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九年级英语试卷 3 月 9 日 时间:60 分 满分:95 分 一、完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)‎ A zero-waste life is a lifestyle that hardly creates any rubbish. So, a zero-waste theme store is about 1 people with a number of everyday, practical and pleasant zero-waste products to help them start on a one-stop, zero-waste life journey.‎ ‎“Zero-waste”or “danshari” was first 2 by a French woman Bea Johnson.“Live a life and try not to create any rubbish; use different methods to protect the earth,” she said.‎ Yu Yuan, 27, is 3 attracted by this idea.‎ She and her boyfriend have lived in Beijing for many years. And earlier she used to be a customer without thinking a lot 4 she saw a video about “zero-waste”.‎ The 5 is about a family of four, and the rubbish they produce every year is placed in a jar.‎ After Watching the video, Yu wanted to 6 this zero-waste lifestyle with her boyfriend.‎ Yu says that a zero-waste life 7 the 6R principle--Refuse,Reduce,Reuse,Repair,‎ Recycle and Rot (腐烂).‎ Over August-October when Yu followed the principle of zero-waste 6R, she and her boyfriend Joe Harvey both 8 only two cans of rubbish.‎ Now, the couple have opened a small 9 called The Bulk House in Nanluoguxiang, Beijing, to support a zero-waste life.‎ At the store they use environmentally friendly products. For example, they use wood products to replace 10 ones and prepare cloth bags printed with zero-waste logos for customers. Most of the products sold in the store can be reused, and a small number of 11 which are not recyclable can degrade(分解). The store 12 has secondhand books and audio-visual CD/DVDs.‎ For used toiletries (things like soap and toothpaste that are used for cleaning yourself) there is a company which accepts them, and the couple regularly mail their waste to it.‎ Yu says that those who were once not 13 in the zero-waste lifestyle have gradually changed because of curiosity. “The zero-waste lifestyle”, she adds, “is for everyone.”‎ ‎“It’s 14 us at our fingertips”. Yu expects some of her friends to 15 her on the road to zero-waste. As the saying goes, “many hands make light work”.‎ ‎1. A. offering B. providing C. giving D. affording ‎2. A. invented B. found C. discovered D. suggested ‎3. A. hardly B. luckily C. clearly D. deeply ‎4. A. unless B. until C. after D. when ‎5. A. video B. film C. article D. newspaper ‎6. A. experience B. change C. represent D. spend ‎7. A. accepts B. receives C. follows D. believes ‎8. A. saved B. produced C. kept D. wasted ‎9. A. shop B. factory C. hotel D. company ‎10. A. paper B. cloth C. silk D. plastic ‎11. A. it B. them C. their D. its ‎12. A. too B. either C. also D. only ‎13. A. proud B. worried C. amazed D. interested ‎14. A. behind B. around C. ahead D. above ‎15. A. organize B. record C. join D. encourage 8‎ 二、阅读理解(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共计 30 分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ A ‎16.Totally Wild Hotel is special because of .‎ A. its high price B. its good breakfast C. the lovely giraffes D. the old buildings ‎17.According to the text, people can in Kenya.‎ A. cheer on camels in Lamu Old Town B. have breakfast with zebras in Totally Wild Hotel C. see lions, Zebras, elephants in East National Park D. watch the bright pink birds near Lake Nakuru 8‎ ‎18. will most probably be interested in the text above.‎ A. People who enjoy travelling B. Scientists who study birds C. Players who are good at running D. People who have a pain in the neck B It was Day 1 of our vacation on Cortes, a beautiful quiet island. “iPhone, iPhone, iPhone,”‎ my son kept moaning( 呻吟). In front of him was a big window of facing the blue ocean. And a cool gentle wind was coming in from the door. Clearly, he saw and felt none of it.‎ Back at home, I’d soon give up and hand the phone over to him after five minutes of listening to this kind of moaning.‎ But not here. Before we left, I had told my 10-year-old son the rule--no e-mails, no Facebook,‎ no video games, and no iPhone. We came here to get away from them all. Here we were on our first day and already, he couldn’t stand it.‎ I walked down the grass road to the beach and looked out to the sea. My 6-year-old daughter and my husband were drawing on pieces of wood. They were doing just fine.‎ On Day 2, we spent the whole morning digging for shells(贝壳). This time, my son joined us.‎ He collected shellfish and other sea treasures. When we got back to our little wood house. I gave my son a book, and put him on the lovely garden chair. It was almost dinner when he looked up.‎ The next few days passed in peace.‎ On Day 6, my son was lying beside me on the beach, watching the sun going down. He was playing with the sand. And there was something shining in his eyes. I realized how time slowed down for both of us. It was exactly what I wanted. Finally, we were able to sit quietly without thinking about screens, phone calls and e-mails.‎ A week away from all the electronics and life is good.‎ ‎19. What is the special rule for the writer’s vacation?‎ A. They couldn’t use their electronics.‎ B. They must keep quiet and stay in the house. C. The had to spend their vacation on an island.‎ D. They should collect as many shells as possible.‎ 8‎ ‎20. Which of the following can be put in “ A. I felt really tired and went to bed.‎ B. I closed the door and stayed with him.‎ C. I just walked outside to leave him alone. D. I gave him iPhone and let him stay inside.‎ ‎” in Paragraph 4?‎ 8‎ ‎21. The change of the son’s feelings can be described as .‎ A. angry→surprised→proud B. bored→peaceful→pleased C. worried→angry→hopeful D. excited→peaceful→bored ‎22. The best title for the passage can be .‎ A. A Terrible Life on the Island B. A Special iPhone for My Son C. A Fight between Mother and Son D. A Vacation Away from Electronics C Although people everywhere seem to enjoy drinking coffee,they don't all have the same coffee culture. In Europe for example, coffee shops are common places for people to meet friends and to talk while they drink coffee. On the other hand, places like this were not as common in North America in the past. Instead, people in North America liked to drink coffee in their homes with friends. The coffee culture in the USA changed when Starbucks coffee shops spread across the country.‎ 8‎ The first Starbucks coffee shop opened in 1971in downtown Seattle, Washington, in the USA. It was a small coffee shop that cooked its own coffee beans. The coffee shop's business did well, and by 1981there were three Starbucks stores in Seattle.‎ Things really began to change for the company in 1981. That year, Howard Schultz met the three men who ran Starbucks. Schultz worked in New York for a company that made kitchen equipment. He noticed that Starbucks ordered a large number of special coffee makers, which caused his great interest. Schultz went to Seattle to see what Starbucks did. In 1982, the original Starbucks owners hired Schultz as the company's head of marketing.‎ In 1983,Schultz traveled to Italy. The special environment of the espresso bars there caught his eyes. Back in the USA, Schultz created an environment for Starbucks coffee shops that was comfortable and casual, and customers everywhere seemed to like it. Starbucks began opening more stores across the USA. Then the company opened coffee shops in other countries as well. Today, there are more than 16,000 Starbucks coffee shops all over the world.‎ However,that does not mean Starbucks has not had problems. In fact, many Starbucks stores have closed over the past few years. On the one hand, this is because there were too many coffee shops competing for business in one small area. On the other hand, stores in some countries closed because the coffee culture there did not match with the"feel the same everywhere"environment offered by Starbucks.‎ ‎23.The underlined word"ran"in Paragraph 3probably means A.closed B.managed C.left D.sold ‎24.According to the passage,which is the right order for the following sentences? ‎ a.This man helped to make Starbucks a huge coffee company. b.Starbucks began as a small coffee company in Seattle in the USA. c.He went to Seattle to learn about the company and later worked for it.‎ d.Howard Schultz noticed Starbucks ordered lots of special coffee makers.‎ A.a﹣b﹣d﹣c B.c﹣a﹣b﹣d C.b﹣d﹣c﹣a D.d﹣c﹣a﹣b ‎25.Which of the following shows the right structure of the passage?(P=paragraph) ‎ ‎26.What's the best title for the passage? ‎ A.The Culture of Starbucks B.The History of Starbucks C.The Popularity of Starbucks D.The Environment of Starbucks.‎ D Many of us may have experienced the pleasant surprise of seeing recommended( 推 荐 的)songs after you listen to certain songs on a music app. When we open shopping websites, we 8‎ are more likely to see things on the home page that we might want to buy.‎ This is based on data( 数据 ). Data is no longer only about numbers, but information from almost every part of our lives: our location, shopping habits and interests. All of this is called “big data”. The sources for big data generally fall into one of three categories: Streaming data, Social media data and publicly available sources.‎ President Xi Jinping called for China to speed up its big data strategy in order to better serve social and economic development and improve people’s lives, the Xinhua News Agency reported. He also asked for greater use of big data in areas like education, social safety and transportation.‎ In the past few years we have seen big data being used more often in China. The role it plays in tourism is just one example. The data travelers share online is offering the tourism industry a lot of information about the country’s scenic areas. After the data is analyzed(分析), different scenic areas can create their own online information for other travelers to see. The information not only tells travelers’ reviews, but also tells the scenic areas where services need to be improved.‎ Big data is also an important growth engine( 增长引擎)for economic development. With an annual growth rate of 30 percent, sales of big data services and products in China will reach 1 trillion yuan yearly by 2020, China News Service reported.‎ ‎27. Big data is about .‎ A. songs and shopping lists B. technologies and habits C. information from websites D. numbers and information ‎28. Big data generally comes from the following EXCEPT .‎ A. Social media data B. Scientists’ analyzed data C. Streaming data D. publicly available sources ‎29. What is the purpose of developing “big data” in China?‎ A. To make it an international popular style.‎ B. To collect as much information as possible. C. To better serve the development of China. D. To improve China’s tourist industry.‎ ‎30. The writer gives the example of tourism in order to .‎ A. show how “big data” is used in China B. help travelers learn to use online information C. attract readers to travel around the country. D. explain why “big data” is a growth engine 三、任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题 1 分,共计 5 分)‎ 运动前的热身活动有助于肌肉放松,也能避免受伤。请阅读 31-35 题有关热身活动 的文字,然后从A、B、C、D和E中选择符合文字内容的图示,并将答案写在对应题 号的横线上。‎ ‎31. Activity 1 ‎ ‎◇ Hold arms straight out to the sides ‎◇ Move your arms in circles.‎ ‎◇ Come back to the starting position and move your arms in the other direction.‎ ‎32. Activity 2 ‎ ‎◇ Raise one foot backward, and hold it with one hand.‎ ‎◇ Breathe and slowly pull your foot to your hip(屁股).‎ ‎◇ Try to keep both knees together.‎ 8‎ ‎3. Activity 3 ‎ ‎◇ Stand with some space in front of and behind you. Move the top of your body downward.‎ ‎◇ Keep your back straight and reach for your feet with both hands.‎ ‎◇ Hold this for about half a minute.‎ ‎34. Activity 4 ‎ ‎◇ Take one step forward with your right foot.‎ ‎◇ Put your hands on the right knee and press(压).‎ ‎◇ Do the action in the same way with your left foot.‎ ‎35. Activity 5 ‎ ‎◇ Stand with feet shoulder-width apart(两脚与肩同宽).‎ ‎◇ Raise both arms overhead.‎ ‎◇ Hold for about half a minute and relax.‎ A B C D E 四、词汇运用(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 15 分)‎ A. 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。‎ ‎36. It is (传统的)to eat moon cakes in China at Mid-Autumn Festival.‎ ‎37. - Have you made the (决定)to study abroad yet?‎ ‎- Not yet. I wonder whether it is worth so much money.‎ ‎38.As time goes by, my grandmother can't see as (清楚)as she used to.‎ ‎39.We should often (交流)with our parents and understand them.‎ ‎40. It's time to have a rest. Let's go out for a (呼吸)of fresh air.‎ ‎41. Would you mind (解释)this sentence to me?‎ ‎42. Have you heard the (最新的)news about Covid-19 in Wuhan?‎ ‎43. Millie lives on a healthy diet. She (很少)has sweet snacks.‎ ‎44. There are nearly three (千)students in NO. One Middle School.‎ ‎45. Please (清空)the box and put all the toys into it.‎ B.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺正确。每词限用一次,每空只写一词。‎ warm politely introduction discuss mention ‎46. Whether siheyuan in Beijing should be kept or not is under a hot .‎ ‎47. I’ve put on a T-shirt under my sweater for extra .‎ ‎48. “I don’t quite understand you,” she said as as she could.‎ ‎49. Mr. Wang thought Mark’s to Chinese table manners was great.‎ ‎50. They all avoided the name of the king, or they would be punished.‎ 五、语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。‎ Anna was a 9-year-old girl from a small village. It was the 51 (one) day of her school in town. 52 seeing her simple clothing and knowing her identity(身份), other 8‎ students laughed at Ann. Then the teacher told everyone 53 (write) down the 8 wonders of the world. Everyone except Anna handed in 54 (they) answer papers. The teacher came to her, “Don't worry. Just write 55 you have known. ”Anna replied, “There are so many 56 (thing) Which 8 wonders can I pick to write?”‎ Most students answered 57 (correct): the Great Green Wall of China, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Leaning Tower of Paris… Finally the teacher 58 (start) reading Anna's answer, “The 8 wonders: To be able to see, To be able to Hear, To Feel, Laugh, Think, Be Kind, Love and Learn! ”The whole class kept 59 (silence).‎ The girl from a small village reminded them 60 the precious gifts in their life, which were true wonders.‎ 六、书面表达(共 1 小题,共计 20 分)‎ ‎61. 假如你是一名国际学校的学生李华,当前新冠病毒肆虐,请你围绕“从小事做起共战疫 情”这一主题,结合海报内容,用英语写一封倡议书,呼吁全校师生行动起来,共同战胜疫 情。‎ 注意:‎ ‎(1)文章需包含海报的所有要点,并适当拓展;‎ ‎(2)文中不得出现真实的人名校名;‎ ‎(3)词数:80-100,倡议书格式已给出,不计入总词数。 ‎ 参考词汇:wear masks(口罩), Covid-19(新冠肺炎), impact(冲击), virus(病毒)‎ Dear teachers and schoolmates,‎ Over the past thirty days, Covid-19 has made its way around China. It has a strong impact on our life and study. ‎ Li Hua March 9th, 2020‎ 8‎ 宁波七中2019-2020学年第二学期初三英语3月月考(2020.3)‎ 一、完形填空 1-5. BDDBA 6-10. ACBAD 11-15.BCDBC 二、阅读理解 16-18 CDA    19-22 ACBD 23-26BCCB 27-30 DBCA 三、任务型阅读 31-35.EDACB 四、词汇运用 ‎36-40. traditional, decision, clearly, communicate, breath ‎41-45. explaining, latest, seldom, thousand, empty ‎46-50. discussion, warmth, politely, introduction, mentioning 五、语法填空 ‎51-55. first, On/Upon, to write, their, down ‎56-60. things, correctly, started, silent, of 六、书面表达 ‎【Possible version】 ‎ Dear schoolmates,‎ Over the past fifteen days, the novel virus has made its way around China. It has a strong impact on our life and study. Facing the hard time, we students should respond actively to the appeal from the government and experts. In order to ease the serious condition, all of the students had better do as follows.‎ First of all, stay at home and don't go out if not necessary. Be responsible for yourself and others. In addition, do wear masks while you are in the open air. As we all know, it can reduce the risk of contracting the virus. Washing hands as often as possible is needed, too. Most importantly, everyone ought to have a positive attitude to the campaign with the disease. Attitude is everything.‎ My dear friends, there may be a long way to go for us. Let's work hand in hand to overcome anxiety and do something about it. We have confidence in the fact that tomorrow is another day.‎ 8‎

