中考英语专项复习阅读理解 人生百味类

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中考英语专项复习阅读理解 人生百味类

中考复习人生百味类专项练习 一、阅读理解 Two good friends, Sam and Jason, met with a car accident on their way home one snowy night. The next morning, Sam woke up blind. His legs were broken. The doctor, Mr Lee, was standing by his bed, looking at him worriedly. When he saw Sam awake, he asked, “How are you feeling, Sam?” Sam smiled and said, “Not bad, Doctor. Thank you very much for doing the special operation(手术).” Mr Lee was moved by Sam. When he was leaving, Sam said, “Please don’t tell Jason about it.” “Well…Well…OK,” Mr Lee replied. Months later when Jason’s wounds healed(愈合), Sam was still very sick. He couldn’t see or walk. He could do nothing but stay in his wheelchair all day long. At first, Jason stayed with him for a few days. But days later, Jason thought it boring to spend time with a disabled man like Sam. So he went to see Sam less and less. He made new friends. From then on, he didn’t go to visit Sam any more. Sam didn’t have any family or friends except Jason. He felt very sad. Things went from bad to worse. Sam died a year later. When Jason came, Mr Lee gave him a letter from Sam. In the letter Sam said, “Dear Jason, I am disabled. But I want you to be a healthy man. So I gave my eyes to you so that you can enjoy life as a healthy man. Now you have new friends. I’m glad to see that you are as healthy and happy as usual. I’m glad you live a happy life. You are always my best friend... Sam”. When he finished reading the letter, Mr Lee said, “I have promised that I will keep this a secret until Sam is gone. Now you know it.” Jason stood there like a stone. Tears ran down his face. 1.The car accident happened ____________. A. only to Sam B. on a cold evening C. the next morning D. on the way to work 2.Sam thanked Mr Lee mainly because Mr Lee A. saved his friend Jason’s life B. was very kind and friendly to him C. came to see him early in the morning D. did the operation according to his wish 3.Which of the following is the correct order of events in the story? a. Jason made new friends. b. Sam gave his eyes to Jason. c. Sam and Jason met with a car accident. d. Jason felt bored when staying with Sam. e. Sam died and Jason knew the truth. A. c--b--d--a--e B. d--c-- b--e—a C. d--a--c--b--e D. c--d-- b--e—a 4.After we finish reading Sam’s letter, we can infer(推断) that ___________. A. Sam caused the car accident B. Sam’s operation was not successful C. Jason was made blind in the car accident D. Jason knew how Sam helped him before Sam died 5.From the story, we can conclude(得出结论) that __________. A. Sam played a joke on Jason B. Sam always told lies to his friends C. Sam thought friendship was important D. Sam regretted doing the operation in the end What’s the most important thing for you to have in your life? Somebody mentions hard-work, others suggest knowledge, love and luck. If you arrange the 26 English letters alphabetically and use numbers to represent each of them, for example, 1 for a, 2 for b, 3 for c…, you can change an English word into a number. So hard-work becomes 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11= 98, meaning 98 is its mark; knowledge: 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96, while love: 12+15+22+5=54, and luck: 12+21+3+11=47, a small mark. None of these words can give one a full mark. What about money or prayer? They can’t, either. Then what else? Don’t be worried. You can always find an answer to a problem in your life, when you change your way of looking at things or doing things, which is your attitude. Yes, attitude is the word. See for yourself: attitude: 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100,a full mark! Different attitudes lead to different courses of life. Most times people hope for a better life. It is possible that one will have a change for the better after one has changed one’s attitude. When you change your manner and became friendly towards others, you’ll meet more smiling faces towards you. In the same way, if you take a positive attitude towards failure, you’ll find it’s also rewarding though it has caused you losses. 6.Some people think it is important to have hard-work, knowledge, _______in their life. 7.According to the passage, the mark of the word “money” is _________. 8.From the passage, we know it’s possible for you_______ if you change your attitude. 9.People will meet_______ towards them when they change their manners and become friendly to others. 10.The main idea of the passage is that ___________. Returning a father's love He was a single father, raising a 5-year-old boy by himself. He was often worried about his son growing up without a mother to care for him. One day, he went away on business, leaving the child alone. He worried about the child all the way, not knowing if he had eaten. But his child always told him not to worry. He went home after he finished his work. When he got home, the child was deep asleep. He was tired out. He was about to sleep when he was surprised to find an overturned(翻倒) bowl of noodles under the quilt, (被子) He hit his sleeping son angrily ,”Why are you so careless , making the quilt dirty ? Who will wash it ?” It was the first time that he had hit his boy after his wife’s death . “sorry , but ....” the child explained with tears in his eyes , “This is your supper ,Daddy .” In order to let his father eat dinner the moment he got home , the child prepared two bowls of noodles : one for himself , the other for his father . He was afraid that his father’s noodles would get cold , so he placed them under the quilt . Hearing this , the father hugged his boy tightly without saying a word . 根据短文内容填空,每空填一词。 11.The father often about his son because the son's mother was_________ . 12 . The_________ cooked the noodles and put them under the quilt to keep them_________ . 13.When the father _________ an overturned bowl of noodles under the quilt , he got __________ . 14.After what his son explained, the father felt__________ 15.The boy was so , but he knew how to__________ his father's love. We spend hours, days and years of our lives in school. Imagine(想象) you could design(设计) your dream school, what would it be like? What would you be doing? We wanted to find out what teenagers around the world thought. Here is what they said: Richard from the USA: My dream school would have a big swimming pool and two soccer fields. It would also have a cinema, a gym and a shopping centre. My school has none of these, and I think there should be more pleasant things for students to do while they are studying. Sonia from Italy: I’d like a room where we can relax and play computer games. I’d also like to have a music room. I think there should be a place for everyone to go and relax after class. Wu from Beijing: I think it would be great to have another day off (休息日) every week, besides the weekend. If that day was a Friday or a Monday, we would have a long weekend every week. What fun! I also think school should start later, at about 10 o’clock, and finish earlier. Hannah from Australia: In my dream school, I think the teachers should give us more freedom(自由) and choice about how we study and what we study. I also think it’s not necessary for us to wear school uniforms every day. I really don’t like wearing it. 16.There would be_______ in Richard’s dream school. A.a big swimming pool and a music room B.a room to relax and play computer games C.a big swimming pool, two soccer fields, a cinema, a gym, and a shopping centre 17.How many days off does Wu want to have in a week? A.2. B.3. C.4. 18.Which country is NOT mentioned(提到) in the passage? A.Italy. B.Japan. C.Australia. 19.From the passage, we know that_________. A.Sonia from Italy would like a room where she can relax and play computer games B.Richard from the USA thinks his dream school should start at 10 o’clock C.Hannah from Australia likes wearing a school uniform every day 20.Which is the best title (标题) for the passage? A.Schools in the past. B.Schools today. C.Dream schools. When I was young,I liked to play jokes on people I knew, especially on my parents and friends. One day my mother was cooking and I was playing with my younger brother Tony. Suddenly I ran to my mother and said: “Tony fell from the open window!” She was very worried and ran out of the kitchen. Then I said: “Don’t worry, I’m just joking.” My mother shouted at me, “If you do it again, I’ll hit you.” Another day I went swimming with my friends in the sea. I wanted to play a joke on them. In the beginning I swam fast and I called out “Help!”. All my friends came to help me. However, they found that I was joking. But half an hour later I wasn’t joking. I was so fast, soon I got tired and couldn’t swim on in water. I tried my best to call my friends for help, but this time nobody came to help me. In the end they found I was telling the truth. They came and saved my life. They took me to the hospital. This is the best lesson in my life. From then on I haven’t joked on anyone. 21.When he was young, the writer liked to _______. A. play with his brother B. help his mother cook C. play jokes on people D. go swimming with his friends 22.What happened when the writer was playing with his brother? ______ A. He got tired. B. He played a joke on his mother. C. Tony fell from the open window. D. His mother hit him. 23.In the beginning, all his friends came to help him because he ______. A. swam fast B. called for help C. would sink in water D. couldn’t swim on in the water 24.When the writer called his friends for help for the second time, they ______. A. took him to the hospital at once B. came and saved him immediately C. thought at first he was joking again D. did nothing because the writer had lied to them 25.The story tells us that ________. A. swimming is dangerous B. the writer is a naughty boy C. one can play jokes only on people he knows D. if someone always tells lies, others won’t trust (信任) him 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题并按要求完成第 105 题。 For Luo Xinying, sharing a textbook with a classmate is not a problem at all. The 15-year-old feels happy to be back to class. A total of 355 schools in Ya’an, Sichuan Province, were closed after the 7.0-magnitude(级) earthquake struck the area on the morning of April 20, 2013. Luo, along with thousands of students in the earthquake-hit area, will take the high school entrance examination from June12 to14. The teen goes to Longmen Chenyang Hope School, the largest school in Longmen Village, Lushan County. Nearly 80 students at the school went back to class in a tent on April 25. The village is among the hardest hit by the earthquake. Students elsewhere in the earthquake-hit area returned to class the day before. Students who face college or high school entrance exams were first to come back. Some students are worried about the high school entrance exam and they are frightened of aftershocks(余震) all the time. Schools in the earthquake-hit area have offered crisis counseling(灾后心理辅导) to those students who need help. 26.How does Luo Xinying feel when he/she is back to class? 27.How many schools in Ya’an, Sichuan Province were closed after the earthquake? 28.When will Luo take the high school entrance examination? 29.Longmen is one of the hardest earthquake-hit villages, isn’t it? 30.请将划线句子翻译成汉语。 阅读下面短文,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入文中空白处,使短文内容完整、意思连贯。 Tens of thousands of people of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province took part in the funeral(葬礼) of “the most beautiful driver” Wu Bin on June 4, 2012. 31. At noon on May 29, he drove the Zhejiang A19115 large bus from Wuxi back to Hangzhou, carrying 24 passengers. 32. It hit Wu in the abdomen(腹部). He looked very painful and put the right hand over the abdomen, then drove slowly down, stopped at the side of the road, playing two flashing lights to let other drivers be careful, and pulled a good handbrake(拉好手刹). At last he tried his best to stand up, turned to the frightened passengers and said: “ 33. ” The passengers saw he couldn’t speak and blood kept running from his abdomen. At once they called the police. Wu Bin was later sent to Wuxi Liberation Army 101 Hospital. 34. But he saved 24 passengers’ lives on his bus. 35. A. Don’t run, safety first. B. On the morning of June 1, Wu Bin died. C. Wu Bin made the greatest thing in the last minute. D. Many of them volunteered(自愿)to help to keep traffic orders. E. At about 11:40, a piece of iron suddenly dropped from the sky. Lots of kids hate school, a new study found. Usually this kind of feeling doesn't last long. But what happens if you feel this way too much? School is a fact of life and getting a good education can help you build the kind of future life you want. So let's talk about school and what to do when you don't like it. If you don't like school, the first step is to find out why. You might not like school because you don't have enough friends, or maybe you don't get along with your teacher. Sometime it's a big problem with your classes and school-work. You may be getting farther and farther behind, and it may seem like you'll never catch up. When you know why you don't like school, you can start taking steps to make things better. It's a good idea to talk to someone about your problems with school. Your mum, dad, teacher or school counselor(顾问) will be able to help you. Another good idea is to write down your feelings about school in a notebook. It's a great way to let out emotions(情绪). Remember, you don't have to share what you've written with others. 36.Lots of kids , according to the writer. A. like school very much B. are good at reading and writing C. don't like doing homework D. have the thought of hating school 37.What does the underlined word “it” refer to(指的是)in the first paragraph? A. A good education. B. School. C. Future life. D. Friendship. 38.If you don't like school, the first step is to. A. find out why B. go to see a doctor C. ask your parents for help D. leave school for a short time 39.How many reasons why you don't like school are given by the writer? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 40.When you start taking steps to make things better, one of the good ideas is to . A. keep silent about your problems B. share what you' ve written with others C. write down your feelings about school D. get along well with your classmates ①"I will think of it." It is easy to say this, but do you know what great things have come from thinking? Though we can not see, or hear, or feel our thoughts, they have great power (力量) ! ②Isaac Newton was seated in his garden on a summer evening when he saw an apple fall from a tree. He began to think, and tried to find out why the apple fell. Then he discovered how the earth, sun, moon, and stars are kept in their places. ③James Ferguson once saw the inside of his father's watch, and he wondered, "Why should I not make a watch?" This set him thinking and it led to a wooden clock which kept good time. ④Walt Disney, the famous American film-maker, was often thinking of new ideas. One day, when he was in a meeting, he suddenly stopped talking, deep in thought. He looked and looked at a place high up in the room. This continued for a long time, end then he got an idea for a new cartoon. ⑤Ideas come at any time, end the important thing is to think. When you meet with any difficulty, don't lose heart. Try to think of it before asking someone to help you. Think and by thinking you will learn how to think creatively. 41.Newton wanted to find out ________. A. when the apple hit him B. why the apple fell C. who made the apple fall D. where the apple fell 42.________ made a wooden clock. A. Isaac Newton B. Walt Disney C. James Ferguson D. James' father 43.Walt Disney was ________ when he got an idea for a new cartoon. A. making a film B. telling a story C. having a meeting D. sitting in a garden 44.From the passage we can learn that A. we should always ask others for help B. every one of us likes thinking C. it is easy to see and hear our thoughts D. thinking helps to get new ideas 45.Which of the following shows the structure (结构) of the passage? (①=Paragraph 1, ②= Paragraph 2, …) According to a new survey, students’ safety has become a big problem. Now in some cities of China, many schools start a new lesson: self-protection. Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens. Lin Li, a teacher from Yantai, gives young students some advice on how to deal with danger. If you are in a traffic accident If a car hits you, you should remember the car number. If it is a bicycle, try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don’t know how seriously you are hurt. If it is raining hard and there is lightning Don’t stay in high places and stay away from trees. When there is a fire Get away as fast as you can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit. Don’t take the lift. If someone is drowning If you can’t swim, don’t get into water. Cry out for help. Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care or yourself at all times! If you are robbed (抢劫) Keep calm. If you can not cry for help or run away, give the robber your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later. 根据文章内容,完成下列表格。 Best title: _____46.________ Danger What to do ____47.____ ◆If hit by a car, you’re supposed to 48.___ ◆If hit by a bike, call your parents. Raining with lightning Stay at low places and keep away from trees. Fire Don’t take the lift and find an ___49.___ as fast as you can. Drowning If you can’t swim, just shout “Help!” Robbery ◆Keep calm. ◆Remember the robber’s ____50.____ and tell the police later. Some children want to be writers some day. They mean that they want to write stories or books for people to read. That's good! It's good to write something for people to read! But they should know that they need to be good readers first before they really are good writers. They should read a lot of books, and read for hours and hours every day instead (代替) of watching TV and spending a lot of time playing games when they are free. If you are a good reader, it doesn't take you long to do the reading homework. Then you have time to read many other books for fun. Because you read so well, you have more fun in reading and you want to look for more books to read. Before you decide to be a good writer, you'd better say to yourself, "I must read and read and read more and more!" 51.This article (文章) mainly (主要的) tells us that __________. A. some children wish to be writers some day B. it is good to write something for people to read C. reading can make you a good writer D. writers like to read more books for fun 52.Some children want to be writers __________. A. because they want to be good readers B. to write stories or books for people to read C. to find good work some day D. to get more money to keep a family 53.It's good for children __________. A. to do a lot of reading B. to watch TV in the evening C. to have wishes sometimes D. to be good writers right now 54.Reading can __________. A. help you to be a good player B. help you write well C. make your work better D. make you watch more TV at home 55.From the article we know that __________. A. all children like to be writers B. people like to read for children C. all writers are children D. children need to read more and more books SUNNY SCHOOL We are a bilingual (双语) school for children of 6-15. We want a cook, a library assistant, a sports coach and a language teacher. Job Age Language Skill Other term(其它条件) Cook 25-40 Chinese Cooking both Chinese food and western food Healthy Library assistant 20-35 Chinese English Having the knowledge ( 知识) of different kinds of books Careful Sports Coach 20-40 Chinese English Majoring in ( 主修) physical education Healthy, strong Teacher — Chinese English Majoring in English — 56.Which of the following can't go to Sunny School? A. A four-year-old child. B. A ten-year-old child. C. An eleven-year-old child. D. A fifteen-year-old child. 57.Who is not wanted by Sunny School? A. A cook. B. A headmaster. C. A library assistant. D. A sports coach. 58.Which of the following may not be able to speak English? A. The language teacher. B. The library assistant. C. The cook. D. The sports coach. 59.The coach must major in __________. A. Chinese B. English C. language D. physical education 60.Which is right? A. The teacher can only teach Chinese. B. A twenty-five-year old cook can't work in the school. C. The library assistant must be careful. D. A teacher must be strong. Almost every Chinese person can recite the two lines of the famous poem, “Every grain on the plate comes from hard work(谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦).” But sadly, many of us don’t actually get the real meaning of these lines: Don’t waste food. A CCTV program, News One Plus One, reported that the food Chinese people throw away every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year. Do we have too much food? Of course not. According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2010, especially in developing countries. Six million children die of hunger every year. Chinese people are well known for being hospitable(好客的) and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food on the table. Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. Last November, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing, got fired because she took some leftover food home for her son. Many people stood by her side and criticized(批 评) the waste of food. What should we do in our daily lives to waste less food? Here are some tips: 1. Do not order too much in a restaurant. Only order as much as you want to eat. If you cannot eat all the food you ordered, take the rest of it home. 2. Don’t be too picky(挑剔的) about food. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it. 3. Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Don’t buy too much, especially for vegetables and fruit. 61.How many people were hungry in the world in 2010 according to the UN World Food Program? A. 200 million. B. Six million. C. 925 million. D. 625 million. 62.What does the writer want to show us through Li Hong’s story? A. Many Chinese restaurants waste a large amount of food. B. Many Chinese people are kind-hearted and ready to help the weak. C. Chinese people feel that they lose face if their guests eat all the food. D. Many Chinese people don’t agree with the behavior of wasting food. 63.The underlined word “leftover” means in Chinese. A. 过期的 B. 剩余的 C. 腐烂的 D.难吃的 64.According to the passage, we shouldn’t waste food because . A. food comes from very hard work B. six million children die of hunger every day C. there is enough food to feed all the people D. Chinese are hospitable and generous 65.Which of the following is a good way to save food? A. Ordering more than you need at a restaurant. B. Taking home restaurant leftovers. C. Not knowing what you already have at home when shopping. D. Not eating the food you don’t like even if it’s healthy. A young man from a village called Nawalapitiya married a young woman from Maiyuwa, a small village. They lived with the man’s big family-his parents, his brothers, their wives and husbands and children. The family kept an elephant, in which the woman soon took a great interest. Every day she fed it with fruit and sugar. Three months later, having quarreled with her husband, the woman went back to her parents’ home. Soon the elephant refused to eat and work. It appeared to be ill and heartbroken. One morning after several weeks the animal disappeared from the house. It went to the woman’s home. On seeing her, the elephant waved its trunk and touched her with it. The young woman was so moved by the act of the animal .So she went back to her husband’s home. 66.The woman left her new home ______. A. to visit her own parents in Maiyuwa B. to see if the elephant would follow her C. because she was angry with her husband D. because she was tired of the large family 67.The word “disappeared” in the reading means “______”. A. ran away B. lost C. hid D. remained 68.After the young woman left her husband’s home, the elephant______. A. returned to the forest B. was sad because it missed her C. went to look for a new home D. was sick because nobody fed it 69.How did the elephant express its feeling when it saw the young woman? A. It waved its trunk and smiled. B. It touched her with its trunk. C. It touched her and cried. D. It waved its trunk and ran around her. 70.The writer wrote the story in order to______. A. show that elephants are very clever B. tell how a woman trained a wild animal C. show that women care more for animals than men do D. tell how an animal got a husband and a wife together again Problems Causes Advice Feel stressed Too much homework. Don’t have enough time for their hobbies. Make a plan for study and hobbies. Find time to relax. Get short-sighted Too much homework. Bad study habits. Do eye exercises or read in a correct way. Fight with each other Don’t know how to get on well with classmates. Make more friends and understand each other. Don’t like to study The bad influence of computer games. Play computer games just for a short time. Get fat Have more pocket money to buy snacks. Don’t like to do exercise. Use your pocket money to do something meaningful. Do exercise every day. 71.For whom is this form above most probably written? A. Parents. B. Children. C. Teachers. D. Students. 72.According to the information given in the form, why don’t students like to study? A. Because of too much homework. B. Because they don’t know how to get on well with classmates. C. Because of the influence of computer games. D. Because they don’t like to do exercise. 73._______ will help you avoid becoming short-sighted. A. Doing eye exercises regularly B. Reading in bed C. Reading in the sun D. Reading too long 74.If you feel stressed, you should ________. A. do less homework B. make plans for your study, hobbies and relaxation C. fight with others D. have some snacks 75.Peter is very fat. Maybe he ________. A. plays computer games too much B. has too many snacks C. doesn’t like to do exercise D. B&C As young students ,you have many dreams. These dreams can be very big ,such as winning the Nobel Prize; they can also be small, such as becoming one of the best students in your class. Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream real? Andrew Matews, an Australian writer ,tells us that making your dreams real is life’s biggest challenge. You may think you’re not very good at some school subjects, or that it’s impossible for you to become a writer. Those kinds of ideas stop you from realizing your dream. In fact, everyone can realize his dream. The first thing you must do is to remember what your dream is. Don’t let it leave your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want every day and then your dream will come true faster. You should know that a big dream is, in fact, made up of many small dreams. You must also never give up your dream. There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams. But the biggest difficulty comes from you. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will help you to get better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book. As you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. This is good as you have the chance to learn something more useful and find new hobbies. 76.The biggest difficulty on the road to your dreams comes from_____________. A. yourself B. your friends C. your school D. your parents 77.Which of the following isn't mentioned in this passage? A. You may think you’re not good at some school subjects. B. Making your dreams real is life’s biggest challenge. C. You must never give up your dream. D. Listening to English more can help you realize your dream. 78.If we have dreams in our hearts and work hard, our dreams____________. A. can’t be realized B. can be very small C. will come true D. can be very big 79.How do you make your dream come true faster? A. Remember what your dream is B. Don’t let your dream leave your heart. C. Keep telling yourself what you want every day D.A B, and C 80.The best title of this passage is ___________________. A. How to become a writer B. How to make your dream real C.A big dream is made up of small dreams D. Everyone can realize his dream. Life is like the four seasons. Now I am very old, but when I was young, it was the spring of my life. I was born, I played a lot, and then I started school. I learned many new things. Like a flower, I grew bigger every day. There were happy days and sorrowful days: some days the sun shone(闪耀), and some days it didn't. In my twenties, I had a good job. I was strong and happy. Then I married and had a child. In those days, I didn't have much time to think. Every day I was busy and worked very hard. And so, I started to get some white hairs. The summer of my life passed quickly. Then the days got shorter. Leaves fell from the trees. My child was a university student, and then an engineer. My home was much quieter. I started walking slowly. One day I stopped working. I had more time. I understood this was my autumn, a beautiful time when the trees change color and give us delicious fruits. But the days kept getting shorter and colder. Winter has come, I am older and weaker. I know I do not have many days left. I will enjoy them to the end. 81.The writer was very busy in the ______ of his life. A. spring B. summer C. autumn 82.According to the passage, which of the following ages is during the autumn of his life? A. 87 B. 33 C. 62 83.What does the word “sorrowful” mean in this passage? A. sad B. exciting C. wonderful 84.Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The writer had a garden with flowers. B. The writer was always happy as a child. C. The writer now is old and weak, but still he enjoys his life. 85.The best title for the passage would be _____ A. Four seasons B. My life C. Four seasons in my life Born in 1949, Diana Nyad took an early interest in swimming as a sport and was a Florida State High School swimming champion(冠军). Like many young trainers, she had Olympic dreams, but a serious illness prevented her from competing in the Games. The disappointment didn’t stop her from going forward. Instead, she became interested in marathon swimming. For ten years Nyad devoted herself to becoming one of the world’s best long-distance swimmers. In 1970, she swam a ten-mile marathon in Lake Ontario, setting the women’s record for the course. In 1972 she set another record by swimming 102.5 miles from an island in the Bahamas to the coast of Florida. Then she broke a third record when swimming around Manhattan Island in 1975. Nyad attempted to swim the distance between Florida and Cuba in 1978. Though the span(跨度) of water is less than 100 miles wide, it is rough and dangerous. After battling(与---作战) the water for two days, she had to give up for the sake of her own health and safety. Even so, she impressed the world with her courage and strong desire to succeed. It did not matter that her swim came up short; she believed she had touched the other shore. When Nyad ended her career as a swimmer, she continued to try new things---travelling the world as a reporter, writing books and giving public speeches about her life. Diana Nyad works to inspire others, just as she did when she swam the waters of the world. 86.What was Nyad’s early interest? 87.When did Nyad set the record for a ten-mile marathon swimming? 88.According to the passage, how many times did Nyad join the long-distance swimming? 89.What did Nyad do after she finished swimming? 90.What can we learn from the passage? If you had only three years left to live, how would you spend your time? It’s a hard question and few of us would even like to think about it. But 18-year-old Huang Ge has to answer this question and he says, “I want to thank the people who have helped me.” At the age of one, Huang’s mother left the family. Six years later, he was badly ill. He has been using a wheelchair since 9 years old. Doctors said he would only live to 18.After Huang’s story went on TV, hundreds of people sent money to help him. The boy was so moved that he decided to thank every one of them. But he has to be tied to his wheelchair. And the family can only afford a three-wheeled motorcycle(三轮摩托). Since 2003, the father and son have traveled 14,000 kilometers, to 10 provinces, and thanked more than 30 helpers. “I am moved by the story of the boy. We need the courage to face death, and we should also show our gratefulness to those who help us,” says an online post on CCTV. com. 91._________, Huang Ge started to use a wheelchair. A. When he was 9 years old B. When he was 18 years old C. When he was 10 years old D. When he was 6 years old 92.Huang and his father took a _________to thank the helpers. A. train B. ship C. motorcycle D. bus 93.The underlined word “gratefulness” means _______________ A. 诚信 B. 奉献 C. 宽容 D. 感谢 94.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Hundreds of people sent money to help him. B. Huang Ge’s mother left the family. C. Huang Ge and his father have thanked more than 30 helpers. D. Huang Ge was badly ill at the age of one. 95.Which is the best title for the passage? A. A Great Success B. An Interesting Trip C. A Grateful Heart D. A TV Show That warm day was the only day of the week without rain. I opened the door, took a seat and began to enjoy the wonderful sunshine. Suddenly, I noticed that the house near mine had been sold. An elderly lady was in front of the door, with some beautiful flowers beside her. I walked to her. She looked to be in her early eighties and had the prettiest white hair. “ Hi! My name is Karmen,” I said smiling brightly at the old lady. She smiled back and said,” Hello, Karmen. I’m Kitty.” Her voice was very strong for someone at her age. Later, I learned that she was alone and had no family or relatives to help her. From that day on, I often visited her and helped her with her housework and sometimes she gave me some delicious food. A year passed, and I considered her to be one of my best friends. One day, I walked over for my morning visit and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I knocked again, and she didn’t still turn up. So I let myself in, using the key she had given me. I checked her living room and then her kitchen. I finally went into her bedroom, and she was lying peacefully on her bed. Beside her there were two notes. One was her will(遗嘱), which said all that she had would be given to me. The other was a thank-you note. I went to her bedside and cried sadly. Though several years has gone by, I still miss her deeply. Whenever I look at the beautiful flowers in front of her house, I remembered the wonderful friendship we had. 96.The writer came out of the house to________. A. look at an old lady B. enjoy some flowers C. enjoy the sunshine D. clean the house nearby 97.Through visiting the old lady, the writer learned that the old lady_______. A. disliked all her relatives B. had no one to look after her C. didn’t want to live with her family D. was looking for someone to look after her 98.What can we learn from the passage? A. The old lady was not kind. B. The writer didn’t have any good friends. C. The old lady didn’t know how to make food. D. The writer got along very well with the old lady 99.What does “ turn up ” mean in Paragraph 3? A. appear B. leave C. try D. change 100.In order to thank the writer, the old lady decided to_______. A. give the writer her favourite flowers B. let the writer know she was her best friend C. give the writer a key to her house D. leave all that she had to the writer 参考答案 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C 【解析】短文大意:这篇短文记述了一对朋友在车祸中受伤,残疾的萨姆把自己的眼睛给了约翰.但是后来约 翰因为萨姆的残疾而疏远了他,在萨姆死后得知真相,后悔不已. 1.根据第一段 met with a car accident on their way home one snowy night.描述,可知这期交通事故 发生在一个寒冷的冬季的晚上.故选 B. 2.根据短文第一段 Thank you very much for doing the special operation(手术).” Mr Lee was moved by Sam.及倒数第二段,可知这个手术室按照萨姆的意愿做的.故选 D. 3.根据短文描述,可知他们是首先遇到了车祸,可知排除 BC 选项,根据短文二三段描述,可知约翰交新的朋 友在先,萨姆之死在后,故选 A. 4.根据短文倒数第二段描述,可知是萨姆把自己的眼睛给了约翰,可知约翰在车祸中致盲了.故选 C. 5.根据短文倒数第二段描述,可知萨姆很珍视他和约翰的友谊,因此才把眼睛给了他.选 C. 6.Some people think it is important to have hard-work, knowledge, love and luck in their lives. 7.According to the passage, the mark of the word” money” is 72. 8.From the passage, we know it’s possible for you to have a better life if you change your attitude. 9.People will meet more smiling faces towards them when they change their manners and become friendly to others. 10.The main idea of the passage is that everything depends on attitude/attitude is the most important thing in our life. 【解析】主旨大意:这篇短文主要讲述了态度在我们生活中的重要作用。 6.根据短文第一段 Somebody mentions hard-work, others suggest knowledge, love and luck.描述, 可知一些人认为在生活中努力工作,拥有知识,爱和运气很重要.故填:love and luck,爱和运气. 7.根据 1 for a, 2 for b, 3 for c…, 描述,可知 5 for e,13 for m,14 for n,15 for n,25for y,计算 可知填 72. 8.根据短文倒数第二段 It is possible that one will have a change for the better after one has changed one’s attitude. 描述,可知,如果你改变了你的态度,对于你来说就不可能有更好的生活.故填:to have a better life,更好 的生活. 9.根据最后一段 When you change your manner and became friendly towards others, you’ll meet more smiling faces towards you. 描述,可知当他们改变态度对其它人友好时,人们就会遇到更多的笑脸.故 填:more smiling faces,更多的笑脸. 10.通 过 阅 读 短 文 可 知 本 文 主 要 讲 述 了 态 度 对 于 我 们 生 活 的 影 响 .故填:everything depends on attitude/attitude is the most important thing in our life.一切都依赖于态度/在我们生活中态度是 最重要的事情。 11.worried, dead 12.boy/son, warm/hot 13.found/saw, angry 14.hearing , moved 15.young, return 【解析】主旨大意:这篇短文主要描述了五岁的小男孩回报父爱的故事. 11.根据短文第一段描述,可知这位父亲经常担心他的儿子,是因为他的儿子的母亲去世了.故填: worried, dead. 12.根据短文倒数第二段描述,可知是儿子担心饭凉了,才用杯子把碗盖上.故答:boy/son, warm/hot. 13.根据短文第三段描述,可知当父亲发现打翻的碗时,他很生气.故填:found/saw, angry. 14.根据短文最后一段描述,可知当父亲听到他儿子的解释时,他感到很感动.故填:hearing , moved. 15.通过短文描述,可知这是一个很小的男孩,只有五岁.但是他已经会关心自己的父亲了.故本句指的是,这 个男孩是如此年轻,但是他知道如何回报父亲的爱了.填:young, return. 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】主旨大意:这篇短文主要介绍了几个学生梦想中的学校是什么样子。 16.根据第一段,然后分析选项 A 选项错误在 music room,第一段没有提到,排除 A,B 选项错误在文不对 题,与题干 Richard’s dream school 不一致,属于混写答案,排除 B,所以答案为 C 17.根据(定位词 Wu)到第三段,在定位到与题干相关的信息句 I think it would be great to have another day off every week, besides the weekend.解题关键在于对 besides 的理解,除了…(包含),即周末 两天外加 another day,共三天,答案为 B 18.该题为分散型细节,从文章中找出对应的国家进行排除,根据每段的第一句即可得出答案为 B。 19.该类型的细节题用选项定位排除法解题。B 选项中的 Richard 与 at 10 o’clock 属于混写答案,不一 致,at 10 o’clock 出现在第三段,排除 B。C 选项错误在选项与文章信息句相悖,定位在第四段第二句,. I also think it’s not necessary for us to wear school uniforms every day 该句与 C 选项不一致的 原因在于 like wearing 与 not necessary 的意思相悖,排除 C 20.主旨题。本题为标题题,选取最好的标题,那么主旨大意题重点抓首句,根据每段的首句都在讲述自 己梦想的一个学校是怎么样的,而选项中 A 选项属于无中生有即排除,B 选项错误在于范围过大,文章讲述 的仅是四个人对 school 的一种描述,而非 school today,排除 B;该题同样可以用反推法解题,假设选项 为标题,文章会怎么写,从而进行排除。 21.C 22.B 23.B 24.C 25.D 【解析】短文大意:这是一篇英文版的“狼来了”的故事,告诉我们有时说谎不但害人,还会害己。 21.根据第一段 When I was young,I liked to play jokes on people I knew,描述,可知当作者小的时 候,他喜欢跟人开玩笑.故选 C. 22.根据第一段 Suddenly I ran to my mother and said: “Tony fell from the open window!” She was very worried and ran out of the kitchen.描述,可知他跟母亲开了一个玩笑.故选 B. 23.根据第二段. In the beginning I swam fast and I called out “Help!”. All my friends came to help me.描述,可知在一开始,作者喊了救命,故选 B. 24.根据最后一段 In the end they found I was telling the truth. 描述,可知他的朋友们以为他又是 在开玩笑,故选 C. 25.这篇短文中作者因为开玩笑欺骗朋友,差点丢了自己的姓名.以此告诉我们,一个爱说谎的人,没有人会 信任他.故选 D. 26.He/She feels happy/pleased. 27.355/Three hundred and fifty-five. 28.From June 12 to 14. 29.Yes, it is. 30.震区(受震灾区)学校已为需要帮助的学生提供了灾后心理辅导。 【解析】 26.由“The 15-year-old feels happy to be back to class.”可知 27.由 A total of 355 schools in Ya’an, Sichuan Province, were closed after the 7.0-magnitude(级) earthquake struck the area on the morning of April 20, 2013.可知。 28.由“Luo, along with thousands of students in the earthquake-hit area, will take the high school entrance examination from June12 to14.”可知。 29.根据文章内容应作肯定回答。 30.注意定于从句的翻译。 31.D 32.E 33.A 34.B 35.C 【解析】 31.因为吴彬再救了 24 名乘客后自己却牺牲了,所以在他的葬礼上有人自觉维护交通秩序符合语境。 32.由下句的它撞击了吴的腹部,可推知上句有东西掉下来符合语境。 33.由吴受伤,乘客害怕,可推知吴说:不要跑,安全第一符合语境。 34.吴彬被送到解放军 101 医院可知,接下来要说吴彬的情况,B 项符合语境。 35.由前面的吴彬死了,但却救了 24 名乘客可推知,最后要对吴彬做一个评价。 36.D 37.B 38.A 39.B 40.C 【解析】这篇短文主要介绍了学生的厌学问题,并就如何解决这个问题提出了建议。 36.根据第一段 Lots of kids hate school, a new study found.描述,可知许多孩子都有厌学的思想。 故选 D。 37.联系前文 So let's talk about school 描述,可知 it 指的是学校,故选 B。 38.根据第二段 If you don't like school, the first step is to find out why. 描述,可知选 A。 39.根据短文第二段 because you don't have enough friends, or maybe you don't get along with your teacher. Sometime it's a big problem with your classes and school-work.描述,可知作者只要指出 了厌学的三种原因,故选 B。 40.根据最后一段 Another good idea is to write down your feelings about school in a notebook. 描述,可知选 C。 41.B 42.C 43.C 44.D 45.A 【解析】这篇短文主要通过三个例子来给我们讲述了思考的重要作用。 41.根据 He began to think, and tried to find out why the apple fell. 描述,可知选 B. 42.根据 James Ferguson once …… it led to a wooden clock which kept good time.描述,可知选 C. 43.根据 One day, when he was in a meeting, he suddenly stopped talking, deep in thought. …… he got an idea for a new cartoon.描述,可知选 C。 44.这篇短文中的牛顿,佛格森和迪士尼都是因为善于思考,而获得了新思想,故选 D。 45.这篇短文主要介绍的是思考对于我们的重要性,短文提一段提出问题,短文二三四段主要是举例来说 明思考带来的收获,相互之间是并列关系,最后一段总结思考的重要性,故选 A。 46.(Students’) (Students)Self- protection/Students’(Student)safety/How to deal with danger 47.traffic accident(s) 48.remember the car number 49.exit 50.appearance/kook(s) /face 【解析】 46.整篇文章就是围绕着学生的安全问题和如何应对危险展开的。 47.根据 If you are in a traffic accident 及其下面的解说可知。 48.根据 If a car hits you, you should remember the car number.可知。 49.根据 Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit.可知。 50.根据 Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later.可知。是记住人的 外貌。 51.C 52.B 53.A 54.B 55.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了阅读对于孩子们成为一个好的作者的帮助作用。 51.这篇短文主要讲述了阅读有助于提高写作水平,故选 C,阅读能使你成为一个好作者。 52.根据短文第一二行 Some children want to be writers some day. They mean that they want to write stories or books for people to read. 描述,可知他们想写故事或者书给人们读。故选 B。 53.根据第一段二三行 But they should know that they need to be good readers first before they really are good writers. They should read a lot of books, and read for hours and hours every day 及 下文描述,可知多阅读对于孩子们有好处,故选 A。 54.根据短文描述,可知阅读可以有助于你写得更好。故选 B。 55.根据短文最后一段"I must read and read and read more and more!"描述,可知儿童们需要读越来 越多的书。故选 D。 考点:关于阅读与写作的议论文阅读 点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明,学生很容易把握文章中心内容。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就 能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。 56.A 57.B 58.C 59.D 60.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了阳光双语学校的招生招工条件,详细的列出了年龄,语言,个人技能及其 他要求。 56.根据 We are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 6-15. 描述,可知招收的职位不包括校长. 故选 B. 57.根据第一列描述,可知故选 D。 58.根据第二行第三列描述,可知厨师可以不说英语.故选 C. 59.根据第四行第四列描述,可知体育老师必须主修体育教育.故选 D. 60.根据第三行第五列描述,可知图书馆助理必须细心.故选项 C 描述正确. 考点:图表类阅读 点评:本篇短文的主要信息通过一个表格表达了出来,故阅读中一定要读懂表格信息,带着问题阅读短文, 一般就能顺利找出答题依据,完成较易。 61.C 62.D 63.B 64.A 65.B 【解析】短文大意:这篇短文主要讲述了世界上的粮食短缺问题,并对如何节约粮食提出了三点建议。从 而告诉我们不要浪费粮食。 61.根据 According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2010,描述,可知选 C。 62.根据 Many people stood by her side and criticized(批评) the waste of food.描述,可知许多中 国人都不赞成浪费食物的行为。选 D。 63.联系下文 food home for her son 描述,可知此处指的是把剩饭带回家给儿子。故选 B。 64.根据“Every grain on the plate comes from hard work(谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦).”描述,可知 食物是通过艰苦的劳动得来的。故选 A。 65.根据短文最后提供的三条小窍门可知选项 ACD 都属于浪费食物的行为,故选 B,把剩饭带回家。 66.C 67.A 68.B 69.B 70.D 【解析】短文大意: 这篇短文中的大象因为想念女主人,就自己跑去女主人家,最后让这对夫妇重归于好。 66.根据 Three months later, having quarreled with her husband, the woman went back to her parents’ home.描述,可知选 C。 67.联系下文 It went to the woman’s home. 描述,可知此处指的是它从这个家庭消失了,故选 A,逃 跑。 68.根据第二段 Soon the elephant refused to eat and work. It appeared to be ill and heartbroken. 描述,推理可知这头像是想念这个女主人,故选 B。 69.根据最后一段 On seeing her, the elephant waved its trunk and touched her with it. 描述,可 知选 B。 70.这篇短文主要讲述了一头通人性的大象让一对吵架的夫妇重归于好的故事,故选 D。 71.D 72.C 73.A 74.B 75.D 【解析】短文大意:本题主要以表格的形式介绍了学生们生活学习当中遇到的一些问题的原因,并提出了相 应的对策. 71.根据表格第一列描述,可知这些问题都是学生经常遇到的,故选 D. 72.根据第五行第二列描述,可知选 C. 73.根据第三行第三列描述,可知选 A. 74.根据第二行第三列描述,可知选 B. 75.根据第六行第二列描述,可知选 D. 76.A 77.D 78.C 79.D 80.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了美国作家 Andrew Matews 通过一本书给出了实现梦想的方法,其方法是记住自己的 梦想,不要让梦想离开你的心,每天告诉自己想要什么。 76.根据 But the biggest difficulty comes from you.可知,在通往梦想的路上,最大的困难就是你自 己,所以本题选 A。 77.通过阅读全文发现,只有 D 选项,“每天听更多英语能有助于实现你的梦想”是未提及的。所以本题 选 D。 78.根据 then your dream will come true faster 可知,如果我们心中有梦,并努力工作,梦想就会实 现,所以本题选 C。 79.通过阅读四五段可知,ABC 都是实现梦想的方法,选任何一个都是片面的,所以本题选 D。 80.通过阅读全文,本文就是围绕如何实现梦想展开论述了,故题目应该是 How to make your dream real。 考点:本题考查人生百味类文章 点评:对于本文,整篇文章的理解可能较容易,但在个别句子理解上可能较难;阅读时,应该根据作者的 思路,体会作者的意图,熟练阅读,了解文章大意。做题时,应该尽量在文中找出相近句型,并加以推测。 81.B 82.C 83.A 84.C 85.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文的作者把人生比作四个季节来进行说明,分别介绍了人生每个季节的一些特点, 81.根据第三段 I started walking more slowly. 及本段描述,可知作者在他认识的秋季,走的更慢了。 故选 B。 82.根据短文第二段描述,二三十岁的年龄属于人生的夏季,故选 C。 83.根据第一段中这个单词的前文 happy days 高兴的日子,及下文描述,可知指的是伤心的日子,故选 A。 84.根据短文最后一段 I am older and weaker. I know I do not have many days left, but I will enjoy them to the end.描述,可知选 C。 85.这篇短文的作者把人生比作四个季节来进行说明,故选 C,人生的四季。 考点:关于人生的说明文阅读 点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明,学生很容易把握文中中心内容。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就 能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。 86.Swimming. 87.In 1970. 88.4 (times). 89.Travelling the world as a reporter, writing books and giving public speeches about her life. 90.I learned that once we set a goal, we should try hard to achieve it. /We should never stop trying new things and we may achieve success in different fields. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章通过 Diana Nyad 的故事告诉我们一旦设定了目标,就应该努力去实现它。 86.根据文章 Born in 1949, Diana Nyad took an early interest in swimming as a sport 可知,Diana Nyad 的早年对游泳感兴趣。故回答 Swimming. 87.根据文章 In 1970, she swam a ten-mile marathon in Lake Ontario, setting the women’s record for the course.可知,在 1970 年,Diana Nyad 获得了 10 英里马拉松游泳记录。 88.根据文章可知,她在 1970 年,1972 年,1975 年,1978 年参加了四次马拉松游泳。故回答 4 (times). 89.根据文章可知,她退出游泳职业之后,她开始作为作为一名记者周游世界,写书,发表有关她的人生 公众演讲。故回答 Travelling the world as a reporter, writing books and giving public speeches about her life. 90.从这篇文章我们学到了一旦我们设置了目标,就应该努力去实现它。也应该不要放弃尝试其他的事情, 因为我们可能在不同的领取取得成功,故回答 I learned that once we set a goal, we should try hard to achieve it. /We should never stop trying new things and we may achieve success in different fields. 考点:人生百味类议论文 点评:此类题目不难,重在理解全文的意思。对于题目中所提的问题要充分理解原文,在文章中找到答案, 利用文章的信息进行作答,写的过程中注意形式上的变化和词的选用,符合题目前后文的要求。 91.A 92.C 93.D 94.D 95.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了一个十八岁的年轻人为了感谢那些曾经帮助过他的人,和父亲乘三轮车行 遍十个省份,14,000 前面路程的故事,告诉我们人要懂得感恩。 91.根据第二段 He has been using a wheelchair since 9 years old.描述,可知选 A。 92.根据 And the family can only afford a three-wheeled motorcycle(三轮摩托).描述,可知选 C 93.联系下文 for those who help us,因为这些曾经帮我我们的人,可知应是感谢的含义,故选 D,感谢。 94.根据第二段 At the age of one, Huang’s mother left the family. Six years later, he was badly ill.描述,可知选项 D 描述错误。 95.这篇短文主要描述了一个十八岁的年轻人是如何感谢那些曾经帮助过他的人,故选 C,感恩的心。 考点:关于感恩的记述文 点评:本文中长句较多,一时很难读懂句子含义,注意多读几遍,不要强求非得理解一词一句的含义,能 把握文章大意就行。然后带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题 注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。 96.C 97.B 98.D 99.A 100.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文作者主要讲述了他有了一位新邻居,是一位老人,作者经常帮助老人并与老人解下深 深的友谊和一位老人的友谊。 96.根据 I opened the door, took a seat and began to enjoy the wonderful sunshine.可知,作者 出来就是为了享受阳光。所以本题选 C。 97.根据第二段 Later, I learned she was alone and had no family or relatives to help her.描述 可知,没有人来看她。所以本题选 B。 98.根据短文二三段描述,可知作者和这个老人相处的很好,以至于最后将财产都给了作者。所以本题选 D。 99.联系下文描述,可知此处指的是这个老人还没有出来开门,没有出现 ,故 turn up 是 appear 的意思。 所以本题选 A。 100.根据第三段 One was her will, which said all that she had would be given to me. The other was a thank-you note. I went to her bedside and cried sadly.描述,所以本题选 D。 考点:本题考查人生百味类 点评:阅读本文是应注意作者和老人交往的细节描述,体会其友谊的真诚。本题必须通过阅读,对文章加 以理解方能得出答案,故本题有一定的难度。所以对于本文,应该充分阅读,尽可能从总体上把握文章的 大意,体会人物的情感。

