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课时训练(十七) Modules 7-9(九上)‎ ‎(限时:30分钟)‎ Ⅰ.单项选择 ‎1.In March, cherry blossoms(樱花) in the Turtle Head Park give the city of Wuxi an early     of spring. ‎ A.taste B.theme ‎ C.sense D.result ‎2.You don’t have to tell me your answer now.Give it some     and then let me know. ‎ A.support B.help C.protection D.thought ‎3.—Shall we go for a picnic in the forest park tomorrow?‎ ‎—Yes,     it rains heavily. ‎ A.if B.unless C.until D.when ‎4.The speaker showed some     examples to make the science report easy to understand. ‎ A.awful B.stupid C.proper D.thick ‎5.     Chinese culture, many college students go to foreign countries every year. ‎ A.Spreading B.To spread ‎ C.Spreads D.Spread ‎6.—Remember that teamwork is the most important.‎ ‎—I see.     will be achieved unless we work well together. ‎ A.Everything B.Something C.Nothing D.Anything ‎7.—How long have you     the bike? ‎ ‎—Since five days ago.‎ A.bought B.had C.borrowed D.lent ‎8.It’s said the result we are interested in     as soon as possible. ‎ A.announcing B.being announced C.will be announced D.will announce 8‎ ‎9.—I can’t find my glasses. Where are they?‎ ‎—Don’t worry. I’m sure they will     sooner or later. ‎ A.turn up B.put up C.give up D.set up ‎10.—I think I will work more happily in foreign countries.‎ ‎—But you don’t know that for sure.     . ‎ A.East, west, home is best B.Every dog has its day C.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket D.The grass is always greener on the other side Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎  My son Daniel began surfing at the age of 13.After school each day he put on his wet suit and waited to be challenged by three-to-six-foot waves. Daniel’s love for the ride was tested one  11  afternoon. ‎ ‎  “Your son’s been in an accident,” the lifeguard(救生员)reported to my husband Mike over the phone hurriedly. “ 12  he came up to the top of the water,the point of the board was headed toward his eye.” ‎ ‎  Mike rushed our son to the hospital. He  13  26 stitches(缝合) from the corner of his eye to the bridge of his nose. ‎ ‎  I was flying home from a meeting while Daniel’s eye was being stitched. Mike drove  14  to the airport after they left the doctor’s office. He greeted me at the gate while Daniel was waiting in the car. ‎ ‎  “Daniel?”I questioned. I remember thinking the  15  must have been terrible that day. ‎ ‎  “He’s been in an accident, but he’s going to be fine.” Mike comforted me.‎ ‎  I ran to the car. My son reached out both arms, crying, “Oh, Mom, I’m so glad you’re home.”‎ ‎  I sobbed(抽泣) in his arms, telling him how  16  I felt about not being there when the lifeguard called. ‎ ‎  “It’s okay, Mom,” he said. “I’ll be fine. The doctor said I can go back in the water in eight days.”‎ ‎  Was he crazy? I wanted to tell him that he wasn’t allowed to go near water again until he was 35, but  17  I controlled myself. ‎ ‎  He kept asking me to let him go back on the board for the next seven days. One day after I  18 ‎ 8‎ ‎ “No” to him for the 100th time, he beat me at my own game. ‎ ‎  “Mom, you taught us never to  19  what we love.” ‎ ‎  I gave in. Back then Daniel was just a boy with deep  20  for surfing. Now he is among the top 25 surfers in the world. ‎ ‎11.A.unusual B.boring C.amazing D.relaxing ‎12.A.If B.When C.Unless D.Though ‎13.A.avoided B.changed C.received D.discovered ‎14.A.suddenly B.happily C.comfortably D.directly ‎15.A.waves B.dreams C.clouds D.suggestions ‎16.A.brave B.lucky C.awful D.proud ‎17.A.instead B.already C.even D.often ‎18.A.posted B.offered C.threw D.repeated ‎19.A.find out B.give up C.hand out D.pick up ‎20.A.love B.fear C.sadness D.regret Ⅲ.阅读理解 ‎  Natural scenes often become the themes of poetry. Poets watch nature closely and present(呈现) its beauty in their poems. For example, poets may describe natural scenes such as a spring day or a snowy day. Besides, poets often express their feelings about nature by creating lively images(形象) in poems.‎ ‎  With images, poets can describe the details(细节) of something colorfully and clearly. Readers, on the other hand, can connect their own experiences with the images in the poems so that they can share the poets’ ideas. Now let’s read the poem “Who Has Seen the Wind?”‎ 8‎ ‎  When we read the lines “When the leaves hang trembling” and “When the trees bow down their heads”, they remind us of a windy day. The poet successfully creates an image of the wind by describing details of the scene. These help readers think of the moment when the wind passes by. We might even bow our own heads, imagining that we are the trees.‎ ‎  In the poem “Night”, Blake describes many details of a night scene. People know very well what they can see at night, like stars or the moon. However, Blake sees more than just the moon itself; he sees the moon as a flower, smiling at us from up in the sky. So the moon is really compared to a flower and personified(拟人化) as a smiling person.‎ ‎21.What’s the purpose of writing Paragraph 1?‎ A.To have an argument. ‎ B.To have a discussion.‎ C.To give an introduction. ‎ D.To give a suggestion.‎ ‎22.Which picture best describes the underlined part in the poem “Who Has Seen the Wind”?‎ A. B.‎ C. D.‎ ‎23.     sits and smiles on the night in the poem “Night”. ‎ A.The sun B.The star ‎ C.The bird D.The moon 8‎ ‎24.What do the two poems have in common?‎ ‎①Seeing natural scenes as humans.‎ ‎②Using imagination.‎ ‎③Praising the same natural scene.‎ ‎④Describing details of the scenes.‎ ‎⑤Creating images by hearing and touching.‎ A.①③⑤ B.②③④ ‎ C.①②④ D.①②⑤‎ ‎25.How does the writer present the text to us?‎ A.By giving examples. ‎ B.By making comparisons.‎ C.By using personifications. ‎ D.By asking questions.‎ Ⅳ.用所给词或短语的适当形式填空。‎ for a time by hand punish courage describe act a large amount of make sense to in a way suppose ‎26.The little thing doesn’t       me. ‎ ‎27.He put down his heavy box and rested       . ‎ ‎28.Mary likes       movies very much, and she always talks a lot about them. ‎ ‎29.The man is happily     what he saw during his winter vacation. ‎ ‎30.My watch is lost. I have to find it, or Mum       me. ‎ ‎31.      , I think your work is well done. ‎ ‎32.Come to the front with       and show your talent, Peter.  ‎ ‎33.In those days, books were only produced one at a time       . ‎ ‎34.We are       to behave properly in public places. ‎ ‎35.My aunt spends       money on clothes every year. ‎ Ⅴ.阅读理解填词。‎ ‎  In today’s world, sleep experts often say that for a better night’s rest, Americans should turn 36.o     their smartphones or iPads before sleeping.Such electronic products make the brain more 37.a    , and then influence their sleep.But according to a latest survey, more than 90% of Americans often use a computer or some other 38.k     of electronic products in the hour 8‎ ‎ before bed. ‎ Researchers find that man-made light from some electronic products at night may reduce(减少) the brain chemicals that help 39.s    .In the study, the researchers let volunteers read, play games and watch movies on a screen for different time while measuring 40.h     much light their eyes received.They found that two hours of 41.s     before a bright screen at night reduced the sleep chemical levels by about 22%. ‎ Then the researchers studied the college students 42.w     often used computers at night.They got the 43.s     results.And researchers say that may not only cause sleeplessness, but also 44.r     the risk of obesity(肥胖症), diabetes(糖尿病) and other diseases. ‎ To be on the safe side, the researchers suggest that we should use computers 45.l     than before, or turn down our screens as much as possible before sleeping. ‎ 8‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ Ⅰ.1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C ‎5.B 根据句意及语境判断,此处考查动词不定式作目的状语的用法。‎ ‎6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A Ⅱ.[主旨大意]文章讲述了作者的儿子丹尼尔因为一次事故而不得不暂时离开热爱的冲浪运动,作者不想让他再沾水。但丹尼尔对冲浪的热爱说服了妈妈,最终成为世界上排名前25位的冲浪选手之一。‎ ‎11—15 ABCDA 16—20 CADBA Ⅲ.[主旨大意]本文是一篇说明文。自然景色经常会成为诗歌的主题,本文以两则诗歌为例,介绍了诗人如何将自然景色及内心的情感通过诗歌表达出来。‎ ‎21.C 写作意图题。第一段为总起段落,讲述了诗人描述自然景色和表达内心情感的方式。故选C。‎ ‎22.B 细节理解题。由“when the leaves hang trembling”可知,该句是描写树叶在大风中摇曳的场景,因此B图合适。故选B。‎ ‎23.D 细节理解题。由“he sees the moon as a flower, smiling at us from up in the sky”可知诗人用拟人化的手法描写天上的月亮。故选D。 ‎ ‎24.C 推理判断题。由短文可知,第一首诗是描写风;第二首诗是描写夜晚,两首诗并不是描写同一个景色,故可排除③;Creating images by hearing and touching意为“通过听觉和触觉创造形象”,诗歌中风和夜晚没有提到触觉,故可排除⑤。故选C。‎ ‎25.A 推理判断题。作者在第一段中提出问题,随后用两首诗歌进行示例分析。可知作者是通过举例子的方式来写作的。故选A。‎ Ⅳ.26.make sense to 27.for a time 28.action ‎29.describing 30.will punish 31.In a way ‎32.courage 33.by hand 34.supposed ‎35.a large amount of Ⅴ.[主旨大意]这篇科普性说明文讲述的是:专家指出,人们在睡前应该关闭手机、平板电脑等电子产品。研究表明,美国人百分之九十以上都会在睡前使用电子产品,而这些电子产品的人造光源会减少大脑中帮助人们睡眠的化学物质的释放。另外,研究还发现,过度使用电子产品也会增加肥胖症、糖尿病等的患病风险。所以研究人员倡导大家睡前远离电子产品。‎ ‎36.off 37.active 38.kinds 39.sleep ‎40.how 41.sitting 42.who 43.similar ‎44.raise 45.less 8‎ 8‎

