中考英语 本知识聚焦 九全 Units 781

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中考英语 本知识聚焦 九全 Units 781

第18讲 九年级Units 7-8 1 . safety ( n. ) → _____ ( adj .) 安全的→ _______ ( ad v .) 安全地;平安地 2 . social( adj .)→ ______ ( n .) 社会 3 . bad( adj .)→ _____ ( ad v .) 差;严重地 4 . educate( v .)→ ________ ( n .) 教育→ __________ ( adj .) 有教育意义的 5 . manage( v .) →____________ ( n .) 管理;经营→ _________ ( n .) 经理;经营者 6 . enter( v .)→ _________ ( n .) 入口 7 . suit( v .)→ _______ ( adj .) 合适的;适当的 8 . choice( n .)→ ______ ( v .) 选择 9 . poem( n .)→ _____ ( n .) 诗人 10 . value( n .& v .) 价值→ ________ ( adj .) 贵重的;宝贵的 safe safely society badly education educational management manager entrance suitable choose poet valuable 11 . noise( n .)→ ______ ( adj .) 吵闹的;喧闹的 12 . police( n .)→_____ ( pl .) 警察→ __________ ( n .) 男警察→ ___________ ( n .) 女警察 13 . regret ( v .& n . )→________ ( 过去式 / 过去分词 )→ _________ ( 现在分词 ) 感到遗憾;懊悔 14 . wolf( n .)→ ______ ( 复数 ) 狼 15 . expression( n .)→ _______ ( v .) 表示;表达 16 . leader( n .)→ _____ ( v .) 带领 17 . medical( adj .)→ _________ ( n .) 药品 18 . hug( v .)→_______ ( 过去式 / 过去分词 ) 拥抱;搂抱 noisy police policeman policewoman regretted regretting wolves express lead medicine hugged 1 . ____ their ears _______  扎耳洞 2 . ______ about ______ a test  担心考试不及格 3 . ____ a test  通过考试 4 . talk _____  回嘴;顶嘴 5 . ___________ from  远离 6 . _____ one's own _______  自己做决定 7 . ____ in the way of  挡 …… 的路 8 . be ______ about  对 …… 认真 9 . _______  追逐;追赶 10 . ____________  同时 11 . in a _________  以某种方式 12. ___________ with  与 …… 交流 get pierced worry failing pass back keep . .. away make decision get serious run after at the same time certain way communicate 1 . I ____ think _____________ should ___________ to drive. 我认为十六岁的孩子不应该被允许开车。 2 . Teenagers are ____ young to ___________ own decisions. 青少年太年轻而不能自己做决定。 3 . Your bedroom _____________ every day. 你的卧室必须每天打扫。 4 . We have ____________ running !我们不反对跑步! 5 . _________ will I have a chance to _______ my dream. 只有那样我才会有机会实现我的梦想。 6 . It must _________ Carla. 它一定是属于卡拉的。 don't sixteenyearolds be allowed too make their must be cleaned nothing against Only then achieve belong to 7 . There must be something _______the homes in our neighborhood. 必定是有什么东西光顾了我们的小区。 8 . He ________ running to ______ a bus to work. 他也许是跑着去赶公共汽车上班。 9 . I think somebody must have __________ .我想一定有人捡到它了。 visiting might be catch picked it up 同意和不同意 ( Agree and disagree ) 1 . —I don't think sixteenyearolds should be allowed to drive. —_______ . They aren't serious enough. 2 . —Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions? — No , I don't agree with this.Teenagers are too young to make their own decisions. 3 . —Do you think we might be allowed to take some photos? —__________ . Photo taking is not allowed in the museum. 4 . — Teenagers should not be allowed to have part time jobs. —__________ . They can learn a lot from working. I agree No , I don't I disagree 做出推测 ( Make inferences ) 5. —_______________________ —It must be Carla's.She loves volleyball. 6 . —Whose hair band is this? —It could be Mei's hair band.Or it might belong to Linda.They both have long hair. 7 . —What did you see that night? —I'm not sure , but it can't be a dog.It was bigger.I think it might be a bear or a wolf. Whose volleyball is this? 1 . 含情态动词的被动语态 ( 如 should be allowed to)( 见本书 P 140 ) 2 . 情态动词 must , might , could 和 can't 表推测 ( 见本书 P 135 ) 情态动词 1 . —Look! The light in Mr.Brown's office is still on.He __ __ be working there. —No , it ________ be him.I saw him go home a moment ago.(2016 , 营口 , 8 题 )                 A . may ; can't B . must ; mustn't C . can ; mustn't D . must ; can't 2 . —Please be quiet.Our teacher is coming. —It __ __ be our teacher .She has gone to Beijing. (2016 , 营口 , 22 题 ) A . must B . may C . can't D . mustn't D C 3 . Children __ __ sit in the front seat of the car.It's too dangerous. (2015 , 葫芦岛 , 12 题 ) A . need     B . needn't    C . must     D . mustn't 4 . —Where is my key ? I __ __ find it. —Don't worry , Mom.It must be somewhere in your room. (2015 , 阜新 , 7 题 ) A . can B . can't C . may D . mustn't D B 含情态动词的被动语态 5 . In order to make Dandong more beautiful , more trees and flowers ____ every year. (2015 , 丹东 , 40 题 ) A . will plant B . should plant C . should be planted D . must plant 词汇类 6 . He couldn't go through the door because there was a big box ____ . (2014 , 本溪 , 9 题 ) A . by the way B . in this way C . in the way D . on the way 7 . Jack plays basketball every day and he is always full of __ __. (2014 , 盘锦 , 2 题 ) A . knowledge B . energy C . change D . courage C C B 情景交际 8 . —Would you like to go for a walk with me? —__ __ . But I have to clean the living room first. (2016 , 丹东 , 39 题 ) A . Yes , I would B . No , I wouldn't C . Sorry D . Yes , I'd love to 9 . —Our teacher says we'll have a picnic after the exam. —__ __ . I can't wait. (2014 , 抚顺 , 15 题 ) A . Lucky you B . I hope not C . What a pity D . Sounds great 10 . —I think sixteenyearolds should be allowed to drive. —__ __ . They aren't serious enough at that age. (2014 , 丹东 , 27 题 ) A . I agree B . I disagree C . I think so D . That's right D D B 情态动词表推测 11 . —Who's singing in the garden? —It __ __ be Tom.He always practices singing at this time. (2015 , 丹东 , 26 题 ) A . can't B . need C . must D . mustn't 12 . —The winner of the race is a tall and thin boy with glasses. —Then it __ __ be my friend , Mike , who looks very fat. (2015 , 营口 , 9 题 ) A . might B . can't C . could D . must 13 . —Whose dictionary is this ? (2015 , 锦州 , 9 题 ) —It __ __ be Jack's.Here's his name. A . must B . mustn't C . can D . can't C B A 14 . —Is the boy over there Jack ? (2015 , 鞍山 , 6 题 ) —No , it __ __ be him.He has gone to Dalian. A . must B . can C . mustn't D . can't 15 . — Mom , where is my dictionary ? (2015 , 本溪 , 6 题 ) —It __ __ be in the bookcase.I'm not sure. A . must B . may C . need D . should 16 . The red scarf __ __ be Jean's.She is the only one who likes such colorful things here. (2015 , 铁岭 , 8 题 ) A . can B . may C . could D . must 17 . I'm sure your parents __ __ be proud of the good things you have done. (2014 , 抚顺 , 5 题 ) A . must B . might C . can't D . may B D D A 18 . —Whose pencil box is this ? (2014 , 丹东 , 23 题 ) —It __ __ be Tom's.It has his name on it. A . must B . may C . might D . can't 19 . He has gone to Shanghai.He __ be at home now. (2014 , 锦州 , 10 题 ) A . must B . mustn't C . can't D . can A C ► regret 【 典例在线 】 I regret to have to do this , but I have no choice. 我很遗憾必须这样做 , 但我实在没有选择。 I don't regret telling her what I thought. 我不后悔告诉她我的想法。 【 拓展精析 】 regret 作动词 , 意为 “ 感到遗憾;懊悔 ” , 作名词 , 意为 “ 懊悔 ” 。 regret to do sth. 遗憾要做某事 ( 事情未做 ) regret doing sth. 遗憾 / 后悔做了某事 ( 事情已做 ) 【 活学活用 】 1 ) I regret __ __ you that my friend is ill , so I can't go to your party.                 A . tell B . to tell C . telling D . told 2)Lily regrets __ __ home three years ago and she misses her family so much. A . leaving B . leave C . to leave D . to leaving B A ► chance 【 典例在线 】 I'll have a chance of visiting Beijing. = I'll have a chance to visit Beijing. 我将有一次游览北京的机会。 That's a good chance for you. 对你来说那是个好机会。 【 拓展精析 】 chance 可数名词 , 意为 “ 机会 ” , 其后常跟动词不定式或 of 引导的介词短语。有时也跟介词 for 。 have a chance to do sth. = have a chance of doing sth. 有做某事的机会 【 活学活用 】 3 ) This is a good chance of _________ (show) your talent. Please take it! 4)If you work harder , you'll have another ____ to play the violin at a concert. A . sleep    B . chance   C . mistake   D . problem showing B ► prevent 【 典例在线 】 We should try our best to prevent accidents. 我们应当尽力防止事故发生。 Nothing can prevent/stop/keep us from reaching our aims. 什么也阻止不了我们达到我们的目的。 【 拓展精析 】 prevent 动词 , 意为 “ 阻止;阻挠 ” , 常用于词组 prevent sb./sth.(from) doing sth. 中 , 意为 “ 阻止某人做某事 ” , 与 stop sb./sth.(from) doing sth. 和 keep sb./sth.from doing sth. 同义 , 可互换使用。 【 活学活用 】 5 ) — What can we do to __ __ bird flu from spreading? —Try not to buy or eat chicken that have not been checked. A . prevent B . cause C . discover D . warn A ► Sixteen year olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. 十六岁的青少年应该被允许穿耳洞。 【 典例在线 1 】 Teenagers shouldn't be allowed to smoke. 青少年不应该被允许吸烟。 【 拓展精析 1 】 该句为含有情态动词的被动语态 , 其构成为:情态动词+ be +动词的过去分词。 【 典例在线 2 】 I'll go to have my hair cut tomorrow. 我明天要去把我的头发剪了。 The boss always gets the workers to work day and night. 这个老板总是让工人们夜以继日地工作。 【 拓展精析 2】 句型 get sth.done 意为 “ 使得 …… 被 ……” , 在此结构中 , sth. 与 done 之间为被动关系。此结构除 get 外 , 还有 have 。 get sb.to do sth. “ 让某人做某事 ” , 相当于 have sb.do sth. 。 【 活学活用 】 1 ) — Tom is always careless with his schoolwork.Could you help him? — No problem! I think he __ __ to think twice before starting. (2016 , 黄冈 ) A . should be told B . can tell C . should tell D . can be telling 2) — When are you going to have your hair __ __ ? —This afternoon. A . cut B . cuts C . cutting D . to cut A A ► There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood , but what is it ?一定是有什么东西闯入了我们的小区 , 但它是什么呢? 【 典例在线 】 There is a boy sitting under the tree. 有一个男孩在树下坐着。 【 拓展精析 】 在 “ there be +主语+ v .ing 形式 ” 结构中 , 情态动词可用在 there 和 be 中间表推测或判断。其中 v .ing 用作定语 , 修饰前面的主语 , 相当于一个定语从句。 【 活学活用 】 3)There is something __ __ to get in the window. A . try B . tries C . trying D . tried 4) — Can you hear the strange noises outside? —Yeah.I think there __ __ some children ________ games. A . might be ; play B . might ; playing C . be ; playing D . might be ; playing C D ► may , might , can , could , must , can't 【 典例在线 】 He may know. 他可能知道。 The French book might be Kathy's.She studies French. 这本法语书可能是凯西的。她学法语。 It's true that some ads can be very useful. 有些广告可能非常有用 , 这是真的。 He could be running for exercise. 他可能正在跑步锻炼。 The notebook must be Ming's.It has her name on it. 这个笔记本一定是明的。上面有她的名字。 The shirt can't be John's.It's much too small for him. 这件衬衫不可能是约翰的。对他来说它太小了。 【 拓展精析 】 may 表示现在或将来的可能性 , 意为 “ 可能 ” ; might 表示更加怀疑和不肯定。 could 表示可能推测 , 意为 “ 可能 ” 。 must 表肯定推测 , 意为 “ 一定是;肯定是 ” , 只用在肯定句中。 can't 表否定推测 , 意为 “ 不可能是 ” 。 【 活学活用 】 1) — What does Justin Bieber's song Never Say Never impress you most? —It tells us that we __ __ do almost anything if we never give up. (2016 , 苏州 ) A . can B . have to C . should D . need 2) — Mum , __ __ I visit the Modern Art Museum next Monday? —I'm afraid you can't.All the museums in this city are closed on Monday. (2016 , 广东 ) A . would B . need C . should D . may 3) — I hear you have a home robot. —Yes , it's amazing.It __ __ do all my housework. (2016 , 扬州 ) A . must B . should C . could D . can A D D 一、单项选择。 1 . I regret __ __ you so long. A . disturb B . to disturb C . disturbing D . disturbed 2 . —__ __ nearly took us an hour to walk here. —Have a drink then.You ________ be thirsty. (2015 , 黔南州 ) A . This ; may B . It ; may C . This ; must D . It ; must 3 . —How often do I need to feed the dog? —It __ __ food every day , or it will be hungry. (2015 , 孝感 ) A . must give B . must be give C . must be given D . must be gave C D C 4 . —Who's the man over there? Is it Mr.Black? —It__ __be him.He's much taller. A . may not B . can't C . will not D . mustn't 5 . —Mum , may I watch the movie with my classmates after school? —__ __ . A . No , you may not B . No , you needn't C . Sure , but please be at home by 9 : 00 D . I don't like it at all B C 二、根据所给中文完成句子翻译。 6 . 森林可以阻止风把土壤吹走。 Forests can _____________________ the earth away. 7 . 钓鱼岛属于中国。 The Diaoyu Islands _______ China. 8 . 他开始追赶那辆公共汽车。 He started to _______ the bus. 9 . 琳达在哭。她怎么了? Linda is crying. __________________ her? 10 . 我们应该被允许和朋友一起旅行。 We _______________ to travel with our friends. prevent wind from blowing belong to run after What's wrong with should be allowed 议论文的写作 一、议论文是作者对某个问题或某件事进行分析、评论 , 表明自己的观点、立场和看法的一种文体。 议论文有三要素:论点、论据和论证。 中学阶段英语议论文结构相对固定简单 , 通常为: 1 . 在导语部分开门见山 , 直接提出要讨论的问题。 2 . 在正文部分对所提问题进行事例论证。 3 . 在结论部分进行总结、归纳 , 并提出自己的观点。 写议论文要考虑论点 , 考虑用什么作论据来证明、怎样来论证和得出结论。它可以是先提出一个总论点 , 然后分别进行论述 , 分析各个分论点 , 最后得出结论;或者先引述一个故事 , 一段对话 , 或描写一个场面 , 再一层一层地从事实中分析出道理 , 归纳引申出一个新的结论;也 可以在文章开头先提出一个人们关心的问题 , 然后一一作答 , 逐层深入;还可以把两个不同事物以对立的方式提出来加以比较、对照 , 然后得出结论。 二、具体写作中要注意下列几点: 1 . 议题的提出要开门见山 , 不要拖泥带水。 2 . 议论时可以采用不同的方法。如:可以摆出正反两方面观点 , 进行对比;也可引经据典论证自己观点的正确性 , 从而使读者接受自己的观点;亦可提出一种错误的观点然后论证其错误 , 最终提出正确的观点。正文部分是写作的重点 , 论证方法可用归纳法、推理法、比较法等。 3 . 在结论部分必须表明作者的观点 , 对讨论的问题做出总结。 三、写作典例。 ( 2016 , 山西 ) 向他人表达善意并帮助他人体现了一个人良好的品格。当你向别人表达善意并给他人提供帮助时 , 你希望得到回报 (repay) 吗?针对这一话题 , 九年级六班的同学们展开了辩论。 假设你是正方或反方的一员 , 请围绕你的观点 , 结合自己的亲身经历 , 说出 2 至 3 条理由来说服同学们 ( 只需选择一方观点表达即可 ) 。 要求: 1. 词数不少于 80 词; 2 . 文章的开头已给出 , 不计入总词数; 3 . 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。 【 写作指导 】 本文要求就是否向别人表达善意并提供帮助这一话题展开论述。首先需要阐述清楚文中提到的两种观点 , 然后再表明自己的立场。回忆之前发生的事情用一般过去时;阐述观点看法类文章用一般现在时 , 人称用第三人称;阐述自己的观点用第一人称 , 时态为一般现在时。词数不少于 80 词 , 给出的开头不计入总词数。 【 范文欣赏 】 When_I_show_kindness_and_help_others , I never expect them to repay me.On the one hand , helping others gives me a strong feeling of being needed and brings me happiness.On the other hand , everyone may get into trouble and need help , too. Several days ago , while I was having a walk in the park , I found a little boy crying.Then I asked him what the matter was, and he told me he couldn't find his mom.Luckily , he remembered his mother's phone number.So I called her immediately.Ten minutes later , the boy saw his mom and became excited.His mom was so thankful that she wanted to buy me a small gift , but I refused.At that time , I felt quite happy because I did something really good. All in all , the world needs love and we should be ready to help others without expecting any repay.If you wanted repay , a “Thanks” would be enough.

