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2020-2021 学年初三英语知识点归纳及题型专练:七选五 一 原到文中,短文意思通顺、结构完整,并在答题卷上讲其序号涂黑。 1_____Well, Chengdu is at the top of the 2017rankings (排名) for China’s Happiest Cities released by Xinhua News Agency and the China Association of Mayors. This is the second year in a row that the capital city of Sichuan was chosen. 2 As People’s Daily said, “part of the reason is the relaxing and slow-paced (慢节奏的) lifestyle that many people in Chengdu live.” To find the pleasures of the Chengdu lifestyle, 3 Chengdu cuisine is famous for the use of the tongue-numbing (使舌头发麻的),Sichuanese peppercorn (花椒) and hot chillies (辣椒). “Nothing is more important to Chengdu people than food,” said Du Li, a professor at the Sichuan Higher Institute of Cuisine. 4 There are around 40,000 restaurants in Chengdu. Another important part of Chengdu life is the teahouses. Found everywhere in the city, 5 Teahouses are also a place to do business, meet with friends, show off pet birds, listen to Chuanju (Sichuan opera), and most importantly, play mahjong. As a local saying goes, “If you cannot find someone, he or she is either playing mahjong, or on their way to play mahjong.” 1. 【答案】C 【解析】细节推理题.根据下文 Chengdu is at the top of the2017 5rankings(排名) for China's Happiest Cities released by Xinhua News Agency and the China Association of Mayors.由新华新闻社和中国市长协会发布 2015 排行榜,成都是在中国最具幸福感的城市,可知说的是城市的幸福感,结合选项,应说你认为哪个城市的人过着 A. the first thing you should try is the food. B.I like Chengdu food very much. C. Which Chinese city do you think people live a very happy life? D. the tea houses are much more than just a place to drink tea. E. What has made Chengdu such a happy place to live? F. They love to find small restaurants that have great tastes. G. People like playing mahjong in the tea houses. 幸福的生活?故选 C. 2. 【答案】E 【解析】细节推理题.根据下文 As People's Daily said, "part of the reason is the relaxing and slow-paced(慢节奏 的) lifestyle that many people in Chengdu live.正如《人民日报》所说:"部分原因是成都许多人过着悠闲 的生活方式.可知说的是为什么成都是个快乐的地方,结合选项,应说是什么使成都成为一个快乐的地方?故选 E. 3. 【答案】A 【解析】细节推理题.根据下文 here are around 40, 000restaurants in Chengdu.在成都大约有 40000 家餐厅.可 知结合选项,应说你应该尝试的第一件事就是食物.故选 A. 4. 【答案】F 【解析】细节推理题.根据上下文 Another important part of Chengdu life is the teahouses. Found everywhere in the city, D Teahouses are also a place to do business,成都生活的另一个重要部分是茶馆.在城市中随处可 见,---,茶馆是一个做生意的好地方,可知结合选项,应说他们喜欢寻找有品味的小餐馆.故选 F. 5..【答案】D 【解析】细节推理题.根据上下文 Teahouses are also place to do business, meet with friends, show off pet birds, listen to Chuanju (Sichuan opera), and most importantly, play mahjong.茶馆也是一个做生意的地方,会见朋友,炫 耀宠物鸟,听滚四川歌剧,最重要的是,玩麻将.可知,结合选项,应说茶馆不仅仅是一个喝茶的地方.故选 D. 二 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中, 使短文意思通顺、结构完整。(每小题 2 分) On a summer vacation, I spent some days at my grandfather’s farm. One morning, my grandfather asked me to pick some fresh eggs from the chicken coop (笼子). 1._________________ I thought it was easy. But when I went into the coop, I found it was really hard. A rooster(公鸡) and some hens ran after me and tried to hurt me. I was scared. So I ran out and got away from the coop. 2.____________________ But when my grandfather went into the coop, both the rooster and hens calmed down. I didn’t know why, so I asked my grandfather. “Did you see how the rooster and hens behaved when I came in?” he asked me. “They were calm and behaved well when you came in,” I cried. “3._____________” My grandfather then said, “In your life, you will meet some people. They act like the rooster and hens. 4._________________ So it’s natural for him to protect his coop and hens. And there is always a person in your life. He will try to lead your life. If you let him do that, you will be like those hens. 5._________________” Then I went into the coop again. Even though I was still afraid, I ignored (忽视) the rooster and picked up the eggs. A. I was afraid that I couldn’t do that. B. But they tried to hurt me. C. If you want to be the leader, you must decide your actions first. D. I felt unhappy and started to cry. E. So believe yourself anytime. F. It was my first time to do that. G. As for the rooster, he is the leader. 1. 【答案】F 【解析】 It was my first time to do that 我第一次做这件事 I thought it was easy. But when I went into the coop, I found it was really hard. A rooster(公鸡) and some hens ran after me and tried to hurt me 我认为很容易,但是当 我到鸡舍的时候,公鸡和母鸡追在我的后面,想要伤害我。我很害怕,感到不高兴。 2. 【答案】D 【解析】 I felt unhappy and started to cry. 我很害怕,感到不高兴,就哭了。 But when my grandfather went into the coop, both the rooster and hens calmed down. I didn’t know why, so I asked my grandfather.当祖父到鸡舍的 时候,公鸡和母鸡都冷静下来。我不知道为什么 3. 【答案】B 【解析】 he asked me. They were calm and behaved well when you came in,” I cried. But they tried to hurt me 想要伤害我 4. 【答案】G 【解析】 As for the rooster, he is the leader. So it’s natural for him to protect his coop and hens.公鸡保护鸡舍和母 鸡是自然的 5. 【答案】C 【解析】If you let him do that, you will be like those hens If you want to be the leader, you must decide your actions first.如果一个人引领你的生活,你就像母鸡。如果你想要成为领导者,你就要首先决定你的行动。 三 阅读理解。 Google is one of the largest and most powerful technology companies in the world. It was launched by Stanford University students Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. Now, it has over 50,000 employees and makes about $50 billion a year. 1 Build the right team 2 "Having great people involved is tremendously important," says Larry. "Some entrepreneurs(企业家) are in such a rush to start a new business that they don’t wait to find the right people to work with." Make it simple "Technology has this way of becoming overly complex, but simplicity is one of the reasons why people are attracted to Google," writes Sergey. If your products are simple, then people will be more likely to use them. 3 Become an expert Larry and Sergey spent years researching www.google.com before they launched the website. 4 The Google founders think that entrepreneurs should take time to really understand their business and their market as it’ll pay off in the long run. 5 "You should set really aggressive goals that you’re not sure you can achieve," explains Larry. He says that some entrepreneurs only set goals they think they can attain. But, he explains, if you only set achievable goals you’re never going to create something truly extraordinary. A. Set achievable goals B. Set tough goals C. Google stresses cooperation with other entrepreneurs. D. Larry and Sergey owe much of their success to teamwork. E. So, what are Larry and Sergey’s top tips for success? F. And that meant they knew everything about how search engines worked. G. If you don’t understand your products, your customers certainly won’t. 1、【答案】E: 【解析】空格处应起到承上启下的作用,故为 E。 2、【答案】D: 【解析】D 中 teamwork 与 build the right team 相对应。 3、【答案】G: 【解析】G 中与空格前面句子形成了对比。 4、【答案】F: 【解析】F 中与...they spent year researching 相吻合。 5、【答案】B: 【解析】由后文...set really aggressive goals 可知选 B 合适。 四 请先阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使 短文意思通顺、结构完整。 Many people often meet such difficult situation. It’s that they don’t know the way in new places, and they are too shy to ask people for the way. 1 Firstly, you must know some important and useful expressions, such as “Could you please…”, “Excuse me”, and “Thanks a lot”. For example, when we want to ask someone strange for the way, we must say “Excuse me” at first. 2 Next, “Could you please…” is often used while asking for the direction. 3 It’s also polite to shake hands with the strangers. Secondly, we often need to take some useful things with us. They usually include pens, special maps, cameras and so on. 4 We can write down the crucial(关键性的) words about the place, then we can show them to the strangers who we want to ask for help. Of course, the cameras can help us find our correct way. 5 Then we can show the pictures about it to the stranger when asking for directions. All above is polite of useful way to ask for the correct way or place. A.Sometimes a pen can help us get to the right place. B.In the USA, people also use it in many different situations. C.We can use a mobile phone to help us. D.After we know how to get to the final place, we should say “Thanks” to others. E.Before we go to a strange place, we can take some photos about it. F.Some people don’t like to use it at all. G.Here are some tips on how to ask for the way politely. 1. 【答案】G 【解析】根据 It's that they don't' know the way in new places, and they are too shy to ask people for the way.以及 下文可推知此句为:这里有一些关于如何礼貌地问路的建议。 2. 【答案】B 【解析】根据 For example, when we want to ask someone strange for the way, we must say“Excuse me" at first. 可推知此句为:在美国,人们也会在很多不同的情况下使用它。 3. 【答案】D 【解析】根据 Next,“Could you please…is often used while asking for the directions 以及 It' also polite to shake hands with the strangers.可推知此句为:在我们知道如何到达最终的位置后,我们应该对别人说“谢谢”。 4. 【答案】A 【解析】根据 We can write down the crucial(关键性的) words about the place,then we can show them to the strangers who we want to ask for help.可知此句为:有时候一支笔可以帮助我们到达正确的地方。 5. 【答案】E 【解析】根据 the cameras can help us find our correct way.以及 hen we can show the pictures about it to the stranger when asking for directions.可知此句为:在我们去一个陌生的地方之前,我们可以拍一些关于它的照片。 五 How to Make a Glodfish Live for Decades Believe it or not , a goldfish could live for 10—25 years ot longer if it’s given proper care .However , with normal care it usually lives for about 6 years . The Guinness Book of World Records mentions a goldfish named Tish that lived 43 years! 1 . 1.Purchase the largest possible tank you can . While using a 20 liter tank is better for the fish than any kind of a fish bowl , at least 40 liters is necessary for quality of life a single fish . Chinese a tank with large surface area to increase the amount of oxygen in contact with the surface of the water. 2. 2 Be sure that any decorations you choose aren’t hollow (harmful bacteria can grow inside ) and that they don’t have sharp edges . Provide your fish with different areas in the tank , such as an open area ideal for swimming and a hiding area . If you feed them at the same time every day , they will soon be waiting for you at that time and grow used to your presence . 3.Add some equipment to increase oxygen into the water . 3 You can also have the current from a “waterfall” type filter help agitate (搅动) the water’s surface . 4.Clean the tank at least once every two weeks , but more frequently is preferable due to the large amount of waste . 4 5.Feed the goldfish one to three times daily with food apecifically designed for goldfish . 5 Give them only as much as they can eat in a few minutes , and clean any leftovers immediately. A.Provide mental and physical stimulation (刺激) for the fish . B.Be aware that goldfish will not eat below 50--55 °C (10--14°C). C.Here’s how to help your companion survive into the “ golden years ”. D.If you do need to catch your fish ,consider using a plastic container rather than a net . E.A small air pump can be necessary . F.How often you do this will depend on the size of you tank , the number of fish . G.If you choose to feed them more often , then reduce the size of the meals so you don’t overfeed. 1、【答案】C: 【解析】下文介绍让金鱼长寿的方法,引出下文。 2、【答案】A: 【解析】本段主题句(对金鱼身心方面的刺激)。 3、【答案】E: 【解析】本段主要讲要增加一些供氧设备,E 与此有关。 4、【答案】F: 【解析】本段主要讲鱼缸的卫生清理,故选 F。 5、【答案】G: 【解析】本段主要讲喂食的注意事项,故选 G。 六 1 .You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessary so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here's how: 1. Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. then decide a good, regular time for studying. 2 A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time. 2. Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television! When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject. 3. Make good use of your time in class.3 .Really listening in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says. 4. Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material.4 If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer. 5. Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won't end if you don't pass a test, so don’t be over worried. 5 .You will probably discover them after you have tried these. A. There are other methods that might help you with your studying. B. Don't forget to set aside enough time for entertainment. C. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teachers say D. No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard. E. Maybe you are an average student. F. Make full use of class time to take notes of what the teacher says in class. G. This will help you understand the next class. 1.【答案】E 【解析】联系下文题.根据下句 You probably think you will never be a top student.说明你觉得你从未能成为一 名优秀生.说明你是一名普通的学生 E 项: Maybe you are an average student.许你是一名普通的学生.符合文意, 故 E 正确 2. 【答案】B 【解析】语境辨析题.根据下一句 weekly schedule may not solve all your problems 说明很满的时间安排不一定 能解决所有的问题,一定要有娱乐的时间.B 项: Don't forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.不要忘记 留出足够的时间娱乐.符合文意,故 B 正确. 3. 【答案】C 【解析】上下文串联.根据本段第一句 Make good use of your time in class.可知要充分利用好课堂的时间.C 项:Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.充分利用课堂时间听老师讲课.C 项符合上下文, 故 C 正确 4. 【答案】G 【解析】文章衔接题.根据前一句 When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material.说明预习的重要性,预习以后会让我们 的学习 更高效.G 项: his will help you understand the next class.这将帮助你听懂下堂课,符合上下文.故 G 正确. 5.【答案】A 【解析】联系下文题.根据下句 You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.说明除了文章 中的这些方法以外,还有另外的方式.A 项: T here are other methods that might help you with your studying.还有 其他的方法可以帮助你的学习,符合上下文.故 A 正确. 七 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中, 使短文意思通顺、结构完整。 Computers are good tools. The Internet is also good. 1._________They can’t stop. Doctors say this is a new sickness. They call this sickness Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD). 2.__________They spend hours chatting to their friends or playing online games. Many people with IAD spend more time on the Internet than with family or friends. 3.__________ Do you have IAD? Think about these questions: How many hours a day are you online? Is it a lot or a little? When you are not online, are you thinking about playing a computer game or checking your messages? 4.__________Do you get angry when you can’t play a game? 5.__________Dr. Ivan Goldberg and Dr. Kimberly S.Young have some ideas. First, ask yourself “Why am I online a lot?” Then try to take a break. For example, use the computer or play games twice a week, not every day. In this way, you can have a good social life with other friends. A. When you are online, do you forget the time? B. If you have IAD, what can you do? C. But some people spend too much time online. D. We can learn much from the internet. E. Some people with IAD even give up their jobs! F. Spending too much time online is bad for our health. G. People with IAD are online a lot. 1. 【答案】C 【解析】前两句说明了电脑和互联网的好处。后句说:他们停不下来。医生说这是一种新的疾病可以推测出 本句引出网瘾症。故答案为:C.( But some people spend too much time online 但是一些人花了太多的时间上网。) 2. 【答案】G 【解析】上文引出了“互联网成瘾症”,由下文:他们花数小时和朋友聊天、玩在线游戏这些是网瘾症的表现, 所以本段开头先总体说一下网瘾症的表现。故答为:G.( People with IAD are online lot 有网的人经常上网。) 3. 【答案】E 【解析】本段列举了了患网瘾的人的种种表现,所以本句也选网瘾症的表现的句子。故答案为 e.( Some people with IAD even give up their jobs!一些有网点的人甚至辞去自己的工作。) 4. 【答案】A 【解析】本段讲述的是判定自己是否患有网瘾症。前面询问了:你不上网时,你会想游戏或是查看你的消息吗? 与之相对应的,本空选择上网时的一些表现,故答为:A.( When you are online, do you forget the time?当你在线 时,你会忘记时间吗?) 5. 【答案】B 【解析】本段是对如何战胜网瘾的建议。作为段首句,也就是本段的中心句。故答案为:B.(If you have IAD, what can you do?如果你有网瘾,你该怎么办?) 八 请阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、 结构完整 Advantages of Playing Badminton Playing badminton can be a fantastic sport. 1 What’s more, playing badminton has many health benefits for your entire(整个) body. Build a strong body You get to run up and down the court. You jump up high and bend down low when playing. Your movement has to be flexible, with good hand-eye coordination(协调). 2 .At the same time, swinging the racket exercises your arms, shoulders, stomach and back,. Before you know it, your entire body will benefit from better coordination. You can even grow stronger and more attractive. Have a good heart Playing badminton can actually lower your blood pressure, and reduce your chances of heart diseases. 3 . Whether you are suffering from high blood pressure or simply trying it, playing badminton is a great sport. Enjoy a colorful social life 4 They provide chances for you to meet friends, or other people with similar interests. So don’t just watch a television program about losing fat. Get out there and join an organized badminton league. Make a slim figure Of course, one of the most welcome benefits of playing badminton is always quick weight loss. 5 Whether you are on the sand at the local beach, or inside a gym, playing badminton can be an enjoyable weight loss exercise. A. The movements give your legs good exercise. B. Playing the game, you can make your heart stronger. C. You can find a badminton court in public parks or some gyms. D. To people of different ages it is also an easy light exercise. E. It’s important to drink plenty of water when playing the sport. F. Gyms often host leagues and parties. G. Hundreds of unwanted fat can be burned off with the sport. 1. 【答案】D 【解析】由前一句“打羽毛球是一项很好的运动和后一句“而且,打羽毛球对全身都有好处可知,此处为“对于不 同年龄阶段的人来说,也是一项非常轻松的运动”。 2. 【答案】A 【解析】由 Build strong body 和前一句“Before you know it, your entire body will benefit from better coordination 可知,此处为“你能变得更强壮和更有吸引力”。 3. 【答案】B 【解析】由 Have good heart 和前一句 and reduce your chances of heart disease 可知,此处为“打羽毛球会使你的 心脏更强壮 4. 【答案】F 【解析】由前一句 Gyms often host leagues, tournaments, and parties.和后一句 So don't just watch a television program about losing fat.可知,此处为“它们给你提供与朋友或者是与你有类似爱好的人见面的机会”。 5. 【答案】G 【解析】由 Make slim figure 和后一句 Hundreds of unwanted fat can be burned off with all of the physical movements involved with the sport.知,此处为“当然,其中一个最受欢迎的好处就是减肥”。 九 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中, 使短文意思通顺、结构完整,并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑。 The world is getting bigger, or at least fatter. Recent studies show that more and more people are living an unhealthy life. 1 Sofa potatoes are people who spend too much time in front of the TV and eat too much junk food. Now, there is also a new kind of people, namely the “mouse potato”. 2 Why are we becoming potatoes? 3 We don′t have as much time to prepare and eat food as we used to. Fast food restaurants are everywhere and supermarket shelves are filled with ready-made or prepared dishes. 4 But they make it more difficult for us to control what we eat. 5 In this way, we will be healthier and have more energy to enjoy the good things in life. A healthy diet should give us the calories (卡路里) we need but not contain too much fat and sugar. A balanced diet with exercise is the recipe (食谱) for a healthy life. And remember, it is better to eat a potato than to be one. 1. 【答案】B 【解析】细节推理题.根据下文 sofa potatoes are people who spend too much time in front of the TV and eat too much junk food.沙发土豆人花太多的时间在电视机前吃太多的垃圾食品可知说的是沙发土豆,结合选项,应说 我们正在成为沙发土豆.故选 B. 2. .【答案】E A. Of course, not all of these are bad for us. B. We are becoming sofa potatoes. C. We can′t eat junk food. D. We should choose the delicious food. E. They sit in front of the computer all day and eat junk food. F. One reason is our modern way of life. G. To be healthy, we should make good choices about what we eat. 【解析】细节推理题.根据上文 Now, there is also a new kind of people, namelythe"mouse potato.现在,又出现了 一类新型的人群,叫做"鼠标土豆".可知说的是"鼠标土豆",结合选项,应是指他们整天坐在电脑前吃垃圾食品. 故选 E. 3. .【答案】E 【解析】细节推理题.根据上文 Why are we becoming potatoes?为什么我们成为土豆?可知问的是原因,结合选 项,应说原因之一是我们现代的生活方式.故选 F. 4. .【答案】A 【解析】细节推理题.根据上文 Fast food restaurants are everywhere and supermarket shelves are filled with ready-made- or prepared dishes.快餐店到处都是,超市的货架上摆满了各式成品食物与菜肴.和下文 But they make it more difficult for us to control what we eat.但是却使得人们难以选择掌控所需摄取的食物了.可知结合 选项,应说当然,并不是所有这些都对我们有害.故选 A. 5. 【答案】G 【解析】细节推理题.根据下文 In this way, we will be healthier and have more energy to enjoy the good things in life.这样,我们会更健康,有更多的精力来享受生活中的美好事物.可知结合选项,应说为了健康,我们应该对自 己吃的东西做出正确的选择.故选 G 十 The famous Roman philosopher(哲学家) Augustine of Hippo once said:"1、_________" Summer is a great time for us to"read" more pages of the world. But before hitting the road, have you ever thought of why we travel? What are the positives of traveling? The cool stories-If someone asks you about your past year, what stories would jump to your mind? It would most likely be the traveling you did, the amazing experiences you had and the surprising things you found. Gives you perspective (看法) ——Seeing the world lets you learn things that can't be taught in a classroom. 2、__________It will also teach you that the way you look at the world is not the only way of viewing life. Meet new people——3、__________A simple "hi, where are you from?" always breaks the ice. 4、_________——It would be exciting to be able to throw around a few words of French or knowing how to say hello and thanks in Thai. You will eat food like you never have before——Yes, you will be often surprised at the flavors(味道) the world has to offer. To prove to yourself you can——5、_________Finding an address in downtown New York, reaching the top of a mountain, or simply ordering what you wanted at a foreign restaurant. Overcoming the challenges will give you some of the greatest joys of all. A.Traveling is full of challenges. B.You could learn a language C.The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. D.People you meet while on the road usually become some of your lifelong friends. E.Traveling is full of danger F.It teaches you topics like economics,politics,history and geography. G.You could make some new friends. 1、【答案】C 【解析】由后文中“...to‘read' more pages' of the world",可知空格处应是把世界比怍一本书,故选 C。 2、【答案】F 【解析】由前文说“看世界能使你学到在教室里不可能被教到的东西”及后句“It will also teach you that.”可知 空格处还是旅行教会你的事情,故选 F。 3、【答案】D 【解析】由空前的“Meet new people”以及空后的打招呼可知 D 项最符合文意。 4、【答案】B 【解析】由空后“throw around a few words of French”和“knowing how to say hello and thanks in Thai”可知此处 主要讲在国外会学一些简单的语专,故选 B。 5.【答案】A 【解析】由后又的“Overcoming the challenges will give you some of the greatest joys of all”可知旅行也 会充满 挑战,故选 A。 十一 Now students' English handwriting gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried.1、 ___________If not, here are four steps that really work! Use paper with lines Using paper with lines can keep you writing straight instead of up or down when you write English words or sentences. Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size. Be sure to fill the lined space completely. And make sure those capital letters are written properly. Slow down 2、_______For some kids, going slower makes the handwriting clearer. If you write too quickly, it's hard for you to stop where you should, and even worse, you may make more mistakes. Hold your pencil right When you hold your pencil in the correct way, writing is much better. Some kids press down really hard when they write. 3、_________Try to be relaxed and don't hold the pencil so hard. Let your writing appear nice and clean. If you do so, people will guess you are a student with a good habit. Draw more pictures 4、_______You need to use the skills to control your pencil better while you are drawing pictures. Even though you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice by yourself at home. 5、_________Imagine you are a famous movie star or a well-known sports player, what do you do when your fans run up to you? Give them your autographs,of course! A、Writing quickly is good for your handwriting B、Is your English handwriting beautiful? C、That makes the handwriting bad. D、Handwriting is very important E、Drawing can improve your handwriting. F、Giving your autographs to others is important. G.If your writing is hard to read,try slowing down a little. 1、【答案】B 【解析】 由后句 If not....really work 可知空格处应为一个阀句,故只有 B 项符合。 2、【答案】G 【解析】由黑体部分-“Slow down”和下文中“…going slower makes the handwriting clearer.”可知写慢会让书 写看上去更清楚,故选 G。 3、【答案】C 【解析】由上文的“Some, kids....they write.”及下文建议“尽量放松,不要把铅笔握得太用力”可知空格处应为 书写时大用力的后果。故选 C。 4、【答案】E 【解析】 由此段下文内客可知空格处是介绍画画可以提高你的书写,故选 E。 6. 【答案】D 【解析】空格后列举了一个成名之后要给别人签名的例子。以此来说明练好书法是很重要的,故选 D。

