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WY 四年级上册 能力过关练 Module 1 提示 : 点击 进入习题 一 五 二 六 三 七 四 八 九 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 (    ) 1. A. there   B. where   C. welcome (    ) 2. A. left B. right C. live (    ) 3. A. here B. hill C. house (    ) 4. A. train B. turn C. tree (    ) 5. A. beside B. cinema C. straight A C C B D 二、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是 (√) 否 (×) 相符。 【 预测图片内容法 】 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (    )   (    )   (    ) (    )   (    ) √ × × √ × 三、听录音,选择短语完成句子,并将序号写在横线 上。 1. The cinema is ________________ the supermarket. 2. Go straight on, and then ____________. C A 3. The train is ________________. 4. The bus is ________________. 5. The girl is ________________ of the desk. D B E 四、听录音,选择正确的答语。 (    ) 1. A. Go straight on and then turn right. B. It’s a bus. (    ) 2. A. She’s behind the desk. B. It’s a desk. (    ) 3. A. Thank you so much. B. You’re welcome. A A B (    ) 4. A. It’s near the park. B. I’m next to you. (    ) 5. A. It’s up the hill. B. I’m on your left. B A 五、看图,说出下列图片表示的单词或短语。 hill go straight on supermarket cinema house street 六、读下列句子或对话,注意语音语调。 1. Excuse me. Where’s No. 2 Park Street, please? 2. Go straight on. Turn right. Turn left. 3. It’s next to a supermarket. 4. —Thank you so much. —You’re welcome. 5. —Where’s the train? —It’s at the station.          七、给下列各题选择正确的图片。 (    ) 1. —Where’s the car? —It’s up the hill. A. B. (    ) 2. I’m behind the tree. A. B. A A (    ) 3. The bus is at the station. A. B. (    ) 4. Turn right. A. B. A B 八、看图,选择合适的短语或句子写在四线三格内, 注意书写规范。 1. —Where’s the supermarket, please? — , and then turn right. 2. —Where’s the school, please? — , and then go straight on. Turn right Go straight on 3. —Where’s the zoo, please? —Turn right, and then go straight on. . 4. — ? —It’s near the cinema. Turn left Where’s the car 九、阅读对话,判断正 (T) 误 (F) 。 Jack: Excuse me. I’m lost. Can you help me,please? Policeman: Yes,of course. Jack: Where’s the park? Policeman: The park? You can go straight on,and then turn left. The park is near the supermarket. Jack: Thank you. Policeman: You’re welcome. (    ) 1. Jack is lost. (    ) 2. The policeman helps Jack. (    ) 3. Jack wants to go to the zoo. (    ) 4. Jack can go straight on, and then turn left. T T 点拨 : 由警察的回答 ”Yes, of course. ” 可知本句正确。 F 点拨 : 由对话内容“ Where’s the park ?”可知杰克想去公园,而不是想去动物园。 T (    ) 5. The park is near the school. F 点拨 : 由对话中“ The park is near the supermarket. ” 可知公园在超市附近,而不是在学校附近。

