三年级下册英语课件 Unit 2 Does your mum go to work on Saturdays

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三年级下册英语课件 Unit 2 Does your mum go to work on Saturdays

•Unit 2 Does your mum go to work on Saturdays? Read and chant Football, football, he plays football on Mondays. Basketball, basketball, she plays basketball on Mondays. Go to school, go to school, Amy goes to school on Mondays. Watch and learn Saturday, Saturday,on Saturdays Watch and learn work, work,go to work 上班 Watch and learn shopping, shopping,go shopping 购物 —Does she go to work on Saturdays? —No, she doesn't. She goes shopping. —Does he go to work on Saturdays? —No, he doesn't. He plays football. —Does she go to school on Mondays? —Yes, she does. —Does he go to school on Mondays? —No, he doesn't. Does he play football? Does he play basketball? Does she go shopping? What's missing? on Saturday play go shopping dad go to work Watch and answer Does Amy play football on Mondays?. Does Ms Smart go to work on Saturdays?. Does Amy go to school on Mondays?. Make a dialogue Does your mother ... on Saturdays? Yse/No,.... Make a poster of your family member's Saturday activities. work,go to work, Saturday, shopping, go shopping, dad —Does your mum go to work on Saturdays? —Yes, she does/No, she doesn't. 词汇清单 句型 Look and play 1. Read M5U2. 2. Make a survey “ Does Xiaoyong go to school on Saturdays?” Homework

