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课时训练(二) Units 5-8(七上)‎ ‎(限时:30分钟)‎ ‎                  ‎ Ⅰ.单项选择 ‎1.We must find out     the professor is coming, so we can book a room for him. ‎ A.how B.why ‎ C.when D.where ‎2.—Is there     beef in the fridge? ‎ ‎—No, there isn’t. But there is     pork. ‎ A.some; any B.any; any ‎ C.some; some D.any; some ‎3.Hurry up! Some     and     are on sale in the supermarket. ‎ ‎ A.tomato; egg B.tomatoes; egg ‎ C.tomatoes; eggs D.tomato; eggs ‎ ‎4.Let’s save pandas!There     only about 2,000 pandas living in the forests now. ‎ A.am B.is ‎ C.are D.be ‎ ‎5.—More and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera.‎ ‎—That’s true. It’s an important part of Chinese     . ‎ A.culture B.invention ‎ C.custom D.influence ‎6.[2019·贺州]The fruit salad     delicious. I’d like to have more. ‎ A.tastes B.touches ‎ C.sounds D.feels ‎7.—Is the bowl made     clay(黏土)? ‎ ‎—Yes, it is. And it is made     workers in my uncle’s factory.  ‎ A.of; of B.by; by ‎ C.of; by D.by; of ‎8.[2019·抚顺]Not only Chinese kids but also Western kids     Journey to the West. ‎ A.are famous for B.are afraid of 7‎ C.are worried about D.are interested in ‎9.The world is changing with every second; and China, too,     with every second. ‎ A.is changing B.had changed C.changed D.will change ‎10.—Will you be kind enough to     me your bike? ‎ ‎—Of course. But please     it back before lunch. ‎ ‎ A.lend; give B.borrow; carry ‎ C.borrow; give D.lend; carry Ⅱ.[2020·原创]完形填空 ‎  Still crazy about China’s traditional, different dishes? That may not be true for Chinese young people,  11  healthy eating has become the needs for them. Following the trend(趋势), a number of light food restaurants have  12  in many Chinese cities. ‎ ‎  Yan Qi is a white-collar(白领的) worker living in Beijing. She feeds  13  light food like salads and sandwiches almost six days a week. She believes this is a(n)  14  part of her healthy lifestyle. ‎ ‎“In the beginning, I tried  15  food to stay healthy and lose weight. Even though the taste is not as rich as traditional Chinese dishes, I  16  light dishes are easier on the body. The light food also goes well  17  my exercising and helps me to stay healthy,” Yan Qi spoke highly of eating light food. ‎ ‎   18  her healthy eating habits, Yan goes to the sports center about three times a week to keep fit. She usually exchanges ideas with people working outside there about the  19  habits and advice of eating light food. ‎ ‎  “Usually people who work outside regularly  20  their diet very much in order to keep results of their exercising,” Yan said.  ‎ ‎  Nowadays, more light food restaurants have become popular among young people around China, especially in the first and second-tier cities.‎ ‎(  )11.A.when B.because C.unless D.although ‎ ‎(  )12.A.appeared B.arrived ‎ C.closed D.built ‎(  )13.A.her B.hers 7‎ C.she D.herself ‎(  )14.A.unusual B.personal ‎ C.important D.medical ‎ ‎(  )15.A.light B.fresh ‎ C.traditional D.western ‎ ‎(  )16.A.offer B.look C.prevent D.think ‎ ‎(  )17.A.for B.with C.about D.to ‎ ‎(  )18.A.Without B.Besides C.For D.Except ‎ ‎(  )19.A.common B.terrible C.healthy D.meaningless ‎ ‎(  )20.A.pay attention to B.come up with ‎ ‎ C.make good use of D.look forward to Ⅲ.[2019·安徽]补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。‎ A: Lucy, how long have you been in China?‎ B: 21.    ‎ A: Wow! That’s a long time.‎ B: Yes, and I’m going to stay longer to see how the Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated here.‎ A: 22.    ‎ B: Can I? That’s very kind of you!‎ A: 23.     We’ll celebrate it in the countryside.  ‎ B: 24.    ‎ A: Yes, I’m sure you’ll learn a lot about Chinese traditions there.‎ B: Sounds great!25.    ‎ A: Looking forward to your coming.‎ A.That’s not true.‎ B.For about three months.‎ C.How do you celebrate it?‎ 7‎ D.I believe you will love it.‎ E.You mean in your hometown.‎ F.I can’t wait for the coming of that day.‎ G.If so, you can come to celebrate it with my family.‎ Ⅳ.阅读理解 ‎  Now over the years, real Chinese snacks have become more popular in foreign countries.‎ ‎  In the United States, people are eating roujiamo. Many people call roujiamo from Shaanxi Province of China the “Chinese hamburger”. It has two pieces of bread with delicious meat between them. The US news blog(博客)even regards roujiamo as “the world’s first hamburger”. It is very similar to an American hamburger. In fact, it has a long history in China.‎ ‎  In Russia, hundreds of tanghulu were sold in just a few hours. Tanghulu is a traditional Chinese snack that is made of fruit, usually Chinese hawthorns(山楂). It is a bit like candy apples in the US. They are the hawthorns with sugar candy. A stick is pushed into the fruit so you can hold it like a lollipop(棒棒糖). Some Chinese people think tanghulu has the same shape as a bottle gourd(葫芦). That’s why it has this name. Of course, the new kind made of other fresh fruit such as strawberries and oranges has also appeared in China now. ‎ ‎  Youtiao is like a popular snack in Spain. Some people outside China eat youtiao as well. For example, people in Malaysia eat it. They often eat it with milk tea or noodles. In Indonesia, they eat it with porridge(粥) instead of doujiang in China.‎ ‎26.The US news blog regards roujiamo as     . (  ) ‎ A.the Chinese hamburger ‎ B.the world’s first hamburger C.the American hamburger ‎ D.the bread with some meat ‎27.In Indonesia, people like youtiao with     better than doujiang in China. (  ) ‎ 7‎ A.milk tea B.noodles ‎ C.coffee D.porridge ‎28.According to the passage, which of the following is RIGHT? (  )‎ A.Tanghulu always sells well in America.‎ B.Roujiamo is one famous snack from Shaanxi.‎ C.Tanghulu is only made of hawthorns in China.‎ D.There isn’t a kind of snack like youtiao in Spain. ‎ ‎29.The passage mainly tells us the     of Chinese snacks in foreign countries. (  ) ‎ A.production B.inventions ‎ C.popularity D.histories Ⅴ.根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。‎ ‎30.Last Monday was a s    (特殊的) day for me because I gave a talk on Flag Raising Ceremony. ‎ ‎31.Walking after dinner is good for your h    (健康). ‎ ‎32.When you visit someone, it’s polite to k    (敲) at the door before entering. ‎ ‎33.Please follow the rules. Don’t touch these p    (照片) in the museum. ‎ ‎34.Most of the c    (孩子) in my time liked to play together under that big tree. ‎ ‎35.M    (或许) it’s a good choice to live in the countryside nowadays. ‎ ‎36.Life isn’t about w    (等) for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in rain. ‎ ‎37.Mrs Green bought some p    (土豆) and bananas yesterday. ‎ ‎38.The tour i    (包括) a visit to the Disneyland, so you needn’t pay for the tickets. ‎ ‎39.The book is a little e    (昂贵). Why not borrow one from the library? ‎ ‎40.What a waste to o    (点) so much food for us two! ‎ 7‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ Ⅰ.1.C 考查疑问副词辨析。根据后句“那样我们才能为他订房间”推断前句是“我们必须知道教授到来的时间”。how 意为“怎么样”;why 意为“为什么”;when意为“什么时间”;where 意为“哪里”。故选C。‎ ‎2.D 考查不定代词some和any的用法。句意:“冰箱里有一些牛肉吗?”“没有,但有一些猪肉。”some和any都表示“一些”。some常用于肯定句,any常用于否定句或疑问句。故选D。‎ ‎3.C 考查名词的数。tomato和egg都是可数名词,由前面的形容词some可知,此处均应用名词复数形式。故选C。‎ ‎4.C 考查there be句型。在there be句型中,be动词与后面相邻的主语保持数的一致,本句的中心词是pandas,故选C。‎ ‎5.A 考查名词辨析。句意:“越来越多的外国人对京剧感兴趣。”“是的。它是中国文化重要的一部分。”culture意为“文化”;invention意为“发明”;custom意为“风俗习惯”;influence意为“影响”。京剧属于中国文化。故选A。‎ ‎6.A 7.C 8.D ‎9.A 考查动词的时态。句意:世界每时每刻都在发生变化,中国也是,每时每刻都在变化。根据句意和前句时态可知用现在进行时,故选A。‎ ‎10.A Ⅱ.[主旨大意]本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了白领阶层的严琪吃清淡食物的体会和经过。严琪认为清淡食物对身体来说是容易吸收的,味道虽然没有传统食物好,但是对健康有益。‎ ‎11.B 考查连词辨析。空后的内容是对前面内容的解释。because意为“因为”,用来说明原因。故选B。‎ ‎12.A 考查动词辨析。根据前句“跟随这个趋势”可推知,许多清淡食物的饭馆在中国许多城市出现了。appear意为“出现”。故选A。‎ ‎13.D 考查反身代词的用法。herself意为“她自己”,表示动作又反射到发出者本身。句意:她几乎一周六天都以清淡食物像沙拉、三明治为食。故选D。‎ ‎14.C 考查形容词辨析。由前文可知,严琪一周六天吃沙拉和三明治。由此可推知,她认为这是她健康生活中重要的一部分。故选C。‎ ‎15.A ‎16.D 考查动词辨析。本句中even though引导让步状语从句,从句意为“即使味道没有中国传统饭菜那么好”,由此可推知,主句表达作者的观点,think意为“认为”,指自己吃清淡食物的体会。故选D。‎ ‎17.B ‎18.B 考查介词辨析。根据后一句可知严琪保持健康的方式还包括去运动中心健身,因此推知前文应为“除了健康饮食外,还……”。besides意为“除了……还有……”,符合语境。故选B。‎ 7‎ ‎19.C ‎20.A 考查短语动词辨析。pay attention to意为“注意”,与上文人们有意识地吃清淡食物相一致。故选A。‎ Ⅲ.21—25 BGDEF Ⅳ.[主旨大意]本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了中国的传统小吃:肉夹馍、糖葫芦、油条。‎ ‎26.B 细节理解题。由第二段第四句“The US news blog even regards roujiamo as ‘the world’s first hamburger’.”可知选B。‎ ‎27.D 细节理解题。由第四段最后一句“In Indonesia, they eat it with porridge instead of doujiang in China.”可知,印尼人吃油条喝粥。故选D。‎ ‎28.B 细节理解题。由第三段第一句“In Russia, hundreds of tanghulu were sold in just a few hours.”可知,糖葫芦在俄罗斯很畅销,故A错;由第二段第二句“Many people call roujiamo from Shaanxi Province of China…”可知肉夹馍是陕西一种著名小吃,故B正确;由第三段最后一句“Of course, the new kind made of other fresh fruit such as strawberries and oranges has also appeared in China now.”可知,在中国还有用草莓、橘子等制成的糖葫芦,故C错;由第四段第一句“Youtiao is like a popular snack in Spain.”可知D错。故选B。‎ ‎29.C 主旨大意题。全文主要讲中国小吃在国外的受欢迎程度,并没有过多的讲述小吃的生产、发明及历史,故选C。‎ Ⅴ.30.special 31.health 32.knock ‎33.photos 34.children 35.Maybe ‎36.waiting 37.potatoes 38.includes ‎39.expensive 40.order 7‎

