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话题写作(一) 人物故事 第三篇 话题写作妙解 【参考谚语】 1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 2. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 3. All things in their being are good for something. 天生我材必有用。 常用表达 【话题点睛】针对名人或周围熟悉的同学、朋友或家人等进行描写。主要涉及 人物的经历、变化或自己对该人物的看法等方面。 【相关短语】 be born in 出生于……; come from=be from 来自; be good at=do well in 擅长; be of medium build 中等身材; be of medium height 中等身高; get on well with 与……和睦相处; at the age of 在……岁时; make friends 结交 朋友 【亮点句型】 人物外貌 1. My favourite teacher is a 30-year-old young lady of medium height, with big eyes and long straight hair. 2. She wears glasses and is often dressed in different styles of clothes. 3. A big smile can always be found on her round face. 4. She always wears a smile. 人物性格 1. She's so kind and friendly that she makes friends with each of her students. 2. I'm always ready to help others when they're in trouble. 3. The girl sings and dances so well that she often gives performances at the school party. 其他经典表达 1. The hero won high praise from the public. 2. I hope she'll find ways to keep us interested in English. 3. When we have problems in English, we can turn to her for help. 4. Whenever I think of her, a strong feeling of joy can always fill my heart! 5. Everyone has his or her favourite teacher at school, and so do I. Ⅰ.根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 至于我的梦想,我想成为一名老师。        my dream, I want to be a teacher. 2. 在学校,他积极参加不同的活动。 He             different activities at school. 3. 她会找到方法使我们保持对英语感兴趣。 She'll find ways to  in English. 基础写作 As for takes an active part in keep us interested 4. 他经常鼓励我们在课后读英语书。 He often      us     read English books after class. 5. 当我们在英语学习方面有困难时,我们可以向她寻求帮助。 When we           English, we can       her for help. encourages to have problems in ask/turn to Ⅱ.用括号内所给提示,将下列句子译成英语。 1. 每个人在学校都有其最喜爱的老师,我也是。 (so+助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语) . 2. 卢老师是一位三十岁的年轻女士。(30-year-old) . Everyone has his or her favourite teacher at school, and so do I. Miss/Mrs Lu is a 30-year-old young lady. 3. 这位新同学很外向,我们都想和她交朋友。(so…that…) . . 4. 吴女士很热心,她总是乐意帮助他人。(be ready to do) . 5. 做作业对我们的学习有好处。(be good for) . The new student is so outgoing that we all want to make friends with her Miss Wu is warm-hearted, and she is always ready to help others Doing homework is good for our studies 每个人的一生中都会有令自己难以忘怀的人。回想一下自己的成长过程, 对你影响最深的老师是谁?请你根据以下要点提示,以“The Nicest Teacher in My Heart”为题,写一篇英语短文。 典例分析 Subject Chinese/Maths/English… Appearance(外貌) tall/short/of medium height/heavy/thin… Personality (性格) friendly/kind/popular/love to smile… Reasons(原因) do a good job/be strict with/be like a mother/father/encourage me to… 其他 … The Nicest Teacher in My Heart Junior high school days will be over. I have some special memories. One of them is about a teacher. In my heart, ___________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 【思路点拨】 1.要点提炼:本文是对老师的描写,主要有4个要点:哪科老师是你最喜欢的老师、 老师的外貌描写、老师的性格描写、喜欢老师的原因。 2.确定人称:第一人称为主。 3.确定时态:一般现在时为主,描述老师曾经帮助自己的例子,应用一般过去时。 【写作架构】 【佳作欣赏】 The Nicest Teacher in My Heart Junior high school days will be over. I have some special memories. One of them is about a teacher. In my heart, Mr Wang, my English teacher, is the nicest teacher. He is of medium height. We think he is very handsome. He impresses me as a friendly, kind and hard-working teacher. He is strict with us in English classes. He helps us with our English not only in class but also after class. About two years ago, Mr Wang noticed that I was worried about my poor pronunciation. So he offered me some advice and encouraged me to improve it. He also gave me chances to speak English as much as possible in class. With his help, my pronunciation has greatly improved. I must say many thanks to Mr Wang. I wish him a healthy and happy life in the future. 【名师点评】 1. 根据表格提示,对各个要点进行描述,语言精练、地道。 2. 句式、短语的多样化:含有think的主从复合句,that引导的宾语从句,so引导 的结果状语从句等;短语be strict with, be worried about, not only…but also…等。句式及短语的恰当使用,凸显出作者较好的英语语言功底。 A [2019·临沂] 时光荏苒,初中三年转瞬即逝。跟三年前的自己相比较,你会有很多变化。 请以“I have changed a lot!”为题,根据以下要求与提示,用英语写一篇短文, 具体描述你最重要的变化及其如何发生的。 [要求] (1)短文不得出现任何真实人名、校名及其他相关信息; (2)不少于60词。 实战演练 [提示] (1)What did you use to be like? (2) What is the most important change? (3) And how did it happen? Tell a story about it. I have changed a lot! ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ One possible version: I have changed a lot! Time goes by. Three years has passed. Of course I have changed a lot. Let me show you my changes. I used to be really short and thin. I used to be shy and quiet. I was always silent in class. But now I have changed a lot. One of my most important changes is that I become more outgoing. What made me change a lot? I remember when I was in Grade Eight, there was an English speech in our school. I wanted to take part in it, but I was afraid of it. Our English teacher, Mr Wang, encouraged me to take part in it. He guided me a lot, and I practiced a lot every day. Finally, I won the first prize in the speech contest. I felt very proud and happy. Since then, I have become more outgoing. B 你班同学王平入校以来在同学和老师的帮助下进步显著,被学校评为“进步 之星”。请你用英语写一篇短文介绍他。内容提示见下表: 简介 认识快三年了,同龄,幽默、自信 以前 对学业没兴趣,经常玩手机游戏 现在 严格要求自己,和同学相处融洽,积极参加各类活动 感想 …… [注意事项] (1)短文须包括表格中所有提示内容,要求语句通顺、意思连贯; (2)表格中“感想”一栏须用2-3句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥; (3)词数:不少于90,开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。 My classmate Wang Ping is chosen to be the “Star of Progress” in our school because _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ One possible version: My classmate Wang Ping is chosen to be the “Star of Progress” in our school because he has made great progress since he came to this school. I have known him for nearly three years and he is of my age. He is humorous and confident. But in the past he was crazy about playing mobile games and had no interest in schoolwork. His parents were worried about him. With the help of the classmates and teachers, he has changed a lot. He is now strict with himself and gets along/on well with his classmates. He takes an active part in all kinds of activities, and he does better in all his subjects. I think Wang Ping is the person I should learn from. Trying our best to make progress is what we students should do every day.

