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第一篇 教材考点梳理 第 13 课时 Unit5 ( 八下 ) 基础检测清单 词汇拓展 · 形容词 1.polite →      ( adv. )  →       ( 形容词的反义词 ) 2.proper →       ( adv. ) 3.loud →       (adv.)  4.close →      ( adv. ) 密切地 · 动词 5.say →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  →      ( n. ) 谚语   6.discuss politely impolite   properly   loudly/aloud closely   said said saying 词汇拓展 →       ( n. )  7.park →       ( n. ) 停车 8.behave →       ( n. ) 行为   9.warn →       ( n. ) 警告   10.express →       ( n. ) 表达   11.explain →       ( n. ) 解释   discussion parking   behaviour   warning expression explanation 短 语 归 纳 · 动词短语 1.         打断 ( 谈话 ), 插嘴 2.         到处扔垃圾   3.        保持安静   4.         让水龙头一直流着 5.         与某人握手   6.         邀请某人做某事 7.         向某人问好   8.         举止礼貌   cut in (on sb/sth)   drop litter everywhere keep quiet   leave the tap running shake sb's hand   invite sb to do sth say hello to sb   behave politely 短语归纳 9.         互相问候   10.         清楚地表达自己   11.        写下 , 记下   12.         忙于 ( 做 ) 某事   13.         使某人远离危险 14.         使某人的梦想成为现实   15.         练习做某事   16.         警告某人 ( 不 ) 做某事 greet each other   express oneself clearly write down   be busy with/doing sth keep sb away from danger make one's dream come true practise doing sth   warn sb (not) to do sth 短语归纳 · 介词短语 17.       公开地   18.         偶然 , 意外地   19.        也 , 还有   20.       首要的是   21.         挡住某人的路   · 名词短语 22.         亲密的朋友   · 其他短语 23.         做某事的恰当方式 24.       任何时候 ; 随时   25.         禁止吸烟   26.        不久以后   27.        为了   28.        一直 , 总是   in public   by accident   as well (as) above all   in one's way   close friends the proper way to do sth   any time no smoking   soon after   in order to all the time 佳句诵读 · 文化礼仪 1.You're old enough to learn about manners now. 你现在足够大了能够学习有关礼仪的事了。 2.It's rude/impolite to push in before others. 在别人面前插队是不礼貌的。 3.Do not make so much noise while eating or drinking. 不要吃东西或喝东西时发出声音。 4. Wait for everyone to finish before you leave the table. 等每个人都吃完了再离席。 佳句诵读 5. Keep your voice down in public. 在公共场合说话要小点声。 · 谚语 6.When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。 7.You're/It's never too old to learn. 活到老 , 学到老。 8.The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 9.It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。 10.Many hands make light work. 众人拾柴火焰高。 11.Every dog has its day. 人人皆有得意时。 12.Put all your eggs in one basket. 孤注一掷。 佳句诵读 13.The grass is always greener on the other side. 邻家芳草绿。 / 风景在别处。 14.Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜过语言。 15.No pain, no gain. 一分耕耘 , 一分收获。 16.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 17.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 18.Burn the candle at both ends. 蜡烛两头烧。 / 过度劳累。 语法链接 1. “形容词 / 副词 +enough to ”的用法。 2.too … to 的用法。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❶ explain vt. & vi. 解释 【 题 1 】 (1)Mr Li is explaining      us how to organize our ideas according to the type of writing.  A.for B.of C.to D.at (2) — The clear instructions are helpful for us. They      clearly how to make a banana milk shake.  — OK, I'll make it. A.hope B.notice C.explain D.decide C C 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 1.explain sth to sb 意为“向某人解释某事” , explain to sb 向某人解释。 explain 不能接双宾语。 2.explain 的名词形式为 explanation, 为可数名词。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❷ cut in (on sb/sth) 打断 ( 谈话 ), 插嘴 【 题 2 】 — I'm sorry to      on you, but there is one or two things I don't understand.   — It doesn't matter. A.cut down B.cut out C.cut in D.cut off C 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 cut in on 还可表示“加入 ; 干预 ; 插队”。 I would like to cut in on this project. 我愿意加入这个项目。 I think I should cut in on what they are doing. 我想我应该对他们正在做的事情进行干预。 He was stopped when he tried to cut in on the queue. 他试图插队的时候被人拦住了。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❸ avoid vt. 避免 【 题 3 】 The traffic is terribly busy in the morning. You'd better avoid      in the centre of the city.  A.drive B.driving C.to drive D.driven B 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 1.avoid 是及物动词 , 意为“避免” , 后常跟名词、代词或 v. -ing 形式作宾语。 avoid doing sth 意为“避免做某事”。 2. 可以接 v .-ing 形式作宾语的动词及短语 : 喜欢 , 考虑 ( 不 ) 可免 (enjoy, consider, avoid) 停止 , 放弃 ( 太 ) 冒险 (stop, give up, risk) 要求 , 完成 ( 是 ) 期望 (require, finish, look forward to) 建议 , 继续 ( 勤 ) 操练 (suggest, go on, practise) 继续 , 介意 ( 使 ) 成功 (keep on, mind, succeed in) 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❹ warn vt. &vi. 警告 , 告诫 【 题 4 】 (1)Mrs White warned her husband      after drinking.   A.not to drive B.to not drive C.not driving D.not to driving (2)The teachers always warn the students      cheating in the exam.   A.from B.against C.of D.about (3)My parents always warn us      the road safety when we go to school.  A.about B.against C.in D.from A B A 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❺ sometimes/some times/sometime/some time 【 题 5 】 选用方框内的单词或词组填空。 (1)       an advertisement can lead you to buy something you don't need at all.So you have to be careful.   (2)When the summer vacation comes, most people like to take a vacation       in July or August.   (3)They said they would stay there for       .   (4) — How many times have you been to Beijing? —       .   sometime   sometimes   some time   some times Sometimes   sometime   some time   some times   随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【词义辨析】 词条 词性 含义及用法 sometimes 频度副词 意为“有时” , 多与一般现在时连用 , 它可位于句首、句中或句末对其提问用 how often some times 名词短语 意为“几次” , 其中 time 是可数名词 , 对其提问用 how many times sometime 副词 意为“某时” , 表示某个不确切或不具体的时间 , 常用于过去时或将来时 , 对其提问用 when some time 名词短语 意为“一段时间” , 常与延续性动词连用 , 对其提问用 how long 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❻ too/enough/so 【 题 6 】 (1)Because of the terrible flu, Tom was      weak      feed himself.   A.too; to B.enough; to C.so; that D.such; that (2) — May I choose a summer course by myself? — It's up to you. You're      to make your own decision.  A.too old B.enough old C.old enough D.so enough A C 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 (3)He was      crazy about rock music that he almost spent all his free time listening to it.  A.too B.so C.enough D.such B 【词义辨析】 词条 含义 用法 too 太 , 很 常用于“ too+ 形容词 / 副词 +to …”结构 , 表示否定意义 , 意为“太……而不能……” enough 足够 常用于“形容词 / 副词 +enough+to do sth ”结构 , 意为“足够……能做某事” so 如此 常用于“ so … that …”结构 , 意为“如此……以至于……” 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 “ be+too+ 形容词 +to do sth ”结构常可以转换为“ be not+( 对应反义 ) 形容词 +enough+to do sth ”。 His sister is too young to look after herself. =His sister isn't old enough to look after herself. 他妹妹太小了 , 还不能照顾自己。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 Ⅰ. 选用方框内的单词或词组填空 , 其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。 1. [2019 · 徐州一模 ]I met one of my old friends         . So we talked for a while.  2. Chinese people often         your hand when they meet you for the first time.  3. The doctor gave him some medicine to reduce his         .  4. If you're         , they won't touch you or push past you.   discussion   shake   pain   by accident in their way   gain by accident shake pain in their way   随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 5. After half an hour's         , each group came up with different methods and plans.  Ⅱ. 根据句子意思 , 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。 6. For our safety, we'd better avoid      (go) out alone at night.  7. The Internet is very useful and convenient, but we should use it       (proper).  8. I don't know the proper way      (greet)Americans.  9. She screamed as      (loud) as she could.  10. The visitors have been warned       (not swim) in this river for several times.   discussion going properly   to greet loudly   not to swim 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 11. She's not strong enough      (go)walking up mountains.  12. We should show good       (behave)at table to our guest.  13. Don't leave the tap      (run) while brushing your teeth.  14. Don‘t speak loudly in public.It's       (polite).  15. My boy spends more time than he used to practising      (play) the piano.  to go behaviors   running   impolite playing Ⅲ. 根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺单词。 16. Look at the sign “ No P      ” . It means you can't park your car here.  17. There's an old s      , “ You're never too old to learn. ”   18. Mr Smith k      his wife and kids before he goes to work every day.  19. As the guests arrived, the man g      them warmly.  20. People can't smoke in p      places.  21. People throw l      into the river and make it really dirty.  随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 arking   aying   isses reeted   ublic   itter   22. He had a long telephone c       with his wife last night.  23. Don't t      anything on show in the museum.  24. The girl couldn't e      herself clearly because of shyness.  25. When you shopping in a store, you should stand in line and wait for your t      .  随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 onversation   ouch   xpress urn

