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专题(十一)简单句 Ⅰ.单项选择 ‎1.[2019·呼和浩特]     me an email before you come to Hohhot, and I'll meet you at the train station. ‎ A.Send B.Sending C.To send D.Sent ‎2.[2019·安顺]—Have you seen the hot film The Wandering Earth     ? ‎ ‎—Yes, I have.     wonderful science fiction movie it is! ‎ A.yet; How a B.already; How C.yet; What a D.already; What ‎3.[2019·北京]—Excuse me,     is this T-shirt? ‎ ‎—It's 88 yuan.‎ A.how much B.how many C.how long D.how old ‎4.—     is it from the Children's Palace to Nanjing South Railway Station, Tom? ‎ ‎—About 10 minutes' ride by bus.‎ A.How soon B.How long C.How far D.How much ‎5.[2019·玉林]—Wow!     clean air we have today! ‎ ‎—Yes. Look! A lot of adults are doing kung fu over there.‎ A.How B.What a ‎ C.How a D.What ‎6.[2019·宜昌]—     do you put a lot of snakes into the forest? ‎ ‎—To protect the ecosystem.‎ A.Why B.Which C.How D.When ‎7.[2019·凉山州]—What's in the picture on the wall?‎ ‎—There     a teacher and some students playing soccer on the playground. ‎ A.has B.are C.is D.have ‎8.[2019·淮安]—Mr. Black,     will the parents' meeting last? ‎ ‎—It's hard to say. Maybe one hour or more.‎ 8‎ A.how long B.how much C.how far D.how often ‎9.[2019·徐州]—     can you write in English? ‎ ‎—About forty words per minute.‎ A.How far B.How often C.How fast D.How long ‎10.[2019·宿迁]—     wonderful the music is! What's its name? ‎ ‎—Victory.‎ A.How B.How a C.What D.What a Ⅱ.连词成句 A ‎1.better, are, feeling, you ‎  ? ‎ ‎2.people, are, what, they, kind ‎  ! ‎ ‎3.does, which, in, live, building, Jenny ‎  ? ‎ ‎4.cost, the, money, didn't, dictionary, much, me ‎  . ‎ ‎5.lent, Sam, iPad, to, I, yesterday, my ‎  . ‎ B ‎6.Beijing, does, live, she, in ‎  ? ‎ ‎7.your, what, are, shoes, size 8‎ ‎  ? ‎ ‎8.got, yesterday, up, he, late ‎  . ‎ ‎9.on, books, my, there, desk, some, are ‎  . ‎ ‎10.look, the, beautiful, how, flowers ‎  ! ‎ C ‎11.my, father, it, bought, yesterday ‎  . ‎ ‎12.gift, him, gave, a, I, yesterday ‎  . ‎ ‎13.man, is, young, who, that ‎  ? ‎ ‎14.he, working, hard, is, how ‎  ! ‎ ‎15.card, that, me, pass, black ‎  . ‎ D ‎16.have, ever, seen, you, the, film ‎  ? ‎ 8‎ ‎17.wonderful, the, how, party, was ‎  ! ‎ ‎18.sister, wake, don't, your, up, little ‎  . ‎ ‎19.I, collecting, interested, stamps, in, am ‎  . ‎ ‎20.there, be, a, tomorrow, will, meeting, sports ‎  . ‎ E ‎21.for, you, ready, class, are ‎  ? ‎ ‎22.lady, who, young, this, is ‎  ? ‎ ‎23.noise, make, much, don't, so ‎  . ‎ ‎24.bed, better, earlier, had, to, you, go ‎  . ‎ ‎25.how, a, showed, him, plane, make, she, model, to ‎  . ‎ F ‎26.you, do, a, volleyball, have ‎  ?‎ 8‎ ‎ ‎ ‎27.helped, I, my mom, housework, do, yesterday ‎  . ‎ ‎28.for, thanks, the, party, planning ‎  . ‎ ‎29.are, kids, some, playing, in the garden, there ‎  . ‎ ‎30.carefully, how, she, studies ‎  ! ‎ G ‎31.go, he, walk, often, a, out, does, for ‎  ? ‎ ‎32.did, why, come, late, yesterday, you ‎  ? ‎ ‎33.hot, is, weather, how, the ‎  ! ‎ ‎34.have a talk, we, going, this afternoon, are, to ‎  . ‎ ‎35.when, got up, know, I, he, this morning ‎  . ‎ H ‎36.big, is, my, yours, as, apple, as 8‎ ‎  . ‎ ‎37.a woolen sweater, I, bought, my mother ‎  . ‎ ‎38.get home, will, mother, how soon, Tom's ‎  ? ‎ ‎39.me, you, bought, tell, can, the, book, where, he ‎  ? ‎ ‎40.help, you, nice, of, to, how, us ‎  ! ‎ 8‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ Ⅰ.1.A 2.C 3.A ‎4.C 考查疑问词组辨析。 how soon多久,用于将来时,回答用in+一段时间;how long多长,对时间或长度提问;how far多远,对距离提问;how much多少,对不可数名词的数量或价格提问。根据答句“About 10 minutes' ride by bus.”可知,问句是对距离提问。故选C。‎ ‎5.D 考查感叹句。此处的air为不可数名词,需要用what来引导感叹句。故选D。‎ ‎6.A ‎7.C 考查there be 句型。there be 句型遵循“就近一致”原则,和be靠近的是a teacher,是单数形式,因此be动词应用is。故选C。‎ ‎8.A ‎9.C 考查疑问词短语辨析。how far意为“多远”;how often意为“多久一次”;how fast意为“多快”;how long意为“多长时间”。根据“About forty words per minute.”可知, 是对写字速度的提问。故选C。‎ ‎10.A 考查感叹句。wonderful是形容词,在句中作表语,用how修饰形容词引导感叹句。句意:这首音乐是多么的优美啊!故选A。‎ Ⅱ.A 1.Are you feeling better ‎ ‎2.What kind people they are ‎3.Which building does Jenny live in/In which building does Jenny live ‎4.The dictionary didn't cost me much money ‎5.I lent my iPad to Sam yesterday/Yesterday I lent my iPad to Sam B 6.Does she live in Beijing ‎ ‎7.What size are your shoes ‎8.He got up late yesterday/Yesterday he got up late ‎9.There are some books on my desk ‎10.How beautiful the flowers look C 11.My father bought it yesterday ‎12.I gave him a gift yesterday/Yesterday I gave him a gift ‎13.Who is that young man ‎14.How hard he is working ‎15.Pass me that black card 8‎ D 16.Have you ever seen the film ‎17.How wonderful the party was ‎18.Don't wake up your little sister/Don't wake your little sister up ‎19.I am interested in collecting stamps ‎20.There will be a sports meeting tomorrow E 21.Are you ready for class ‎ ‎22.Who is this young lady ‎23.Don't make so much noise ‎ ‎24.You had better go to bed earlier ‎25.She showed him how to make a model plane F 26.Do you have a volleyball ‎27.I helped my mom do housework yesterday/Yesterday I helped my mom do housework ‎28.Thanks for planning the party ‎29.There are some kids playing in the garden ‎30.How carefully she studies G 31.Does he often go out for a walk ‎32.Why did you come late yesterday ‎33.How hot the weather is ‎34.We are going to have a talk this afternoon/This afternoon we are going to have a talk ‎35.I know when he got up this morning H 36.My apple is as big as yours ‎37.I bought my mother a woolen sweater ‎38.How soon will Tom's mother get home ‎39.Can you tell me where he bought the book ‎40.How nice of you to help us 8‎

