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第 13 课时 Unit 9—Unit 10(八下) 第一篇 教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 词 汇 拓 展 ·名词 1.German →     (复数) →     (n.)德国 2.memory →     (v.)记忆 *in memory of sb./sth.为纪念某人/物 *in one's memory 在某人的记忆里 *have a good memory for sb./sth. 对某人/物有很好的记忆 *memorize sth. 记住某物 3.scarf →     (复数) 4.India →    (n.)印度人 →     (复数) 5.Japanese →     (复数) 6.shame →     (adj.) 羞愧的 Germans Germany memorize scarves Indian Indians Japanese  shameful 词 汇 拓 展 ·形容词 7.social →     (n.)社会 8.believable →     (v.)相信 →    (n.)相信 9.safe →    (adv.)安全地 →    (n.)安全 10.honest →     (n.)诚实 →     (adj.)不诚实的 11.simple →    (adv.)仅仅 ·动词 12.collect →     (n.)收集者 →     (n.)收集 13.invent →     (n.)发明家 →     (n.)发明 14.hold →    (过去式) →    (过去分词) society believe belief safely safety honesty dishonest simply collector collection inventor invention held held 词 汇 拓 展 15.sell →    (n.) →    (过去式) →    (过去分词) *on sale 出售 *for sale 待售 *sell well 卖得很好 16.locate →     (n.)位置 17.make →    (n.)制造者 18.encourage →     (n.)鼓舞 →     (n.)勇气; 胆量 →     (v.)阻拦; 使灰心 →     (n.)泄气; 灰心 discouragement sale sold sold location maker encouragement courage discourage 短 语 归 纳 ·动词短语 1.      察看;观察 2.      清理;丢掉 3.      放弃、交出(尤指 不舍得的东西) 4.      寻找 ·名词短语 5.      茶具 6.       面包机 7.      布绒玩具 8.        初级中学 9.       棋类游戏 10.      茶艺 11.      庭院拍卖会 yard sale check out clear out part with search for tea set bread maker soft toy  junior high school board game tea art  短 语 归 纳 ·其他短语 12.      几乎;接近 13.       说实在的 14.      一方面……另一方面…… 15.       数以千计的;许许多多的 16.       全年 17.       不再;不复 18.      至于;关于 19.       依据;按照 20.       两个;一对;几个 a couple of close to to be honest on the one hand…on the other hand… thousands of  all year round no longer as for according to 佳 句 诵 读 ·地点描述 1.The most interesting museum I've ever been to is the American Computer Museum. 我去过的最有趣的博物馆是美国计算机博物馆。 2.For thousands of tourists from China, this small island is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday. 对成千上万名来自中国的 游客来说,这个小岛屿是个既好又安全的度假之地。 3.One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almost the same all year round. 新加坡一件很棒的事是气温全年几乎一样。 佳 句 诵 读 4.I have been to the Night Safari where I can watch lots of animals in a more natural environment than in a normal zoo. 我去过夜间野生动物园,在那里,我可以在一个比普通的动物园更自然的环 境里观看许多动物。 ·生活环境变迁 5.Zhong Wei thinks such developments are good, and he also knows that his hometown cannot always stay the same. 钟伟认为这样的发展是好的。他也知道他的家乡不可能永远保持不变。 佳 句 诵 读 6.It is unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way. 科技进步如此迅速,真是令人难以置信。 7.Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the country-side to search for work in the cities. 如今,数以百万的中国人离开农村去城市找工作。 语 法 链 接 现在完成时。[详见P113,语法专题(六)] 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❶ consider v.注视;仔细考虑 【题1】在空白处填上合适的内容(1个单词),或括号内单词的正确形式。 (1)—Why do you consider     (take) the job as a teacher? —Because I like it and the teacher is often considered     (be) the gardener. (2)They have      (consider) all aspects before making this program. (3)We must consider     to do next or we won't finish the project on time. (4)Ma Yun is considered     the godfather of Alibaba Group. taking to be considered what as 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【词义辨析】 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❷ encourage v. 鼓励 【题2】用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (1)Our country encourages more students     (play) football. Now many football clubs have been set up in schools. (2)     (encourage) by his teacher, the boy decided to study hard from then on. Encouraged to play  随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【归纳拓展】 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❸ if/whether  【题3】用 whether或if 填空。 (1)I think the environment in the area will be even better   the government takes action to protect it. (2)They haven‘t decided      to leave for Paris this summer vacation. (3)My neighbor asked me      or not I heard the loud noise from our neighborhood. (4)It depends on      you believe in the twelve-year-old girl from the poor village. if whether whether whether 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【归纳拓展】 相同点 if和whether都可以引导宾语从句,意为“是否” 不同点 只能用if的情况:(1)引导条件状语从句,意为“如果” (2)引导否定概念的宾语从句 只能用whether的情况: (1)or not 放在whether之后(2)在介词后面 (3)在动词不定式前面(4)引导主语从句并置于句首 (5)引导表语从句和同位语从句(6)有些动词(如discuss)之后 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❹ On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of the time. 一方面,超过四分之三的人口是 华人,因此多数时间你可以只说普通话。 【题4】根据汉语意思完成句子。 那座城镇三分之二的土地被树覆盖着。         of the land in that town     covered with trees. Two thirds is 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【题5】用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (1)About three     (four) of the students in our class are girls. (2)Look! Five sevenths of the      (camera) are made in this factory. cameras fourths 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【归纳拓展】 three quarters 意为“四分之三”。英语中分数的表达法:分子是基数词,分母 是序数词,如果分子大于1,分母要加“s”。分数与名词搭配时,常用介词of连接, 即“分数+of+名词”结构。此结构作主语时,谓语动词的数依名词的数而定:若 名词是单数或不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式;若名词是复数,谓语动词用复数 形式。 Two thirds of the water in the town is from the lake. 这座城镇三分之二的水来自这个湖。 Four fifths of the students in our class ride bikes to school. 我们班五分之四的学生骑自行车上学。 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❺ I've had this magazine for a couple of months. 这本杂志我买了几个月了。 【题6】根据汉语意思完成句子。 这个购物中心已经开了两年了,但是我只去过一次。 The shopping mall             for two years, but I         there for only once. have been has been open 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【归纳拓展】 1.此句中的had表示“买”。buy是短暂性动词,不与时间段连用,若要与时间段 连用则要改为延续性动词have。 He has bought the book for two weeks. (×) He has had the book for two weeks. (√) 他买了这本书两周了。 2.有类似用法的词有: borrow→keep      die→be dead begin→be on open→be open leave→be away (from…) 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 Ⅰ.单词拼写 根据句意及首字母提示写单词。 1.Our hometown has left many soft and sweet m      in our hearts. 2.I‘ll see w     she's at home or not. 3.The telephone was i      by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, that is, he was the first person to make the telephone. 4.What a s     they couldn't come. 5.They carried out research into the roles of men and women in today's s    . memories whether invented shame society 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 6.We are worried about the s     of the 15-year-old girl who has been missing for three days. 7.A s     is a piece of cloth that you wear round your neck or head, usually to keep yourself warm. 8.The girl was so scared that she h     her father's hand tightly all the time. 9.You do have to c     the feelings of those around you. 10.Most of the children in my time liked to play together under that big tree, e      during the summer holidays when they had more free time. safety scarf held consider especially 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 11.If everyone tries to protect the environment, we will m     the world much better. 12.Edison had a lot of i     in his life. 13.—I can't b     you've sold me such a terrible camera. I want my money back. —I am listening, madam. Can you just slow down and tell me what's wrong? 14.He was born in G     ,but he has made China his home. make inventions believe Germany 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 15.—Don't throw away the waste paper. We can c     and recycle it. —You're right. Everyone should be a greener person. 16.A person who is h     does not tell lies or cheat people. 17.My teacher often e     me to spend at least one hour a day reading books. 18.The plane landed s     yesterday. 19.Each year, t      of visitors come to Huai'an to enjoy Huaiyang food. thousands collect honest encourages safely 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 Ⅱ. 语法填空   阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确 形式。   The British Museum is the biggest one in the world. Inside, you feel smaller than usual. There 1.    about a hundred things in the museum to see: clocks which have been telling the time for six 2.     (century), Roman money, some of the earliest books in the world, 3.      (include) Shakespeare's own works…   The British Museum 4.     (set) up nearly 300 years ago by a doctor, Sir Hans Sloane. The man liked to collect such things 5.___     are centuries including was set as 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 books, drawings, clothes, money, animals, flowers, and also hoped that his things would be 6.    (good) kept and so visited by people after his death.   His wish came true, and the museum opened in 1759, six years 7.     Sir Hans Sloane died. Later, more antiques(古董) arrived at the museum, more books, old and new, came to it, and more people wanted to visit it. The museum had a famous round Reading Room. There was something 8.     (usual) in the room. Cool air came up through small holes in the tables. Hot air flowing under the floor kept readers' feet warm. 9.     its well after unusual Since 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 opening, many famous men have written and studied there, like Karl Marx. And the library 10.     (grow) faster and faster—there are four kilometers of new shelves each year, because it attracts an increasing number of tourists each year. is growing

