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译林版四年级英语上册期末考试测试卷 (总分 100 分 时间 40 分钟) 一、看图片写单词。(10 分) 二、用英文表示下列数字。(10 分) 1. 119 2. 12315 3. 114 4. 110 5. 120 三、单项选择。(20 分) ( )1. What’ s that in English? A. It’ s green. B. It’ s a green pepper. C. Yes. It’s green. ( )2. Is it green or red ? A. It’ s red. B. No. It’ s a green pepper. C. Yes. It’s green. ( )3. ---What does your brother do? ---He’s a . A. friend B. twenty C. doctor ( )4. David is from . A. America B. American C. Americans ( )5. The apple is you. A. to B. in C. for ( )6. ---It’s today. Shall we go swimming? ---Ok. A. hot B. cold C. rainy ( )7. We good friend. A. is B. are C. am ( )8. This is my father. a teacher. A. He’s B. She’s C. This’s ( )9. ---What’s your number? --- . A. I’m six. B. I’m in Class Six. C. I’m number six. ( )10. is before (在……之前) sixteen. A. Fourteen B. Fifteen C. Seventeen 四、请圈出每个句子中错误的部分,并将正确的单词写在横线上。(20 分) 1. Do you like apple? 2. Are your in Class 4. 3. What’s colour is it? 4. Shall we go swim? 5. What’s that for English? 五、连词组句。(20 分) 1. kite, play, let’s, with, my (.) 2. lemons, like, oranges, and, I (.) 3. mother, teacher, is, a, your (.) 4. at, look, elephant, the (.) 5. we, can, the, look at, blue, short (?) 六、阅读理解,判断对错,对的画“√”,错的画“×”。(20 分) My family lives in Tianjin. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father is tall and fat. He is a worker. He has big eyes. He likes to watch TV and play football. My mother works in an office. She is beautiful. She likes to read books. She is short and thin. I am a student. I study in a middle school. I go to school by bus. I love my father and my mother, and they love me. ( )1. I live in Tianjin. ( )2. There are five people in my family. ( )3. My father is a driver. ( )4. My mother likes to watch TV and play football. ( )5. I go to school by bus.

