外研版初中英语八下课件试用 Module 1 Unit 3

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外研版初中英语八下课件试用 Module 1 Unit 3

1 Unit 3 Language in use. To summarise and consolidate the use of sense verbs and adjectives to express feelings and emotions. Teaching aims It tastes good. You look very pretty. It doesn’t smell fresh. I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. Sense verbs; adjectives 那闻起来好香啊! 它尝起来太味浓。 它尝起来不新鲜。 它摸起来很软很舒服。 That smells delicious! It tastes too strong. It doesn’t smell fresh. It feels very soft and comfortable. Look at these sentences. 英语的动词中,有的后面要接名词或 代词等作宾语,有的单独作谓语,而 有的动词要接作表语的形容词或名词 等。我们把后面接表语的动词称为系 动词。最常用、也是同学们最熟悉的 系动词就是be;除be以外,表感觉和 知觉的动词也可以是系动词。 系动词的定义: 表感觉和知觉的动词有:look, smell, taste, sound, feel, 相当于汉语的“看上 去”、“闻起来”,“尝起来”,“听起 来”,“摸起来”。 注意: 这类系动词与系动词be不同,其 否定形式和疑问形式的构成要加助动词 才行。如: Does the party sound noisy? 聚会(听起来)很吵吗? The dishes don’t smell very nice to me. 这些菜我闻着并不很香。 Does he look worried? 他看起来很焦虑吗? The cake doesn’t taste delicious. 蛋糕尝起来并不好吃。 It sounds quiet. They taste salty. That smells strong. Father feels angry. look sound taste smell feel + 形 容 词 He looks busy. 连系动词 + 形容词 连系动词 肯定式: The cheese smells fresh. 否定式: The cheese doesn’t smell fresh. 疑问形式: Does the cheese smell fresh? 系动词(连系动词):它本身有词义, 但不能单独作谓语,后面必须跟表语构 成系表结构,说明主语的状态、性质、 特征等。 表感觉 和知觉 的系动 词 看起来 look: look smart 听起来 sound: sound noisy 尝起来 taste: taste delicious 摸起来 feel: feel soft 闻起来 smell: smell sweet Describing feelings and expressions with adjectives: (用形容词描述感觉和印象) 1. feel (触觉、总体感觉) 2. sound (听觉) 3. smell (嗅觉) 4. look (视觉) 5. taste (味觉) + adj. 常见的系动词有: smell, taste, feel, look, sound以及be, seem (似乎), keep (保持), turn (变), become (成 为), get (变)。 结构: 连系动词 + 形容词 / 名词(表语) (常由形容词/名词来充当表语) 1. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. The cookies _____________. 1. The bananas ___________________________ . 2. The students ___________________ . 3. The flowers __________________________ . 4. The juice ______________________ . 5. The chairs ___________________ . 6. The music ___________________ . taste delicious look nice (fresh)/taste delicious look happy/excited smell sweet/ look nice (lovely) tastes sour/sweet/good feels comfortable/soft sounds beautiful/nice I like this dress very much. It feels comfortable. 2. Write sentences about yourself. Use the words in the box to help you. feel look smell sound taste I like this schoolbag very much. It looks cool. feel look smell sound taste I like the flowers very much. They smell nice. I like country music very much. It sounds peaceful. I like beef very much. It tastes delicious. I like pandas. They look funny and friendly. beautiful dark fair friendly nice old pretty proud quiet short shy strict tall young 3. Put the words in the box into the correct columns. What does he/she look like? What is he/she like? beautiful friendly dark, fair, old, pretty, short, tall, young nice, proud, quiet, shy, strict your mum A: What does your mum look like? B: She’s tall and beautiful. A: What is your mum like? B: She s friendly. 4. Use the table in Activity 3 to ask and answer questions about the people. 1. your dad 2. your maths/Chinese/music teacher 3. your uncle 4. your best friend beautiful dark fair friendly nice old pretty proud quiet short shy strict tall young TALK your dad A: What does your dad look like? B: He’s tall and fair. A: What is your dad like? B: He is strict. beautiful dark fair friendly nice old pretty proud quiet short shy strict tall young your music teacher A: What does your music teacher look like? B: She’s young and pretty. A: What is your music teacher ? B: She is friendly. beautiful dark fair friendly nice old pretty proud quiet short shy strict tall young your uncle A: What does your uncle look like? B: He’s tall and young. A: What is your uncle ? B: He is shy. beautiful dark fair friendly nice old pretty proud quiet short shy strict tall young your best friend A: What does your best friend look like? B: She’s short and beautiful. A: What is your best friend? B: She is friendly. 5. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in the box. You need to use some of the words more than once. Jane: Hi, Alex! How are you today? Alex: Great! Jane: You (1)_______ very happy! Alex: Oh, yes. My mum made a cake for me. Here, have some. It really (2) _______ delicious! be look taste look tastes Jane: Thanks. It (3) _______ very pretty too. Mm, you're right. It’s nice. Alex: And another good thing is, my friend Ben is coming to stay. Jane: Oh, really? What (4) _____ he like? Alex: He’s really friendly and kind. Jane: What does he (5) _______ like? Alex: Well, he’s tall and thin. He’s good at sport. Would you like to meet him? Jane: Yes, I’d like to. looks/is is look Americans usually shake hands with each other when they first (1) _________ .When two Americans are talking, they do not stand too (2) ________ to each other. If they meet close friendly look meet noisy with 6. Complete the passage with the words in the box. meet close some friends at a party while they are talking (3) ________ someone else, they usually bring their friends into the conversation. Americans (4) _______ each other in the eye when they talk. They may be a bit (5)_______ sometimes, but they are quite (6) ___________. with look noisy friendly Flowers look beautiful. They smell nice. 7. Write about how things feel, look, smell, sound or taste. Use the words in the box to help you. beautiful comfortable delicious fresh great hot nervous nice noisy quiet round strong sweet Group work Possible answers •These shoes feel comfortable. •The soup tastes delicious. •The orange juice tastes so fresh. •These flowers smell great. •His forehead still feels a bit hot. •She looks very nervous. •The cake tastes nice. •The music sounds very noisy. •This village looks very quiet. •The room looks round. •He looks quite strong. •The biscuits taste sweet. 8. Work in pairs. Describe a thing in the box to your partner. Your partner should guess what it is. Use the words in the box in Activity 7 to help you. a basketball a bird a cat a flower a hamburger a lantern a plane grass the sun A: It looks beautiful. B: Is it a flower? A: No, it isn’t. It’s round and hot. B: Is it a lantern? A: No, it isn’t. It’s much hotter and bigger than a lantern. B: Is it the sun? A: Yes, you’re right. Group work One student describes something, the others guess what it is. 9. Listen and complete the notes. What is the speaker complaining about? The music: ______________________ _____________________ The room: ______________________ The food: ______________________ The drink: ______________________ The people: _____________________ terrible, too loud, sounds like noise, not musicnoise, not music too hot for dancing has too much salt too cold not very friendly In the West, people are quite open about their feelings. Many people hug each other when they meet. People are friendly and informal. They usually use given names, even at work. It is polite for people to say “thank you” very often, even to their family members. Polite expressions Writing a description of a classmate •age • hair • hobbies •face • height • size 10. Think about one of your classmates: Possible answer My friend is fourteen years old. He is tall and looks strong. He has short brown hair, big black eyes and a very friendly face. He plays football well and he loves reading comics. 11.Write a description of him/her. My friend is fourteen years old. He is tall and looks strong. He plays football well... 12.Work in groups. Share your description with your classmates. Let them guess who he/she is. 一、句型转换。 1. To hear from you was great. (改为同义句) __ was great ___ hear from you. 2. I spend one hour finishing my homework. (改为同义句) It takes me one hour ___ _____ my homework. It to to finish 3. When did you get to the airport? (改为同义句) When did you ______ __ the airport? 4. I feel happy when I hear the good news. (就划线部分提问) _____ do you_____ when you hear the good news? arrive at How feel 1. 非常感谢你的来信。 2. 我为我的妈妈感到自豪。 3. 当我做了错事时,我总是很内疚。 Thanks for your message. I’m very proud of my mother. I’m always sorry when I do something wrong. 二、根据汉语提示完成句子。 4. 你们应该握手。 5. 你能帮我搬盒子太好了。 You’re supposed to shake hands. It’s nice of you to help me carry the box. 1. The melon _______ sweet. 2. We come from ________ countries and we're good friends. 3. __________ your letter. be afraid thanks for hear from be proud of different nervous message taste 三、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。 testes different Thanks for 4. I __________that I don't want to taste that cheese, because it doesn't smell fresh. 5. He is an excellent student. His parents ____________ him. 6. —May I take a _________ for you? —Thank you. am afraid are proud of massage My friend is fourteen years old. He is tall and looks strong. He plays football well... 1. Write a description of him/her. 2. Work in groups. Share your description with your classmates. Let them guess who he/she is. Homework

