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[ 冀教版 ] 四年级上册英语全套优质课件 [ 教育部审定教材 ] JJB· 英语 Unit 4 Shopping in the city Lesson 19 Lesson 20 Lesson 21 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 目 录 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24 Again, Please! Unit 4 Shopping in the city 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 19 Lead-in Today is my sister’s birthday. I want to give her a gift. What gift can she buy for her sister? Where can she buy the gift? Let’s go shopping! New words 商店;购物 shop ( = let us ) 让我们 …… (提出建议时用) let’s 出发,离去;行走;去;开始 go 购物 go shopping What is it? Let’s go shopping, Danny. Okay! Books Toys Clothes Tea tea shop clothes shop toy shop book shop Language points 1. Let’s go shopping, Danny. 丹尼,让我们去购物吧。 此句是 Let’s 引导的祈使句,用来表示命令、请求、建议、劝告、警告等。 句型结构: Let’s + 动词原形 + 其他 . 其中 let’s 是 let us 的缩写形式,后接动词原形, us 是人称代词的宾格形式。 常用肯定答语: OK 好的 Good idea 好主意 Great 好极了 All right 好吧 常用否定答语: Sorry, I… 抱歉,我 …… 缩写形式 : OK 好的;没问题;可以 常见用法: ( 1 ) OK=well/fine , 作形容词,表示“身体好的,健康的”。 例句 : — 你好吗? — 我很好。 How are you? I’m OK. 2. Okay! 好的! ( 2 ) OK=all right, 用于对方致谢时的回答,表示“别客气,不用谢”。 例句: — 谢谢你。 — 别客气。 Thank you. That’s OK. ( 3 ) 用于同意别人的观点或接受别人的邀请。 例句: — 让我们回家吧。 — 好的! Let’s go home. Okay! Activity Match the things. tea shop clothes shop toy shop book shop What do you want to buy? What do you want to buy? I want to buy a new dress. Let’s go to the clothes shop. No, please! I don’t want to buy a new dress. Well, what do you want to buy? Ice cream! Language points 1. What do you want to buy? 你想买什么? 这是询问对方需求的问句。 want 意为“想要” 。 常用短语 : want to do sth. 想要做某事 句型结构: What do you want to+ 动词原形( do, buy… ) + 其他? 答语: I want to+ 动词(短语)原形 + 其他 . 例句: — 你想做什么? — 我想踢足球。 What do you want to do ? I want to play football. 2. Let’s go to the clothes shop. 让我们去服装店吧。 这是 建议去某地 的句型,是祈使句。 句型结构: Let’s go (to) + 地点 (the tea shop, the book shop…). 例句:让我们去图书馆吧。 Let’s go to the library. 注意: 如果 go 后所接地点为地点副词,如 here, there, home 等,则 go 后面不加 to 。 例句:让我们回家吧。 Let’s go home. 3. I don’t want to buy a new dress. 我不想买一条新连衣裙。 描述 某人不想做某事 的句型 : 主语 +don’t/doesn’t+ want to do sth. 例句:我不想去钓鱼,我爸爸不想去购物。 I don’t want to go fishing, and my father doesn’t want to go shopping. Let’s do it! Pair work. Talk and write. Name Toy Shop Clothes Shop Book Shop … Ann Snow White Kim skirt My friend Me Let’s go shopping. I want to buy Snow White. What do you want to buy? I want to buy a skirt. Play roles Name Toy Shop Clothes Shop Book Shop … Ann Snow White Kim skirt My friend Me toy plane a shirt What do you want to buy? I want to buy a toy plane. What do you want to buy? I want to buy a shirt. Unit 4 Shopping in the city 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 20 Lead-in Write the name of each house Fruit Shop Tea Shop Clothes Shop Toy Shop New words 想要 want 朝 …… ,向 …… ;无词义(与动词原形一起构成不定式) to 买 buy 方向;方式;方法;道路 way May I help you? May I help you? Yes, please. I want to buy a dress. Where are the dresses? I’ll show you. This way, please. Here they are! Excuse me. Yes? May I help you? Where’s the ice cream? Ice cream? I’m sorry. This shop has shoes, clothes, toys, books and bikes, but no ice cream. Language points 1. May I help you? 我可以帮助你吗? ( 1 ) May I help you? 是服务人员主动询问顾客需要什么的常用语,意思是“你想买点什么?”。 在英语国家里,服务员通常用 “Can I help you?” “May I help you?” “What can I do for you?” 来招呼客人,以表示客气和礼貌。 顾客的肯定回答 : I want … 我想要 …… Yes, please. I want … 好的,麻烦了。我想要 …… 否定回答 : No, thanks. 不用,谢谢 ( 2 )此句型还可以用于 征求别人同意 ,句型结构为: May I + 动词(短语)原形 + 其他? 肯定回答 : Yes, please. 好的,麻烦了 Sure 当然可以 Certainly 当然可以;行 否定回答 : No, you can’t. 不,你不能。 Sorry, you can’t. 对不起,你不能。 例句:我可以和我的朋友们踢足球吗? 当然可以。 May I play football with my friends? Sure. 2. I’ll show you. 我会指给你看。 此句是一般将来时,其句型结构如下: 主语 + will + 动词原形 +其他 have go sing We They She He I 一般将来时表示将来的动作或状态 ,常常与一些表示将来的时间状语连用,如 tomorrow (明天), next week (下周)等。 例句:他们明天将要去购物。 They will go shopping tomorrow. ① will 表示将来,其本身没有人称和数的变化。 ② 在一般将来时中,经常将主语与 will 缩写,如 we’ll, she’ll, he’ll 等。 拓展:表示即将发生或最近打算进行的事还可以 用 “ be going to+ 动词原形 ” 的结构。 例句:今天我们将要举办一个聚会。 We are going to have a party today. Let’s act! Let’s go shopping. May I help you? Yes. I want to buy... Play roles May I help you? Yes. I want to buy a book. Here it is. May I help you? Yes. I want to buy a toy bike. Here it is. Let’s do it! Pair work. Write and say. Clothes Shop Toy Shop Fruit Shop ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ teddy bear What do you want to buy? I want to buy a teddy bear. Play roles Clothes Shop Toy Shop Fruit Shop ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ teddy bear skirt five apples What do you want to buy? I want to buy a skirt and five apples. Clothes Shop Toy Shop Fruit Shop ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ teddy bear shirt oranges What do you want to buy? I want to buy a shirt and some oranges. Unit 4 Shopping in the city 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 21 Lead-in May I help you? Yes, please. I want to buy a shirt. May I help you? Yes, please. I want to buy a book. May I help you? Yes, please. I want to buy a teddy bear. New words 电影院 cinema 公园 park 超市 supermarket I want to go to the park. I want to go to the park. Where do you want to go? cinema 超市 park supermarket 电影院 公园 Language points Where do you want to go? 你想去哪里? want 后接动词不定式,即“ to + 动词原形”。 询问 对方想去哪里 的句型: Where do you want to go? 答语 : I want to go(to)+ 地点 (the cinema, the zoo…). 例句:你想去哪里? 我想去公园。 Where do you want to go? I want to go to the park. Play roles I want to go to the park. Where do you want to go? I want to go to the _____________. supermarket I want to go to the _______. zoo I want to go to the _________. cinema Let’s go to eat some ice cream. Let’s go to eat some ice cream! No, Danny. Not now. I want to buy a dress. I’m tired. I don’t want to buy a dress. Well, I don’t want to eat ice cream. Let’s go to the cinema to see a film. No! Let’s go to the park to fly kites. No! Let’s go to the library to read a book. No, Danny! Stop! Do you like this dress? No! Language points 建议去某地做某事 的句型结构: Let’s go (to)+ 地点 +to+ 动词(短语)原形 + 其他 . see a film 为固定词组,意为“看电影”,句中第二个 to 后接动词原形,表示目的,不能省略。 Let’s go to the cinema to see a film. 让我们去电影院看电影吧。 ( 1 ) 看见,观看 例句:我看不见那棵树。 I can’t see that tree. ( 2 ) 领会,理解 例句:我能明白你的观点。 I can see your point. 拓展: see 的不同用法 ( 3 ) 考虑,想想 例句:让我想想 . 我们要去哪里? Let me see. Where are we going? ( 4 ) 会见,遇见 例句:很高兴见到你。 I’m glad to see you. Complete the story. Let’s go to eat some __________. No, I want to buy a dress. Let’s go to the ____________. ice cream clothes shop Let’s go to the ________ to see a film. No! cinema Let’s go to the ________ to fly kites. No! park Let’s go to the ________ to read a book. No! library Let’s sing! Let’s Go to the Cinema Let’s go to the cinema, the cinema, the cinema. Let’s go to the cinema to see a film. Unit 4 Shopping in the city 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 22 Lead-in Let’s go to the supermarket. Okay. What things are there in the supermarket? New words 西红柿 tomato 马铃薯,土豆 potato 包;袋 bag What’s this? potato tomato 西红柿 马铃薯;土豆 candy bag 包;袋 糖果 1. It’s red. It is sweet and tastes really good. 2. When I buy things at the supermarket I carry them home in it. Activity Guessing candy bag At the supermarket Hi, kids! Let’s buy some vegetables. Great! Okay! I like tomatoes. I like potatoes. Mrs. Smith, I like candy, too. Danny, candy isn’t good for your teeth. How about some fruit? Okay. Danny, don’t use that bag. We have our shopping bag. Okay. You are good kids. Fill in the blanks. Activity I like ____________. I don’t like__________. vegetables ice cream I like __________. I don’t like__________. fruit candy Language points 1. I like tomatoes. 我喜欢西红柿。 这是 某人喜欢某物 的句型。 句型结构: 主语 +like(s) + 代词宾格 / 名词 如果主语是第三人称单数,那么谓语动词 like 后面要加 -s 。 拓展: like 后面还可以跟动词。 like doing/to do sth. 喜欢做某事 例句:我喜欢看书。 I like reading books. 2. How about some fruit? 来一些水果怎么样? how about = what about …… 怎么样? 后常接名词、代词、动词的 ing 形式,其用法如下: ( 1 )表示 询问情况或打听消息 ,意思是“ …… 怎么样? …… 如何?”。 例句:你的英语考试怎么样? How about your English test? ( 2 )表示 提出请求、建议或征求对方意见 ,意思是“(你认为) …… 怎么样? …… 如何?”。 例句:休息一会儿怎么样? How about having a rest? 3. Danny, don’t use that bag. 丹尼,不要用那个袋子。 这是一个 否定祈使句 。用来 提醒或警告别人不要做某事 。 don’t 是 do not 的缩写形式,意思是“不要,别”。 句型结构: Don’t + 动词原形 + 其他 . 例句:不要大声说话。 Don’t speak loudly. Let’s do it! Pair work. Talk and write. I want to buy some tomatoes, potatoes and candy. What do you want to buy? tomato potato candy My Shopping List milk I want to buy... Play roles My Shopping List milk apples bread I want to buy some milk, apples and bread. My Shopping List meat bananas tomatoes I want to buy some meat, bananas and tomatoes. Unit 4 Shopping in the city 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 23 Lead-in Where do we usually buy things? But now, we can shop by it. We can shop online. I want to buy a story book. Let’s go to the book shop. We can shop online. Great! Look! Here it is. How much is it? It’s 40 yuan. Let’s take it. Okay! Shopping online is fun and easy. I like it. Can I buy ice cream online? Language points 1. We can shop online. 我们可以在网上购物。 can 既可以表示“可以;可能;请求;猜测;允许”,也可表示能力,意为“能;会”。 can 是情态动词,后面只能跟动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。 ( 1 ) 表示能力 例句:我会唱歌。 I can sing. ( 2 ) 表示请求 例句:我可以踢足球吗? Can I play football ? 拓展: can 的不同用法 ( 3 ) 表示可能性 例句:汤姆不可能在家,我看到他在学校。 Tom can’t be at home. I saw him at school. ( 4 ) 表示允许 例句:晚饭后你可以看电视。 You can watch TV after dinner. ( 5 ) 表示猜测 例句:那个女孩可能是莉莉的妹妹吗? Can the girl be Lily’s sister? 2. How much is it? 它多少钱? 这是一个 询问价格 的句子。 可数名词和不可数名词 都可以用 how much 询问价格, how much 还可以用来询问不可数名词的数量。 例句:这件裙子多少钱? 60 元。 How much is the skirt? 60 yuan. 3. Let’s take it. 让我们买下它吧。 建议买下某物 的 句型 : Let’s take+ 代词 / 物品 (it, them, the book…) take 在此处意为“购买”,后面接代词或名词,代词要用其宾格形式。 拓展:表示买下某物时还可以用句型 “ I’ll take it. ” 或 “ We’ll take it. ” 例句:看这条连衣裙。它真漂亮。 是的。我们买下它吧。 Look at the dress. It’s beautiful. Yes. Let’s take it. Let’s do it! a. Jenny wants to buy a math book. b. Jenny goes to the book shop. c. Jenny’s mother helps shop online. d. Danny and Jenny like shopping online. e. Danny wants to buy ice cream online. 1. Read Part 1 and circle or . 2. Ask and answer. Do you like shopping online? Yes. What do you want to buy? I want to buy... Play roles Do you like shopping online? Yes. What do you want to buy? I want to buy a shirt. Do you like shopping online? Yes. What do you want to buy? I want to buy an English book. Letters and sounds ts donu ts ca ts ds ki ds be ds wh wh at wh ere wr wr ite wr ong hats cards Try to read. wheel writer Try to read. Unit 4 Shopping in the city 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 24 Lead in What toy do you like best? What does she like best? A teddy bear Story time What’s the name of the girl’s bear? What happened to the girl? How does the girl feel? Happy or sad? Does the girl find her bear at last? Read and answer What’s the name of the girl’s bear? What happened to the girl? Teddy She cannot find Teddy today. How does the girl feel? Happy or sad? Does the girl find her bear at last? She feels sad. Yes, she does. Etta has a teddy bear. His name is Teddy. Teddy is her good friend. 埃塔有一只泰迪熊。他的名字叫泰迪。泰迪是她的好朋友。 Etta cannot find Teddy today. Where is he? She looks for him everywhere. 埃塔今天找不到泰迪了。他在哪里呢?她到处寻找他。 让我们买一只新的泰迪熊吧。 Etta cries. Her mother takes her to the toy shop. Let’s buy a new teddy bear. 埃塔哭了。 她的妈妈带她去玩具店。 让我们去服装店买一条新裙子吧。 Etta does not like the new teddy bears there. 埃塔不喜欢那里的新泰迪熊。 Let’s go to the clothes shop to buy a new skirt. Etta likes the new skirt, but she still wants her teddy bear. Let’s go to the restaurant to have hamburgers and ice cream. 埃塔喜欢这条新裙子,但是她仍然想要她的泰迪熊。 让我们去餐馆吃汉堡包和冰淇淋吧。 Etta likes hamburgers and ice cream. But she can’t forget her teddy bear. 埃塔喜欢汉堡包和冰淇淋,但是她忘不了她的泰迪熊。 It is time to go to bed. Then she sees...TEDDY!!! 你是怎么进到那里去的呢? How did you get there?! 到了上床睡觉的时间了。然后她看见了 …… 泰迪!!! Etta is happy to find Teddy. 妈妈,我的泰迪熊在这里! 埃塔很高兴找到了泰迪。 Mum, here is my teddy bear! Read and order Etta cannot find her teddy bear. Her mother takes her to the toy shop. She finds Teddy in the bed. They go to the clothes shop. She cries. They go to the restaurant. 5 1 2 3 4 6 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧! Unit 4 Shopping in the city 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Again, please! Review 书店 服装店 茶叶店 玩具店 book shop clothes shop tea shop toy shop 冰激凌 购物袋 好孩子 购物 网上购物 ice cream shopping bag good kids go shopping shop online 1. Let’s 引导的祈使句: Let’s + 动词(短语)原形 + 其他 . 例句:丹尼,让我们去购物吧。 Let’s go shopping, Danny. 2. 询问 对方需求 的句型及答语: —What do you want to+ 动词原形 (do, buy…)+ 其他? —I want to+ 动词(短语)原形 + 其他 . 例句:你想买什么? 我想买一条新连衣裙。 What do you want to buy? I want to buy a new dress. 3. 征求别人意见 的句型: May I + 动词(短语)原形 + 其他? 例句: — 我能帮助你吗? — 是的,麻烦了。 May I help you? Yes, please. 4. 建议去某地做某事 的句型: Let’s go (to)+ 地点 +to+ 动词(短语)原形 + 其他 . 例句:让我们去电影院看电影吧。 Let’s go to the cinema to see a film. 5. 用来 描述某人可以做某事 的句型: 主语 +can+ 动词(短语)原形 + 其他 . 例句:我们可以网上购物。 We can shop online. 6. 用来 建议买下某物 的句型: Let’s take+ 代词 / 物品( it, them, the book… ) . 例句:我们买下它吧。 Let’s take it. Listen and talk. What does Jenny want to buy? What happens to Danny? Where does Jenny want to go with Danny now? Read and answer What does Jenny want to buy? What happens to Danny? Where does Jenny want to go with Danny now? She wants to buy some books. His head hurts. They want to go to the hospital. Danny, let’s go shopping. Great. What do you want to buy? I want to buy some books. Let’s go to the book shop. Oh, no! Are you okay? My head hurts. Let’s go to see a doctor. Listen and circle. 1 2 3 4 Read and match. a. Yes, please. I want to buy a ball. b. Okay. c. May I help you? d. Don’t use that bag. We have our shopping bag. d b c a Read, write and match. 1. Let’s go to the clothes _______ to buy a cap. 2. I want to buy some candy at the ____________. 3. I like tomatoes and __________. 4. I want to go to the _________ to see a film. shop supermarket potatoes cinema 1 3 2 4 How am I doing?   Listening Speaking Reading Writing Total stars At school   At home   I am... A 10~12 ☆ B 7~9 ☆ C 1~6 ☆

