初中英语语法第9集 名师讲解+配套练习题 完型填空

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初中英语语法第9集 名师讲解+配套练习题 完型填空

初中英语语法English Grammar ‎ 完型填空 第十七章 完型填空 中考英语完形填空解题技巧与专项训练 中考英语完形填空解题技巧与专项训练10篇 中考英语完形填空题型特点及解题思路 完形填空是一种测试考生综合运用英语语言知识能力的一种题型,它集阅读理解能力与语言应用能力考查于一体,考查考生在阅读理解基础上,在一定语言情景下灵活运用词汇的能力。它首先要求考生具备较强的阅读能力,具备能根据短文所给线索,捕捉相关信息,进行分析判断、逻辑推理的能力,它还要求考生能熟练运用所学词汇、语法、习惯用语及交际用语等语言知识进行填词,考查了使用语言的准确性。由于完形填空属于有障碍性的阅读,考生对阅读这些含有空缺单词的短文没有把握、困难较大,所以往往望题生畏。因而完形填空历来是中考中考生失分率较高的题型。义务教育新教材使用之后,完形填空试题的难度逐渐增大。以往完形填空试题的考点主要集中在词汇、语法、句法上,对语篇背景考虑不多,近年来考查的重点已由在语篇中考查语法逐渐转向对语篇的整体理解。比如多数试题所设选项如单从语法角度来判定都是正确的,但一旦联系语篇内容,则只有一个正确答案。由于难度的提高,使完形填空成为考生最棘手题型之一,感到既容易丢分又难于进行复习。要完成好完形填空试题,考生除必须掌握一定的语法、词汇知识外,还有赖于提高阅读理解能力。因为只有看懂了短文才能确定正确答案。另外考生还要有计划地多做一些完形填空的练习,逐渐增加训练的频度,提高训练的难度,通过训练提高阅读理解能力,做到能根据短文所给线索和信息进行分析、推理、归纳、判断,进一步提高词语辨析和灵活运用的能力。只有通过平时多读多练,不断拓宽知识面,进一步了解英美风土人情等有关文化背景知识,熟练掌握英语习惯用语的表达等,才能为正确完成完形填空试题提供前提保障。‎ 一、题型分类与特点 ‎ 完形填空试题是在给出的一篇短文中有目的地拿掉若干个词,留下一些空格,要求考生借助短文保留的部分,从所给的短文整体出发,在正确理解短文意思的基础上,根据句子和句子间的内在联系、词的用法和习惯搭配等,用适当的词或词语填空,使补全后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。这种题型测试的内容从形式上看是单词或短语的填空,但它必须注意到短文中上、下文意思连贯、词语搭配和语法结构正确,所以在空格上所填的词必须符合语义适用和语法正确两条原则,只考虑某一侧面都可能导致错误。中考中完形填空试题的基本题型分两类:完形填空选择题和完形填空题。 ‎ ‎(一)完形填空选择题:该题型的特点是将一篇短文中若干词语抽掉留下空格,对每一空格提供若干个选择项,要求考生通读短文后,在理解短文意思的基础上,运用所学的词汇、句型、语法等语言知识,从所提供的备选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文内容完整正确。中考完形填空主要以这种题型为主。它所给的短文一般与初中英语教材难易程度相当,字数在150—200个单词之内,多数设置10个左右空格,所设考点涉及词汇、语法及对短文内容的理解。短文的第一句一般不设空,以期提供一个语境,对每一空格设置的选项基本都属于相同或对等的词类,给判定选择带来一定的干扰,侧重考查了考生准确运用词汇的能力及对短文的整体理解和逻辑推理能力。 ‎ ‎(二)完形填空题:该题型的特点是将一篇短文中的若干个词抽出后,要求考生根据短文的意思,在每个空格中填上一个词,使短文意思完整正确。这种题型涉及知识面广、综合性强,不仅考查考生的阅读能力,还着重考查考生联想、分析、对比及逻辑推理的综合运用语言能力,属于中考的难题。根据其难度的不同又分为选词填空题、限词填空题和自由填空题。 ‎ ‎(1)选词填空题:该题型的特点是把抽出的词打乱顺序,不按原文顺序排列,放在短文前面或后面的方框内,有时还增加几个文外的词,要求考生从中选出适当的词以正确的形式填入短文空格内。 ‎ ‎(2)限词填空题:该题型的特点是在将一篇短文中若干个词抽出时留下该词的第一个字母作为提示和限制,让考生根据短文的意思,把单词拼写完整,使句子意思正确。 ‎ ‎(3)自由填空题:该题型的特点是将一篇短文中的若干个词抽出后,不给任何提示,完全由考生根据短文的意思,在每个空格中填上一个词,使短文意思完整。所填的词只要在词义上能使短文意思顺理成章,在语法逻辑上正确无误即可。因此,这类试题允许有多个正确的答案,考生可以自由选择,这是完形填空试题中难度最大的一种。目前各省、市中考中采用这种题型的正逐渐多起来。 ‎ 二、解题思路与技巧 ‎ 例1、完形填空: ‎ Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. Their family name comes  1  . For example, my  2 name is Jim Allan White. White is my  3 name. My  4 gave me both of my other names. ‎ People don’t use their  5  names very often. So “John Henry Brown” is usually   6  “John Brown”. People never use Mr, Mrs or Miss before their 7 names. So you can say John Brown, or Mr Brown,  8  you should never say Mr John. They use Mr、Mrs or Miss  9  the family name. ‎ This is  10   from Chinese names. The first name is the family name, and the last name is the given name. ‎ ‎(      )1. A. last    B. third        C. second      D. first ‎ ‎(      ) 2. A. first    B. middle    C. last         D. full ‎ ‎(      ) 3. A. given     B. first     C. family    D. middle ‎ ‎(      ) 4. A. uncles    B. parents    C. brothers    D. teachers ‎ ‎(      ) 5. A. /   B. own     C. first  D. middle ‎ ‎(      ) 6. A. call     B. called   C. calling     D. calls ‎ ‎(      ) 7. A. first    B. giving     C. last     D. parents’ ‎ ‎(      ) 8. A. and    B. for       C. but       D. so ‎ ‎(      ) 9. A. of      B. by      C. given       D. with ‎ ‎(      ) 10. A. same      B. Differe   C. strange       D. not ‎ ‎    [评析]:本题属于完形填空选择题。测试的内容是选择正确的词语填空,使短文完整。解题时要根据文章的内容并借助每个空格所提供的备选项,综合运用所掌握的语言知识进行分析选择。先通读短文,把握大意。本篇短文说的是英美等英语国家人士的姓氏问题。根据英语国家人士姓氏与中国人习惯的不同,结合对具体短文上、下文意思的理解和对短文结构的语法分析,可选择出正确答案为:1. A    2. D   3. C   4. B   5. D    6. B    7. A   8. C    9. D    10. B。如第一空必须选last,而不能选first。这是根据西方人姓氏是放在最后位置的习惯,如若不了解这一点,将其混同于中国人的习惯,就会错选D了。再如第5空必须选middle而不能选first。因为first name John是名,是会经常用到的。第8空必须选but,而不能选and。因为上、下文意思在此处有转折。第10空必须选different, different…from是固定搭配,且意思与文义相符。完成各道题选择后,把所选答案代入原文,再把全文通读一篇,逐空认真复查,以避免差错。 ‎ 完形填空选择题的一般解题思路是: ‎ ‎1.跳过空格、通读全文、把握大意。先跳过空格,通读试题所给的要完形填空的短文,获得整体印象,做到弄清文脉、抓住主旨,较好地把握短文大意。要在阅读理解短文意思的基础上才开始判定选择,切忌仓促下笔。 ‎ ‎2.结合选项、综合考虑、初定答案。在理解全文意思的基础上,再结合所给备选项细读全文,联系上、下文内容,注意从上、下文的语法结构和词语搭配及从选择项中寻找解题的提示,以词、句的意义为先,再从分析句子结构入手,根据短文意思、语法规则、词语固定搭配等进行综合考虑,对备选项逐一进行分析、比较和筛选,排除干扰项、初步选定答案。 ‎ ‎3.瞻前顾后、先易后难、各个击破。动笔时要瞻前顾后、通篇考虑、先易后难。对比较明显直接的、自己最有把握的答案先做,一下子不能确定答案的,先跳过这一空格,继续往下做,最后回过头来再集中精力解决难点。这时可结合已确定答案的选项再读一遍短文,随着对短文理解的深入,可以降低试题的难度,提高选择的正确率。 ‎ ‎4.复读全文、逐空验证、弥补疏漏。完成各道题选择后,把所选的答案代入原文,再把全文通读一篇,逐空认真复查。看所选定的答案是否使短文意思前后连贯、顺理成章,语法结构是否正确,是否符合习惯表达法。如发现错误答案或有疑问的,应再次推敲、反复斟酌、做出修正。 ‎ 做完形填空选择题时应注意如下几点: ‎ ‎1.完形填空的短文通常没有标题且文章的首句和尾句,一般不设空,要特别注重对首、尾句的理解,因为它们往往提示或点明文章的主题,对理解全文有较大帮助。 ‎ ‎2.第一遍通读带有空缺单词的短文时可能一时把握不住短文内容,弄不清头绪,这是很正常的。此时要注意克服畏难情绪和急躁心理,应稳定情绪,再将短文读一、二遍,直到明确大意为止。 ‎ ‎3.做题时切勿一看到一个空格就急着选出一个答案,这样往往只见树木不见树林。由于缺乏全局观念,极易导致连续选错。因为完形填空不同于单个句子的选词填空,其空白处是位于一篇文章之中,因此必须纵观全文、通篇考虑。 ‎ ‎4.每篇完形填空所设的空多以实词为主,所提供的四个备选项中只有一个是正确的,其它三项均为干扰项。而干扰项也多半与前、后的句子或词组可以形成某种搭配,即如单从语法角度判断则无法确定,还必须从语篇意义上加以鉴别。 ‎ ‎5.动笔时先易后难,先完成容易、有把握的答案,这样可以增强自信心,然后再集中精力解决难点。对于实在无法确定的,可以从文中同样结构或类似结构中寻找提示,大胆地作出猜测。 ‎ 完形填空试题的一般解题思路是: ‎ ‎    1.跳过空格、通读短文、了解大意。解题时先跳过空格,通读完形填空的短文,了解全篇的内容和要旨。要重视首句,善于以首句的时态、语气为立足点,理清文脉,推测全文主题及大意。 ‎ ‎2.复读短文、确定语义、判断词形。把握短文大意后再认真复读短文,利用上下文的语境,结合所学过的知识,先确定空格处所需词语的意义,再根据空格在句子中的位置,判断其在句中充当的成分,从而确定所填词的词性,再依据词语搭配和语法规则,判断所填的词的正确形式。 ‎ ‎3.三读短文、上下参照、验证答案。在短文的每一空白处填上一个词后,将完成的短文再细读一遍,上下参照,连贯思考。把所填的答案放入短文中进行检验,可从上、下文内容是否协调一致、顺理成章,语法结构是否正确无误等进行综合验证,凡有疑问必须重新推敲考虑。 ‎ 做完形填空题时应注意如下几点: ‎ ‎1.语义完整、适用是做好填词的前提,要从全文的内容出发,前后上下联系起来考虑,避免只见树木不见森林的错误。 ‎ ‎2.要善于从文中同样结构或类似结构中寻找线索,从中得到提示和启发,帮助确定应填词的词性和词形,这样可避免想当然地随意乱填。 ‎ ‎3.填词时应注意词形,不可简单地都填原形词。若空格内填的是名词,要考虑其单复数形式;若填的是形容词或副词,则要考虑其是否属于比较等级;如若填的是动词,则要特别注意考虑其时态和语态。如在句首,还要考虑其首字母的大写。 4.有些空格需要填入介词、连词等结构词,除考虑上下文的内容外,还要考虑和其他词的固定搭配及其惯用法结构。 5.选词填空题和限词填空题一般只有一个答案,自由填空题虽然可能允许有多个正确答案,但只能选择其中一种填入,因为完形填空题每个空格只准填写一个单词,多填反而出错。‎ 中考英语完形填空解题技巧与专项训练18篇 ‎“完形填空(CLOZE TEST)”是初中英语试题中固定而重要的题型。它是一种障碍性的测试题。在一定程度上考查考生的阅读能力、逻辑推理及分析归纳、综合判断能力。这种题型归纳起来有如下特点: ‎ ‎   1.在整份试卷中所占的分值较重,占10—15%,长度一般在130—200个单词左右。 ‎ ‎  2.降低了对单词本身的考查要求,重点考查考生对短文的整体理解,上下文的段落衔接,情理分析及推理判断能力。 ‎ ‎   3.针对初中学生的实际水平,一般采用故事体,尽量避免专业性太强的文章或论文体。近年来出现了以意义选择为主、语法选择逐渐减少的趋势。 ‎ ‎  “完形填空”有多种形式,但它在基本设计原则上都是一致的。形式都是从短文中抽去若干词,让考生根据上下文填入适当的词,为了有助于考生填入适当的词,可以提供四个答案(其中包括一个正确答案),让考生选出正确的答案;也可以给出单词首字母完形填空,或者给出字母及单词长度(由几个字母组成);也可以不给考生提供任何线索,完全凭借考生对文章的理解和现有的语言能力完成。最常见的还是选择型的“完形填空”。 ‎ ‎  “抽词法”可以是有针对性地抽,也可以是随机地抽。但目前比较流行的是对文章理解能力的考查,而不是单纯对语法结构的考查。 ‎ ‎  “完形填空”要求考生不仅要会运用自己学过的词汇和语法知识妥善地处理好每个单句,理解语义,还要处理好单句之间以及单句与全文之间的内在关系,选出适当的词填上,使文章完整与通顺。 ‎ ‎   完形填空题要求填入的词主要有:构成各种时态和用法区别的动词及短语动词;名词和介词;根据上下文意思及结构必须填入的形容词、副词、代词和连词;同义词、近义词等易混词。考查以实词为主,兼顾虚词和语法结构。难点主要集中在根据上下文作正确判断的词的用法上。 ‎ ‎  “完形填空”旨在测试考生的综合应用语言能力。因此,要做好“完形填空”,不仅要具备一定的词法、句法和惯用法等语法知识,而且还要具备阅读理解能力、综合分析能力和运用语言知识的实践能力。‎ 传统的完形填空(cloze test)通常是将一篇逻辑性较强的短文,留出若干个空,然后采用"四选一"的方法,将短文补充完整。它属于客观题型。如今的完形填空题除保留传统题型的优点外,还采用了选词填空(有多余选项)或根据上下文补全对话(或短文)等主观题型。但事实证明,完形填空通常是同学们较难把握的题型之一,且失分率较高。限于篇幅,本文着重谈谈客观题型的解法。请看--‎ ‎  一、 目标要求 ‎  完形填空主要测试学生在具体语言环境中对文章的篇章结构、中心思想、推理判断、词语辨析、习惯用法、固定搭配等方面的能力要求,及对所学英语的综合运用能力、快速阅读理解能力及逻辑推理判断能力等。‎ ‎  二、 解题步骤 ‎  在做完形填空题时,通常先弄清语境,并依据上下文进行合理的分析、判断,才能作出恰当的选择。具体可分为以下三步:‎ ‎  1. 通览全文,了解大意 ‎  答题时,应先越过空档,通读全文,理顺题意,找出信息词。这是做好完形填空题的关键。因为完形填空的特点是着眼于整体理解。我们如果把短文比作环环相扣的链条,那么由于空格的设置,"链条"从第二句起有些地方就脱节了。有些同学习惯于提笔就填或边读边填,急于求成,然而,欲速则不达,结果往往由于"只见树木不见森林"而事倍功半。因此我们应该依据首句给的启示,通过逻辑思维,借助短文中关键词所提供的信息,越过空档,尽快把全文读完,建立语言的整体感,帮助我们了解短文大意。‎ ‎  2. 综合考虑,先易后难 ‎  通览全文后,认真观察选项,瞻前顾后,仔细推敲,逐项选定。经过通读全文,对短文有了整体印象。在此基础上,可以根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,分析这一空格处在句中的地位,前后的关系和它所起的作用,确定最佳答案。遇到困难,暂放一边,先易后难,这是解题之道。当遇到难以判断的空档时,不妨先放一边,继续往下做。因为有些答案是必须通过下文的理解后才能作出断定的。有时,前后信息之间还有相互提示作用。因此,当我们遇到难题时,不能久久停留于此,这样会浪费不必要的时间。‎ ‎  3. 复读检验,消除疏漏 ‎  完成所有空档后,还要再次通读全文,看看这时的短文行文是否流畅,意义是否连贯,逻辑关系是否合理。复查时,可从语法入手,检查一下句子的时态、主谓一致、代词的性、数、格以及词语的搭配等是否正确。凡遇疑点,必须根据文章的中心思想,从意义、语法的角度来仔细权衡,加以改正,弥补疏漏。‎ ‎  三、 实例点拨 ‎  请根据下面短文内容,在短文后面的四个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳答案。‎ ‎  Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are children, __1__ students are young people. Why do all these people want to learn__2__? It is not__3__to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school. It is one of their __4__. Many people learn English because it is__5__in their work. Some young people learn English__6__their higher studies because some of their books are__7__English. Other people learn English because they want to __8__newspapers in English. Some people learn English because they want to __9__ in the USA, England or Australia. English is very__10__in our life (生活).‎ ‎  1. A. all B. the other  C. both D. other ‎  2. A. English B. Chinese   C. maths D. Japanese ‎  3. A. hard B. easy C. good D. nice ‎  4. A. books B. classes  C. schools D. subjects (科目)‎ ‎  5. A. good B. useful (有用的)  C. fine D. pleased ‎  6. A. for B. of C. to D. from ‎  7. A. in B. with C. at D. of ‎ ‎  8. A. look B. see C. look at D. read ‎  9. A. go B. work C. like D. come ‎  10. A. help B. helping C. helps D. helpful ‎ ‎  答题分三步:‎ ‎  第一步: 通览全文 ‎  通过通览全文,便知本文讲述许多人学习英语。学习英语的人年龄不同,目的各异。‎ ‎  第二步: 逐项填空 ‎  本着先易后难的原则,先根据上下文和自己的语感,推测部分空格的可能答案。然后,再结合选项逐一敲定。‎ ‎  1. 选B。some...other(s)...意思是"一些……另一些(泛指)"; some...the other(s)...意思是"一些……另一些(特指)"。由语境可知,在学英语的学生中,除一部分是孩子外,剩余的是青年人(特指)。‎ ‎  2. 选A。根据上下文可知是English。‎ ‎  3. 选B。由文章内容来看,人们学习英语的原因多种多样,因此回答为什么那么多人学习英语这个问题并不容易。‎ ‎  4. 选D。由常识可知,English是学生学习的科目(subject)之一。‎ ‎  5. 选B。根据前后文意可知许多人学习英语,那是因为English在他们的工作中很有用(useful)。‎ ‎  6.‎ ‎ 选A。本题属于介词用法辨析。介词for在此可表示目的、原因。‎ ‎  7. 选A。in English是习惯搭配。‎ ‎  8. 选D。"读报"英语习惯说read newspapers。‎ ‎  9. 选B。根据语境及句子结构,有些人学习英语或想出国(go to a country)或想在这些国家工作(work in a country)。‎ ‎  10. 选D。末句点题,"英语在我们生活中是很有帮助的(helpful)"。‎ ‎  第三步: 复读检验 ‎  将所有答案代入空格后,重新将短文复读一遍,如果语句通顺,语意清楚,便结束本题,转做其它试题。‎ ‎  最后须提醒大家一点,做好完形填空题并非一日之功。我们应从平日学习中做起,多积累,勤学苦练,方可成功!Have a greater success in the future!‎ ‎(1)‎ The population problem may be the      1        one of the world today. The world's population is growing     2       . Two thousand years ago, there were only 250 million people     3       the earth. Four hundred years ago, the number was     4       500 million. But at the beginning of the     5      century, the world's population was about 1,700 million.In 1970, this number was 3,600 million. In 1990, the number was five billion. A     6       report says that the w orld population will     7       six billion by the end of the 20th century. This is just ten     8       after it     9      five billion. People say that by the year 2010,     1 0      may be seven billion. ‎ ‎1.A.great B.greater C.greatest D.greating ‎2.A.faster and faster B.fast and fast C.fastest and fastest D.faster and fast ‎3.A.in B.on C.at D.for ‎4.A.nearly B.more C.almost D.over ‎5.A.twenty B.twelve C.twentieth D.twelfth ‎6.A.USA B.UN C.PRC D. PLA ‎7.A.past B.pass C.passed D.passes ‎8.A.weeks B.months C.seasons D.years ‎9.A.get B.gets C.reached D.reach ‎10.A.this B.its C.one D.it KEY: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.D ‎(2)‎ Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful (有害的). Fire can keep your house __1__, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things __2__. Big fire can burn, trees, houses, animals or people.   ‎ ‎  Nobody knows how people began to use fire. But there are __3__. interesting old stories about how a man or woman started a fire. One is __4__ a man. The man __5__ a very long time ago. He went up the sun and __6__ fire down.   ‎ ‎ Today people know how to make a fire with matches(火柴). Children sometimes __7__ to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. One match can burn a piece of paper. and __8__ it could burn a house. A small fire can turn a big fire. very quickly. So you __9__ be careful with matches.   ‎ ‎  Be careful with fire, and it will __10__ you. But if you aren’t careful with fire. and it may hurt you.   ‎ ‎  1. A. warm     B. warmer   C. cool      D. cooler ‎ ‎  2. A. also      B. too     C. either      D. neither ‎ ‎  3. A. many    B. much    C. little      D. no ‎ ‎  4. A. over     B. about    C. a little     D. no ‎ ‎  5. A. worked     B. studied   C. learned     D. lived ‎ ‎  6. A. bring     B. take    C. brought     D. took ‎ ‎  7. A. enjoy B. like    C. don't like    D. become ‎ ‎  8. A. after   B. late     C. yet       D. then ‎ ‎  9. A. can      B. man     C. will      D. must ‎ ‎  10. A. help    B. do      C. tell      D. hope ‎ Key: 1.C  2.C  3.D  4.C  5.A  6.B  7.D ‎  8.A  9.B  10.D ‎(3)‎ Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers in the school.Yesterday she came into the 1 with a big smile on her face.She said to her 2 that she was 3 to see they did well in the sports meeting.But 4 was not pleased to see the classroom last Saturday not as 5 as usual.She hoped they would clean the classroom every day.‎ ‎ Wei Hua was on 6 yesterday.She said everyone was at 7 except Lin Tao.Then she told Miss Zhao about their 8 to the Great Wall last Sunday.Luckily the weather was 9 . They played games and had a picnic there.After Wei Hua 10 her talk,Miss Zhao began her lesson. ‎ ‎1.A.shop B.classroom        C.park D.office ‎ ‎2.A.students B.teachers   C.workers  D.doctors ‎ ‎3.A.angry B.sorry         C.glad   D.sad ‎ ‎4.A.she B.I          C.we   D.he ‎ ‎5.A.dark   B.old         C.large D.clean ‎ ‎6.A.time B.duty         C.foot D.top ‎ ‎7.A.home   B.noon C.night D.school ‎ ‎8.A.visit B.music        C.clock D.football ‎ ‎9.A.bad    B.fine         C.rainy D.windy ‎ ‎10.A.started  B.had          C.finished D.gave ‎ ‎          KEY: 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.A ‎ ‎ 9.B 10.C ‎(4)‎ Sam had a dog, Its name was Tod. it was very helpful, but it ate too much . So he didn't like it. he wanted to __1__ Tod. He __2__ Tod and put it in a small boat . he rowed(划)the boat to the __3__ of a big river. Just as he __4__ the poor animal into the river, the boat began to go down. __5__ the man and Tod __56__ into the river. ‎ Tod was able to swim, __7__ Sam couldn't. The dog bit(咬) the rope(绳子) and broke it . it tried its best to swim to __8__ Sam. The man was saved, so he was very thankful (感激的)to the dog, he didn't want to kill the dog __9__. From the on, he gave the dog as __10__ as it wanted. ‎ ‎    1. A. sell    B. buy        C. beat      D. kill ‎ ‎    2. A. tied    B. pulled    C. pushed    D. closed ‎ ‎    3. A. front   B. foot       C. side       D. middle ‎ ‎    4. A. threw   B. carried   C. sent      D. brought ‎ ‎    5. A. Neither B. Nor       C. Each      D. Both ‎ ‎    6. A. fell    B. dropped   C. lost      D. jumped ‎ ‎    7. A. because B. though    C. but       D. when ‎ ‎    8. A. kill    B. save      C. meet      D. hit ‎ ‎    9. A. no more B. any more  C. no longer D. not more ‎ ‎    10. A. little  B. few       C. many      D. much ‎ ‎    KEY: 1-5 DADAD 6-10 ACBBD ‎(5)‎ There were no classes that afternoon, so Henry went to a __1__ shop near his home. The shop sold many jackets. He looked __2__ them and at last chose a very nice one. He __3__ it on and then told the shopkeeper to put it into a __4__. At that time his friend Bruce came into the shop. They hadn't seen each other for a long time. They were so __5__ to meet again that they forgot __6__ else. Soon they were busy talking on and on happily. ‎ It was nearly six o'clock, __7__ they decided to go and have dinner together. Henry picked up the bag, and walked __8__ the door of the shop. The shopkeeper stopped them and asked Henry to pay for the __9__. Henry looked at him in surprise at first, but soon he remember that he hadn't paid for it. He said __10__ ,gave him the money and them left the shop with his friend. ‎ ‎    1. A. fruit    B. book        C. food      D. clothing ‎ ‎    2. A. up       B. for          C. after     D. at ‎ ‎    3. A. put      B. tried        C. got       D. turned ‎ ‎    4. A. bag      B. cup         C. car       D. pocket ‎ ‎    5. A. worried  B. interested C. pleased   D. anxious ‎ ‎    6. A. nobody   B. anybody     C. something D. everything ‎ ‎    7. A. though   B. so          C. because   D. but ‎ ‎    8. A. towards  B. through     C. out of    D. round ‎ ‎    9. A. dinner   B. bag          C. jacket    D. ticket ‎ ‎    10. A. goodbye B. yes         C. hello     D . sorry ‎    KEY: 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D ‎(6)‎ ‎ Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers in the school. Yesterday she came into the 1 ‎ ‎    With a big smile on her face. She said to her 2 that she was 3 to see they did well in the sports meeting. But 4 was not pleased to see the classroom last Saturday not as 5 as usual. She hoped they would clean the classroom every day.‎ ‎ Wei Hua was on 6 yesterday. She said everyone was at 7 except Lin Tao. Then she told Miss Zhao about their 8 to the Great Wall last Sunday. Luckily the weather was 9 . They played games and had a picnic there. After Wei Hua 10 her talk, Miss Zhao began her lesson.‎ ‎ 1. A. shop B. classroom C. park D. office ‎ 2. A. students B. teachers C. workers D. doctors ‎ 3. A. angry B. sorry C. glad D. sad ‎ 4. A. she B. I C. we D. he ‎ 5.A.dark B. old C. large D. clean ‎ 6. A. time B. duty C. foot D. to ‎    7. A. home B. noon C. night D. school ‎    8. A. visit B. music C. clock D. football ‎    9. A. bad B. fine C. rainy D. windy ‎ 10. A. started B. had C. finished D. gave ‎    Key:1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. A 9.B 10.C ‎ ‎(7)‎ Mr White works in an office. He liked reading in bed when he was at school. It was bad for his 1 and now he has near sight ( 近视 ). But he wouldn’t want 2 to know about it and he never wears a pair of glasses. It often 3 him some trouble. ‎ ‎    One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business (出差 ). He 4 a bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to walk there. The road to the village wasn’t smooth (平坦). He fell over some times and it 5 his clothes dirty. 6 he got to the village. Suddenly it began to blow and it got colder. He was looking for the school while his 7 was blown off. He began to run after it but he couldn’t get it. He couldn’t understand why his hat ran into a house as if (似乎 ) it had 8 . And he ran into the house, 9 .‎ ‎ A woman stopped him and shouted angrily, “ 10 are you running after my hen (母鸡 )for?”‎ ‎ 1. A. ears B. nose C. mouth D. eyes ‎ 2. A. anybody else B. nobody C. woman D. somebody ‎ 3. A. follows B. takes C. brings D. carries ‎ 4. A. took off B. got off C. got on D. came on ‎ 5. A. let B. made C. gave D. felt ‎ 6. A. At first B. At home C. At times D. At last ‎ 7. A. clothes B. bag C. hat D. glasses ‎ 8. A. legs B. hands C. shoes D. arms ‎ 9. A. always B. also C. either D. too ‎ 10. A. What B. Why C. Which D. Who ‎    Key: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. A ‎ ‎(8)‎ Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot 1 things. So his wife al-ways had to say to him, “Don’t forget this!” ‎ ‎ One day he went on a long trip (旅行 )alone. Before he 2 home, his wife said, “Now you have all these 3 . They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip.” He went to the station, bought a ticket and 4 the train with it.‎ ‎ About half 5 hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and 6 , “Will you please show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find 7 . He was very worried. “I can’t find my ticket. I really bought a ticket 8 I got on the train,” said the old man.‎ ‎ “I believe (相信)you bought a ticket. All right, you don’t have to buy 9 one,” said the conductor kindly. “But how can I know where I’m ‎ going? I can’t 10 my station!” the old man said sadly.‎ ‎    1. A. a lot of B. a kind of C. a piece of D. a pair of ‎    2. A. got B. left C. went D. moved ‎    3. A. money B. clothes C. tickets D. things ‎    4. A. had on B. went on C. got on D. passed on ‎    5. A. a B. an C. the D. this ‎    6. A. say B. said C. says D. saying ‎    7. A. it B. this C. that D. ticket ‎    8. A. when B. till C. before D. after ‎    9. A. other B. the other C. the others D. another ‎    10. A. forget B. get C. remember D. see ‎    Key: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. C ‎(9)‎ ‎ Once there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered (坏脾气的) and never gave way to 1 . ‎ ‎ One day the father decided to ask some friends to dinner in his house. He 2 his son to buy some meat in town. When the son got what his father wanted, he turned 3 and walked towards the town gate. Just then a man was coming from the outside. The gate wasn’t 4 enough to let two men in and out at the same time. But 5 of them would give way to the other. They 6 straight face to face inside the gate hour after hour. ‎ But the father was worried. “What shall I do? My son hasn’t 7 yet. I can’t wait any longer.” He wanted to know what was the 8 with his son. So he left his friends at home, and he himself went to town to look for his son.‎ ‎ “You may first take the 9 home for my friends. Let me stand here against him 10 .” He said to his son when he knew what had happened.‎ ‎ 1.A. one B. another C. other D. others ‎ 2.A. hoped B. told C. let D. wished ‎ 3.A. down B. over C. back D. off ‎ 4.A. long B. wide C. high D. narrow ‎ 5.A. either B. all C. both D. neither ‎ 6.A. stood B. went C. lay D. walked ‎ 7.A. gone B. bought C. returned D. been ‎ 8.A. wrong B. accident C. thing D. matter ‎ 9.A. meat B. dinner C. bread D. money ‎ 10.A politely B. instead C. safely D. kindly ‎    Key: 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B ‎(10)‎ Tom and Fred were talking about the year 2050. ‎ ‎ “What will 1 be like in the year 2050?” asked Tom.‎ ‎ “I don’t know,” said Fred. “What do you think?”‎ ‎ “Well, no one knows. But it is 2 to guess,” said Tom. “In the year 2050 everybody will 3 a pocket (袖珍) computer. The computer will give people the 4 to all their problems. We shall all have telephones in our pockets, 5 . And we’ll be able to talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps we’ll be able to 6 them at the same time. Machines will do 7 of the work, and people will have more 8 . Perhaps they will work only two or three days a week. They will be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there.”‎ ‎ “I’m very 9 to hear that. I hope to fly to the moon. And I hope I’ll be able to live 10 ,” said Fred. “Won’t that be interesting? Just like a fish.”‎ ‎  1.     A. our home B. the traffic C. a factory D. the world ‎  2.       A. pleased B. no use C. interesting D. unusual ‎  3.       A. carry B. bring C. give D. send ‎  4.       A. news B. ways C. things D. answers ‎  5.       A. either B. again C. too D. also ‎  6.       A. call B. see C. look D. listen ‎  7.       A. most B. many C. lot D. every ‎  8.       A. work B. duty C. holidays D. times ‎  9.       A. sorry B. glad C. sure D. afraid ‎  10.   A. in the sea B. on land C. on the mountain D. under the ground ‎    Key: 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A 想学好英语,首先要培养对英语的兴趣。“兴趣是最好的老师”,兴趣是学习英语的巨大动力,有了兴趣,学习就会事半功倍。我们都有这样的经验:喜欢的事,就容易坚持下去;不喜欢的事,是很难坚持下去的。而兴趣不是与生俱来的,需要培养。有的同学说:“我一看到英语就头疼,怎么能培养对英语的兴趣呢?”还有的同学说:“英语单词我今天记了明天忘,我太笨了,唉,我算没治了。”这都是缺乏信心的表现。初学英语时,没有掌握正确的学习方法,没有树立必胜的信心,缺乏了克服困难的勇气,丧失了上进的动力,稍遇失败,就会向挫折缴枪,向困难低头。你就会感到英语是一门枯燥无味的学科,学了一段时间之后,学习积极性也逐渐降低,自然也就不会取得好成绩。但是,只要在老师的帮助下,认识到学英语的必要性,用正确的态度对待英语学习,用科学的方法指导学习。开始时多参加一些英语方面的活动,比如 ,唱英文歌、做英语游戏、读英语幽默短文、练习口头对话等。时间长了,懂得多了,就有了兴趣,当然,学习起来就有了动力和欲望。然后,就要像农民一样勤勤恳恳,不辞辛苦,付出辛勤的劳动和汗水,一定会取得成功,收获丰硕的成果。毕竟是No pains, no gains吗。 练好基本功是学好英语的必要条件,没有扎实的英语基础,就谈不上继续学习,更谈不上有所成就。要想基本功扎实,必须全神贯注地认真听讲,上好每一节课,提高课堂效率,脚踏实地、一步一个脚印地,做到以下“五到”:‎ ‎ 一、“心到”。在课堂上应聚精会神,一刻也不能懈怠,大脑要始终处于积极状态,思维要活跃、思路要开阔,心随老师走,听懂每一句话,抓住每一个环节,理解每一个知识点,多联想、多思考,做到心领神会。 二、“手到”。学英语,一定要做课堂笔记。因为人的记忆力是有限的,人不可能都过目不忘,记忆本身就是不断与遗忘作斗争的过程。常言说,“好脑筋不如烂笔头”。老师讲的知识可能在课堂上记住了,可是过了一段时间,就会忘记,所以,做好笔记很有必要。英语知识也是一点点积累起来的,学到的每一个单词、词组以及句型结构,都记在笔记本上,甚至是书的空白处或字里行间,这对以后的复习巩固都是非常方便的。 三、“耳到”。在课堂上,认真听讲是十分必要的,不但要专心听老师对知识的讲解,而且要认真听老师说英语的语音、语调、重音、连读、失去爆破、断句等发音要领,以便培养自己纯正地道的英语口语。听见听懂老师传授的每一个知识点,在头脑里形成反馈以帮助记忆;理解领会老师提出的问题,以便迅速作答,对比同学对问题的回答,以加深对问题的理解而取别人之长补自己之短。 四、“眼到”。在认真听讲的同时,还要双眼紧随老师观察老师的动作、口形、表情、板书、绘图、教具展示等。大脑里形成的视觉信息和听觉信息相结合,印象就会更加深刻。‎ ‎ 五、“口到”。学习语言,不张嘴不动口是学不好的,同学们最大的毛病是读书不出声,害羞不敢张嘴。尤其是早读课,同学们只是用眼看或默读,这样就只有视觉信息,而没有听觉信息在大脑里的反馈,当然记忆也不会太深刻,口部肌肉也得不到锻炼,也就很难练就一口纯正的英语。所以,要充分利用早晨头脑清醒的时间,大声朗读;课堂上要勇跃回答老师提问、积极参与同学间讨论和辩论,课下对不清楚的问题及时提出,要克服害羞心理,不耻下问。对学过的课文要多读、勤读、苦读,可以跟录音机读,竭力模仿其语音语调以纠正发音,要读得抑扬顿挫朗朗上口,一些精典文章最好能背得滚爪烂熟。利用一切可能的机会,练习英语口语,比如,与外教交流、参加“英语角”活动、与同学进行对话、讲英语故事、唱英文歌曲、演英语短剧、进行诗歌朗诵等。除了对课本中的范文要细读精读之外,还要多看些适合我们中学生的课外读物,既可增长知识,又开阔了我们的视野,也提高了我们的阅读水平。 学英语,词汇的记忆是必不可少的,词汇是学好英语的基础,没有了词汇,也就谈不上句子,更谈不上文章,所以记单词对我们就显得极其重要。记忆单词关键有二: 一是持之以恒:每天坚持记忆一定量的词汇,过几天再回头复习一次,这样周期循环,反复记忆,经常使用,就会变短时记忆为长时记忆并牢固掌握。需要注意的是,一旦开始,就要坚持下来,千万不能半途而废,切不可三天打鱼,两天晒网。‎ ‎ 二是良好的记忆方法:记忆单词的方法很多,学无定法,但学有良法。我认为,张思中的“集中识词,分类记忆”不失为一种适合中学生的好方法。把中学生应掌握的3500个单词集中汇总,分门别类,先过单词关,然后再学教材,在课本中使用和巩固它们的用法。分类的方法有多种,同一元音或元音字母组合发音相同的单词归为一类;根据词形词性、同义词反义词等集中记忆;把相同词根、前缀、后缀、合成、转化、派生等构词法相同的单词或词组列在一起集中识记印象比较深刻,记忆效果也比较明显。这样每天记40-80个单词,坚持不懈,多联想,多思考,多使用,词汇问题不就解决了吗?在学习的过程中多注视单词的用法和词组的搭配,牢记老师讲过的单词惯用法和句型,这样不仅有助于我们解题,而且在写作时也会信手拈来,运用自如。 把单词记住,了解词性、词义,掌握其固定搭配与习惯用法,背会时态、从句的各种用法,工作只是完成了一半,我们还得将它们应用到实践中去。就像学游泳,光学理论,不下水应用,不等于掌握了这门技术。不必要搞题海战术,但一定量的典型练习来巩固所学知识是必不可少的。先重视基础练习,如课后习题,单元同步练习,这些是针对课堂知识的巩固性练习,不能好高骛远,光想着一口吃个胖子。基础知识掌握后,有的放失地做一些语法方面的专项练习和考试题型的专题练习。特别提倡同学们准备一本“错题集”,把平时做错的具有代表性的试题或语言点记录下来,以备将来查漏补缺,这样对知识的掌握可以达到事半功倍的效果。‎ ‎ 英语是一种语言,不是记住了单词、词组、句型和语法项目就是把它学好了,关键在于使用语言,所以在学习英语时一定要注意听、说、读、写、译全面发展。英语学习首先是一个记忆过程,然后才是实践过程。学习英语,无论如何,勤奋是不可少的,它是一个日积月累的渐进过程,是没有任何捷径可走的,也没有所谓“速成”的灵丹妙方,急于求成,不做踏实工作,是学不好英语的。任何成功的获得都要靠自己的努力,要踏踏实实、勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业、一步一个脚印地学习,端正态度,认真对待学习中的挫折和失败。失败并不可怕,可怕的是对自己丧失信心而一蹶不振。对考试的失败,冷静分析,认真思考,只要对胜利充满信心,善于总结经验教训,不断努力,不断追求,胜利一定是属于你们的 关于英语作文优美句子 ‎1.Burn one's bridges. 破釜沉舟.背水一战 2.Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同 3.No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息 4.One picture is worth a thousand words.‎ ‎(One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.) 百闻不如一见 5.Nothing ventured, nothing gained.‎ ‎(Nothing brave, nothing have.) 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 6.Life is full of ups and downs. 生活充满起伏 7.It's no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收 8.Hunger is the best sauce. 饥饿是最好的调味品 9.Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好. 10.God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者. 11.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌 12.Don't count your chickens before they hatch. 小鸡孵出之后才算数 13.He bites off than her can chew.‎ ‎(The eye is bigger than the belly.) 贪多嚼不烂 14.Everyone has a skeleton in his closet. 人人都有不可告人之事 15.To teach a fish how to swim. 班门弄斧. 16.Rome wasn't built in a ‎ day. 伟业非一日建成 17.Well begun, half done. 好的开始,成功了一半 ‎18.Every cloud has a silver lining. 乌云背后是银边 19.Look before you leap. 三思而后行 20.Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚 21.A little knowledge is dangerous. 一知半解最危险 22.Clothes make the man. 人要衣装.佛要金装 23.A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口. 24.History repeats itself. 历史会重演 25.strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁 26.as poor as a church mouse. 穷得一文不名 27.Where there's smoke, there's fire. 无风不起浪.事出必有因 28.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 千里之行始于足下 29.A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔.转业不聚财 30.Many hands make light work. 人多好做事.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎31.A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,差之千里. 32.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情. 33.A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终. 34.A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲. 35.Do as the Romans ‎ do. 入乡随俗. 36.Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there. 有心栽花花不发,无心插柳柳成荫. 37.Misfortunes never come alone. 祸不单行. 38.Never too old to learn, never too late to turn. 亡羊补牢,为时未晚. 39.No one can call back yesterday. 昨日不会重现. 40.No sweet without sweat. 先苦后甜. 41.Still water run deep. 静水流深. 42.The pot calls the kettle black. 五十步笑百步. 43.The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟. 44.Think twice before you do. 三思而后行. 45.Time tries all. 路遥知马力,日久见人心. 46.To save time is to lengthen life. 节约时间就是延长生命. 47.Troubles never come singly. 福无双至,祸不单行. 48.Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away. 滴水穿石. 49.When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入国问禁,入乡随俗. 50.Where there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧

