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译林版三年级英语上册期中考试测试卷 一、填空题 1.选出下列各组单词中不同类的选项。 ① ________ A. talk B. works C. show ② ________ A. quietly B. eat C. keep ③ ________ A. anything B. clean C. something ④ ________ A. desk B. having C. reading 二、单选题 2.— Good morning. — __________ A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. 3.Beijing ____ got eight million people. A. is B. us C. has 4.—What's his name? —______ name is Li Ming. A. Her B. His C. My 5.选出划线部分读音不同的单词( ) A. good B. book C. too 6.看图,选出该图所表示单词的首字母。 A. s B. p 7.找出下列不同类的词。 A. hungry B. bear C. thirsty 8.— How are you today? — __________, thank you. A. I'm fine B. thanks C. How are you 9.What are _____ in English? A. this B. these 10.She______have breakfast this morning. A. doesn't B. didn't C. don't D. isn't 11. did you yesterday? A. How; do B. What; do C. Which; do 三、根据所给情境,选择合适的一项。 12.你送礼物给朋友时,可以说: A. Thank you. B. This is for you. C. It's for Mike. 13.你想知道别人的名字,你该怎么说( ) A. Who is he ? B. How old are you ? C. What's your name ? 14.—Hi, I'm Bobby. —___________. A. Hi, I'm Sam B. Good morning 15.—Would you like a sweet? —______, thank you. A. No B. Yes. C. OK 16.—What's on the chair? — A. A bag. B. A classroom. C. A desk. 四、匹配题 17.给单词选择相对应的中文 ⑴birthday________ A、这个 ⑵cake________ B、九 ⑶nine________ C、蛋糕 ⑷twelve________ D、快乐的 ⑸happy________ E、十二 ⑹this________ F、生日 五、情景交际 18.选择正确的答语 ⑴Would you like some bread?________ A. Yes. What's up? ⑵Shall we meet at 6 o'clock tomorrow?________ B. It is half past five. ⑶Are you free this afternoon?________ C. At Renmin Hospital. ⑷Where shall we meet ten minutes later?________ D. All right. ⑸What time is it now?________ E. Yes, please. 六、选词填空(词汇运用) 19.选词填空。 How for Do (1)We have some chicken ________ lunch. (2)Taste it, please.________ is the tea? It is yummy. (3)________ you like this soup? 七、连词成句 20.birthday John's tomorrow is ________. 21.swim , fly , and , can , I(.) (连词成句) 22.dose,what,do,mother,your(?)(连词成句) 23.He want have to a dog hot doesn't (.) ________ 24.does, what, Amy, Fridays, have, on (?)(连词成句)

