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Unit1 The Changing World Topic 3 The world has changed for the better 语法知识点:现在完成中延续性动词与短暂性动词的用法与区别 用法2:表示过去开始的动作或状态一直持续到现在(可能结束也可能继续下去)‎ 例:I have studied English since 2008.‎ 这种用法常与表示一段时间的时间状语连用 一段时间:‎ ⑴since+过去某时间点,指过去具体的年、月、日、星期、小时等 例:since 1996 since last year/ month/ week since yesterday ‎ since July (在七月已过的情况下) since 8 o’clock (在8点已过的情况下)‎ ⑵ since+一段时间+ago 例: since 3 days ago ‎ (3) since + 一般过去时从句 例: It has been 2 years since I came here.‎ (4) for+时间段(一段时间) 例:for 2 days/3 years/5 months 例:We have studied English since we come here./since 2010./for 2years./since 2 years ago.‎ 在现在完成时中与一段时间状语连用的动词:延续性动词 V实:1.V短:表示瞬间发生的动作(动作发生即结束):open/go/come/die ‎ 2.V延:表示动作持续一段时间:play/study/keep 四、V短----V延 如何将短暂性动词变成延续性动词 ‎ go—be away/there buy—have borrow—keep come—be here die –be dead leave –be away (from ) join—be in buy--have borrow--keep begin---be on等。‎ 例: I bought the book two years ago. I have had the book since two years ago.‎ ‎ I have had the book for 2 years.‎ 五、 其它可用于现在完成时的时间状语:so far, in recent years/ recently, in the past 数字 years ‎ Section A 一. 重点词汇 1. Drive too fast 开得太快 2.get used to (doing) sth 习惯于(做)某事 3. A few years ago 几年前 4. Be dangerous 危险的 ‎ 5. as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上 6.used to do sth 过去常常做某事 7. come for a visit 参观、拜访 8. the home of... ...的发源地 9. perform plays 表演戏剧 10. Millions of..几百万的.. ‎ ‎11.Stand for... 是..意思,代表... 12.wait for sb 等待某人 ‎13. The new term 新学期 二. 重点句子 ‎1.You have been in New York for a long time.‎ ‎2.How do you like living there?‎ ‎3.You will get used to it very soon if you come ‎4.They used to be, but the city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.‎ ‎5.Isn’t it dangerous to live there?‎ ‎6.You must come for a visit.‎ 二. 课本语言知识点讲解 1. How do you like....同义句为 What do you think of.....? 意为“你认为/觉得... 怎么样?”‎ E.g How do you like the weather in Beijing?(写出同义句)‎ ‎_________________________________________________‎ 2. get used to(doing) sth 习惯于(做)某事 同义词组为:be used to doing sth Used to do sth 过去常常做某事 be used to do sth 被用来做某事 他将会习惯于早起(翻译)____________________________________________‎ Wood is used to make paper (翻译)___________________________________________‎ 考题链接:‎ ‎(1)He has got used to _____ early.‎ A. getting up B. get up C. has gotten up D. be getting ‎ ‎(2)--Do you remember you______ate for school?‎ ‎--Yes, but now I_______up early.‎ A. are used to being, used to get B. were used to be, used to getting C. used to be, am used to getting 3. You will get used to it very soon if you come.‎ 此句为条件状语从句。在时间状语从句,条件状语从句,让步状语从句,当主句为一般现在时态时,从句要用一般现在时态表将来时态(主将从现)。‎ 考题链接:‎ ‎(1)– I don’t know if Mr. Li ____ to the party this evening.‎ ‎ -- I think he will come if he ____ free.‎ A. will come; is B.will come; will be C.comes; is D.comes; will be ‎(2)---Tommy, do you know if Frank _____ to the theatre with us this Sunday if it _____?‎ ‎ ---Sorry, I have no idea.‎ A.will go, is going to be fine B.goes, is fine C.will go, is fine D.goes, will be fine ‎(3)I don’t know when he______ tomorrow .When he_____ , I’ll let you know.‎ A.comes ;comes B.will come ; comes C.comes ; will come D.came; will come 4. They used to be, but the city has has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.‎ Since 引导的从句常用一般过去时态 ,表示“自从..以来”,它前面的主句常使用现在完成时态。‎ 用动词的适当形式填空 He_______________(live)in Beijing since I_______________ (come) here 3 years ago.‎ My hometown _________ (change) a lot since I was 8 years old. ‎ 考题链接:‎ ‎( )Tim ____since he lost his job three weeks ago. (unemploy 解雇的意思)‎ A.had been unemployed B.was unemployed C.has been unemployed D.has unemployed ‎( )—How long _____ you _____ a fever?‎ ‎ —Ever since last night.‎ A. have; got B. have; had C. have; caught D. did; have 5. As a matter of fact, it is a wonderful place to live.‎ As a matter of fact 事实上、实际上 同义词组为: in fact E.g I haven’t been here for a long. As a matter of fact, I just got off the plane yesterday morning.‎ 句中to live 为动词不定时做定语。动词不定时做定语时,与所修饰的词之间往往有动宾关系,如果该不定时为不及物动词,或者其本身有宾语,后面应有必要的介词。但当动词不定式所修饰的名词是place时,不定式后面通常没有介词。‎ E.g We were looking for a place to sit.‎ Section B 一. 重点词汇 1. show sb sth=show sth to sb给某人某物 2. Homeless people 无家可归的人 3. hundreds of...几百.... 4.return to work 重返工作岗位 5. in need 在困难时,在贫困之中 6. Live a normal life 过正常生活 ‎7. Decide on... 对...做出决定 8.offer sb sth 提供某人某物 ‎9.medical treatment 医疗 10.provide sb with sth=Provide sth for sb为某人提供某物 ‎11.feel good 感到愉快或有信心 12.get in/into trouble 陷入困境 2. 13Pick ..up 接某人... 捡起.... 14.help sb out 帮助某人摆脱(困境) ‎ 二. 课本重点知识讲解 ‎1.Since it started, it has helped hundreds of people return to work and live a normal life. ‎ 重返工作岗位 return to..... 回到.... Return sth to sb 把某物归还某人..‎ ⑴live/have a normal life live/have a+ adj+ life 过一个..样的生活。 Live a poor life. ‎ ⑵概数:hundreds /thousands/millions/billions of 如果前面加具体数字,则不能加s. 如: one hundred, two hundred.‎ ‎2.---How do they manage it? ‎ ‎--Well, once they find people in need, they decided on suitable ways to help them.‎ ⑴ manage 安排-----manager n 经理 ‎ ⑵ once 一旦(后常接一个句子(条件状语从句)主将从现)‎ 例: Once I have a chance, I will be NO.1. ‎ ⑶ .in need 需要(作后置定语) 例:A friend in need is a friend indeed.‎ ⑷decide on sth/doing sth=decide to do sth 决定做某事 ⑸suitable ways 适当的方法 ‎3.Can the homeless people get enough food and medical treatment? medical treatment医疗 ‎4.The program also provides them with houses. ‎ ⑴provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物 ⑵offer sb sth =offer sth for sb 例:Our school has already provided us with computers.‎ 考题链接:‎ Can you provide us ___ some information _____ the computer?‎ A. for, with B.with, about C.about, with D.with, with Our parents can _______ us ________ food and clothes.‎ A. provide; with B.provide; C.provide; for D.provide; as ‎5. I think it is important for people there to feel good about themselves. 对某人感觉良好 ⑴宾语从句 ⑵.it is +adj+for sb +to do sth 例:It is necessary (important)for us to study English well.‎ ‎6.The world has changed for the better.‎ Section C ‎1.Some people are homeless for a short period of time… 一小段时间 ‎2. have a problem with…有某方面的问题 on purpose 故意;有意地 ‎3. Raise v.‎ a. 抚养,养育,饲养,种植或生产 The smiths raised three children.‎ b.提起,举起 She raised her hands to greet me.‎ C.征收,招募,筹集 Raise money 募捐 raise an army 招兵 4. support (v) 支持,资助,支援。 Support sb in sth支持某人某事 ‎(n)give support to sb 给某人提供帮助 ‎5. think of….as…. 将…看作(视为)…=regard…as…./ consider… as… /treat…as….‎ Section D 1. afford an education 负担教育的费用 2.Hope primary school 希望小学 3. make a contribution to…. 为…做贡献 4.continue (doing) sth. 继续… ‎ 5. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人去做…‎ 6. As a result 结果 ‎15. .because of + 名/ 代/ 动名 普通用法,表示理由,没有感情色彩 because + 从句 ‎ thanks to + 名/ 代/ 动名 多亏了;由于 带有“感谢”的感情色彩 ‎ ‎1. ---Mrs. Green, your hat looks nice. Is it new? --- No, I _______ it for two months.‎ ‎ A. have had B. have bought C. bought ‎2. America provides free education ______the children.‎ ‎ A. with B. for C. to ‎ ‎3.I’m working in Beijing. I haven’t gone back home ______2013.‎ ‎ A. for B. since C. in ‎4._____you do, work hard at it and try your best.‎ ‎ A. What B. Whatever C. However ‎5. ---Could you please _______my friend at the station? ---Sorry, the car is broken.‎ ‎ A. call up B. pick up C. look after ‎6. Jack _______hate the noisy environment here, but now he has ________it.‎ ‎ A. used to; used to B. used to; get used to C. used to; gotten used to ‎ ‎7. ______you get lost, please call me.‎ ‎ A. Though B. Before C. Once ‎8.Oh, you are late again. The film _______for twenty minutes.‎ ‎ A. has begun B. has been on C. began ‎ ‎9. I must go home now. I have been away from home_______.‎ ‎ A. since 9 o’clock B. for 9 o’clock C. at 9 o’clock ‎10. Every year, _______birds come to the lake to spend winter.‎ ‎ A. million of B. millions of C. three millions ‎11. I ______Mr. Zhao since I __________here three years ago.‎ A. knew; came B. have known; have come C. have known; came ‎ I.根据汉语提示完成句子。‎ ‎1. There are a lot of _____________(无家可归的)people in the world.‎ ‎2. ______(一旦) the weather is fine, they will go shopping. 3. The hospital can ______(提供) the best possible medical care.‎ ‎4. I gave him a map______ ________(以便于) he wouldn’t get lost.‎ ‎5. He goes ___________(楼下) to get some milk. II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎1. He did the work as_______ as his father. (careful)‎ ‎2. You have to believe in ________. That’s the secret of success. (You)‎ ‎3. The gloves are very _________(comfort). 4. It’s a piece of _______( surprise) news. 5. Look out! It’s _______( danger).‎

