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宾语从句 The Object Clause 41 Teaching Aims   1.Review some important phrases.   2.Master the object clause : the defination of the object clause 定义 the conjunctions of the object clause 引导词 the sentence order of the object clause 语序 the tenses of the object clause 时态 42 1. 盼望 2. 因 … 而自豪 3. 一则好消息 4. 三分之二 5 . 上千的工人 6. 对 … 满意 7. 相同的高度 8. 死于癌症 9. 老实说 10. 电脑程序设计师 11. 出现 露面 12. 偶然地 13. 错误地 14. 在二十二世纪 15. 支持或反对 Translate the following phrases 43 16. 对某人或某事要求严格 17. 五米深 18. 令某人吃惊的是 19. 爱上 … 20. 出差 21. 充满 22. 忙于做某事 23. 为某人提供某物 24. 注意 … 25. 从现在开始 26. 两者都 27. 两者都不 28. 由 … 制成 29. 把 … 误认为 … 30. 幸亏 多亏 44 一 . 定义 简单的说 , 宾语从句就是一个或是几个从句充当主句中的 宾语成分 . 45 A: What is Peter doing now? Do you know? B: I know (that) _____ __ ______ now. Peter is fishing Peter: I’m fishing now. A: What did Peter say? B: He said (that )__ ___ _______. he was fishing Look at the pictures 46 He will be back in an hour. I hear. I hear ____ he ___ be back in an hour. They miss us very much. She said. She said ___ they ______ us very much. The earth travels round the sun. The teacher told us. The teacher told us ___ the earth______ round the sun. that will that missed that travels Change the sentences 47 Kate: Is Mary reading an English book? A: What does Kate ask? B: She asks _________ _____ ___ _______ an English book. Mary is reading if/ whether 48 Will he go to the park with us? I want to know. I want to know _________ __ ____ go to the park with us. Have you finished your homework? My mother asked. if/whether he will Change the sentences 49 My mother asked _________ _ ____ finished my homework. Can you have your hair cut tomorrow ? The teacher asked. The teacher asked _________ I _____ have my hair cut tomorrow . if/whether I had If/whether could 50 Tom: How can we call it in English? Lily: What did Tom ask? Lucy: He asked ____ __ _____ call it in English. how we could 51 Who are they waiting for? Do you know? Do you know ___ ____ ___ waiting for? When will we have a meeting? I asked. I asked ____ __ _____ have a meeting. who they are when we would Change the sentences 52 that wh- question words if / whether Conjunction 53 e.g. 1. I hear (that) _____________________. ( 一小时后他会回来) 2. He said (that) _____________________. ( 他非常想念我们) he will be back in an hour he missed us very much 由从属连词 that 引导的宾语从句 注 : that 在句中无词汇意义 , 在从句中不能充当成分 , 在口语当中往往省略 54 3. The teacher told us (that) ___________________________. (地球围着太阳转) the earth moves around the sun 55 e.g. 1. I want to know _______________ _________________________. ( 他是否跟我们一起去公园 ) if (whether) he will go to the park with us 由从属连词 whether, if 引导的宾语从句 56 2. Ask him _____________________. ( 他是否能来 ) 3. I don’t know ____________________ __________________________. ( 是否要下雨 ) 当句末为 or not 时 , 引导词只能用 whether 而不能用 if whether (if) he can come whether it is going to rain or not 57 1. He asked __________________________. ( 谁能回答这个问题) 2. Do you know ______________________. (他们在等谁) 3. He asked _________________________ _____________. ( 谁的书法是班上最好的 ) who could answer the question whom they are waiting for whose handwriting was the best in the class 由连接代词 what, whom, whose, which, what 及连接 副词 when, where, how, why 引导的宾语从句 58 4. Please tell me __________________ ________. ( 我们将什么时候开会 ) 5. Can you tell me __________. ( 他在哪儿 ) 6. Could you tell me ______________ __________. ( 我该怎么去车站 ) 7. Would you tell me ________________ ( 为什么火车迟到了 ) when we’ll have a meeting where he is how I can get to the station why the train is late 59 1. A: He is a worker. B: Tom tells me ____ he is a worker. 2. A: What’s his job? B: Tom asks me ____ his job is. 3. A: Is he a worker? B: Tom asks me _________ he is a worker. that what if/whether Fill in the blanks: 60 主句时态是 现在时 从句时态 根据句意 1. I know (that) he ______ (join) the League in 1985 . 2. I see that they _________ (play) football over there now . 3. Tell me where he ____(live). 4. I hear that he _________ (come) tomorrow . joined are playing lives will come Tense: 61 一般现在时 一般将来时 一般过去时 现在完成时 现在进行时 一般过去时 过去将来时 过去完成时 过去完成时 过去进行时 主句时态是过去时 从句时态改成相应的过去时态 62 He often goes sightseeing on holiday. → Jack told me ( that ) he often went sightseeing on holiday. Jack told me... 改为宾语从句 63 Will Miss Li be in charge of our class? The students wondered... → The students wondered if Miss Li would be in charge of our class. 改为宾语从句 64 What did Father Christmas put in his stocking? He didn’t say… → He didn’t say what Father Christmas had put in his stocking. 改为宾语从句 65 Did you remember…? Has he entered for the contest? → Did you remember if he had entered for the contest? 改为宾语从句 66 We soon learned … They are having a picnic at nine o’clock in the morning. → We soon learned that they were having a picnic at nine o’clock in the morning. 改为宾语从句 67 注意 在陈述一件事实或真理时 , 无须将宾语从句改为过去时。例如: The teacher told us (that) the earth moves around the sun. 68 在由 could, would 引导的主句中 , 从句一般要用现在时。因为 could, would 经常表示礼貌或 婉转的语气 , 而不是过去时。 Could you please tell me where the bank is ? Would you please tell me how far it is from here to the hospital? 69 1. The radio says it ______ cloudy tomorrow. (be) 2. The headmaster hopes everything ____ well. (go) 3. Tom says that they ___________ (play) basketball at six o’clock yesterday evening. 4. I hear they ____________ (return) it already. will be goes were playing have returned Do some exercises 70 5. He said that they ________ members of the Party since 1948. (be) 6. He asked what they _________ at eight last night. (do) 7. The teacher told his class that light ______ faster than sound. (travel) 8. I think you __________ about the relay race now. (talk) 9. I didn’t know whom the letters ____ from. (be) had been were doing travels are talking were 71 1 . Mike said that he ___to America. A. has never been B. has never gone C. had never been D. had never gone 2. Do you know ____to the meeting? A. why doesn’t she come B. why she hasn’t come C. why didn’t she come D. why she hasn’t came B C Choose the right answer 72 3. Did you hear ______? A. what did I say B. that did I say C. that I said D. what I said 4. Could you tell me ____, please? A. where is the post office B. where the post office is C. where was the post office D. where the post office was 5. The teacher told us the earth____ round the sun. A. goes B. go C. went D. going D B A 73 6 . Do you know what____this time yesterday. A. they are doing B. were they doing C. they were doing D. are they doing 7. He wanted to know_____. A.how can he get there B. how to get there C.how he can get there D. when did he get there C B 74 8. I don’t know ___ Uncle Wang will come or not A. if B. whether C. weather D.when 9. Mother says ____she won’t be free tomorrow A. if B. who C. whether D. that B D 75 Do you know what is he doing? 2. She said her mother is very well. 3. I don’t know that he is a worker. 4. Miss Li said there were seven days in a week. 5 . He wants to know if they did have a good time. he is was if are correct the mistakes had 76 6. She asked me that when the train would arrive. 7. Could you tell me if he has come or not. 8. I think you aren’t right 9. Lucy asked Lily how do it. / whether don’t think are to do 77 1. The teacher asked the students _____. A. if they were interested in dinosaurs B. when was Albert Einstein born C. what they will do with the computers D. how many trees they have planted (04 年南京 ) A 中考集锦 78 2. -- Would you please tell us what ___ on this subject? -- Yes, I’d love to. A. you will say B. will you say C. you will speak D. will you speak (04 年无锡) 3. Mrs Brown asked him if he_______ (get) any e-mails from his parents since last Friday. A had got 79 4. My classmates said that they _________ (offer) their help to me if I had difficulties. ( 04 年无锡) 5. – We don’t know ____. -- It is said that he was born in Sweden. A. what he is B. if he lives here C. where he comes from D. which country is he from (04 年常州) would offer C 80 6. She wondered ___. (04 年南通) A. how much he cost the computer B. how much he paid for the computer C. how much the computer will cost him D. how much did he spend on the computer 7. Lily couldn’t find out __, so she gave it to the teacher. A. whose ruler it wasB. what ruler was it C. it was which ruler D. where the ruler was (04 年连云港) B A 81 8. Excuse me, could you tell me ___? A. where is the post office B. where the post office is C. where was the post office D. where the post office was (04 年宿迁) 9. We’d like to know ____ or not. A. whether will the sports meeting come B. if will the sports meeting come C. whether the sports meeting will come D. if the sports meeting will come (04 年潍坊) B C 82 More practice ( 考点扫描 ) : 1. He didn’t remember ____ his watch. A. where he had put B. where he has put B. where had he put C. where has he put 2. I don’t know ____ last night. A. why they didn’t go to the movies B. when they didn’t go to the movies C. why didn’t they go to the movie D. when didn’t they go to the movie ( 2000 ) A A 83 3. He asked me _____ during the winter holidays. A. where I had gone B. where I had been C. where had I gone D. where had I been B 84 4. Will you please tell me ______. (2001) A. where Pudong Airport is B. how far Pudong Airport was C. how can we go to Pudong Airport D. when was Pudong Airport built A 85 5. I’d like to know ______. (2002) A. when will he give back the tape B. whether has he received higher education C. that he has been busy D. whether she will join in our English Evening D 86 6. Our class teacher asked the monitor ______. (2006) A. why didn’t Bill come to school B. why doesn’t Bill come to school C. why Bill didn’t come to school D. why Bill doesn’t come to school C 87 7. The boy asked his mother, “Does water freeze at 0℃?” (2003) The boy asked his mother _________ water ______ at 0℃. 8. Jack’s mother asked him, “Have you packed your thing?” (2004) Jack’s mother asked him _________ he ___ packed his thing if/whether freezes if/whether had 88 中考英语研讨会 学习心得 一、仔细研读《课标》和《中考说明》,明确复习方向。 二、认真分析中考真题,把握命题趋势, 提高复习效率。 一、仔细研读《课标》和《中考说明》, 明确复习方向。 (一) 命题原则: 1 、着重考查学生的 综合语言运用 能力,避免单纯考查语言知识。 2 、要选用真实、地道的语言素材。 3 、要确保试题的信度和效度,杜绝繁、偏、旧的试题。 4 、着重考查学生在具体 语境 中运用英语的能力,渗透对情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的考查。 5 、难度: 0.65 难度比: 3 : 5 : 2 (二)命题依据 : 依据《英语课程标准( 2011 版)》, 紧扣《201 8 考试说明》 关注题型拓展和 附录七、八、九、十。 * 词汇: 课标规定的 所有词汇 。 注:人教版的黑体词 不等于 课标词。 sour, cotton 黑体 supper, retell, god... (取消) * 题型拓展 的题型都有 可能出题 。 附录七:语法项目表 1. 不定代词 ( some , any ,no ) 2. 非谓语动词 ( 动词不定式做宾语、宾补、目的状语 ) v-ing 形式不会直接命题如 finish doing,be busy doing 。 3. 被动语态 ( 现在 / 过去 / 将来 ) 情态动词 没有 。 4. 定语从句 (能辨认 .. ,理解 .. )但 阅读 里会出现。 附录八:功能意念项目表 ( 社会交往 听力 6-10 题 ) 附录九:话题项目表 ( 1-10 组合 ,17,18,19 ) 书面表达 附录十:词汇和不规则动词表 词汇放在 语境 中讲 , 要注意 一词多义词 ,如: letter , run,round ,bear,hold , lift ,light ,watch 等。 二、认真分析中考真题,把握命题趋势, 提高复习效率。 * 2017 中考试卷: 整体试卷难度不大,从试卷结构上看,主观性试题比重增加,客观性试题分值比重减少。从选材上看,注重学生 核心素养 的提升,涉及到善于听取他人意见及建议;勇于面对挑战,克服困难;学会感恩;乐于助人等素养。试卷的命制既重视选拔功能,也关注教育功能。 体现以下三个特点: 1 、依据《课程标准( 2011 版)》;《考试说明》 2 、 “ 稳中求变,稳中求新 ” 3 、考查学生 综合语言 的运用能力。 (一)听力部分 * 变化 : 在题量和题型上都没有变化,但 听力部分第三题在学生卷面上增加了问题,降低了试题的难度。 * 存在问题: How are you doing ? 属于问候语 * 听力复习思路: 1 、每天至少 15 分钟做听力练习( 精听 )。 2 、晨读保证学生 30 分钟的时间 大声朗读, 培养学生对语言持续的感觉。 3 、二轮复习时听完整的听力套题,选择合 适的听力材料。 4 、听的过程不断强化和渗透听的 技巧 。 5 、多做听写训练(单词、词组、句子)。 (二)单项选择 * 变化: 由原来的 15 小题减为 10 道小题,降低了对知识部分的要求。 *注 意: 语境中答题。 命题范围:附录七 * 单选题复习思路: 1 、在 语境 中考察知识点。 2 、根据考试说明所考察的点,多角度地进行练习,学生能够举一反三。 3 、避免偏题,难题和怪题。 4 、培养学生有效的答题策略。 * 可借鉴的小做法: 1 、错题集:错题本,电子邮件 2 、学生出题考试。 (三)完形填空 * 特点 1 、难度低于阅读理解; 2 、夹叙夹议 3 、教育性,实践性。 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 夹叙夹议 夹叙夹议 夹叙夹议 夹叙夹议 夹叙夹议 My father Help others Put the burden down Learn from geese One thorn( 刺 ) of experience * 完形填空解题思路: 1 、通览 :重视首尾句,把握主旨。 2 、试填: 紧扣文意,仔细辨析。 1 )整体把握,纵观全局。 2 )重视短文的 写作顺序 。 3 、回首再读,认真检查。 * 定位原文,线索填词,完全理性思维方式,以 文章 为根本。(一定不要主观来选答案) * 建议:作为 精读 讲。 (四)阅读理解 * 要求学生读懂不同题材和体裁的文章。出现过对话,目前还没出现过诗歌。 但诗歌近三年一直占据题例 2 的位置。 * 2018 阅读题可能存在的变数: 选材形式上的变化: 诗歌,歌词 + 广告、告示、启示、说明、对话 等。 诗歌不好命题,其实选对角度也容易。 2018 题型示例: The underlined sentence means “_____” in the poem. 2. Which is the best title for the poem? A. Let Us Make Life B. Let Us Cheer up C. Let Us Smile Away D. Let Us Try Again * 阅读理解解题思路: 六不选: 1. 无中生有不能选; 2. 张冠李戴不能选 3. 范围太宽不能选; 4. 以偏概全不能选 5. 偷梁换柱不能选; 6. 绝对化说法不能选。 合理选项不一定是正确选项,要看原文有没有; 正确答案要么是原句,要么是原文中的同义句; 选项越像原文中的某句话,越要小心。 审题要审关键词和容易做手脚的词。 * 阅读理解答题技巧: 1 、良好的答题习惯:先 定位 后答题。 顺序定位;关键词定位;特殊词定位 2 、词汇猜测题: 代入法; 词汇关系, 句子关系(并列,转折,总分等) * 阅读理解答题技巧 3 、主旨大意题: 分析主题句; 抓住话题核心词( subject ); 抓主线 (discrimination) ; 反推 (counter-deduction) (五)词语运用 * 变化: 由原来的 5 个词汇增加到考查 10 个词汇,并出现了 盲填 。 * 学生易错点。 1. 盲填 : 冠词、连词、介词。 典例:As 72. ___________good friend of his, I must do something to help him. a ( 0.45 ) 2. 语法结构相关的知识 。 典例:He should spend most of his time 74. __________ his study instead of computer games. ( 0.35 ) 3. 不规则动词的过去式与过去分词 。 典例:Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he 71. _________ (fall) behind others in study. ( 0.5 ) (六)任务型阅读 * 变化: 由原来的两个回答问题,变成了一个回答问题,增加了一道完成句子的小题。 * 任务型阅读答题技巧: 1 、简略回答答题,一定要依据问句的形式和内容答题。 一般疑问句要用 yes 或 no 来回答 , 特殊疑问句要根据特殊疑问词具体回答,注意问句 what...do? 最好答完整句子。 2 、英译汉:调整语序符合 汉语习惯 ;意译,注意 一词多义词 。 3 、主旨大意题一般考查学生发现主题句的能力,并不让学生自己去总结主题句,而主题句一般出现在首段和末段,尤其注意 首段的段末 。 如果需要总结主题句的话,一般是 完成句子 形式。 (七)连词成句 * 变化 : 连词成句由原来的每小题都有词形变化变为只是单纯的把单个词或者词块儿连在一起,降低了试题难度。 * 建议:从初一抓起,建构句子概念。 中考写作评分标准 Just for fun! TOM'S EXCUSE Teacher: Tom, why are you late for school every day? Tom: Every time I come to the corner, a sign says, "School-Go Slow". 汤姆 的借口 老师: 汤姆 ,您为什么每天上学迟到? 汤姆 :我每次路过拐角,一个路标上面写着: " 学校 ---- 慢行。 " (七)连词成句 * 解题指导 1 、注意看标点,不要写错句式; ( 感叹句,祈使句,问句多练 ) 2 、首字母要大写,不要抄错单词; 3 、宾语从句的语序问题 ; 书面表达 * 变化:取消了“ 提示词 ”,给学生更大的发挥空间 * 问题: 1. 书写不过关:字迹潦草,单词难以辨认;占格不规范。 2. 跑题( strong points ); 3. 遗漏内容; 4. 低级错误太多; 5. 句式单一;最常见的, We should... 给学生一片蓝天, 他们会让它繁星点点; 给学生一片绿地, 他们会让它春色满园。 2018 年中考作文专项复习 Thank you!

