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课时训练(十四) Units 9-10(八下)‎ ‎(限时:30分钟)‎ Ⅰ.语法填空 ‎1.[2019·哈尔滨]—Some students don't know how to     worries. ‎ ‎—They can ask their teachers and parents for help.‎ A.do with          B.deal with ‎ C.call in ‎2.[2019·长沙模拟]—Hurry up. The meeting     for 5 minutes. ‎ ‎—I'm sorry. There was too much traffic on the road.‎ A.began     B.has began C.has been on ‎3.It is said that     of students like to talk with friends on WeChat. ‎ A.two-thirds B.two-three C.two-third ‎4.[2019·长沙模拟]—Jane, your watch is so nice. When and where did you buy it?‎ ‎—In November in HongKong. I     it for only several months. I went to visit the Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge after buying the watch. ‎ A.bought B.had C.have had ‎5.—I'm considering     abroad for further study, but I haven't decided yet. ‎ ‎—You'd better ask your English teacher for some advice.‎ A.going B.to go C.go ‎6.Music has become a bridge     the East and the West. ‎ A.between B.at C.among ‎7.—Where is Mr. Brown?‎ ‎—He     Australia.He     there last year. ‎ A.has been to; has been B.has been to; has gone C.has gone to; went ‎ ‎8.—I don't know where to go this summer vacation.‎ ‎—Why not     visiting Changsha? There are many places of interest. ‎ A.regard B.consider C.wonder ‎9.     birds have come back because the environment here becomes better and better. ‎ 6‎ A.Thousands of     B.Thousand of C.Thousands ‎10.The house belongs to Mr. Smith, but he     here any more. ‎ A.doesn't live     B.didn't live C.wasn't living Ⅱ.[2018·长沙模拟]词语填空 Last year, around Labor Day, I read a “Happy Ad” in our local(当地的) newspaper.There was a lady in a local nursing home, who was celebrating her 90th birthday and her family wanted everyone to  11  it.It said that if you wanted to drop her a  12 , here was her address.So I did.I found a birthday card and dropped her a short note, wishing her a happy birthday. ‎ A week or so later, someone knocked at my front door.I opened the door and found a middle-aged man standing on my doorstep.He  13  himself as the son of this woman to whom I had sent the card.He explained that he just wanted to come here and thank me for sending such a nice card to his mom.It was  14  that, like many older people, she did not receive many letters and was quite  15  to receive mine.I told him it was my  16  and that I hoped his mom had enjoyed her birthday. ‎ That year, I did not send out any Christmas cards,  17  to this lovely old lady in the nursing home.I just told her that I was thinking about her and hoped that she had a nice  18 .I sent her a Valentine(圣瓦伦廷情人卡) and also a couple of notes in between.I just thought she might like to have someone  19  to her, to get some mail. ‎ She passed away a couple of months ago.  20  I never met this lady, I did keep her and her family in my mind.I dropped them a line of sympathy(同情).I hope that few little notes were enough to brighten a couple of her days here on earth. ‎ ‎(  )11.A.agree with   B.know about C.go for ‎ ‎(  )12.A.phone B.line C.present ‎(  )13.A.introduced B.called C.took ‎(  )14.A.usual B.good C.clear ‎(  )15.A.angry B.sad C.excited ‎(  )16.A.pleasure B.duty C.pity ‎(  )17.A.besides B.except C.including ‎(  )18.A.holiday B.future C.life ‎(  )19.A.talk B.listen C.write 6‎ ‎(  )20.A.Though B.As C.Since Ⅲ.短文理解 ‎  When David was young, he often provided the old people in this mountain village with whatever they wanted as soon as possible.‎ ‎  At that time, he noticed that many old people had much difficulty in buying what they needed, especially after a heavy snow. He would knock on the old people's doors on Saturday to ask if they needed anything from the shop. And the next day he would go down the hill to the shop. The shop was far away from the village. He would bring back heavy things for them every time, which made him very tired on his way back. And very often he was still on his way back when the sun had set down.‎ ‎  His friends asked him what he was doing and after some time some of them joined in. It became a habit as time went by. He never asked for money for doing it, but some old people would put some coins in his pocket without telling him. But later when he found them, he would buy something useful for them with the money.‎ ‎  After he went to college, many of these elderly people would ask his mother about him. Only after the conversations did his mother know what David used to do for them. David had never told his mother what he had done!‎ ‎  Now David is a teacher. He often tells his students that helping the elderly is a good tradition that everyone should follow forever.‎ ‎21.When would David bring back what the elderly needed? (  )‎ A.On Friday.     B.On Saturday. ‎ C.On Sunday.‎ ‎22.How did David feel when he got back from the shop according to the passage? (  )‎ A.Angry. B.Tired. C.Thirsty.‎ ‎23.What became a habit as time went by? (  )‎ A.Going down the hill.     B.Helping the elderly. ‎ C.Carrying heavy things.‎ ‎24.We can learn from the passage that     .(  ) ‎ A.David is a kind-hearted man B.David is an English teacher now C.David gets lots of money from the old 6‎ ‎25.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? (  )‎ A.Some old people would put some money in David's pocket without telling him.‎ B.The village where David and the other people lived was very cold in winter.‎ C.David's mother knew what his son had done for the old people very clearly.‎ Ⅳ.阅读表达 ‎  The Shanghai Disney Resort is different from others in the world. It opened on June 16th, 2016. The resort is in Pudong, Shanghai and it is the first Disney resort on the Chinese Mainland. Shanghai Disneyland has changed the classic Main Street USA to a Mickey Avenue.‎ Main Street USA was designed by Walt Disney himself. For 60 years, it has been the main entry(入口) of Disney theme parks in the world. However, the designers(设计者) of the Shanghai resort think there should be something new. So the designers create the Mickey Avenue.‎ On Mickey Avenue, Mickey Mouse and his friends will greet the visitors. Visitors can hug and take photos with Mickey Mouse and his friends. There are also many shops along the avenue. It is the largest part for visitors to buy gifts in the theme park. During the day, there will be Mickey's Story-book Express(专列). There will be fireworks(烟火) shows at night. The designers hope visitors can enjoy themselves there.‎ ‎26.Where is the Shanghai Disney Resort?‎ ‎  ‎ ‎27.Why do the designers create the Mickey Avenue?‎ ‎  ‎ ‎28.When will visitors see fireworks shows?‎ ‎  ‎ ‎29.Can visitors buy gifts in the theme park?‎ ‎  ‎ ‎30.What's the best title for the passage?‎ ‎  ‎ Ⅴ.书面表达 保持一份好心情(keep in a good mood)有利于身体健康,也有助于学习。假如你是周川,你的朋友李玲近来心情一直不佳,请你用英语写一封信建议她如何保持一份好心情。词数80词左右。‎ ‎[要点提示] ‎ ‎1.积极参加体育运动;‎ 6‎ ‎2.保持健康的饮食习惯;‎ ‎3.与父母和老师多交流,与同学和睦相处;‎ ‎4.积极参加公益活动。‎ ‎[参考词汇]‎ 公益活动volunteer activity Dear Li Ling,‎ I heard you were in a bad mood. How is it going recently? As we know, keeping in a good mood is good for health and study.  ‎ ‎  ‎ Yours,‎ Zhou Chuan ‎ ‎ 6‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ Ⅰ.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C ‎5.A  consider doing sth.意为“考虑做某事”。故选A。‎ ‎6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.A Ⅱ.11—15 BBACC 16—20 ABACA Ⅲ.21—25 CBBAC Ⅳ.[主旨大意]本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了上海迪士尼乐园的一些基本概况,包括它坐落的位置及开放时间,着重介绍了米奇大街设计的一些情况。‎ ‎26.In Pudong, Shanghai./It's in Pudong, Shanghai.‎ ‎27.Because they think there should be something new.‎ ‎28.At night./They will see fireworks shows at night.‎ ‎29.Yes, they can.‎ ‎30.The Mickey Avenue (of the Shanghai Disney Resort)‎ Ⅴ.One possible version:‎ Dear Li Ling,‎ I heard you were in a bad mood. How is it going recently? As we know, keeping in a good mood is good for health and study. Here are some suggestions for you.‎ First, you can take an active part in sports. For example, you can go swimming and skating. When the vacation is coming, you can join in all kinds of activities, such as dancing, singing and the summer camp or winter camp.‎ Next, you should keep healthy eating habits. Usually you can eat vegetables and fruits instead of too much meat.‎ Then, when you have some problems, you can communicate with your parents and teachers. At least, we should get on well with our classmates. We know helping others is helping ourselves.‎ Finally, you can do some volunteer activities. You can help the old clean their homes and sing some songs to cheer them up and so on.‎ I wish you good health. Hope everything goes well!‎ Yours,‎ Zhou Chuan 6‎

