三年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Lesson 1 动物园里有什么? 外研版(三起)(共22张PPT) (1)

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三年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Lesson 1 动物园里有什么? 外研版(三起)(共22张PPT) (1)

三年级(下册) Module 2 动物园里有什么? Warming up: Have you been to the zoo? What’s this? It’s a dog. It’s big. It’s small. It’s fat. It’s thin. Guess guess, what’s this? Guess guess, what’s this? It has a long nose. What’s this? It’s an elephant. It’s big. Guess guess, what’s this? It has yellow fur(皮毛) and black striped(条纹) . What’s this? It’s a tiger. It’s big . Guess guess, what are they? They are strong(强壮) and dangerous(危险)! What are they? They’re lions. They’re big. They are have long tails(尾巴). Guess guess, what are they? They’re monkeys. They’re thin. What are they? Guess guess, what’s this? It likes to eat bamboo(竹子). What’s this? It’s a panda. It’s fat. What’s this? It’s a (an) ... They’re ... What are they? Let’s chant ØElephant elephant, it’s an elephant. ØLions, lions, they are lions. ØTiger tiger, it’s a tiger. ØMonkeys monkeys, they are monkeys. ØPanda panda, a fat panda. See You!

