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[陕旅版]四年级英语上册优质课件 [教育部审定教材] Unit 5 Our school 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会 跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用 。 Part A Part B Part C Unit 5 Our school 陕旅版四年级上册 New words 图书馆 This is the library. 花 园 This is the garden. 操 场 The playground is big. 洗手间 Where is the toilet? 电 脑 There are many new computers. 办公室 This is teachers’ office. 大门;门口 Where is the school gate? New words Think and circle Where is your school? Look and tick What do you have in your school? What do you have in your school? We have a playground, a library and many classrooms. Play roles Let’s learn library garden playground toilet teachers’ office school gate Let’s talk Look! Those are our classrooms. Is there a teachers’ office? Yes, there is. Is there a library? Yes. There is a small library. Are there any computers in the library? No, there aren’t. Language points 1. Those are our classrooms.那些是我们的教室。 those意为“那些”,是that(那;那个) 的复数形式,指较远的人或事物。 those(那些)的对应词是these(这些) 那些是什么? What are those? 2.Is there a teachers' office? 有教师办公室吗? 名词所有格teachers' 的意思是“教师们 的”。名词所有格由“名词+'s ”构成,表示 “……的”。 一个女孩的书 a girl's book 女孩子们的书 the girls' book 3. Are there any computers in the library? 图书馆里有电脑吗? there be句型的一般疑问句就是将be提 到句首,且首字母改为大写,句中如果有 some则要变成any,句末用问号。 肯定答语为:Yes,there is / are. 否定答语为:No,there isn’t / aren’t. there be句型的一般结构与用法: 肯定句: “There + be+某人/某物(+地点).” 表示“某处有……”。 be动词要和紧随其后的名词在数上保持一致。 我们班有五十名学生。 There are fifty students in my class. 否定句: “There +be +not(any)/no+某人/某物 (+地点).”表示“某处没有……”。 这里一个人也没有。 There is no one here. 一般疑问句: “Be +there +某人/某物(地点)?” 表示“某处有……吗?”。 房间里有桌子吗? Is there a table in the room? Exercise 一、单项选择。 ( )1.____ is a garden. A. That B. Those C. These ( )2.____ there a teachers' office? A. Are B. Is C. Be ( )3. This is a ____ office. A. teacher B. teachers C. teachers' A B C ( )4.Are there ____ computers in the library? A. some B. any C. a ( )5. What's in ____ school? A. you B. he C. your B C Unit 5 Our school 陕旅版四年级上册 New words Lead-in What can you see? Look! Look! What can you see? Tree, tree. I see a tree. Do you want to climb the tree? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Look! Look! What can you see? Grass, grass. I see a grass. Do you want to sit on the grass? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Let’s learn more Look, Grandpa! This is our school gate. What’s in your school? There is a big playground in our school. What’s in the library? There are some desks and chairs. Are there many books in it? Books? Of course! Play roles with your partner A:What's in your classroom? B:There is / are... A:Is there a ... in it? B:Yes /No, ... A:Are there any ... in it? B:Yes / No, ... Language points 1.This is our school gate. 这是我们学校的大门。 “This is…”的意思是“这是……”,是用来 介绍人或物的常用句型。this意为“这; 这个”, 指代近处的人或事物。 这是怀特小姐。 This is Miss White. 2.What's in your school? 你们学校里有什么? “What's in…?”是用来询问某处有何 物的特殊疑问句。 包里有什么? What's in the bag? in为介词,这里表示“在……里面”。 on 在……上面 under 在……下面 near 在……旁边 behind 在……后面 in front of 在……前面 3. Of course!当然! of course的意思是“当然可以”, 表示同意或接受对方的建议或意见。 与certainly, sure 意思相同,可以进行 同义替换。 Look, think and say He / She is / They are in / on the... She is washing her hands in the toilet. I can say There are three boys on the playground. Ask and answer A:What's in your classroom? B:There is / are... A:Is there a ... in it? B:Yes /No, ... A:Are there any ... in it? B:Yes / No, ... What’s in your classroom? There are two blackboards and some desks. Play roles What’s in your classroom? There is a TV and two windows. Read a story Water! Water! Is there any water in it? Oh, yes! There is a little water in it. But I can’t have it. How can I have it? How can I have it? Ha! Ha! There are some stones here! Aha! Now I can have it! How nice! Language points 1.There is a little water in it. 里面有一点水。 a little 的意思是“一点”,与不可数名词连用。 玻璃杯里有一点牛奶。 There is a little milk in the glass. a few的意思也是“一点”,但与可数名词连用。 2. How nice! 真好喝! 这是一个由how引导的感叹句,how修饰 形容词或副词。 句型结构为:How+形容词/副词(+主语+ 谓语)! 多么好的男孩啊! How nice the boy is! what和how都可以引导感叹句,但它 们在使用时是有区别的。 由what引导的感叹句句型:“What a/an + 形容词+可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)!” 或“What + 形容词+可数名词复数/不 可数名词(+主语+谓语)!”。 多么漂亮的花呀! What beautiful flowers (they are)! Exercise 一、读一读,连一连。 1.有一些石头。 2.这是我们学校的大门。 3.教室里有一台电视。 4.办公室里有一台电脑。 5.洗手间是干净的。 A. This is our school gate. B. The toilet is clean. C. There is a TV in the classroom. D. There is a computer in the office. E. There are some stones. 五、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 Look! This is our school. It is small. There are some classrooms in it. There is a library and a playground in the school. There isn't a garden in our school. ( )1.Our school is small. ( )2.There are many classrooms in the school. ( )3.There is a library in the school. ( )4.We don’t have a garden in our school. ( )5.We have a playground. T F T T T Unit 5 Our school 陕旅版四年级上册 Review 学校设 施/设备 图书馆 花园 操场 洗手间 办公室 电脑 大门 library garden playground toilet office gate computer our classroom 我们的教室 teachers' office 教师办公室 in the library 在图书馆里 a little water 一点水 of course 一定;当然 介绍学校设施的句子 1.Those are our classrooms. 2.This is our school gate. 询问某处是否有某物的一般疑问句及答语 —Is there a teachers' office? —Yes, there is. —No, there isn't. 询问某处有何物的特殊疑问句及答语 —What's in the library? —There are some desks and chairs. 询问某人或某物在何处的句子 —Where are the students? —They are in the library. Listen and tick or cross × × √ × √ √ 听力原文 1.This is our classroom. 2.It's a garden. 3.The teacher is in her office. 4.It's a big library. 5.We have a big playground. 6.Our toilet is clean. Look and talk What's in the school? A: Is there a ... ? B: Yes, there is. /No, there isn't. A:Are there ... ? B: Yes, there are. /No, there aren't. Is there a library in your school? Yes, there is. Play roles Are there many computers? No, there aren’t. Look, read and choose ( ) 1.Is there a TV in the teachers' office? ( ) 2.Are there any lights in it? ( ) 3.Are there any students in it? ( ) 4.Is there an umbrella in it? B D C A Look and write in the _______ in the ________ on the _________library classroom playground in the _______ in the ______ at the _________garden toilet school gate Exercise 一、单项选择 ( )1.We have classes in the ____ A. garden B. classroom C. teachers’ office ( )2.There are many books in the ____ A. toilet B. school gate C. library ( )3. We play games on the ____ A. playground B. classroom C. library B C A ( )4.There aren't ____ toys in the box. A. many B. any C. some ( )5.____ there a computer in the teachers’ office? A. Is B. Are C. Do B A

