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话题写作(一) 人物介绍 第一篇 教材考点梳理 典例分析 【话题点睛】话题主要包括对名人或周围熟悉的同学、朋友或家人的描写。主 要涉及人物的经历、变化或自己对该人物的看法等方面。  [2019·杭州]假定你是李平,最近收到意大利朋友Linda的电子邮件。以下 是邮件的一部分,请你阅读后回复,词数80左右。 … I'm really looking forward to meeting your brother when he comes to Rome in summer. I can show him around the city! Please tell me something about him! How old is he? What does he look like? What kind of person is he and what's he interested in? Hope to hear from you soon. Love, Linda Dear Linda, 【思路点拨】 1.要点提炼:本文为记叙文,是书信体。根据Linda的邮件可知,本文应从以下几 个部分来回信: (1)对Linda表示感谢,因为她要带领我(Li Ping)的兄弟参观罗马; (2)向Linda描述自己的兄弟:年龄、外貌、性格、爱好、特长等; (3)结尾:再次表示感谢。 2.确定时态:一般现在时。 3.确定人称:邮件的主体是第一人称,描写我的兄弟时用第三人称。 【写作架构】 【基础写作】 根据所给提示词补全下列各句。 1.基础句 他喜欢博物馆和当地食物。(like) . →升格句 他对博物馆感兴趣,并喜欢尝试当地食物。(be interested in) . 2.基础句 我的兄弟很机灵。(cute) . →升格句 而且,我的兄弟很机灵。(what's more) . What's more, my brother is cute. He likes museums and local food. He is interested in museums and likes trying local food. My brother is cute. 3.基础句 他中等身材,留着短直发。(have) . →升格句 他中等身材,短直发。(用含有with的介词短语表达) .He's/He is of medium height with short straight hair. He is of medium height and has short straight hair. 【连句成文】 Dear Linda,   Thank you so much for agreeing to show my brother around Rome. Now let me tell you something about my brother.   He is thirteen years old, easy-going and humorous, and we get along really well. He loves different cultures. He is interested in museums and likes trying local food. What's more, my brother is cute. He's of medium height with short straight hair. He is good at Chinese kung fu, and usually wears T- shirts and jeans. Thanks again for your help. Yours, Li Ping 拓展积累 【相关短语】 be born in 出生于……; come from=be from 来自; be good at=do well in 擅长; be of medium build 中等身材; be of medium height 中等身高; get on well with 和……和睦相处; at the age of 在……岁时; make friends 结交朋友 【参考谚语】 1.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 2.Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。 3.All things in their being are good for something. 天生我材必有用。 【亮点句型】 人物外貌 1. My favorite teacher is a 30-year-old young lady of medium height, with big eyes and long straight hair. 2. She wears glasses and often gets dressed in different styles of clothes. 3. A big smile can always be found on her round face. 4. She always wears a smile. 5. He is of medium height. 人物性格 1. She's so kind and friendly that she makes friends with each of her students. 2. I'm always ready to help others when they're in trouble. 3. The girl sings and dances so well that she often gives performances at the school party. 其他表达 1. The hero won high praise from the public. 2. I hope she'll find ways to keep us interested in English. 3. When we have problems in English, we can turn to her. 4. Whenever I think of her, a strong feeling of joy can always fill my heart! 5. Everyone has his or her favorite teacher at school, and so do I. Volunteers Wanted   Some students from the UK will come to our school to have a study tour. They are interested in Chinese culture. We're looking for some volunteers to help us.   Can you introduce yourself (English ability and personality)?   Can you plan an activity about Chinese culture and explain your purpose ?   If you are interested, please email us at Andrew@163.com. 实战演练  [2019·台州]假如你是李华,一个英国游学团要来你们学校,学校需要一些志 愿者,你想成为其中的一员。请阅读下面的招募启事,写一封应征邮件。 [注意] (1)请回复招募启事中所提及的两个问题,可适当发挥; (2)应征邮件中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息; (3)词数: 80—100; (4)邮件开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Andrew, I'm Li Hua.______________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua Possible version 1: Dear Andrew,   I'm Li Hua. I'm writing to ask for the position as a student volunteer. I like English and I'm good at it. I've won the first prize in our school English speech contest. As an outgoing boy, I always get along well with my classmates. I enjoy communicating with people. To help them experience our traditional culture, I'll teach them to make dumplings. They can learn how to make Chinese traditional food. Then they can eat the delicious dumplings made by themselves. I'm sure they'll have a good time.   I really want to get the great chance to offer my service. I'll be thankful if you could give me a kind consideration.   Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua Possible version 2: Dear Andrew,   I'm Li Hua. I'm writing to ask for the position as a student volunteer. English is my favorite subject. I've won the first prize in our school English speech contest. As an outgoing girl, I always get along well with my classmates. I enjoy communicating with people. To help them experience our traditional culture, I'll teach them to write Chinese characters. They can learn how to use Chinese handwriting brushes. It seems difficult, but I'm sure they'll have fun writing with soft brushes.   I really want to get the great chance to offer my service. I'll be thankful if you could give me a kind consideration.   Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua

