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2020-2021 学年初三英语知识点归纳及题型专练:完形填空 一 The teacher stood before his class and was going to hand out the final exam papers."I know how (1) you have worked to prepare for this test,"he said."And because I know you can do it well,I am willing to offer a B to those who (2) not to take the test." Many students thanked the teacher and left.The teacher looked at the students left and said,"Does anyone else want to get a‘B'?This is your last (3) ."Two more students decided to go. Only seven students were still in the classroom.The teacher then handed out the papers.There were only three sentences on the paper:Congratulations!You have just (4) an‘A'in this class.Keep believing in (5) . I never had a teacher like that,but I think it is a test that any teacher could give.Students who are not (6) in what they have learned are‘B'students at most. The same is (7) in our daily life.The‘A'students are those who believe in what they are doing because they have (8) both successes and failures.They have got life's lessons,not only from normal education,but from events in their (9) ,and have become (10) people.You see,one should always believe in himself. 1.A.luckily B.terribly C.quietly D.hard 2.A.dislike B.go C.prefer D.start 3.A.chance B.trouble C.test D.idea 4.A.given B.sent C.discovered D.received 5.A.himself B.yourself C.themselves D.ourselves 6.A.confident B.lucky C.difficult D.easy 7.A.wrong B.impossible C.true D.good 8.A.heard of B.dreamed of C.learned from D.cared about 9.A.studies B.activities C.lives D.trips 10.A.ruder B.braver C.worse D.better. 1. 【答案】D 【解析】题答案:考查副词辨析.A.luckily 幸运地 B.terribly 严重地 C.quietly 安静地 D.hard 努力地 根据文中句子:you have worked to prepare for this test 应该是句意:老师对学生说他知道学生为了准 备这次考试一直学习很努力.故选 D 2. 【答案】C 【解析】考查动词辨析.A.dislike 不喜欢 B.go 去 C.prefer 更喜欢 D.start 开始 根据 I am willing to offer a B to those 应该是句意:他说他愿意给那些不喜欢参加考试的学生"B"的成绩.故选 C 3. 【答案】A 【解析】考查名词辨析.A.chance 机会 B.trouble 麻烦 C.test 考试 D.idea 想法 根据 Does anyone else want to get a‘B'有人想得到'b"后面句意:这是你们最后的机会.故选 A 4. 【答案】D 【解析】考查动词辨析.A.given 给予 B.sent 送,寄出 C.discovered 发现 D.received 获得 根 据 Congratulations!You have just (19)an‘A'in this class.应该是句意:恭喜你,你已经在班级里获得了一个 "A"的成绩.故选 D 5. 【答案】B 【解析】考查反身代词辨析.根据前文 Congratulations!You have just received an‘A'in this class.句意:恭喜 你,你已经在班级里获得了一个"A"的成绩:后面应该是你要保持自信.故选 B 6. 【答案】A 【解析】考查形容词辨析.A.confident 自信 B.lucky 幸运 C.difficult 困难 D.easy 容易 根据 Students who are not (21)in what they have learned are‘B'students at most 应该是句意:大多数学生不相信自己获得了 "B"的成绩.故选 A 7. 【答案】C 【解析】考查副词辨析.A.wrong 错误的 B.impossible 不可能的 C.true 真实的 D.good 好的 根 据 The same is (22)in our daily life 应该句意:在我们的日常生活中也是这样,true 真实的,同样的,故选 C 8. 【答案】C 【解析】考查动词短语辨析.A.heard of 听说 B.dreamed of 梦想 C.learned from 从…中学习 D.cared about 在乎,根据句子:The‘A'students are those who believe in what they are doing because they have (8)both successes and failures.应该是句意:那些获得 A 的学生是那些从成功和失败中学习的学生,故选 C 9. 【答案】C 【解析】考查动词辨析.A.studies 学习 B.activities 活动 C.lives 生活 D.trips 旅行, 根据文中的句子:They have got life's lessons,not only from normal education,but from events 应该是句意: 不仅仅是从他们的教育中,也从他们的生活中学习,故选 C 10. 【答案】D 【解析】考查副词辨析.A.ruder 更粗鲁的 B.braver 更勇敢的 C.worse 更糟糕的 D.better 更好的,根据后面的 You see,one should always believe in himself.你看,一个人应该永远相信自己.前面 句意应该是:并且已经成为了更好的人,文章并没有讲到勇敢,故选 D 二 Yesterday was my friend Kyra's birthday.He invited me to his house for his birthday party.Another friend Guy had offered to take me to the party by car. Well,I was getting dressed(1) Guy called and said he was ill.So I decided to go by train.Unluckily while I was talking(2) the phone,the cat walked over my shirt,so I had to spend a few minutes finding another one and I was(3) leaving. As I was walking to the station,it started snowing and I got very cold.I just(4) a train and I had to wait at the station for half an hour.When the train finally arrived I was frozen!I was so cold and tired that during the journey I(5) and I missed my station. Well,I got off at the next stop and decided to walk(6) to Kyra's.I walked for half an hour and then I realized I was(7) .Luckily I found a(8) and telephoned for a taxi.When I finally arrived at Kyra's house,it was(9) midnight and people had left.What (10) evening! 1.A.then B.when C.and 2.A.on B.at C.to 3.A.ready B.happy C.late 4.A.got off B.caught C.missed 5.A.enjoyed talking B.fell asleep C.played card 6.A.up B.forward C.back 7.A.tired B.hungry C.lost 8.A.pay phone B.bus stop C.road sign 9.A.even B.nearly C.still 10.A.lovely B.frightening C.bad. 1【答案】:B 【解析】考查连词辨析.A 然后;B 当..时;C 和;根据 I was getting dressed(31)Guy called and said he was ill 我正在穿衣服(31)盖伊打电话说他病了.应该是当穿衣服时,故答案是 B 2【答案】:A 【解析】考查介词辨析.根据后面 the phone,在电话中交谈是要有介词 on,固定用法,故答案是 A 3【答案】:C 【解析】考查形容词辨析.A 准备好的;B 高兴;C 晚的;根据前面 so I had to spend a few minutes finding another one 所以我不得不花了几分钟找到另一个,应该是晚了,故答案是 C 4【答案】:C 【解析】考查短语辨析.A 下车;B 追赶;C 错过;根据后面 I had to wait at the station for half an hour 我不 得不在车站等了半个小时,应该是错过上一班火车,故答案是 C 5【答案】:B 【解析】考查短语辨析.A 喜欢谈话;B 睡着了;C 玩卡片;根据后面 I missed my station.我坐过站了,应 该是睡着了,故答案是 B 6【答案】:C 【解析】考查介词辨析.A 上;B 向前;C 后面;根据 I got off at the next stop and decided to walk 我在下一 站下车,决定步行,结合前面坐过了站,应该是往回走,故答案是 C 7【答案】:C 【解析】考查形容词辨析.A 累;B 饿;C 迷路了,根据 I walked for half an hour and then I realized I 我走了 半个小时,才意识到,应该是迷路了,故答案是 C 8【答案】:A 【解析】考查短语辨析.A 付费电话;B 公交站;C 路标;根据后面 telephoned for a taxi 打电话叫出租车, 应该是发现了电话,故答案是 A 9【答案】: B 【解析】考查副词辨析.A 甚至;B 差不多;C 仍然;根据 midnight and people had left.结合前文描述,这 里应该是差不多午夜了,故答案是 B 10【答案】:C 【解析】考查形容词辨析.A 可爱的;B 可怕的;C 糟糕的,根据前面的经历可知是个糟糕的夜晚,故答案 是 C 三 I think April Fool's Day is a very unusual holiday.On April Fool's Day,you have to watch out for practica (1) .You also can not trust everything you (2) on April 1st.Even some main newspapers will put fake (假的)articles into their papers to fool people.I heard a story about how (3) April Fool's Day, a London newspaper printed an article about how aliens landed in England.This(4) many people to panic and the local police were not very(5) the newspaper. It can be(6) sometimes to play tricks, but you have to be careful not to go too far.On April Fool's Day, I called my mother from the university I attended.I told her that I was failing all of my classes and because of this, I wasn't able to(7) .She was so upset that she started to cry.I felt really bad about making her sad and tried to tell her it was just a joke.( 8) I told her it was only an April Fool's Day's joke, she got (9) angry with me that she hung up the phone.I had to call her back and apologize before she would talk to me again. April Fool's Day's jokes can be funny but you should be careful not to hurt people's feelings by embarrassing them(10) .Before you act, you should always make sure to put yourself in someone else's shoes and think about how they might feel. (1)A.joke B.jokes C.a joke D.to joke (2)A.hear B.listen C.listen to D.listened (3)A.on B.in C.for D.of (4)A.caused B.helped C.asked D.guided (5)A.interested in B.fond of C.afraid of D.pleased with (6)A.information B.fun C.healthy D.stupid (7)A.read B.return C.graduate D.dance (8)A.After B.Because C.Since D.If (9)A.so B.such C.such a D.so a (10)A.too little B.a few C.a little D.too much 1.【答案】B. 【解析】考查名词.A 玩笑,单数.B 玩笑,复数.C 一个玩笑.D 不定式.句意"愚人节那天,你得小心 __".practical joke 恶作剧.恶作剧不止一个,用复数 jokes.选 B. 2.【答案】A. 【解析】考查动词.A 听到.B 听(不及物动词).C 听,表示动作.D 听,过去式(不及物动词).句 意"你也不能相信 4 月 1 日__的一切".可知,应该是"听到",表示结果用 hear.选 A. 3.【答案】A. 【解析】考查介词.A 在…上、具体某一天.B 在…里.C 为了.D 属于.句意"__愚人节".可知,具体 某一天用介词 on.选 A. 4.【答案】A. 【解析】考查动词.A 导致.B 帮助.C 询问.D 指导.句意"这__许多人惊慌失措".根据上一句 a London newspaper printed an article about how aliens landed in England 伦敦一家报纸刊登了一篇关于外星人如何登 陆英国的文章.可知,应该是"导致".选 A. 5.【答案】D.考查搭配.A 对…感兴趣.B 喜爱…C 害怕…D 对…感到高兴.句意"当地警察对报纸不 太___".根据此句 This caused many people to panic 这导致许多人惊慌失措.可知,报纸在愚人节这天刊 登假消息导致恐慌,应该是"对…(不)高兴".选 D. 6.【答案】B. 【解析】考查名词.A 消息.B 有趣的.C 健康的.D 愚蠢的.句意"有时捣鬼会很__,但你必须小心不要 走得太远(不要太离谱)".可知,愚人节捣鬼有时是"有趣的".选 B. 7.【答案】C. 【解析】考查动词.A 读.B 返回.C 毕业.D 跳舞.句意"我不能__".根据上一句 I told her that I was failing all of my classes 我告诉她我所有的课程都不及格.可知,应该是不能"毕业".选 C. 8.【答案】A. 【解析】考查连词.A 在…之后.B 因为.C 自从.D 如果.句意"我告诉她这只是愚人节的玩笑___,她挂 断了电话,生我的气".可知,应该是"在…之后".选 A. 9.【答案】A. 【解析】考查副词.so 如此,修饰形容词.such 如此,修饰名词.such a 修饰名词.so a 不搭配.句意" 她对我__生气挂了电话".可知,修饰形容词 angry 生气的,用 so 如此、很.选 A. 10.【答案】D. 【解析】考查搭配.too little 太少.a few 一点点,修饰可数名词复数.a little 一点点,修饰不可数名词.too much 太多.句意"愚人节的笑话可能很有趣,但你应该小心,不要让别人__尴尬而伤害他们的感情".可 知,愚人节的玩笑不要太过分,不要让别人"太多"的尴尬.选 D. 四 In learning English,one should first pay attention to listening and speaking.It is the groundwork (基础) of reading and writing.You'd better (1) your best to speak while you do much listening.Don't be (2) of making mistakes.But be careful not to let them stop you from improving your (3) .While you are doing this,a good (4) is to write﹣keep a diary,write notes or letters.Then if you can,ask some others to go through (5) you have written and tell you where it is wrong.Many mistakes in your speaking will be (6) found when you write.Through correcting mistakes,you can do better in learning English. If you are slow in speaking,don't (7) about it.One of the helpful ways is reading,either aloud or to yourself.The important thing is to choose(8) interesting to read.It mustn't be too difficult for you.When you are reading (9) this way,don't stop to (10) the new words if you can guess their meanings when they have nothing to do with the sentences.You can do that some other time. 1.A.have B.send C.make D.try 2.A.sure B.proud C.afraid D.tired 3.A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese D.French 4.A.start B.idea C.time D.way 5.A.how B.when C.what D.why 6.A.happily B.easily C.really D.slowly 7.A.talk B.fear C.worry D.hurry 8.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing 9.A.by B.on C.at D.in 10.A.look at B.look for C.look up D.look over 1.【答案】:D. 【解析】考查短语固定搭配,try one's best to do sth.尽最大努力做某事,根据上文可知:学英语应该重视听和 说,它是读和写的基础.由此可知下文:当你做了大量听力训练时,你最好要尽力训练说英语.故选:D. 2.【答案】:C. 【解析】考查短语固定搭配,be sure of 对…有把握,be proud of 对…自豪,be tired of 对…厌倦,be afraid of 害怕…,结合句意:不要害怕犯错误.故选:C. 3.【答案】:A. 【解析】考查名词及语境的理解,根据上文 In learning English…可知这里介绍英语的学习,结合句意:但要小 心不要让它们阻止你提高你的英语. 故选:A. 4.【答案】:D. 【解析】考查名词及语境的理解,start 开始,idea 想法,观点,time 时间,way 方法,根据下文 keep a diary, write notes or letters.这里介绍方法,结合句意:当你这样做的时候,一个好的方法就是写日记,写笔记或写信.故 选:D. 5.【答案】:C 【解析】考查宾语从句中的连接词,宾语从句中疑问词充当 have written 的宾语,结合句意:然后,如果你可 以,请别人看看你写了什么,告诉你哪里是错的.故选:C. 6.【答案】:B. 【解析】考查副词及语境的理解,happily 高兴地,easily 容易地,really 真正地,slowly 慢慢地,结合句意: 当你写作时,很容易发现你说话中的许多错误.故选:B. 7.【答案】:C. 【解析】考查动词及语境的理解,根据句意:如果你说话慢,不要担心.考查词组 worry about sth.担心某事, 故选:C. 8.【答案】:A. 【解析】考查不定代词及语境的理解,根据句意:最重要的事是选择有趣的东西来阅读.这是一个肯定句,表 示某事,要用 something,故选:A. 9.【答案】:D. 【解析】考查短语固定搭配,in this way 用这种方式,结合句意:当你用这种方式阅读时,故选:D. 10.【答案】:C. 【解析】考查短语辨析,look at 看着…,look for 寻找,look over 仔细检查,look up 查阅,结合句意:如果你 能猜测他们的意思时,不要停下来查找新单词.故选:C. 五 Acts of kindness, big or small, are everywhere if we care to look for them. On December 23, 2017, a man put a video on Weibo, not (1) it would become popular. (2) the video was only seven seconds long, it was watched more than 19 million times in just two days. It showed a young man's (3) act on a subway train and he soon became an online star. In the video, the young man is(4) with a mobile phone in his hands. On the phone screen, there's a message in large font (字体). "Please wake me up if you need my (5) ." Plenty of web users were deeply moved by the young man's act and (6) him for his kindness. Chutian Metropolis Daily offered to interview the young man, but he politely (7) the invitation. He said he just did what he felt he should do. On Weibo, he wrote he would easily fall asleep when he had (8) to do on the subway train. He was (9) that others might need the seat. So he (10) the idea of making a message on his phone screen. Kindness needs to be passed on. Let's work together and make such positive energy (正能量) spread further. (1)A. agreeing B. regretting C. remembering D. knowing (2)A. If B. Unless C. Though D. Because (3)A. kind B. careless C. impolite D. terrible (4)A. afraid B. asleep C. awake D. alive (5)A. idea B. advice C. seat D. phone (6)A. asked B. praised C. excused D. punished (7)A. hid B. received C. refused D. sent (8)A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something (9)A. sad B. angry C. excited D. worried (10)A. took up B. thought of C. talked about D. turned do 1.【答案】D. 【解析】考查动名词.A 同意.B 后悔.C 记住.D 知道.句意"2017 年 12 月 23 日,一名男子在微博上 放了一段视频,不__它会变得流行".根据 2 空后 it was watched more than 19 million times in just two days 在短短的两天内,它被观看了 1900 多万次.可知,应该是不"知道"会流行.选 D. 2.【答案】C. 【解析】考查连词.A 如果.B 除非.C 虽然.D 因为.句意"__这段视频只有 7 秒长,但在短短的两天内 就被观看了 1900 多万次".可知,应该是"虽然",用 though 引导让步状语从句.选 C. 3.【答案】A. 【解析】考查形容词.A 友善的.B 粗心的.C 不礼貌的.D 可怕的.句意"它显示了一个年轻人在地铁上 的__行为,他很快就成了网络明星".成为明星了,应该是"友善的"行为.选 A. 4.【答案】B. 【解析】考查形容词.A 害怕的.B 睡着的.C 醒的.D 活着的.句意"在录像中,年轻人手里拿着手机__ 了".根据 5 空前 Please wake me up 请叫醒我.可知,应该是"睡着的".选 B. 5.【答案】C. 【解析】考查名词.A 想法.B 建议.C 座位.D 电话.句意"如果你需要我的__,请叫醒我".根据 9 空 后 others might need the seat 其他人可能需要座位.可知,应该是"座位".选 C. 6.【答案】B. 【解析】考查动词.A 询问.B 称赞.C 原谅.D 惩罚.句意"许多网络用户对这个年轻人的行为深感感动, 并___他为人善良".可知,应该是"称赞".选 B. 7.【答案】C. 【解析】考查动词.A 隐藏.B 收到.C 拒绝.D 发送.句意"楚天都市报提出要采访这位年轻人,但他礼 貌地__了邀请".可知,应该是"拒绝".选 C. 8.【答案】A.考查不定代词.A 没有事情.B 任何事情.C 一切.D 一些事情.句意"在微博上,他写 道,当他在地铁上__可做时,很容易睡着".可知,have nothing to do 无事可做.选 A. 9.【答案】D. 【解析】考查形容词.A 伤心的.B 生气的.C 兴奋的.D 担心的.句意"他___其他人可能需要座位".根 据 5 空处 Please wake me up if you need my seat 如果你需要我的座位,请叫醒我.可知,应该是"担心的".选 D. 10.【答案】B. 【解析】考查动词短语.A 占用、开始从事.B 想起、想出、考虑.C 谈论.D 不搭配.句意"所以他__了这个 在手机屏幕上留言的主意".根据上一句 He was worried that others might need the seat 他担心其他人可能需要 座位.可知,他自己睡着了,担心别人需要他的座位,因此"想出"这个主意.选 B. 七 A wealthy man love his son very much. As he wanted his son to lead a happy life, he decided to send him to see a wise old man for his advice on happiness. When the old man learnt about his(1) , he handed the boy an empty bowl and said. "Go to the river miles away and(2) it with water. I will tell you about it(3) no water is spilt(洒) when you reach here." Although the boy was very surprised at this, he had no choice but to(4) this task. The boy(5) on foot for the river and some time later came back with a bowl of water. The old man asked him, "Did you notice the beautiful flowers along the road and the birds singing in the trees?" The boy could say nothing about them because he gave his(6) attention to the bowl in his hands. The old man smiled and said, "Bring me(7) bowl of water, but this time enjoy the flowers and the singing of birds as well." When he returned, the boy was able to(8) everything he had seen to the old man. But when he looked down at his bowl, he found(9) that most water was gone. He forgot all about his bowl while enjoying the beautiful things along the road. "Well, young man," the old man said. "Enjoy the beauty of the world, but never forget the water in your bowl. This is the(10) of happiness." (1)A.research B.promise C.purpose D.experience (2)A.wash B.fill C.compare D.connect (3)A.if B.until C.unless D.while (4)A.put out B.pick out C.point out D.carry out (5)A.set off B.paid off C.got off D.kept off (6)A.public B.weak C.quick D.full (7)A.any B.every C.another D.the other (8)A.change B.imagine C.examine D.describe (9)A. lazily B.sadly C.luckily D.excitedly (10)A.result B.cause C.secret D.decision 1.【答案】C. 【解析】考查名词.A 调查.B 承诺.C 目的.D 经历.句意"老人得知他的__后,递给男孩一个空碗".根 据上一句 he decided to send him to see a wise old man for his advice on happiness 他决定送他去见一位聪明的 老人,向他提幸福的忠告.可知,应该是"目的".选 C. 2.【答案】B. 【解析】考查动词.A 洗.B 充满.C 比较.D 连接.句意"到河边去,把它__水".根据上一句 he handed the boy an empty bowl 他递给男孩一个空碗.可知,应该是"装满".选 B. 3.【答案】A. 【解析】考查连词.A 如果.B 直到.C 除非.D 在…期间.句意"当你到达这里时,__没有水被溅出来, 我会告诉你的.".可知,应该是"如果".选 A. 4.【答案】D. 【解析】考查搭配.A 扑灭.B 挑选.C 指出.D 进行; 执行; 完成.句意"尽管男孩对此感到非常惊讶, 但他别无选择,只能__这项任务.".可知,是"完成".选 D. 5.【答案】A. 【解析】考查搭配.A 出发.B 付清.C 下车.D(使) 不接近.句意"那男孩步行___去河边,过了一会 儿又带了一碗水回来了.".可知,应该是"出发".选 A. 6.【答案】D. 【解析】考查形容词.A 公众的.B 虚弱的.C 快的.D 满的、完整的.句意"那男孩对它们什么也没说, 因为他把___注意力放在手中的碗上.".可知,为了不让碗里的水洒出来,应该是"完整的"注意力.即充 分注意.选 D. 7.【答案】C. 【解析】考查形容词.A 任何的.B 每个.C(三者以上的)另一个.D 另一个(通常与 one 连用).句 意"再给我__一碗水".这里只另一碗水(不止两碗),用 another.选 C. 8.【答案】D. 【解析】考查动词.A 改变.B 想象.C 检查.D 描述.句意"当他回来的时候,男孩能把他所见到的一切 __给那个老人.".可知,老人让他享受花和鸟的歌声,应该是"描述".选 D. 9.【答案】B. 【解析】考查副词.A 懒惰的.B 伤心地.C 幸运地.D 兴奋地.句意"但当他低头看碗时,他__发现大部 分的水都不见了.".可知,应该是"伤心地".选 B. 10.【答案】C. 【解析】考查名词.A 结果.B 原因.C 秘诀.D 决定.句意"这就是幸福的__".根据第一行 he decided to send him to see a wise old man for his advice on happiness.他决定送他去见一位聪明的老人,向他提幸福的 忠告. 可知,应该是"秘诀".选 C. 八 Once upon a time, there was a small village. The villagers built a fountain (喷泉) and made (1) of it. People carried water from it(2) their fruit trees and vegetables. The water spirit who(3) the water in the fountain was very happy because the villagers treated his water like valuable gold. As(4) went by, however, the villagers did not respect the water as they used to. The water spirit was (5) to see this happen. So, he slowed the flow of the water(6) to a trickle(细流). However, the villagers still didn't care. They(7) to pollute and waste the water in the fountain. The water spirit got very angry. That(8) he took action against the whole villager. At dinner time, people who had(9) rubbish into the fountain found rubbish in their soup. The children who had made water bombs to throw at others were hit with mysterious water bombs ten times (10) than theirs. The village did not have a(11) night. Almost nobody was able to get to sleep before morning. Around noon, the next day, the people of the village gathered around the fountain to beg the water spirit's(12) , but the water spirit didn't seem to be there. A little girl said she saw the water spirit(13) up into the clouds early this morning. Just as the villagers started to cry and blame(14) for treating the water spirit and his fountain so badly, a cloud appeared overhead and began to rain(15) water into the fountain below it. Suddenly, the little girl shouted happily, "he's back, he's back…" (1)A. use B. money C. fun D. life (2)A. with B. for C. at D. of (3)A. changed B. attacked C. produced D. managed (4)A. time B. water C. history D. day (5)A. happy B. sad C. tired D. afraid (6)A. up B. down C. away D. off (7)A. continued B. stopped C. supported D. planned (8)A. morning B. noon C. afternoon D. night (9)A. collected B. thrown C. put D. picked (10)A. lighter B. rounder C.smaller D. bigger (11)A. meaningful B. colorful C. peaceful D. wonderful (12)A. forgiveness B. happiness C. carelessness D. kindness (13)A. pulling B. dancing C. rising D. walking (14)A. himself B. itself C. themselves D. ourselves (15)A. heavy B. dirty C. cold D. fresh 1.【答案】A 【解析】考查词语搭配 ,A.make use of 意为利用,使用.B.make moeny 挣钱 C. make fun of 取笑, D,make life 谋生.根据原文可知村民们修建了一个喷泉,并且﹣﹣她,根据句意可知是,使用它,故填 A. 2.【答案】B 【解析】考查介词,A.With 使用,和……一起;B.for 为了;C.at 朝向;D.of……的.根据句意,人 们从喷泉取水____树和蔬菜,可知这里表示目的,故用 for.故选 B. 3.【答案】D 【解析】考查动词,A. changed 改变;B. attacked 攻击,侵害;C. produced 产生,制造;D. managed 管理, 根据下文内容可知,泉神负责_____喷泉的泉水;应是管理,从全文是传说故事可知,用 manage 的过去式,故选 D. 4.【答案】A 【解析】考查短语搭配:短语 as time go by 意为:随着时间流逝.故选 A. 5.【答案】B 【解析】考查形容词,A. happy 高兴的, B. 悲伤的, C.累的, D.害怕的, 句意:泉神 看到这一幕很伤心.根据上文人们不再爱惜泉水可推测他很伤心.故选 B. 6.【答案】B 【解析】考查短语搭配, 句意:他把泉水减弱为涓涓细流.短语 slow down 意为减弱.故选 B. 7.【答案】A 【解析】考查动词,A. continue 继续, B. stop 停止, C.support 支持, D. plan 计划,根据 上一句人们并不在乎泉水可知,他们___污染泉水.短语 continue to do sth.继续做某事.故选 A. 8.【答案】D 【解析】考查名词,A.morning 上午, B. noon 中午, C. afternoon 下午, D.night 晚上, 根 据下一句 at dinner time 在晚饭时间可知,泉神惩罚人们是在夜里.故选 D. 9.【答案】B 【解析】考查动词,A. collect 收集 B. throw 扔掉, C. put 放,D. pick 采摘,根据句意在晚饭 时间,那些把垃圾_____泉水的人们发现汤里面有垃圾.短语 throw into 把……扔进……里面.故选 B. 10.【答案】D 【解析】考查形容词,A. lighter 更轻的, B.rounder 更远的, C. smaller 更小的, D. bigger 更大的,根据句意可知水弹要比他们的大十倍 ,故选 D. 11.【答案】C 【解析】考查形容词,A. meaningful 有意义的, B. colorful 色彩艳丽的, C. peaceful 平静的, D.wonderful 精彩的,.从下一句村民们直到早晨不能睡觉可知,可知他们的夜晚不平静.故选 C. 12.【答案】A 【解析】考查名词, A. forgiveness 宽恕; B. happiness 幸福; C. carelessness 粗心;D. kindness 仁慈.从上文可知,人们对自己的作为感到后悔,所以他们祈求泉神的宽恕.故选 A. 13.【答案】C 【解析】考查动词 A. pulling 拉; B. dancing 跳舞;C. rising 上升; D. walking 步行.根据后 面的 clouds 可知是上升到云彩里.故选 C. 14.【答案】C 【解析】考查反身代词,A. himself 他自己, B. itself 它自己, C.themselves 他们自己, D.ourselves 我们自己,根据前面的主语 the villagers 可知用反身代词 themselves.故选 C. 15.【答案】D 【解析】考查形容词,A. heavy 重的;B. dirty 脏的; C. cold 冷的;D. fresh 新鲜的.结合下一 句泉神重新回来了可知,人们得到"新鲜的"水.故选 D.

