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话题写作( 一) 学习提高 [ 话题来源 : 七上 M1 、 M3 、 M5, 八上 M1, 九上 M6] 第一篇 教材考点梳理 【 话题点睛 】 针对的话题主要关于课堂学习方式与方法、课堂学习情况的评价、课外学习与提升等方面。主要涉及描述学校学习情况、帮助同学解决学习问题、通过阅读或其他方式进行自我提升等方面。 【 典型例题 】 [2018 · 呼和浩特 ]   你校将开设一些特色课程 , 请你根据下表中的提示为学校英文网页写一篇短文 , 介绍这些课程及开设理由 , 并提出你建议增设的课程以及你的理由。 [ 要求 ] 1. 不要逐字逐句翻译 , 可适当发挥 ; 2. 语句通顺、语意连贯 ; 3.100 词左右 , 开头已给出 , 不计入总词数。 典例分析 Students in our school are free to choose some special after-school courses according to their interests. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 学校特色课程 开设理由 足球俱乐部 强身健体、鼓励团队合作 模型制作 走进科学、了解科学 你建议的课程 你的理由 【 思路点拨 】 1. 要点提炼 : 本文针对学校即将开设的特色课程 , 要求对已给出的特色课程和你建议的特色课程进行描述 , 并陈述开设以上特色课程的理由。可以提炼出两个要点 : (1) 对已给出的特色课程及开设理由的描述 ; (2) 对你建议增设的特色课程及开设理由的描述。 2. 时态 : 一般现在时。 3. 人称 : 第二人称和第一人称。 【 写作架构 】 【 基础写作 】 根据所给提示写句子。 1. 基础句 他们喜欢这些课程 , 因为这些课程能够丰富他们的生活。 (enrich one’s life) __________________________________________________________________________. → 升格句 _________________________________________________________________ .  (The reason why … is that … ) They like the courses because they can enrich their lives The reason why they like the courses is that they can enrich their lives 2. 基础句 以下是一些信息。 (Here is) __________________________________________________________________________. → 升格句   .  (as follows) 3. 基础句 它能让你强壮、健康。它也能通过鼓励合作的方式为你提供交友的好机会。 (make sb.+ adj. ) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. → 升格句 __________________________________________________________________ .  (not only … but also … ) Here is some information Some related information is as follows It can make you strong and healthy. It also offers you a good chance to make friends by encouraging teamwork It not only can make you strong and healthy, but also offers you a good chance to make friends by encouraging teamwork 4. 基础句 很多学生在学习方面有困难并且感到有压力。 (have difficulty in doing sth.) __________________________________________________________________________. → 升格句 _________________________________________________________________ .  (face, suffer from) 5. 基础句 加入我们吧。 (join sb.) __________________________________________________________________________. → 升格句   .  (why not) Lots of students have difficulty in studying and feel stressed Lots of students are facing the difficulty of studying and So join us So why not join us suffering from the stress of that 【 连句成文 】    Students in our school are free to choose some special after-school courses according to their interests. The reason why they like the courses is that they can enrich their lives. Some related information is as follows.    If you are a sports fan, the football club would be a great choice. It can not only make you strong and healthy, but also offers you a good chance to make friends by encouraging teamwork. In addition, if you are interested in science, you can choose model-making courses. They will be fun and can help you know more about science.    In my opinion, a music course would be really popular. First of all, lots of students are facing the difficulty of studying and suffering from the stress of that. I think it is relaxing for them to play musical instruments or just listen to some songs. Besides, music courses can make students’ life colourful.    So why not join us in these amazing courses or clubs? 【 导入主题句 】 1. Several available options are provided, such as … 2. They will benefit a lot from these after-school courses if they can arrange their time reasonably. 3. Some students prefer to spend much time playing rather than read some useful books. 4. With the summer vacation coming, I decide to read as many books as possible. 5. However, I am fond of drawing best of all. 拓展积累 【 文章的发展句 】 1. A football club is set up so that students can become strong and healthy through long-lasting exercise. 2. It may help broaden our view. 3. Model-making courses may be attractive to those who are interested in science. 4. As far as I’m concerned, a music course would be suitable for the students whose study burdens are heavier than before. 5. The more we copy others’ homework, the less interest we will have in what we are learning. 【 文章的结尾句 】 1. Take action from now on! 2. I firmly believe that these courses will make your lives a lot more colourful and relaxing. 3. We should concentrate on our study in high school, which is of great importance to us. 4. Only in this way will we be able to get much more knowledge through reading. 5. I will try to make good use of the precious time. A   [2019 · 德阳 ]   假如你是李华 , 你的高中生活即将开始 , 你的英国笔友 Sam 询问你高中的计划 , 请你用英语根据以下内容和要求写一封电子邮件回复他。 [ 内容 ] 1. 与新老师、新同学友好相处 ; 2. 参加各种活动 , 如 : 体育活动 , 强健身体 ; 3. 多读书 , 开阔视野 , 提高阅读能力 ; 4. 努力学习 , 提高成绩 , 尽力做到最好 ; 5. 使高中生活丰富多彩有意义。 实战演练 [ 要求 ] 1. 必须包括以上所有内容 , 可适当发挥 ; 2. 词数 :80 左右 ( 开头和结尾已给出 , 不计入总词数 ); 3. 不能出现真实的人名、校名及地名。 Dear Sam,    I am glad to tell you my senior high school plan. ___________________________________________________________________________    Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua One possible version : Dear Sam,    I am glad to tell you my senior high school plan.    As you mentioned in your email, it’s necessary to make some plans for senion high school life. First, I will try my best to get along with all my new teachers and classmates at school. Second, in my spare time, I’ll take part in various school activities, such as doing sports to keep healthy. Third, reading more books is helpful to widen my vision and improve my reading skills. Moreover, I will set new goals in my study and try my best to improve my grades. Last, I need to make my school life both colourful and meaningful.    All in all, I’ll try to have a wonderful time during my senior high school. I am looking forward to your reply.    Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua B   某英语报社开辟专栏“ Reading Is Very Important ” , 向中学生征稿。假设你叫李华 , 请写一篇英语征文 , 向该报社投稿 , 内容如下 : 1. 阅读的益处 : ① 获取大量知识 ;② 给生活带来乐趣 ;③ 是一种放松的好方式。 2. 你的阅读习惯。 3. 号召大家多阅读。 [ 要求 ] 1. 所写内容必须包括以上要点 ; 2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名 ; 3. 内容连贯 , 并进行合理拓展 ; 4.100 词左右 ; 题目和开头已经写好 , 不计入总词数。 Reading Is Very Important    It’s very important for us students to do some reading. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ One possible version : Reading Is Very Important    It’s very important for us students to do some reading. And we can get lots of benefits when reading. First of all, we can get lots of knowledge we didn’t know, especially when we are reading some scientific books or historical ones. And reading can bring so much fun to our life. If we read some jokes or interesting stories, it’s easy for us to keep happy all day. Besides, after a long day’s work, just take a book to read, imagining what’s happening in the book. We could get relaxed by doing so.    Since reading can help us so much, I enjoy reading a lot. I prefer reading as soon as I finish my homework after school. And my favourite time is the summer vacation. I can get lots of nice books to read without worrying about time! I write down what I think after reading each book so as to understand the author’s thoughts well.    So, you know how much reading can bring us! Let’s begin without hesitation!

