河北专版2020中考英语复习方案第一篇教材考点梳理第17课时Units9-10九全课件冀教版 2

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河北专版2020中考英语复习方案第一篇教材考点梳理第17课时Units9-10九全课件冀教版 2

第 17 课时 Starter Units 9 — 10( 九全 ) 第一篇 教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 词汇拓展 · 名词 1.Value →       ( adj. ) 有价值的 ; 宝贵的   2.Anger →      ( adj. ) 生气的   →       ( adv. ) 生气地   3.Wealth →       ( adj. ) 有价值的   · 动词 4.Misunderstand →       ( n. ) 误解   5.communicate →       ( n. ) 交流 ; 沟通   *communicate with 与……交流 6.Achieve →       ( n. ) 成就 ; 成绩   valuable   misunderstanding   angry communication angrily   wealthy achievement 词 汇 拓 展 7.congratulate →       ( n. ) 祝贺 ; 恭祝   8.own →      ( n. ) 主人   9.Require →       ( n. ) 需求   · 形容词 10.simple →       ( adv. ) 只是 11.Absent →       ( n. ) 缺席 ; 不在   *be absent from 缺席 ; 不出现 12.difficult →       ( n. ) 困难   13.Proper →       ( adv. ) 恰当地   congratulation   owner requirement     difficulty simply   properly absence 短语归纳 · 介词短语 1.       准时   2.         代表   3.         露天   · 动词短语 4.          遵守诺言   5.         留神 ; 关注   6.        弄明白   7.        伸出   8.        入睡 ; 睡着   9.        摔倒   10.      浪费时间做某事 on time   on behalf of   in the open keep one's promise keep one's eye on figure out   hold out   fall asleep fall down   waste time doing sth. 短语归纳 11.        平静下来   12.       使适应于   13.       偶然遇见 ; 撞到   14.        收到 ( 某人的 ) 来信   15.    流逝 ; 过去 16.         振作精神   17.         与……相处   18.        往前走   · 其他短语 19.      至于 ; 关于   20.      迄今 ; 目前为止   21.         对……满意   cool down   get along with adapt to   move on run into hear from(sb.)   as for so far go by be satisfied with pick yourself up   写作积累 · 沟通交流 1.     do you           others in school or at home?  你们在学校或家里和别人相处得怎么样 ? 2. If we can't           , we can      get along with our friends.  如果我们不能很好地交流 , 我们就几乎不能和朋友相处。 3.       some tips     good interpersonal communication.  这是一些关于好的人际交流的贴士。 How get along with communicate well hardly Here are for 写作积累 4.        you smile and greet others in a friendly way, especially the first time you meet them.  确保你微笑着并以友好的方式和别人打招呼 , 尤其是当你第一次遇到他 们 时。 5. One simple way      you are a good listener        eye contact.  一种显示你是一个好的倾听者的简单方法是进行眼神交流。 6. No one wants to             to someone who is not honest.  没有人愿意浪费时间和不诚实的人谈话。 Make sure to show is to make waste time talking   写作积累 · 计划与祝愿 7. I want      a boss and       a big company.  我想成为一个老板并经营一家大公司。 8. At last ,          all the teachers, I ' d like to give our best wishes and          the graduating class!  最后 , 我代表所有的老师们 , 为即将毕业的全体学生送上我们最美好的祝愿和祝贺 ! 9.            to be invited to speak to you and to          _________________in the future.  我很荣幸被邀请来给你们演讲 , 我祝大家前途顺利。 to be manage on behalf of congratulations to It is a great honour wish you well 写作积累 · 建议 10. I think you should               carefully about your plan.  我认为你应该花些时间认真考虑你的计划。 11.           is half the work itself.  做一个好计划就成功了一半。 take some time to think Making a good plan 语法链接 1. 从属连词。 [ 详见 P122, 专题 ( 十三 )] 2. 各种时态的基本结构。 [ 详见 P102, 专题 ( 八 )] 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❶ promise   n. 承诺 ; 诺言 v. 许诺 ; 承诺 【题 1 】 (1) — It's useless to regret what has been done. Don't make those mistakes again. — I won't. That's a(n)      .  A.order B.decision C.promise D.agreement (2)I can't tell you what she said. I've promised     it a secret.  A.keep B.to keep C.keeping D.kept C B 【归纳拓展】 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❷ trouble   n. 麻烦 ; 困难 【题 2 】 — Sally is my best friend. She is always there whenever I'm     .   — Yeah. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A.in order B.in trouble C.in public D.in place 【题 3 】 You can't imagine what trouble I had       (express) myself clearly at the beginning.  expressing B 【归纳拓展】 1. trouble 作名词时为不可数名词。常见短语 : in trouble 处于困境中 get into trouble 陷入困境 get out of trouble 摆脱困境 have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 We depend on our friends when we are in trouble. 我们遇到困难时依靠朋友帮助。 I have some trouble (in) understanding this long sentence. 这个长句子我理解起来有些困难。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❸ doubt   n. 疑惑 ; 疑问 v. 怀疑 【题 4 】 (1)I don't doubt      she's telling the truth.   if B.whether C.that D.why (2)I doubt      he can arrive at school on time or not.   where B.whether C.that D.how C B 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【题 5 】 同义句转换。 Without doubt the girl will get the prize, because she is the most diligent student in our class. →             that the girl will get the prize, because she is the most diligent student in our class.   There is no doubt 【归纳拓展】 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❹ secret   n.&adj. 秘密 ( 的 ) 【题 6 】 — What is the      of your excellent spoken English?  — Practice makes perfect! A.result B.influence C.duty D.secret D 【归纳拓展】 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❺ hardly/hard   【题 7 】 It is      for him to get to school on time because it is raining      .   A.hard; hardly B.hardly; hard C.hard; hard D.hardly; hardly 【题 8 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 As a little basketball fan, he       understands that to be a star like Kobe Bryant, he must train      .(hard)  C hardly hard 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【词义辨析】 词条 词性 含义 hardly 副词 几乎不 ; 几乎没有 hard 副词 辛苦地 ; 努力地 ; 猛烈地 形容词 困难的 ( 相当于 difficult); 硬的 ; 勤奋的 ; 苛刻的 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❻ asleep/sleep/sleepy   【题 9 】 用 sleep 的适当形式填空。 (1)I feel very      in class because I stayed up late last night.   (2)When I did my homework, my brother fell      on his desk.   (3)You must have enough      so that you can have energy to listen to your teachers in class. sleepy asleep sleep 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【词义辨析】 词条 词性 含义 asleep  形容词 , 意为“睡着的 ; 入睡的” , 强调状态 , 是表语形容词 , 不能作前置定语 Don't wake them up. They're asleep. 别吵醒他们。他们睡着了。 sleep  可作动词 , 意为“入睡 ; 睡觉” ; 也可作名词 , 意为“睡眠”。 go to sleep 意为“入睡” ,get to sleep 意为“ ( 使 ) 入睡” He didn't sleep well before the exam. 考试前他没睡好。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【词义辨析】 词条 词性 含义 sleepy  形容词 , 意为“困倦的 ; 瞌睡的” She always feels sleepy in class because she stays up. 因为 熬夜 , 她上课总感到困倦。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❼ hear/hear of/hear from   【题 10 】 用 hear, hear of 或 hear from 的适当形式填空。 (1)Have you        the big fire that broke out on Huaguo Mountain at Qingming Festival?  (2)I look forward to           all of you.  (3)I        him singing in the next room at nine o'clock yesterday. heard of hearing from heard 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【词义辨析】 词条 含义及用法 hear hear sb. do/doing sth. 听见某人做 / 正在做某事 hear of 后接名词或代词 , 意为“听说” hear from 收到某人的来信 热点实验梳理 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示填空。 1. The old people r       more care and attention when they live alone.  2. When we make a p       to others,we should keep it.  3. A true friend always supports you whenever you are in t       .  4. Jenny is my true friend and she always keeps a s       for me.  5. Nobody was a       from school though it rained heavily yesterday. equire romise rouble ecret bsent Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. To sing an English song       (proper), I listen to the CD again and again, and check every word in the dictionary.  2. — There's something wrong with the computer. — Take it easy. The computer will start by      (it) in a few seconds.  3. We can't       (simple) judge a book by its cover or its title.  4. The nice little dog waved its tail happily, welcoming the      __________(own) back home.  5. Trust him! He has no       (difficult) working out this problem.  热点实验梳理 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 properly itself simply owner difficulty 6. China has been making many great       (achieve) in every field these years, which amazes the world.  7. Thank you for your       (value) information.  8. I think the       (communicate) between friends is useful. It helps them to become more friendly.  9. Mr. Ling, I have some trouble       (understand) the article.  10. — Can you catch what I said? — Sorry, I can       (hard) understand it because you spoke too quickly.  热点实验梳理 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 achievements valuable communication understanding hardly Ⅲ. 连词成句 1. fun, did, have, you, last night   ?  2. me, waiting for Amy, crazy, drove   .   3. the, me, sad, always, makes, movie, cry   .   4. the, us, music, relaxed, makes, in the restaurant   .   5. terrible, what, had, a, day, we   !  热点实验梳理 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 Did you have fun last night Waiting for Amy drove me crazy The sad movie always makes me cry The music in the restaurant makes us relaxed What a terrible day we had

