2020八年级英语上册 Module 9 Population知识点归纳总结 (新版)外研版

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2020八年级英语上册 Module 9 Population知识点归纳总结 (新版)外研版

Module9 Population Unit1 The population of China is about 1.37 billion.(读作one point three seven billion或one point thirty-seven)‎ ‎1. China has a population of about 1.37 billion.‎ ‎=China has about 1.37 billion people.‎ ‎=There are around 1.37 billion people in China.‎ ‎(注意population与people不连用)‎ ‎ 划线提问 What’s the population of China?‎ ‎=How many people does China have?‎ ‎=How many people are there in China? ‎ a large/big/small population 翻译:重庆的人口比北京多。‎ Chongqing‎ has a larger/bigger population than Beijing.‎ The population of Chongqing is larger/bigger than that of Beijing.‎ Half of the population in the town are farmers.‎ ‎2. prepare (sth.) for…= get (sth.) ready for…‎ note n. 笔记;便笺;钞票;音符;声调,语气 ‎ vt. 注意;记录;对…加注释;指出 ‎ take/write/make notes 做笔记 ‎3. a report called the growing/increasing population 过去分词短语做定语 grow-grew-grown v.增长(大);生长;种植;长高,变老 ‎4. We’re in the right place to talk about…正是谈论…的恰当时机。‎ ‎5. cause problems/trouble/worry ‎ vt. 成为…的原因;导致;引起;使遭受 cause sb sth.=cause sth. to sb. (后接双宾语)‎ cause sb./sth. to do (宾语补足语)‎ Driving carelessly is likely to cause accidents.‎ 粗心大意的驾驶可能导致车祸。‎ His rude behavior caused him a lot of trouble.‎ n. 原因;动机;(某种行为、感情等的)理由;缘故 ‎ Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease.在可以预防的引发死亡和疾病的因素当中,吸烟排在第一位。‎ ‎6.too much traffic/noise/rubbish/pollution ‎ too many cars/problems/flats/pupils ‎ pollute [pəˈlu:t] vt. 污染 The air is heavily/seriously polluted. ‎ 空气被严重污染了。‎ noise n. [U] 噪音;[C]声音 noisy adj.‎ noisily adv.‎ Don’t make a noise.或Don’t make any noise. ‎ I can’t stand(忍受)the ____ in the classroom because it’s too_____. They are talking _____.‎ ‎7. population increase [ˈinkri:s] n. ‎ ‎[ɪnˈkri:s] v. ‎ 增加,增大,增多 ; 增强,增进,提高 an increase in population 人口增长 The world’s population/The population of the world is still increasing. ‎ ‎8. That makes over 131.4 million births a year. ‎ 那就造成每年一亿三千一百四十万的婴儿出生。‎ 注意大数字的读法 one hundred and thirty-one point four million What makes a good League member?‎ 优秀的团员应具备什么样品质?‎ give birth to sb. 生下某人 ‎9.分数的读法:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1的时候,分母要加s 五分之一: a/one fifth 五分之二: two fifths 四分之一: a/one fourth (a quarter)‎ 四分之三: three fourths (three quarters)‎ 二分之一: a/one second (a half)‎ 三分之二: two thirds 分数/百分比+of+名词作主语,谓语动词取决于of后面的名词 Three quarters of the earth is covered with water. 地球四分之三覆盖着水。‎ One percent of the strawberries in the box have gone bad. 箱子里百分之一的草莓已经变质了。‎ ‎11. hang on a minute稍等 hang-hung-hung wait a minute= just a moment ‎12. at the start/beginning of…‎ ‎ at the end of…‎ ‎13. be free to do sth. 自由地做…‎ adj. 空闲的;免费的;免税的; ‎ ‎ She is fond of shopping in her free time.‎ ‎ I have two free tickets. Would you like one?‎ ‎ He got the suit for free. 他免费得到这套西装。‎ ‎14….that is,….即;就是;换句话说;更确切地说(表进一步解说)‎ 4‎ Unit2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people.‎ ‎1.Arnwick was a city with a population of 200,000.‎ 阿恩威克是一个20万人口的城市。(注意:population和people不连用)‎ ‎2.move to sp. (家)搬到……‎ ‎ move sth. away 把……移开、搬走 The stone is in the way. Do you mind moving it away? 那块石头挡道了。你介意把它移开吗? ‎ ‎(mind doing介意某人干某事)‎ ‎ moving adj. moved adj.‎ The report in today’s newspaper was so moving that everyone was moved to tears.‎ 今天报纸上的报道感人至深,每个人都感动得流泪了。‎ ‎3. have problems in doing sth.做某事有问题 ‎ solve problems 解决问题 ‎(1)problem是客观存在的问题,如 population/pollution/environmental/housing problem人口问题、污染问题、环境问题、住房问题 math problems 数学问题 ‎(2)question是指疑难问题,需要解答的 ask/answer questions 提问,回答问题 quest [kwest] n.& v.‎ They travelled in quest of gold.‎ in quest of liberty/peace/adventure 追求自由、追求和平(安宁)、追求冒险活动 in the quest for truth/a bright future 探索真理、追求光明的未来 ‎4. 实义动词的用法:有人称、数和时态的变化,即三单和一般过去式 人做主语need sth./sb. need to do sth To stay healthy, you need to do sports regularly and keep a balanced diet.为了保持健康,你需要有规律地运动并保持均衡的饮食。‎ 物做主语 need doing=need to be done The shoes need repairing.‎ ‎= The shoes need to be repaired.‎ 情态动词的用法:只用于否定或疑问句中 ‎-Need I rewrite the composition?‎ 我需要重写这篇文章吗?‎ ‎-No, you needn’t/you don’t have to.‎ ‎-Yes, you must. Sorry, you have to./I’m afraid you have to.‎ need n. ‎ A friend in need is a friend indeed. [谚]患难见真情.‎ There’s no need of/for money.不需要钱。‎ There’s no need to set off so early.‎ 不需要这么早动身。‎ ‎5. in the city centre= in the centre of the city ‎ in the middle of… 指一条线上的中间,这条线可以是空间也可以是时间。‎ in the centre of 指一片区域的中心。‎ 英语拼法 (Br E)          美语拼法(Am E)‎ 公斤、千克kilogramme     kilogram 方案、节目programme     program 举止、行为behaviour         behavior 颜色colour                      color 特别喜爱的favourite          favorite 风味flavour                      flavor 荣誉honour                       honor 劳动labour                       labor 中心centre                  center 纤维fibre                    fiber 公尺metre                  meter 剧场 theatre             theater 组织organise                organize 实现realise                    realize 旅行 travelling                traveling grey(灰色的) gray shop(商店) store autumn(秋天) fall railway(铁路) railroad holiday(假期) vacation film(电影) movie cinema(电影院) movie theatre ‎6. a block of flats 一幢公寓大楼 flat adj. 平的;单调的;不景气的;干脆的 a flat tyre 一只瘪了的轮胎 ‎ a pair of flat shoes 一双平底鞋 You’d better avoid lying flat. 你最好避免平卧。adv.‎ ‎7. become part of… (became)‎ ‎8. be crowded with… 挤满……‎ ‎ be covered with…铺满…….‎ ‎ be filled with….装满…..充满…….‎ ‎(1)The coach was crowded with passengers.‎ 4‎ ‎(2)The fields were covered with snow and everything was white.‎ ‎(3)The bottle is filled with grape juice.‎ ‎ The room is filled with smoke.‎ ‎9. local people/school/products ‎ 当地人,当地学校,土特产 ‎10. close down 关闭,倒闭 ‎11.It takes an hour to get there by bus. ‎ ‎12. clear adj. 清楚的,清晰的;清澈的;清醒的;晴朗的;v. 打扫,清除 clearly adv.‎ ‎(1)It is clear that he told a lie. ‎ 显而易见,他撒谎了。‎ ‎(2)The water is so clear that we can see plenty of fish swimming at the bottom of the stream. ‎ 溪水清澈见底,我们能看见许多鱼在游泳。‎ ‎(3)She needs a clear head to carry out her instructions. ‎ 她需要一个头脑清醒的人来执行自己的指令。‎ ‎(4)Don’t cross the road until it is clear. ‎ ‎(地方)畅通的,无阻碍的 ‎(5) On clear days, we can see most of London.‎ ‎(6)He is clearing the table after supper.吃过晚饭他正在收拾桌子。 ‎ ‎(7)He opened his eyes round so that he could see the blackboard clearly. ‎ 他睁圆了双眼,为了能看清楚黑板。‎ ‎13. public services 公共设施 ‎ a public/private school 一个公立(私立)学校 ‎ It’s rude to talk loudly on the phone in public.‎ 在公共场合下大声地打电话是很粗鲁的。‎ ‎14.The police are coming.警察们马上就到了。 ‎ ‎15. in fact= actually 事实上,实际上 ‎16. describe v.‎ Can you describe what your son looks like?‎ ‎17. the same… as… 反义词组 be different from Her hairstyle is the same as yours. ‎ ‎=She has the same hairstyle as you.‎ 她的发型和你的一样的。‎ ‎18. produce/make much rubbish 制造(产生)很多垃圾 ‎19. make efforts to do sth. 尽力做某事 ‎=make an/every effort to do= try to do sth.‎ ‎20. protect… against/from…‎ It’s a good idea to wear a hat to protect yourself against/from the bright sunshine ‎21. air/water/environmental/noise pollution.‎ 大气污染,水污染,环境污染,噪音污染 ‎22.table 一般的表格 ‎ chart 有曲线变化或柱状分布的图表 ‎ diagram [ˈdaɪəgræm] (文字为主)图解或一个圆分成好多份的那种 ‎23. health problem 健康问题 ‎ health care 健康保健 ‎24. face n. 面容;表面;脸;方面 ‎ v. 面对;面向…;正视;承认 ‎(1)A strong wind was blowing right in my face. ‎ ‎(2)We are all trying our best because no one would like to lose face. 全力以赴; 丢脸 ‎(3)Are you brave enough to face the problem alone?‎ ‎25.cut down 砍倒, 砍掉;减少(开支、文章字数等)‎ ‎(1) Cutting down too many trees is harmful to the environment. 滥砍滥伐对环境危害很大。‎ ‎(2)He tried to cut down on smoking and keep a balanced diet. 他尽量少吸烟,保持均衡的饮食 ‎(3) The article is too long. Please cut it down to 500 words. 请把它削减到500字。‎ ‎26.区别die of和die from ‎ ‎(1) die of死于疾病(心脏病,癌症,发烧等); 或冻死、饿死、气死、过度悲伤、渴死、羞死 eg: die of illness (heart trouble/disease, cancer,‎ ‎ a fever, etc)/cold/ hunger /anger /grief/thirst /shame ‎(2) die from死于事故(地震、交通事故、闪电、中风等)、污水、劳累过度、受伤 eg: die from an accident(an earthquake, a traffic accident, a lightning, a stroke, etc)/polluted air /overwork /a wound ‎(3)die out绝迹,消失;绝种;绝灭;淘汰 Dinosaurs (恐龙) died out thousands of years ago. ‎ ‎(4)die for sth. 渴望…‎ I'm dying for a breath of fresh air.‎ ‎ 我非常渴望能呼吸到新鲜空气。‎ She was dying to talk to Frank.‎ 她很想同弗兰克谈谈。‎ ‎27. as a result He worked hard at his lessons last term. As a result, he passed the exam easily. ‎ ‎28. daily use/life/papers daily adj. n. & adv.‎ 日常使用、日常生活、日报 4‎ The visitor centre is open daily from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. 游客中心每日上午8点至下午6点开放。‎ ‎29. be good for…对…有好处 ‎ be good to…=be friendly/nice to…对…好(友好)‎ ‎ be good at…=do well in…擅长….‎ ‎30.冠词和数词 见书本P130-132‎ 4‎

