! A: May I have_______? B: Sure. A: Thanks. B: You are welcome! Let’s do it! A: What would you like? B: I’d like a ... A: Here you are. B: Thanks. A: You’re welcome. Homework 1、熟记本节课所学句型和单词,必须会听、说、 读、写。 2、Draw your favourite food and introduce(介绍) it. Make up a dialogue with your partner.画出你最喜 欢的食物,介绍一下它,并和小伙伴进行对话。

