四年级英语上册课件-Unit 1 My classroom A

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四年级英语上册课件-Unit 1 My classroom A

四年级上册 Unit1 A. Let's learn Guess 1.It is a place. 2.There are desks and chairs in it. 3.There are students in it. 4.It is in school. What is it? 目录 She is Lily. Today is new term, she becomes a student in grade four, so she has a new classroom. 1.What’s in her classroom? How many ? 2.What did she do in her classroom? Questions: A DAy in School 目录 Today is Lily’ s first day to go to school in the new term. Lily is a student on duty(值日生), so she was the first one to open the room’s door. 添加文本 Then she started to read books. After every class, she cleaned the blackboard. 添加文本 After school, she cleaned the window with her classmates. And she also helped her classmates sweep the floor. Her classmates like her very much. And the teacher also praised(表扬) her for the good job .She was very happy on her way home. 1.What’s in her classroom? How many are there? Blackboardwindow doo r light chair and desk floor 添加文本 2.What did he do in her classroom? open the door read books have classes clean blackboard clean windows sweep the floor blackboard Hello ['blækbɔːd] After every class, Lily cleaned the blackboard. clean the blackboard window ['wɪndəʊ] After school, Lily cleaned the window with her classmates. clean the window door [dɔː] Lily is a student on duty(值日生), so she was the first one to open the room’s door. open/ close the door light [laɪt] turn on/off the light floor [flɔː] Lily also helped her classmates sweep the floor. Her classmates like her very much. sweep the floor We should learn from Lily and be good student as her! Group work Discuss in group that what’s in our classroom and how many are there. Game time Run and Read Students who holds the word card that the teacher read, must run to the thing(such as blackboard, door, window)and touch it, and read it as fast as possible. The one who reads fast get one score for the group. Drawing Draw a picture about your dreamed classroom in group. And then make a presentation about your drawings. Homework Write a passage about today in the classroom (Follow the example of Lily), using the new phrase as much as possible to describe the activities that your classmates and you did today. .

